• Gregory


    Aristotle had established final causality for 2000 years in the West. But this was in the thoughts of scholars, not in reality. There is no finality to the universe but this does not mean the ethos of the universe is not final. The Absolute (I propose) is space because it is nothing while at the same time it exists in all directions. In Hawking's model, you can mathematically approach a boundary (singularity) but never reach it because of infinite fractions in-between the start and end. So we could say in that case that the boundary doesn't exist. This counters William Craig's claim that there can't be an infinite past (allegedly because you can get to the present day by infinite steps). You can!, by infinite and eternal time. Zenonian time is an instant, expressed as "the end of the begining of the end of the beginning of the end of..." In a sense, then, there might be a boundary. I think absolute time is in the mind alone (as Aristotle claimed), but that this is not so with absolute space. The latter is the ground of being and the "canvas" of action. Just as you can't say where the middle of infinite space is, yet it can exist, so likewise could motion be infinite in the past. I think we have posit that the directions of "up and down" are actual in absolute space and not relative. If the Parmenadian sphere, say, was the cause of Einstein's world of relativity, it could have been falling downward for all eternity, creating energy by friction with, one might say, "dust" (or whatever) in absolute space, which brushes against it as it descends into the abyss of endless emptiness. With the Sphere being the prime mover of Einstein's world of relativity, the latter might exist as the boundary of the Sphere. Einstein's "instant" as the eternity of light and spacetime would only exist as boundary to the prime mover and would be illusion to the sphere (if we were in it), just as the Sphere appears illusionary to our experience of A Time. Potentiality and actuality are together merged like yellow and red making orange. And as for necessity and contingency, to science this is merely the difference of the ordered to the random. Brute (as in "brute fact") equals random. But randomness can be quaint (as in some art). "Kosmos" comes from the word for "order", and "brute" does not necessarily mean "in your face".The Perfection of Wisdom sutras says that between this world and Nirvana there is "not the slightest distinction exists between them." As within, as without.
  • Banno

    What does their absence imply?
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