• Wayfarer
    If we apply the PSR from the point of view of the abstract realm, no need for particulars, so no particulars.jkg20

    I don't know about that. If you go back to the early tradition, the relationship between abstract universals and particulars was a major theme. The whole idea of abstraction was related to the question of the intelligibility of particulars.

    In any case, what interests me about the Frege essay was his acceptance of the reality of number - Frege believed that number is real in the sense that it is independent of thought: 'thought content exists independently of thinking "in the same way", he said "that a pencil exists independently of grasping it. Thought contents are true and bear their relations to one another (and presumably to what they are about) independently of anyone's thinking these thought contents - "just as a planet, even before anyone saw it, was in interaction with other planets."

    That which emanates these cosmic ideas/forms, as in its sapient analog, i.e. us, is more like how one's imaginative mind conceives of a language, or even a poem -- it is an entirely cognitive event.snowleopard

    That is the philosophy of Vijñānavāda, translated as 'mind-only Buddhism' which forms a major part of the monastic curriculum in Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese schools of Buddhism. It is considered a very advanced subject of study.
  • snowleopard
    That is the philosophy of Vijñānavāda, translated as 'mind-only Buddhism' which forms a major part of the monastic curriculum in Tibetan, Chinese and Japanese schools of Buddhism. It is considered a very advanced subject of study.Wayfarer

    @Wayfarer ... Interesting ... This no doubt explains why I’ve always resonated with those metaphysical/spiritual expressions, even before being inclined to interpret and articulate them in terms of Idealism.

    Be that as it may, I’m no longer even sure that I can give voice to an ultimate expression, as here again I must bow to the opening lines of the Tao Te Ching. And once more I must concede that the most appropriate name for what I’m positing here may be ‘mystical Idealism’. As such it may well even be unspeakable, unrelatable, and incomprehensible to the physicalist or substance-dualism mindset. It often feels as if I grok something I cannot quite convey, and which at best can only ever be an insufficient translation of some immanent, noumenal ‘language’ that must forever elude the gasp and expression of one’s finite, maya-bound locus of mind. Thus, perhaps poetry, metaphor and paradoxical allusions may be as good as it gets. Nevertheless, it also seems to be one’s creative imperative to try.
  • Wayfarer
    even before being inclined to interpret and articulate them in terms of Idealism.snowleopard

    Have a read of What Is and Isn't Yogācāra (which is another name for the Vijñānavāda school.) This is by a Western scholar of Buddhism and compares the similarities and differences between it and Western idealism. The passage on how Cartesian dualism gave rise to the opposing positions of idealism and materialism is especially useful, I think.
  • jkg20
    Frege certainly appears to have been a realist about all kinds of mathematical objects: numbers, functions, sets.... What I'm not clear about from the Burge essay is that he appears early on to make some distinction (on Frege's behalf) between thought contents, on the one hand, and mathematical objects on the other: what's that distinction supposed to be? Obviously not every thought we have is going to be about mathematical objects, but when we do think about maths, for instance, when we consider whether some function is a derivate of another function, does the distinction between thought contents and mathematical objects dissolve?
  • Wayfarer
    I understand it as referring to the idea that the act of thinking is personal or subjective, but by 'thought contents' in such cases as number, he is referring to something which he assumes is independent of the act of thinking but are intellectual as distinct from material. And that's why it's the 'third realm'!

    Thought contents are true and bear their relations to one another (and presumably to what they are about) independently of anyone's thinking these thought contents - "just as a planet, even before anyone saw it, was in interaction with other planets." '

    Gödel believed something similar. Both were some sense mathematical Platonists:

    Gödel was a mathematical realist, a Platonist. He believed that what makes mathematics true is that it's descriptive—not of empirical reality, of course, but of an abstract reality. Mathematical intuition is something analogous to a kind of sense perception. In his essay "What Is Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis?", Gödel wrote that we're not seeing things that just happen to be true, we're seeing things that must be true. The world of abstract entities is a necessary world—that's why we can deduce our descriptions of it through pure reason. — Rebecca Goldstein

    when we do think about maths, for instance, when we consider whether some function is a derivate of another function, does the distinction between thought contents and mathematical objects dissolve?jkg20

