• S
    Well look what the cat dragged in. Big surprise that you-know-who would show his ugly mug around these parts. If this is bullshit, then he is like a fly drawn towards it to feed on for sustenance.
  • Sir2u
    And to what, pray tell, are you referring?Noah Te Stroete

    That you have to work really fucking if you want to live a productive and purposeful life.

    There were a few other things that she said that have been show to be true, but it was so long ago that I read her works that I don't remember. She is on the list of books to re-read when i have time.
  • Sir2u
    If this is bullshit, then he is like a fly drawn towards it to feed on for sustenance.S

    No, actually I came to make fun of you.

    Do you think that the trophy should be made of bronze? Or should we give it its real value and used recycled plastic trash?

  • S
    Do you think that the trophy should be made of bronze? Or should we give it its real value and used recycled plastic trash?Sir2u

    Bronze. That way it'll do more damage when I bash you over the head with it.
  • Shawn
    Holy shit, @S. Calm your tits down... Don't pick on @Noah Te Stroete. He be cool.
  • S
    Holy shit, S. Calm your tits down... Don't pick on @Noah Te Stroete. He be cool.Wallows

    If he's cool, which he definitely isn't, it's only because he has a sharp tongue like me.
  • Sir2u
    Holy shit, S. Calm your tits down... Don't pick on @Noah Te Stroete. He be cool.Wallows

    Did you notice that HE never denied having tits? :gasp:
    Maybe we should re-think what we have surmised about other members of the forum. :chin:
  • RegularGuy

    Thanks. I really don’t know why @S hates me so much. I thought for a minute a few weeks back that we bonded over “Rick and Mortie”, but that didn’t last. I know he despises people who believe in God, but I’m not judgmental about his atheism, so I don’t know what his problem is.
  • S
    Thanks. I really don’t know why S hates me so much. I thought for a minute a few weeks back that we bonded over “Rick and Mortie”, but that didn’t last. I know he despises people who believe in God, but I’m not judgmental about his atheism, so I don’t know what his problem is.Noah Te Stroete

    Ah jeez, Rick. I thought that you understood that this was just a bit of fun. Chin up, wipe those tears from your vagina. @Hanover would have known. Why can't you be more like Hanover?
  • Hanover
    @Noah Te Stroete

    It is always a shame when people can't be more like me.

    For clarification, is having a vagina a bad thing?
  • RegularGuy
    For clarification, is having a vagina a bad thing?Hanover

    It’s a perfectly fine thing. Vaginas are actually tougher than testicles, but telling a male chauvinist they have a vagina is like using their own gun against them. It’s poetic justice.
  • RegularGuy
    Ah jeez, Rick. I thought that you understood that this was just a bit of fun. Chin up, wipe those tears from your vagina.@Hanover would have known. Why can't you be more like Hanover?S

    I can have fun just as well as the next bloke, but it got to a point where I wasn’t sure if this was pure fun or if you really harbored animosity towards me. I can get [belch] shwifty, too. Wubba lubba dub dub.
  • Akanthinos
    Holy fuck what the shit happened to TPF in the 6 months I took off.
  • Baden

    It's the Lounge. That is all.
  • Sir2u
    It's the Lounge. That is all.Baden

    Yep, that is where you can sit around and watch people talk all kinds of shit. :cool:
  • RegularGuy

    You should hear the jabs between me and my 18 year-old son. We take shit-talking to whole new levels. I love that shit-head! Love you, William, pussy that you are! :heart:
  • Akanthinos

    There was a lounge when I left. It wasn't as if it was a /hum/ sub that would make even the dirtbag left feel like maybe they've been immature long enough and should start looking for a job with a good 401k.
  • Akanthinos

    Fair enough. I guess the old TPF always lacked containment boards. :confused:
  • Baden

    It's one discussion out of hundreds in the Lounge. Just ignore it like most of the rest of us do.
  • Sir2u
    Fair enough. I guess the old TPF always lacked containment boards. :confused:Akanthinos

