• raza
    Oh dear. Maybe explain that to actual concentration camp survivors.

    Interesting how those "cage" photos turned out to be years old or the one where the parents put their little boy in a cage as a staged protest.
  • Shawn
    Too bad the underdog is being cheered on by the vile shit that has emerged as of recent. I don't blame all Republican's, but they aren't being vocal enough to stop the racism and discrimination being instituted on a national level...
  • Baden

    This is the definition of a concentration camp:

    "Concentration camp: internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. "


    Now, tell me in what way that doesn't fit.
  • Baden
    (And bringing up Nazis won't help because I'm not claiming he put them in a Nazi-style concentration camp, starved them or gassed them etc. Besides, the British were the inventors of the concentration camp, not the Germans.)
  • raza
    confined for reasons of state securityBaden
    It vaguely only fits this definition providing "temporary" is added. Parents do put their children through much suffering in their attempts to cross illegally. Apparently, also, 80% of women are raped inside Mexico during their border endeavors. No doubt some of these had children who may have had to witness such atrocities.
  • Baden
    No doubt some of these had children who may have had to witness such atrocities.raza

    Well, that's a good enough reason to inflict further psychological harm on these children by separating them from their parents. But the question remains, how do we get these psychological damaged brown kids to stop this continued oppression of our billionaire hero underdog President? How can we support him in defeating them once and for all?
  • Baden
    I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't stand for this, right, @Agustino? If we could get him revved up, Trump would have these urchins on the backfoot in a hot minute.
  • raza
    Some aren't their parents. Some pretend to be their parents. Child trafficking and child sex trafficking is an issue in itself. The undocumented easily fit the trafficking business model.

    With regard to further psychological harm/trauma it is just not feasible that all children in this circumstance go straight from where they are found into some immediate loving arms and home without some extra trauma time in-between.

    Trauma usually has an end, and once it ends (with regard to any particular circumstance) the time it took to resolve it is really just part of the deal when undertaking risk.

    There are risks to a dangerous enterprise. Temporary time working to resolve trauma while investigating what may actually be going on with the risk-takers is just how it will be.

    We do not live in Utopia.
  • Baden

    My question is how can we help Trump to defeat these children and their left-wing agitator supporters?

    Guns may not be enough.

  • raza
    The photo isn't evidence of anything. There is a gun in shot. So?
  • raza
    You are playing the left vs right political game/Trump voters are nazi fascists blah blah boring boring transparent as F.
  • Baden
    Trump voters are nazi fascistsraza

    Hm, I thought the game was to accuse critics of Trump of claiming that Trump voters are Nazi fascists when they didn't and then follow that up with blah blah blah. Is that not the game?
  • raza
    I don't know about you but I'm going to settle into an afternoon of cultural diversity via sport broadcast from Russia.
  • Baden

    Probably a good idea. ;)
  • raza
    On ideas and Russia, this is what I came across recently.

    That Communism for Russia was orchestrated in the backrooms of Wall Street in 1917 as a way to defeat the economic powers of the Tsars. Mad, eh?
  • frank
    That Communism for Russia was orchestrated in the backrooms of Wall Street in 1917 as a way to defeat the economic powers of the Tsars. Mad, eh?raza

    That's true, but Wall St was engineered by Dutch traders who were being manipulated by Russian freemasons who also secretly staged the American Revolution which was originally planned by Peter the Great to get back at the Catholic Church for excommunicating the Patriarch which had been a secret plot by time travelling American Capitalists from the year 2346 to make sure Donald Trump would be elected so that the global economy would crash in 2024 thus eliminating the threat of AI taking over the world and turning all humans into batteries.
  • Baden

    Now we're talkin' :cheer:
  • Agustino
    I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't stand for this, right, Agustino?Baden
    I agree.

    However, the unanimous coalition against Trump means that one should support Trump, since the world needs an element to shake it up. The alternative to Trump at the moment is going down the same path we've gone until now, and it's worse.
  • Baden

    Common, dude! One should assess not blindly support. Like everyone (including the Republicans) is against that Neo-Nazi who recently won the Republican nomination for a house seat in Illinois. So...we should support him to shake things up? Insanity, please wash your brain out with insecticide and report back to me when you have sufficiently cognitively deloused!
  • unenlightened
    We in Europe have moved on from concentration camps, and have now instituted more effective cheaper and eminently deniable dilution camps. Get with the project, Donald, and don't be so old-fashioned.

    Last weekend, 629 people drowned off the coast of Libya while trying to reach Europe. While this occured, Search and Rescue organizations in the Mediterranean were being held back at port. Since January, 1,408 women, children and men have died or gone missing on their journey crossing the Mediterranean, according to the UNHCR.
    In the Aegean, since March 2016, when the EU-Turkey deal was signed, the number of people crossing to Greece has decreased. However, the journey remains far from safe. Since 2016, 513 human lives have been lost in their journey from Turkey to Greece.

    Moreover, the newly arrived people we assist have systematically been arriving to Lesvos in worse condition and health. According to them, the increasing numbers of Turkish police, and their sometimes aggressive and violent tactics, has forced them to go into hiding for days, even weeks, often without access to food or water.