    Are you familiar with Platonic epistemology? There's a very useful Wikipedia summary in an article on the analogy of the divided line. Plato distinguishes dianoia (mathematical and geometric knowledge) from pistis, opinions or beliefs. And that is because he thought mathematical proofs (and the like) possess an intuitive certainty that is not possessed by sensible objects. And that's even reflected in Galileo - 'the book of nature is written in mathematics'. But, Platonism is highly unfashionable nowadays, because it speaks of innate knowledge and inherent ideas, which goes against the grain of current empiricism.
  • SteveKlinko
    Just because Causal Processes can happen over time doesn't mean you don't need a C Realm. Any Causal Process of the C Realm must deal with Physical Realm Activity and translate that to Conscious Realm Activity. Maybe these Causal Processes are in Realm A and Realm B but somehow a Bridge between Realm A and B must be constructed. — SteveKlinko
    As I explained above, the "Bridge", which is realm C is not necessary. The realm C is only required to prove a causal relation. Realm A and realm B be may be causally interactive without any realm C. The so-called "Bridge" is just needed to understand the causal relation. However, since understanding is already a property of the one realm, let's say realm A, the Bridge would be entirely within realm A, principles of understanding, and not a real bridge, nor a realm C, at all.

    This is the real problem of consciousness. We assume a material, physical, world, a realm which is outside the realm of consciousness. But we have no real way to understand it because everything which we understand is within the realm of consciousness. So we poke and prod at this material world, observing how it behaves in response, but we can only make conclusions based on a supposed causal relation, because we haven't discovered any real Bridge. There may not actually be a Bridge, and any constructed Bridge would just be within realm A, and only a false Bridge
    Metaphysician Undercover

    I basically agree. I said that there needs to be a Realm C but that was probably a little too strong. I think the Bridge is still needed even though it doesn't have to be a whole new Realm. I don't think you can just assume that it is all in Realm A or Realm B. If we can all agree that there are at least the two distinct Realms, Physical and Conscious, then we need to understand how things that happen in the Physical Realm can cause things to happen in the Conscious Realm. If the answer is that it is all in the Physical Realm then that's good too. But Science is nowhere near making that determination. This is the Hard Problem of Consciousness. There is a Huge Explanatory Gap here.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    If we can all agree that there are at least the two distinct Realms, Physical and Conscious, then we need to understand how things that happen in the Physical Realm can cause things to happen in the Conscious Realm.SteveKlinko

    The best approach, I find, is to reverse this position, and look at how things in the conscious realm cause things in the physical realm. The evidence of a temporal priority is much clearer this way, and we can proceed toward understanding this priority through concepts such as final cause and free will.
  • SteveKlinko
    If we can all agree that there are at least the two distinct Realms, Physical and Conscious, then we need to understand how things that happen in the Physical Realm can cause things to happen in the Conscious Realm. — SteveKlinko
    The best approach, I find, is to reverse this position, and look at how things in the conscious realm cause things in the physical realm. The evidence of a temporal priority is much clearer this way, and we can proceed toward understanding this priority through concepts such as final cause and free will.
    Metaphysician Undercover

    Yes I think it must work both ways. I would call the Interaction from the Conscious Realm to the Physical Realm: Conscious Volition.
  • Forgottenticket
    This is awkward for me since I'm secretly a determinist with a predilection for bottom-up explanation wherever possible (Occam's razor etc.). Yet, no Zombies for me!Kym

    sorry to get back late,

    so what's your answer to Leibniz's gap?
  • Solvedit
    Solving Consciousness:

    Simply Understood: The awareness that the mental reality of consciousness and the physical reality of existence are merely two (2) parts of the whole being. They both are connected and communicate their existences for the experience of the identifier. Both parts are made up of independent communicating members (Cells) that also act as sensor receptors and communicators that alert the person (conscious identifier, receiver and actuator) of their extreme conditions, pain, pleasure, texture, hot, cold, hunger, exhaustion.

    Both the physical members and the mental identifier ( Persons awareness/consciousness) play their part to continue in a unified equilibrium that remains acceptable and satisfactory of both for the protection to exist. This is the awareness of the exterior and interior influences and affects that triggers the alert response that this equilibrium has fluctuated into extreme conditions and place it back into harmonious equilibrium.

    This mental awareness and differences can have defining levels depending on varied conditioning of physical exterior, mental internal or prolonged historical experiences. -MC-

    There are 3 different realities or defined conscious realities. The Physical, Mental, and Spiritual realities. The spiritual reality is a higher level of the combined physical and mental stimulation that is heightened to varying degrees. The practice of physical and mental disciplines insight you a further conscious spiritual reality experience(s).

    I.E. Consciousness is the awareness of different realities and your experiences in them….. “Period”! ??

    *Nailed it!!!! :)
  • 3017amen

    One analogous way of thinking about consciousness is the cosmological super computer.

    Think of your brain as the hard drive with some built-in operating systems (certain instincts) and self-consciousness (self-awareness/a priori). Then think of the software development over time, where one acquires knowledge about the world from childhood through infinity (in theory)... . That software represents experience input.

