• Baden

    If you think that's a double standard you don't know what racism is. Do you think I'm racist for calling Trump an ape? Or do you think it's OK to call black people apes as if that isn't a historically recognized racist way to refer to them? Which is it?
  • Baden
    That's about as dumb an argument as saying that calling Trump a big-nosed tightwad would be as anti-semitic as if he were Jewish.
  • Hanover
    Do you even read the comment sections on facebook, which was now undeniably exploited by some intelligence agencies (Russian GRU, according to the latest indictments of the Mueller investigation), to stoke fears to unseen levels, among an already frightened and paranoid electorate of the US population.Posty McPostface

    The streets, once filled with daily commuters, now filled with pandemonium, bedlam, and mayhem, brought about from a few well written tweets and Facebook posts.
  • Shawn

    It ain't the same America you grew up in or where you grew up. Take that as empirical evidence if you'd like.
  • Baden
    Look @Hanover, when your dumbass, sexist, neo-nazi sympathizing president gets an invitation to Europe, which he doesn't even deserve, he needs to stfu and be polite and not lecture us about, of all things, our culture, which is the absolute last thing he knows anything about, or we will mercilessly take the piss out of him in every way possible (including with reference to the zoological world). It's acerbic European humour. And his supporters are just going to have to eat that up.
  • Michael
    The most annoying of all are those who really think they're objective.Hanover

    Didn't you get the memo? There is no "objective" any more. It's all just opinion and "alternative facts" and "fake news" is just anything you don't like, even if it's literally a recording of you from the day before.
  • Akanthinos
    No tax on essential food items.raza

    I might be very late to the party, but, as a rule, there are no taxes on subsistance items.
  • Akanthinos
    This sycophantic worship of rich elites by the likes of raza I really don't get even though Zizek (seeing as Street brought him up) reckons it's Calvinism's fault.Baden

    Modernized Prosperity Gospel.

    The stuff is as crazy socipathic as it is widespread.
  • Maw
    @raza is a pigeon on a chess board. Don't feed the fowl.
  • Maw
    I think Trump's comments on how immigration has "ruined European culture" should have received a lot more outrage and news coverage, at least more so than his criticisms of May. As if it weren't obvious before, he's a white nationalist.
  • Akanthinos

    Thank you.
    I have simply spent so much time on /lit/ that I desensitized myself to trolling. I just call stupid when I see stupid, and sadly, that's not how one must act with Trumpers.
    The discipline you impose on me is sorely needed. :smile:
  • Baden

    Agreed. As I said, he needs to stfu now. Putin will likely throw him some bananas though and we'll get more of this crap over the next few days.
  • Hanover
    we will mercilessly take the piss out of him in every way possibleBaden

    A few more scathing editorials and he'll be begging for mercy I'm sure.
  • Hanover
    Yes, more outrage is in order. Hear hear. Sic the newsmen on him. That should do. Never abandon a failed strategy.
  • Baden

    My point is not that he'll care, it's that I don't get why you feel the need to protect him. As far as I remember, you supported Kasich who despised Trump and certainly isn't defending him now. This is not necessarily a progressive vs conservative issue. Many traditional conservatives are as critical of him as anyone else. So, why have his back?
  • Hanover
    Agreed. As I said, he needs to stfu now.Baden

    Why this advice to change course? His followers are delighted and his detractors outraged.
  • Baden
    Why this advice to change course?Hanover

    It's a rhetorical point not actual advice. Spinning barbs his way is its own form of entertainment, which I'll make the most of while he's still around. As you may have noticed I'm not uni-critical here. I take Madeline Albright's crimes, for example, far more seriously than Trump's stupidities (until he starts a nuclear war). It's fun to mock him though and he more than deserves it.
  • Maw
    Are you suggesting that we ignore what the President of the United States says?
  • Hanover
    I don't so much have his back as much as I see someone not doing the harm imagined and burping and farting at the most solemn events and really entertaining me to no end.