    There was the un-modded section back at TPF, and that used to get some serious flaming going on it.
  • Sir2u
    Just ignore it like most of the rest of us do.Baden

    Yeah, that's right. :wink:
  • Amity
    There was a lounge when I left. It wasn't as if it was a /hum/ sub that would make even the dirtbag left feel like maybe they've been immature long enough and should start looking for a job with a good 401k.Akanthinos

    It's one discussion out of hundreds in the Lounge. Just ignore it like most of the rest of us do.Baden

    I had been going to ignore this whole immature rant. Including stuff like:

    Holy shit, S. Calm your tits down... Don't pick on Noah Te Stroete. He be cool.
    — Wallows

    If he's cool, which he definitely isn't, it's only because he has a sharp tongue like me.

    Did you notice that HE never denied having tits? :gasp:
    Maybe we should re-think what we have surmised about other members of the forum. :chin:

    The title itself I simply rolled my eyes at and felt utter contempt at such expression.

    However, given that someone has raised an objection I feel obliged to add my thoughts. I expect more object but can't be bothered complaining, given the attitude of the moderator(s).

    It might just be one out of many, and it is in the Lounge where apparently anything goes but really, this is an abomination. It can't be ignored if this is still to be considered a quality site.
    A 'Lounge' indeed. More like a stinking hellhole of cesspit filled with outpourings from the sexist and the disturbed who think themselves hilarious.

    I suppose we're not allowed close this. :sad:Baden

    Why not ?
  • Baden
    A 'Lounge' indeed. More like a stinking hellhole of cesspit filled with outpourings from the sexist and the disturbed who think themselves hilarious.Amity

    One discussion out of hundreds does not a stinking hellhole cesspit make. If every discussion, or even a significant minority of discussions here, were like this, we might have a problem. As it is, I don't see any reason to give it attention or to get upset by it.

    Why not ?Amity

    We can and might. It was a joke.
  • Amity
    One discussion out of hundreds does not a stinking hellhole cesspit make.Baden

    You are right. I was referring to the thread but you know how shit spreads...or how one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel...

    As it is, I don't see any reason to give it attention or to get upset by it.Baden

    Fair enough. Do other moderators hold the same view about this kind of 'discussion' ?
    It is not about being upset, it is about challenging online behaviour.

    We can and might. It was a joke.Baden

    A joke ?
    In what sense ?
  • Baden
    Do other moderators hold the same view about this kind of 'discussion'?Amity

    You'll have to ask them. But in general, we all try to walk the line between being permissive and illiberal, and someone will always be unhappy.
  • Amity
    You'll have to ask them. But in general, we all try to walk the line between being permissive and illiberal, and someone will always be unhappy.Baden

    I appreciate the fine line and degree of tolerance required, especially in a philosophy forum.

    I have said all that I needed to.
  • Baden

    Ok, that's fair enough.
  • RegularGuy
    The title itself I simply rolled my eyes at and felt utter contempt at such expression.Amity

    Anyone who would stick up for someone as purely evil as Ayn Rand is no friend of mine. Besides, the title of the thread was directed at Ron Johnson’s clan more so than the evil witch herself. If you only knew what I’ve been through in the 15 years since leaving his factory and the eight years since he became a US senator, then you might begin to understand.

    Am I disturbed? Probably but that’s besides the point.
  • Amity
    Anyone who would stick up for someone as purely evil as Ayn Rand is no friend of mine.Noah Te Stroete

    In case you haven't noticed, I'm not here to be friends with anyone. I don't even use any 'foes and friends' function where it exists on other forums. I ignore or not, as I will. I had ignored this thread until I decided to support someone else's objection.

    At times you need to speak your mind. We all have our own ways.
    Clearly, the Lounge is a safe place to let rip. The question is: can people be bothered to challenge, or not.
    Sometimes I do. For better or worse...
    Like I said to Baden, I am done.
  • RegularGuy
    I'm not here to be friends with anyone.Amity

    Good for you! Just letting you know where you and I stand.

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