• Janus
    It (the economy) should recover, unless like a dying COVID-19 patient, it has an underlying disease.frank

  • Benkei
    First, that's article was written by someone from the Brookings Institute which is just establishment shit as usual.


    You don't seem to understand how Chinese internal politics works. It sat on information while it was still an internal issue that wasn't necessarily going to become an international issue. That's from beginning until end of December. At which time there were 40 confirmed infected (41 as of January 2). They shared the genetic code then, which is early (go ask a virologist whether it's normal to do after only 40 confirmed cases).

    So no, they did not troll the rest of the world. It's just kindergarten politics to blame the Chinese as a distraction of how shittily the US administration.

    It's also funny to see that when it wasn't an issue in the US, right wingers were taking issue with the Chinese lock down and now they didn't do enough. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. And not a week ago the problem was Europe!

    Meanwhile, I think people here have close to zero understanding of virology, epidemiology or the skills and knowledge necessary to begin to manage health issues at these scales so let's all point fingers to the Chinese, because really that's all you can do. Which is probably why Trump does it too.The Chinese are currently helping more to minimise the effects than any other country because the rest that have any money to spare are almost all in lock down.
  • frank
    :) I was trying to say I don't think it will open up into a depression unless there's something else wrong. Accidently witty.
  • Punshhh
    Everyone calm down.

    I dont think folk here are uncalm. Or do you mean they are exaggerating?

    In the UK, London is the hotspot, the Prime minister has instructed Londoners to carry out the required social distancing and self isolating when they have symptoms. But he has not closed all cafes, restaurants, pubs, metro lines etc, or banned people mingling in the streets. But many people are just ignoring the instructions and carrying on as normal. It is clear that the virus is spreading freely around the city.

    There are still many who think that the government is allowing the virus to spread, so that the people will develop heard immunity. But this is folly, as it will mean that a large proportion of Londoners will become infected at the same time over the next few weeks. Resulting in a chaotic mess.

    Watch this space.
  • frank
    There are still many who think that the government is allowing the virus to spread,Punshhh

    That is everybody's strategy. We just want it to spread in slow motion.
  • Changeling
    another right wing rag from the US of A:


    "On 21 January, the day after Chinese officials finally confirmed there was human to human transmission of the virus, the number of sick residents coming to the emergency room had already reached 1,523 in a day – three times the normal volume."
  • Punshhh
    Accidently witty
    It tickled me.
  • Punshhh
    That is everybody's strategy. We just want it to spread in slow motion.
    Yes, everybody knows it will have to spread through the population. But if the UK government wanted it to happen in slow motion, they would lock down London. But they won't. Most supermarket shelves around London are already empty. Many people particularly in the Gig economy are carrying on regardless.
  • Benkei
    except the lancet article clearly states this was already done on January 2. I'll trust the peer reviewed journal specialised in medicine thank you.

    Edit: to clarify, the Chinese issued internal warnings on 2 January. They shared the sequence on 12 January.
  • Punshhh
    Makes a change from reading about the pestilential virus threatening civilised life. He's a completely different shape and size. :wink:

    I am already thinking of a cartoon in which Cummings is a corona virus.
  • Janus
    "Something else wrong"? With the economy??? Noooo!!! :rofl:
  • frank
    Yes, everybody knows it will have to spread through the population. But if the UK government wanted it to happen in slow motion, they would lock down London. But they won't. Most supermarket shelves around London are already empty. Many people particularly in the Gig economy are carrying on regardless.Punshhh

    Maybe the NHS is ready to kick ass.
  • frank
    Something else wrong with the economy??? Noooo!!!Janus

  • Pfhorrest
    So apparently the US has passed a bill requiring paid sick leave to people who have or are caring for people who have COVID19, except for large businesses... and small businesses. So, what businesses exactly count? And what about all of the tens of millions of people who don't have COVID19 yet, but have to stay home from work / got laid off / their hours reduced so that they don't catch or spread it?
  • Janus
    There probably simply won't be enough resources.
  • NOS4A2

    It’s not just politics. We can just let it happen or we can fight back. I prefer the latter.
  • Pfhorrest
    There are more than enough resources, the question is as always who is allowed to access them.
  • NOS4A2

    As it is with the typical cronyism, companies with more than 500 employees are excluded from the paid leave mandate, for whatever reason. Companies with fewer than 50 are also exempt if to do so jeopardizes their business.
  • Janus
    There are more than enough resourcesPfhorrest

    And you know that how?
  • praxis
    It’s not just politics. We can just let it happen or we can fight back. I prefer the latter.NOS4A2

    What are you doing to “fight back”?
  • Pfhorrest
    What does any of that have to do with cronies?

    And you know that how?Janus
    Housing is most people’s biggest expense and there isn’t suddenly a dearth of that. People can keep living where they are, if only they are allowed to do so.

    Debt servicing is the next big expense (student loans, car loans, mortgages, etc), and once more, money isn’t suddenly disappearing. People can just keep the money that they have, if they’re allowed to.

    Food is always produced in huge surpluses, and we have vast stores of it set aside for emergencies, so people can eat that, if they’re allowed to.

    Clothes aren’t suddenly disappearing. Cars aren’t suddenly disappearing. Phones aren’t suddenly disappearing.

    Payment of money is usually the condition for which people are allowed access to things. Money has suddenly stopped flowing because work is the usual condition for getting access to money and people aren’t allowed to work anymore. So we could solve the whole financial crisis just by forcing money to flow from where it is concentrated to where it is lacking, from where it will flow back into concentrations again. Like CPR for the economy.
  • NOS4A2

    For a start I’m not going to run defence for the CCP.
  • NOS4A2

    What does any of that have to do with cronies?

    I say that because they allowed massive companies to be exempt from mandated sick leave.
  • Baden

    You've got 4,500 new cases of covid in the US just today. Maybe put your energies into thinking about how to deal with that. Now's not really the time for starting fights with countries that may be able to help you.

  • Baden

    We agree on something. :scream:
  • praxis

    You fight by not defending the CCP. Yup, sounds about right.
  • NOS4A2

    I’m just placing blame where it is due. I see no problem with that.

    According to this report:

    A study published in March indicated that if Chinese authorities had acted three weeks earlier than they did, the number of coronavirus cases could have been reduced by 95% and its geographic spread limited.

    This timeline, compiled from information reported by the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the South China Morning Post and other sources, shows that China's cover-up and the delay in serious measures to contain the virus lasted about three weeks.

    People are dying because of this.
  • frank
    For a start I’m not going to run defence for the CCP.NOS4A2

    Americans spell is "defense" you troll.
  • NOS4A2

    Oh, here we go.
  • frank
    Yep. You're like the US, it's always ok to be abusive toward you.
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