    The economy is booming, he's tough talking, but not declaring wars, is right that we need major immigration reform, and is picking some splendid Supreme Court candidates who are willing to rein in the over-interpretation of the Constitution.
  • Maw
    I guess if you're just a dull white dude who doesn't really care about others, then yeah I can kinda imagine not seeing the harm that Trump inflicts.
  • frank
    The tax cut and the trade war are both worrisome policies. That gets buried under the id-spew on the internet.

    Real people are better at discussing it.
  • Akanthinos
    I don't so much have his back as much as I see someone not doing the harm imagined and burping and farting at the most solemn events and really entertaining me to no end.Hanover

    Governance by Aristocrat humour...

    Fuck this shit. Americans deserve Trump and all the hate.
  • tim wood
    Are you suggesting that we ignore what the President of the United States says?Maw

    We have to, don't we - at least until there is some way of figuring out what he means from what he says? Clearly that isn't available just from what he says.
  • frank
    Americans deserve Trump and all the hate.Akanthinos

    For the most part we don't care about the hate. Its nothing new. Same spew different year.
  • tim wood
    I don't so much have his back as much as I see someone not doing the harm imagined and burping and farting at the most solemn events and really entertaining me to no end.

    The economy is booming, he's tough talking, but not declaring wars, is right that we need major immigration reform, and is picking some splendid Supreme Court candidates who are willing to rein in the over-interpretation of the Constitution.

    Really! How many lives has he hurt of spoiled or ruined? Go back to the days when he cheated sub-contractors or practiced illegal discrimination in apartment renting, forward through all the lies he told during his campaign, forward again to legal aliens denied entry as a result of his first illegal anti-muslim ban, to the DOJ personnel fired for "trumped-up" reasons. Of course the children at the southern border - you must think that is especially humorous and entertaining. And there are countless people harmed just by their proximity, who have no life experience in dealing with such a monster. Make no mistake, he is a monster, dangerous and hurtful and absolutely nothing to laugh at. Lies. lies. lies. He is nothing but lies. And if that were all it was, as if a kind of liar's Tourette's, probably he could be dealt with in a reasonable way. But he isn't. His lies serve a purpose. In that he is dangerous and vicious and psychopathic. The correct treatment for Trump is to be collected like a vicious animal and placed in a cage somewhere, or euthanized.
  • punish me
    Hello to all serious thinkers. I discovered The Philosophy Forum 5 minutes ago. This is my first post. I assume there are many people on here that are middle-aged and drifting deeper into self-imposed reclusion. Yet the accelerating development of technologies empowers the individual to access more information & misinformation in ever increasing speed and volume. I am addicted to the consumption of information: scientific, political, economic, etc.

    About Trump. I think the most important thing to consider about Trump as POTUS is whom he is the harbinger for. Who will be the next president? Or what kind of person will be president in 50-100 years from now.

    The 2016 US presidential election was the first time I immersed myself in the campaigning process of both major parties. In disgust with Clinton & Trump, I wasted my time & energy to throw my vote away on the Libertarian Gary Johnson.

    I like reading about Trump & his administration. He's very busy, active. He has a gift for brinkmanship, whether you approve of it as a tactic or not. I dislike watching or listening to media of him, unless I'm in a cynical mood about the hopelessness of political activity for the species, in which case I laugh at the bitter reality of things that should be taken more seriously. What does it matter? Left, right, liberal, conservative, multi-party system costs/benefits, two-party system costs/benefits, single-party system costs/benefits. Human nature dictates all... in politics as much as anything else the species participates in. I think people that obsess over political activity in any space & time are narrow-minded and mediocre.
  • frank
    I think people that obsess over political activity in any space & time are narrow-minded and mediocre.punish me
    I don't know about mediocre, but its definitely a sort of soap opera.
  • raza
    I guess if you're just a dull white dude who doesn't really care about others, then yeah I can kinda imagine not seeing the harm that Trump inflictsMaw

    I’m assuming from this comment that your skin color does not fall under a category popularly referred to as “white”.

    Is it somehow an added virtue to not be of this “white” category thereby elevating commentators of “non-white” status within in some opinion hierarchy?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Human nature dictates all...punish me

    But isn't morality concerned with controlling oneself to act responsibly, rather than allowing "human nature" to dictate one's behaviour?
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