• Shawn

    Easy does it Tim.

    As they say, don't feed the troll.
  • NOS4A2

    As they say, don't feed the troll.

    The mantras we tell ourselves to avoid a contrary opinion.
  • 3017amen

    "Why do you want to know what I am?"

    For a lack of a better word, are you embarrassed for some reason, or is it something else you don't care to disclose?
  • NOS4A2

    For a lack of a better word, are you embarrassed for some reason, or is it something else you don't care to disclose?

    I just think it’s an irrelevant and stupid question.

    Why do you want to know?
  • 3017amen

    "I just think it’s an irrelevant and stupid question.

    Why do you want to know? "

    I'm a Moderate Independent who draws good from both sides (with some minor exceptions of course).

    Again, I'll ask, what are you? Far-right I'm guessing(?).

    For example, would you like to own a machine gun or a rocket launcher or even a tank? Should that be made available to the public?

    Was Reagan a Moderate?

    Maybe answering some of those that will help me understand you.
  • NOS4A2

    Sorry, I’ve been on trial here since I started participating. My politics? I’ve always considered myself liberal.

    I’m no moderate, however. Moderates have done nothing but stifled movements for liberty in favor of peace and conformity.
  • frank
    I'm a Moderate Independent who draws good from both sides3017amen

    Me too.

    I think NOS4A2 is from a tiny village on Cedar Island. His dad makes explosives for a living and so his left arm is made of a styrofoam cooler that washed up on shore 10 years ago. His mother is the local school teacher, but she's blind and deaf, again, relating back to his father's profession.
  • 3017amen

    I'm confused, you're a liberal yet support Trump? How does that work?
  • 3017amen

    Ha yeah Frank! One thing I notice is that a lot of Trump supporters also, seem angry...go figure~ LOL
  • NOS4A2

    I'm confused, you're a liberal yet support Trump? How does that work?

    Quite easily. He delivers the results I want.
  • Michael
    Quite easily. He delivers the results I want.NOS4A2

    What liberal policies has Trump implemented?
  • NOS4A2

    I’m not sure there are many that could be described as “liberal”. Mostly his policies are pragmatic. As I said, he delivers the results I want: wages, jobs, strong economy, deregulation, “fair trade”, peace.
  • Baden

    Well, he's filled all those judicial positions with liberal judges, taken a humane approach to the border, strengthened LGBTQ rights legislation, got behind the Paris Climate change agreement, and put higher taxes on the rich to fund spending on welfare programs and education.

    What liberal wouldn't love him?
  • 3017amen

    Have you check the deficit lately?

    Do you like his character viz. women?

    Do you think he is a racist?

    Is he really a good business man? He went belly-up numerous times; said in the campaign he was 'the king of debt, and settled out of court for discriminating against blacks. I have more facts if you want them.

    How about at least 6 people from his campaign either in jail or otherwise pleaded guilty of wrong doing...

    Are those the results a staunch member of the Grand Old Party would support?

    You ok with that?

    Oh, and I worked for the Government for a bunch of years.

    Oh, did Mexico pay for the wall yet?
  • NOS4A2

    Well, he's filled all those judicial positions with liberal judges, taken a humane approach to the border, strengthened LGBTQ rights legislation, got behind the Paris Climate change agreement, and put higher taxes on the rich to fund spending on welfare programs and education.

    You might be confusing liberalism with progressivism or statism.
  • frank
    He took a critical bolt out of Obama care. He's not liberal.
  • Fooloso4
    According to the transcript the favor was actually regarding “the server” which I suspect is the Hacked DNC serverNOS4A2

    Accord to the transcript the favor was:

    ... to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine ...

    Trump then mentions CrowdStrike, but Adam Meyer's, vice president of intelligence at CrowdStrike, is as puzzled as everyone else as to what Trump was talking about. The cyber-security firm found that Russia hacked the DNC server. Trump's own Justice Department confirmed this, but Trump would prefer that there be a conspiracy with a missing server. Only there is no evidence to support his conspiracy theory. Trump then goes on to talk about the "very good prosecutor" who was shut down, suggesting that this was part of the cover up of "this whole situation".

    He mentioned Biden only in passingNOS4A2

    What the transcript says is:

    The other thing,There's a lot of. talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution ...

    That goes far beyond mentioning him in passing. The claim is that Biden stopped the prosecution. That puts him in the middle of "this whole situation".