    However, unlike a computer which is designed with a binary code, your consciousness is not designed as such. If the computer acted like the conscious and subconscious mind working together in unison, for illustration purposes, it would crash or lock-up.

    How does the conscious mind and the subconscious mind work together(?). The computer operates on an 'a or b' premise (binary 0-1), and the mind on the other hand not only can operate in a binary fashion, but has the ability to break the rules of formal logic and work together in unison.

    The infamous example of logical contradiction is when driving a car subconsciously while negotiating traffic or even crashing while daydreaming about something else. In logic, to try to describe it you would say something like: I'm driving, yet seemingly not driving at all. And that's because I crashed thinking about something totally different. So were you consciously driving when you crashed, or subconsciously driving? And how long can one do that?

    So in my view, that's one quick example of a 'hard problem'.
  • Solvedit
    That is call "Focus" Focusing on the interior mental reality of your thought(s) instead of the physical awareness of your existence about where you are and what your doing! Hence stupidity and lack of awareness of the importance of self and others around you.

    - You can be mentally aware of your interior mental reality (Thoughts) or your physical exterior reality (physical existence) at any moment and the varying degree of focus in these realities. Hopefully you do not choose to be focused so much at one time in anyone of these realities or extreme things can happen. I.E. Car Crash (Mental) Making Kids (Physical) Ooops!

    - Consciousness : The awareness of existence in a mental, physical or spiritual experience or a combination of these three realities.
  • 3017amen

    "Consciousness : The awareness of existence in a mental, physical or spiritual experience or a combination of these three realities. "

    OMG problem solved LOL!!!!

    Does that mean if I focus on driving I'll never daydream again!!!?

    No, seriously, please provide me the specific details of how and why I can be in two different realities all at the same time... . Hence: I was driving, but not driving.

    Is that logical (sorry for the rhetorical question)?
  • Solvedit
    Well, because you made a conscious choice at a specific time to get in the car and drive and start driving. That took a mental focus of a physical reality you wanted to experience. Then while experiencing the physical reality of driving you made another conscious decision to dip into your mental reality of thought and thinking about what ever else that was important to you as well.

    Hence your doing two things at once, having a physical reality experience because of a mental choice and having a mental thought reality experience again because of choice. And because driving really can be that easy because of conditioning and repetition it can feel quite mundane (boring) to the mental awareness, experience or stimulation. (Got to love Multitasking, boy isn't the body amazing)!!! LOL

    Think of it as (3) Planes or reality, The Physical, Mental, and Spiritual planes that can all support and transverse into each other with varying degrees of focus using your sensory receptors, perceived cognitive memory recall and let me add "CHOICE"! -MC-
  • 3017amen

    It's existential, ultimately you have no control over that constant flow of ideas. There is no choice to stop your stream of consciousness. Otherwise in theory, you are no longer alive.

    However, let's assume it were a choice one makes consciously, unless I'm misinterpreting you, in that case I would have to say: I chose not to drive when I was driving, therefore, I chose to crash instead.

    Is that logical?
  • Solvedit
    It is logical to realize that you are also aware or conscious that you have an overwhelming flow of ideas in your head and this is a mental reality that some people experience should discipline. It is also your responsibility to be aware of your own constant flow of ideas or thoughts that may divert your attention on what you should be focusing on if indeed it is important and critical to your health, safety, survival to include others and your surroundings. 2 Simple examples: Your walking down a hall and you turn a corner, someone placed a bucket of mop water with a mop handle sticking about head height and you because you where so meta-physically in your thoughts, didn't look before you turned the corner and you poked an eye out.... (That is called assuming and expecting conditions of perceived normal reality) Example II. You were so conversed in this topic of discussion that you didn't realize that bitcoin will be going to all time highs of $500,000. USD by the end of year 2020 that you didn't bother to take advantage because well you didn't know, you were so focused on trying to identify this gray area in your thought about being aware of the infinitesimal line of where awareness meets consciousness in reality. Lastly: When you sleep are you consciously aware of your body? For the most part are you? Yes, you go in and out of cognitive mental awareness depending on your subconscious awareness to keep you consciously aware of reality and what dangers may pose a threat if indeed there maybe. But Now: Are you mentally consciously aware of your physical self when totally immersed in a full blown on wet dream? No! So your physical form is subdued into the subconscious control and your mental state has full access into creative mental endeavors.