    Because of this, Lighthouse Relief and other groups in the Mediterranean, are uniting today to protest against the criminalization of Search and Rescue activities in the area. Furthermore, Lighthouse Relief stands against the recent measures by some European states, that do not respect human dignity.

    Lighthouse Relief will remain committed to preventing further catastrophes at the sea, being the only organisation in Northern Lesvos with spotting teams almost 24 hours a day. Lighthouse Relief will also remain committed to promoting dignity for those arriving to Europe’s shores by assisting all new arrivals.

    Yet, there should be a sense of shared responsibility. Responsibility both, among organizations and states alike. We demand that these obligations are respected and all human lives are treated with dignity and respect.

    SOS MEDITERRANEE Proactiva Open Arms Sea-Watch Refugee Rescue / 'Mo Chara' sea-eye Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) LIFELINE

    #SeaRescueIsNotACrime #SafePassage #WithRefugees
  • tim wood
    Interesting how those "cage" photos turned out to be years old or the one where the parents put their little boy in a cage as a staged protest.raza

    You wouldn't happen to be a Holocaust denier too, would you? What is your comment supposed to mean? Do you mean that there exist posted photos of children in cages that are fraudulently presented as representing children taken? That there may be is possible, but as against the reality, irrelevant. Or do you mean that there is no such thing happening and that we should all be looking at something, anything, else. Or were you being ironic?

    Make clear what you mean. If the first, you're comment is irresponsible; if the second, as contemptible as Holocaust denial; if the third, you may care to think more than once about what you write.

    I'm going to completely butcher a quote - I think it's french, around the mid-last century. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know so I can get it right.

    "Around the bonfire is grotesque laughter, but at the edge in the shadow loom awful and horrible faces."

    Are you one of those awful and horrible faces?
  • tim wood
    That's true, but Wall St was engineered by Dutch traders who were being manipulated by Russian freemasons who also secretly staged the American Revolution which was originally planned by Peter the Great to get back at the Catholic Church for excommunicating the Patriarch which had been a secret plot by time travelling American Capitalists from the year 2346 to make sure Donald Trump would be elected so that the global economy would crash in 2024 thus eliminating the threat of AI taking over the world and turning all humans into batteries.frank

    Will this be in a theater near me in the near future? It should be!!
  • tim wood
    Trauma usually has an end, and once it ends (with regard to any particular circumstance) the time it took to resolve it is really just part of the deal when undertaking risk.raza

    You really do not understand trauma, do you?
  • frank
    It's the unspoken backstory of the Terminator.

    Washington Post ranking of 15 Democrats who might challenge Trump does not include Clinton.
  • Maw
    Looks like the only thing that emerged from Trump's meeting with Kim Jong Un is that a higher percentage of Republicans have a more favorable view of a murderous despot than they do Nancy Pelosi.
  • raza
    I was talking of border photos from 2014 doing the rounds on social media presented as 2018 or 2017 which were picked up by news outlets recently.

    Another news story broadcast widely showed a brown child up close inside a cage then depicted as being held by border security but further photos revealed that this child was put in this cage by his parents as part of a staged protest action.

    You've jumped the gun, old chap.

    I was talking about, therefore, "cage" photos as dis-info.
  • raza
    You really do not understand trauma, do you?tim wood

    To answer your question, yes I do understand.

  • raza
    You wouldn't happen to be a Holocaust denier too, would you? What is your comment supposed to mean? Do you mean that there exist posted photos of children in cages that are fraudulently presented as representing children taken? That there may be is possible, but as against the reality, irrelevant. Or do you mean that there is no such thing happening and that we should all be looking at something, anything, else. Or were you being ironic?

    Make clear what you mean. If the first, you're comment is irresponsible; if the second, as contemptible as Holocaust denial; if the third, you may care to think more than once about what you write.

    I'm going to completely butcher a quote - I think it's french, around the mid-last century. If anyone recognizes it, please let me know so I can get it right.

    "Around the bonfire is grotesque laughter, but at the edge in the shadow loom awful and horrible faces."

    Are you one of those awful and horrible faces?
    tim wood

    Oh! And all this is hyperbolic nonsense. Get a grip.
  • Akanthinos
    "In every way, there is no place like space."

    Should probably also add it to the quote cabinet.
  • FreeEmotion
    No. I don't remember a time where the POTUS was not hated by at least 25% of the US populationAkanthinos

    It seems to be universal. I remember a quote by former North Korean Leader Kim Jung Il that 20% of the population of North Korea were ready to take up arms to overthrow the government, given a chance. To them, I don't think he was their 'beloved' leader at all.

    "It isn't quite realized [in the West] how much a threat the penetration of ideas means. They [Kim's regime] see it as a social problem that could bring down the state," says Brian Myers, a North Korean expert at Dongseo University in Busan, South Korea.


    I am somewhat relieved that president Trump is not alone as a victim of hate. ( Apologies to the Eagles ) . Since all religions and atheists also preach kindness and goodwill to all, I am not sure why politics needs to be fuelled by both love and hate.
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