• Relativist
    It seems to me, an objective Trump supporter ought to acknowldge Trump's deficiencies even if he embraces most of what Trump does. We will always have political differences, but we should be able to agree on what constitutes inappropriate, or alarming, behavior.
  • Baden

    Yes, and just to make it clear, I'm not objecting to anything political in this. It's a purely aesthetic aversion, a rhetorical allergy, if you will, to these linguistic torments.

    But trying to find something, anything, redeeming here.

    Maybe a twisted resonance of Beckett?

    This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully, the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important. — Trump

    reflex they call it ... no feeling of any kind ... but the lids ... even best of times ... who feels them? ... opening ... shutting ... all that moisture ... but the brain still ... still sufficiently ... oh very much so! ... at this stage ... in control ... under control ... to question even this ... — Beckett - (Not I)


    May the gods of literature have mercy on my soul.
  • Hanover
    Coca cola was invented in Atlanta and the world headquarters is here. The reason people drink it is because it's delicious. People die from haters like you, not from a can of Coke. Coke does nothing but bring people together.
  • Baden
    Coke does nothing but bring people together.Hanover

    True, your mother and I owe more than you know to Coke.

    [Edit: Apologies to all for mistaking this for the Lounge and not yet mastering the art of talking about Trump before descending into absurd, sexual and/or scatological references.]
  • Hanover
    Last off point comment, I promise, but what's worse than a live squirrel on your piano?

    A dead beaver on your organ.
  • S
    Lol. You think it sounds much better when spoken? Either way, it comes across as childish boastful nonsense. His mouth is moving. He's definitely talking. But he's really not saying much.
  • BC
    early stage dementiaPosty McPostface

    Early stage?
  • BC
    Trump has an unfortunate habit of free associating in front of the media, large crowds, etc. Normally this sort of speech is performed in front of one's psychoanalyst.

    Don't expect any improvement. Donald is an old duck with lots of oil in his feathers and criticism just beads up and rolls off. Nothing sticks.

    Why is a poisonously unhealthy beverage like Coca Cola the most popular soft drink in the world?Baden

    Other than a sizable dose of sugar, [about the same as orange juice] what is poisonous in a can of Coca Cola? What's not to like about it? Did you see the Australian movie, "The Coca Cola Kid?" Coca Cola will be preserved as an American Heritage Beverage after the Revolution. If you don't like it now, you will like it after the Revolution. A properly done hamburger, fries, and a coke has a eucharistic quality to it.
  • BC
    ↪Baden Last off point comment, I promise, but what's worse than a live squirrel on your piano?

    A dead beaver on your organ.

    This is a timeless joke. Very good. Baden probably doesn't like it. Too sexist.
  • 0 thru 9
    Other than a sizable dose of sugar, [about the same as orange juice] what is poisonous in a can of Coca Cola? What's not to like about it? Did you see the Australian movie, "The Coca Cola Kid?" Coca Cola will be preserved as an American Heritage Beverage after the Revolution. If you don't like it now, you will like it after the Revolution. A properly done hamburger, fries, and a coke has a eucharistic quality to it.Bitter Crank

    The meal combination you mentioned is indeed a tasty treat. Emphasis on the word “treat”. Unfortunately, a can of Coke or Pepsi can deliver a sizable percentage of RDA of empty-calorie carbs in about 5 seconds flat, the way most kids drink it. With the tooth-rotting power of the phosphoric acid, combined with the jolt of sugar and caffeine, in my opinion it’s practically meth lite in a can. Former cola and mountain dew addict speaking. Much happier and healthier without it. Just my two cents. Back to the discussion of the leader of the fast food world... :point:
  • frank
    I think it's supposed to be "diseased beaver."
  • Janus

    Would that make it somewhat better or somewhat worse?
  • Maw
    I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has Alzheimer's or something.
  • frank
    Would that make it somewhat better or somewhat worse?Janus

    "Dead" would be a tad more perverse I think.
  • Janus

    Maybe, but then it depends on what is meant by "dead". Literally or metaphorically dead.
  • Janus

    At least one of his organs is sub-par.
  • frank
    metaphorically dead.Janus
  • BC
    I've never heard the joke that way, but I have very little beaver-lore to go on.
  • Janus

    You know, like lifeless, as in "it was a lifeless performance".
  • Agustino
    And while I don't agree with the extreme position Trump takes on some issues, I am sympathetic to his overall approach. I think we do need more protectionism, we do need to reform the global economy to make it easier to do business, we do need to escape political correctness, we do need all these things.

