• Michael
    This discussion was created with comments split from The Shoutbox
  • praxis
    the lower head is MUCH easier to deal with. ;)ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Then why all the #MeToo's?
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Then why all the #MeToo's?praxis
    Well I was answering Agustinos' question: "Which head is nicer to deal with do you think?"
    So my answer is whatI think and becauseI prefer to only deal with my partners heads, either one. Not some fool that pushes himself on me after I make it clear that I am in no way interested.
    Make sense?
  • praxis

    Unwelcome sexual advances have never been a problem for you? I can’t really say it’s been an issue for me, unfortunately.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Unwelcome sexual advances have never been a problem for you?praxis

    Yes unwelcome sexual advances were a problem for me but I learned how to handle them.
    I still don't understand why my answer to Agustino was insufficient for you.
  • Michael
    Unwelcome sexual advances have never been a problem for you? I can’t really say it’s been an issue for me, unfortunately.praxis

    I might be reading this wrong, but why is it unfortunate that unwelcome sexual advances have never been a problem for you?
  • BC

    It's a joke; like, "I am still a virgin, unfortunately." The preceding example is also a joke, fortunately.
  • Michael
    Doesn't make sense though. I can understanding wanting to not be a virgin, but wanting to have unwanted sexual advances?
  • BC
    He doesn't get it. Impaired sense of humor. Not treatable. Next case, please.
  • Agustino
    I think Michael has not lived on planet Earth >:O
  • Michael
    Impaired sense of humor.Bitter Crank

    If it's an attempt at humour then it's pretty damn tone deaf (and still nonsensical).
  • Jamal
    Some people gain a sense of self-esteem, or at least a sense of their own attractiveness, and maybe some feeling of sexual power and confidence, if they are frequently approached, even if the approachers are unattractive to them. This is a pretty ordinary thing, I think. It can be better to have options. There is self-deprecating humour in lamenting one's lack of attraction even to people one wouldn't want to say yes to.

    Explaining a joke always makes me feel dirty afterwards.
  • BC
    If it's an attempt at humour then it's pretty damn tone deaf (and still nonsensical).Michael

    More evidence confirming diagnosis.

    NOTE TO MICHEL: References to your diagnosis and lack of treatment options are mostly a joke, which, of course, you don't, won't, can't get, owing to your funny-bone impairment.

    Here are three more jokes, cartoons. Please describe your cognitive processing of these cartoons.



  • Michael
    I'm probably just being pedantic, but that wouldn't be unwanted sexual advances; it'd be wanted sexual advances from people you're not interested in.
  • BC
    You are not actually digging yourself out of the humorless hole you put yourself in. You should probably drop the shovel.
  • Jamal
    It could be either I think. But if you're right, I think that makes the joke even funnier because of the hint of absurdity.
  • Michael
    I'm not trying to dig myself out of anything. I'm just saying it makes as much sense as an involuntary celibate saying "I wish someone would rape me". It's nonsense. They don't want to be raped; they want someone to have consensual sex with. And as a "joke" it's a pretty insulting conflation.

    You call it humourless, I call it being decent.
  • Jamal
    But that could also be a funny joke. In fact I've heard it told by women as a joke before.

    If at this point you get all po-faced about it, I give up.
  • Michael
    If at this point you get all po-faced about it, I give up.jamalrob

    I'm always disapproving.
  • Jamal
    Your consistency is admirable. :)
  • Michael
    Someone has to be the voice of reason and sensibility in this madhouse, if only to provide a balance to Hanover. ;)
  • Jamal
    Cool. You be the voice of reason and I'll be the voice of irreverent libertinism.
  • Michael
    Woah there, I said reasonable, not a prude. Can I not be a gentleman hedonist?
  • Jamal
    Good topic.
  • Jamal
    But sexual advances, wanted and unwanted, are an ordinary part of life and not in themselves bad, regrettable or traumatic. Unlike rape.

    That is the insulting conflation.
  • Michael
    But sexual advances, wanted and unwanted, are an ordinary part of life and not in themselves bad, regrettable or traumatic.jamalrob

    Tell that to the #MeToo movement, which is what @praxis was referring to.
  • Jamal
    Indeed, I find some of that movement's attitudes highly objectionable. It's not sacrosanct.
  • Michael
    Then let's just agree to disagree and that I'm right.
  • unenlightened
    Indeed, I find some of that movement's attitudes highly objectionable. It's not sacrosanct.jamalrob

    Me too. But I like movements with attitude. Reasonable movements always look like square-bashing.
  • Hanover
    I heard my name, so I'll respond. This girl at work wrote an anonymous post-it note to me and stuck it on my desk. I determined it was her by comparing it to her handwriting after everyone left. It said, "I want to suck your dick til your cum is all over my tongue."

    The request was truly unwanted, but I did enjoy the attention, but I'm disappointed it wasn't Baden, and you're jelly.

    No go back to enforcing your decency standards in your humorless cubicle where no one sexually expresses themselves in entirely inappropriate ways that ought to lead to immediate termination, but instead ended in me laughing because I have a sense of humor, although it was very fucked up even by my "standards." Know your audience I guess.
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