    Hunter Biden ...NOS4A2

    So, Biden is mentioned "only in passing" but you think this is something that should be looked into. Whether or not it should be looked into, and by whom, it does not change the fact that there is an inquiry into Trump. Even if Hunter Biden and those who hired him are guilty of some unnamed impropriety, this does not exonerate Trump. This is nothing more than a childish and inept diversion tactic.
  • Baden

    Alright, you tell me what the liberal policy agenda is. Bullet point the priorities you think American liberals would generally get behind and tell me who the most liberal supreme court judges are and why you support them.
  • NOS4A2

    Have you check the deficit lately?

    Do you like his character viz. women?

    Do you think he is a racist?

    Is he really a good business man? He went belly-up numerous times; said in the campaign he was 'the king of debt, and settled out of court for discriminating against blacks. I have more facts if you want them.

    How about at least 6 people from his campaign either in jail or otherwise pleaded guilty of wrong doing...

    Are those the results a staunch member of the Grand Old Party would support?

    You ok with that?

    Do you only speak in questions?
  • NOS4A2

    Alright, you tell me what the liberal policy agenda is. Bullet point the priorities you think American liberals would generally get behind and tell me who the most liberal supreme court judges are and why you support them.

    I said I’m a liberal. I have claimed nothing else.
  • 3017amen

    Nope, I gave you some facts,hold on, I'll give you more in my next post....
  • NOS4A2

    So, Biden is mentioned "only in passing" but you think this is something that should be looked into. Whether or not it should be looked into, and by whom, it does not change the fact that there is an inquiry into Trump. Even if Hunter Biden and those who hired him are guilty of some unnamed impropriety, this does not exonerate Trump. This is nothing more than a childish and inept diversion tactic.

    Of course corruption should be looked into. Why are you guys dismissing the possible corruption of Biden in favor of the non-crimes Trump allegedly committed? It’s so odd.
  • NOS4A2

    Nope, I gave you some facts,hHold on, I'll give you more in my next post....

    Oh god here we go. Observe the one-sided story.
  • Baden

    I'm not saying you have. I'm asking for more detail. I'm curious as to what it is about liberalism that appeals to you. We can start with this. Here are the supreme court judges ranked from most liberal to most conservative:

    Sonia Sotomayor (-0.521)
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg (-0.518)
    Elena Kagan (-0.302)
    Stephen Breyer (-0.280)
    John Roberts (0.089)
    Samuel Alito (0.317)
    Neil Gorsuch (0.486)
    Brett Kavanaugh (0.693)
    Clarence Thomas (0.725)

    Can you explain to me why you support Sotomayor and Ginsburg, for example, more than Kavanaugh and Thomas? What aspects of their liberalism do you particularly identify with?

  • NOS4A2

    I'm not saying you have. I'm asking for more detail. I'm curious as to what about liberalism appeals to you.

    The part about liberty. I am also a devout believer in human rights.
  • Echarmion
    I'm confused, you're a liberal yet support Trump? How does that work?3017amen

    It's a specific interpretation of "liberalism" that is popular among mostly young men. The leading figures are people like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson. It claims to harken back to a "classical" liberalism, as opposed to modern "prorgessivism", which it claims is authoritairan and oppressive.

    Essentially, it's the classic right wing mixture of economic liberalism combined with social conservatism. The social consevatism has a more recent baseline though, and it mixes in modern populism in it's supposed opposition to elites (not the economic ones though).
  • Michael
    The part about liberty. I am also a devout believer in human rights.NOS4A2

    You mentioned deregulation and previously defended the Trump administration's dismantling of LGBT protections. That seems more like libertarianism than liberalism.
  • NOS4A2

    You mentioned deregulation and previously defended the Trump administration's dismantling of LGBT protections. That seems more like libertarianism than liberalism.

    They have been conflated but I refuse the label.
  • NOS4A2

    It's a specific interpretation of "liberalism" that is popular among mostly young men. The leading figures are people like Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson. It claims to harken back to a "classical" liberalism, as opposed to modern "prorgessivism", which it claims is authoritairan and oppressive.

    Essentially, it's the classic right wing mixture of economic liberalism combined with social conservatism. The social consevatism has a more recent baseline though, and it mixes in modern populism in it's supposed opposition to elites (not the economic ones though).

    Social conservatism? I am socially liberal.
  • S
    Do you only speak in questions?NOS4A2

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