    Listen to this speech, and tell me you disagree:

    This speech was a political earthquake, you cannot find one like it in recent history.
  • gurugeorge
    that nobody gives a flying fuck about Elton John any moreBaden

    Just taking this point, that's part of the charm. The fact that he's not a "smooth-talking liberal" hep to the lastest popular music trends, is part of why he's loved. (Compare and contrast Hillary desperately trying to ally herself with popular celebrities.)

    You just don't understand how much everything from "politics as usual" to the cult of political correctness is hated and loathed by ordinary people. The feeling in the country among the working classes and lower middle classes (and around the world, with the general populist revolts) is one of extreme dislike of university-indoctrinated, free riding elites, and what they've been doing to the world, comparable to the hate for rentier aristocrats during the French revolution.
  • Michael
    The feeling in the country among the working classes and lower middle classes (and around the world, with the general populist revolts) is one of extreme dislike of university-indoctrinated, free riding elitesgurugeorge

    Trump went to an Ivy League university and inherited a $200 million ($800 million adjusted for inflation) business from his father.
  • Baden

    Kim Kardashian can read lies off a teleprompter too. This is one that he didn't write. That's obvious because it's coherent if ironic. It's a run of the mill populist speech written probably by Bannon or Miller. More a loud fart than an earthquake.

    Anyway, looking at the main points :

    Reducing the power of special interests? I agree of course. Unfortunately and predictably, there are more than ever. It was gullible of you to believe him on that point.

    "The numbers compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan organization that tracks money in American politics, might not seem surprising. The amount spent on lobbying during the first nine months of Donald Trump’s presidency, it found, was higher than in any corresponding period since 2012."

    "President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries from which they previously collected paychecks, despite promising as a candidate to drain the swamp in Washington."



    (If you don't like these sources there are hundreds more demonstrating that this is one of the most corrupt administrations in modern history.)

    Protectionism. The jobs he talks about protecting are gone and not coming back. His trade war is an infantile exercise in futility. Ask any economist.

    Political correctness: So, POTUS gets to call his rivals "Pocahontas" and laugh at abused women and you call that progress? Sorry, but how is the President licensing this kind of childish vulgarity desirable? Would you want your kids talking like him?
  • Michael
    President Donald Trump and his appointees have stocked federal agencies with ex-lobbyists and corporate lawyers who now help regulate the very industries from which they previously collected paychecks, despite promising as a candidate to drain the swamp in Washington.Baden

    Like the EPA.

    First there was Pruitt, who as attorney general for Oklahoma dissolved the Environmental Protection Unit and raised campaign contributions from the energy industry, including $300,000 from the oil and gas industry. He'd also sued the EPA 13 times.

    Now there's Andrew Wheeler, a former coal industry lobbyist.
  • Baden
    Another typical example of Trump admin corruption: Ryan Zinke charged taxpayers $139,000 dollars to fix three doors in his office. This is the type of change you're lauding as a political earthquake @Agustino. I suppose it is in terms of the massive damage caused and associated costs to the taxpayer, but otherwise not so much. Simple message: Stop being so gullible and open your eyes. Trump and his cronies are lining their pockets and laughing at the fools who thought they'd "drain the swamp".

  • unenlightened
    That's how you break records without an organ; you can't inflate your organ, you inflate what you can. Just like you can't do anything with a pussy but grab at it.
  • Hanover
    Another typical example of Trump admin corruption: Ryan Zinke charged taxpayers $139,000 dollars to fix three doors in his office.Baden

    It's outrageous no doubt, but you've not drawn a link back from the door repair man to Zinke. It's possible that the person who hired the door fixer man was hooking a friend up, getting a kick-back, or paid so little attention to things that people ran amok. It's possible Zinke orchestrated the whole thing, but also possible he didn't know. We can speculate, be cynical, be naïve, be supportive, be critical, be whatever. All I can say is that if I had it to do all over again and could rethink my vote, I'd vote for Trump again.
  • Baden
    All I can say is that if I had it to do all over again and could rethink my vote, I'd vote for Trump again.Hanover

    Trump would literally have to defecate in your MAGA cap for you to change your vote, so unless I can get him to do that, I'm not expecting a different answer from you, or any Trump voter. Maybe I can get him to do that. I'll work on it.

    Apologies @Banno, I'm using the nauseous gases emitted by Trump and his merry band of reverse Robin Hoods to fuel an OP that may have more on its original flight path that I've missed. Where to next?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    All I can say is that if I had it to do all over again and could rethink my vote, I'd vote for Trump again.Hanover

    I second that vote. :up:
  • frank
    All I can say is that if I had it to do all over again and could rethink my vote, I'd vote for Trump again.Hanover

    You can't go back and change it so who cares?

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