• samja
    I’m not using “God” here with religious intent, but not sure what else to call it. "Nature" seems too specific and "the universe" seems too dead.

    humanity discovered itself when it learned to represent itself.

    Does the human need to create fictional worlds, characters and stories relate to "God's" creation of life, realities and drama?

    Human creativity seems rooted in a need to self reflect, self express. An artist’s work, is somehow always a self portrait/self reflective.
    I read one theory somewhere that stuck with me that the universe created life so it could experience itself. Perhaps it stuck with me because I feel that that’s why artists create so they can experience themselves.

    In the bible, God created man in his own image, which is also what artists do. People in general anthropomorphize gods, animals, trees, objects. We need mirrors. Is creativity/creation all about mirrors?

    I’m not articulating this very well, but I’m trying to broaden my perspective on creativity and find parallels. Hoping someone smarter out there can help me fill in the blanks.
  • Pop
    That is an interesting question, and I will tell you how I understand it.

    Art is an expression of human consciousness, the definition can be found here.
    Art work is information about the artists consciousness. But what is consciousness? Consciousness is an evolving process of self organization. I think you will find that every moment of consciousness, is a moment of self organization. So art work is information about the artists evolving process of self organization. If you are an artist, I think you will relate to this.

    The universe is an evolving process of self organization, so all of it's component parts are also an evolving process of self organization. As a galaxy falls in on itself, it must self organize, and hence so too must all of its component parts. The Milky Way, the solar system, Earth, life on earth, humanity are all a process of self organization. This being the case, what else can art possibly express but self organization?

    That art expresses self organization is nothing special, all human activity is an expression of self organization.

    Self organization is the fundamental process everything is involved in. Is it a God process? It is the process responsible for all creation. It would fit the idea that
    God created man in his own imagesamja
    I've found that every attempt to explain "everything/meaning/where to/where from/why/Tec" is nothing more then a lie with different icing and sprinkles on it because language will never be complex enough to be able to unfold the Terrain of understanding within ones mind by means of spoken/written language and regardless of how honest the intentions of the one conveying the words might be they are always going to limit life so much so that the description becomes more of a stumbling block to the recipient despite the intentions of it serving as aid to the Journey.
  • Rafaella Leon
    We have the image of God within us and were born with a responsibility in the world. That is why our existence must be based on this dignity. In the same way that God created the world, we are also able to create some things (of course, keeping in mind the proper proportions). We are the created creators.
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