    -Oh! and you do have control, You have to be mentally aware that you have control and take control over your flow of thoughts! Most people I guess, don't know... Meditate, control the flow!! Easy life goes~
  • 3017amen

    1. Sure it's logical to be aware of your consciousness but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about awareness and control of your subconsciousness while you're conscious. If you are saying by choice you can manipulate your subconsciousness at anytime, then why would one choose to daydream and intentionally crash?

    2. You're almost there with answering the question relative to dreaming. That is precisely your subconscious. And that subconscious is operating without your conscious awareness and associated inability/ability to choose.

    Therefore, the question remains, am I consciously or subconsciously driving while I'm daydreaming (and God forbid crashing)?
  • Solvedit
    SO,.... Your saying something, someone, self or choice took you into deep thought or daydreaming... "AND" I am saying boredom, comfort and the pre-mentioned "Assuming and expecting conditions of perceived normal reality" has diverted your attention and focus into the same condition as "Sleeping"!!

    Your Consciousness is the only determining factor that can make physical choices as relates to external factors, impute or stimuli, so if your not aware of your consciousness while driving, than your not driving because your not being aware of these factors and you crash. I guess, your subconscious can only make programmed involuntary motor functions per it's design.

    So, "YES" it can be determined that your subconsciousness because of your mental choice to "Start driving" is trying to help you drive but your conscious awareness has left to seek other more favorable (mental or physical) stimulus or interests until the jolting reality of impact brings you back! OUCH.... I guess we need to make car seats like a Chinese bed of nails and extra volatile shocks to keep us in a conscious sense of physical reality while driving. -MC-

    *Can I get an AMEN!! :)
  • 3017amen

    Sorry had to catch a workout.

    Ok on your first point yes we agree daydreaming while driving can be associated with boredom viz. stream of consciousness. (And although we didn't talk about this, you certainly can choose, to say compute abstract concepts like math in your mind while you're driving your car; however, that would still present a logical contradiction when explaining the nature of it.)

    On your second paragraph, okay then. If you believe it's the subconscious mind taking over while you're daydreaming & driving then our logical contradiction rears its ugly head henceforth: I am sort-of driving, but not really driving because I crashed daydreaming.

    So if it's only a half-truth that I'm driving. How do we compute that?

    One could not argue then .5+.5 =1 because that would imply I'm half a person or in two places at once. Accordingly, the only other value that might represent this is 1+1=1.

    Our minds defy logic no?
  • Solvedit
    Didn't say, nor do I believe that the subconscious mind is taking over, Nothing is taking over. You consciously are choosing to focus or loose focus for the sake of something else more entertaining. Keep it Simple: It's all about choices, focus and awareness of your individual consciousness while conducting an action or activity that the subconscious is merely part of the whole tool aiding in the physical reality that delivers a result. If one or all of these are not being effectively applied, changed or realized at the needed point in time than the unexpected will result. Its out come could be error, chance, a coincidence or even a better than favorable result.

    Your Subconsciousness has no part in the continual decision making that is needed when things change. Your conscious awareness of reality, where you are in it and what is happening around you is your responsibility not the subconscious that's primary duty is to keep your physical motor functions going so you can "hopefully" safely experience reality in the moment while it is happening.

    3017 Amen: So if it's only a half-truth that I'm driving. How do we compute that?

    Your consciously are not driving because you choose not to be aware of driving even though you look like you physically are driving because your former decision or choice has put you in the drivers seat and headed you down the road. So pay attention, focus and be aware of what your doing while your doing it.

    So you physically can appear to be driving but you're consciously are not. 2-1=1 you crash.
    1= Conscious awareness of self, choice, focus, attention, and physical activity.
    1= Subconscious ability to provide involuntary motor functions and sensory perception feedback.
    (2) is the desirable outcome for success of the desired activity from point A to point B.

    1+1=2 (A successful drive)
    1-1=1 (A "Crash" because of lack of a constant)

    "And you are "RIGHT" One could not argue then .5 +.5 = 1 because that would imply I'm half a person or in two places at once."

    Because this is exactly "TRUE" Except instead of being a half of a person you are a whole person with 2 mental parts with different functions that control different functions to make 1 whole functioning system (Person). .5 of one mental part/function and .5 of other mental part/function. ( .5 Aware Consciousness .5 Active Subconsciousness = 1 Functioning cognitive Person.)

    I'd have to refer you back to my very first post : "Solving Consciousness" Re-read with deeper understanding and you'll get it. Understand the definitions of all words used and it will define the awareness of the meaning. :)
  • 3017amen

    You seem to be hung up on this idea of volition yes?

    I would say to you study the science of psychology, and as you would say focus, on the phenomenon of daydreaming. Then hopefully you will see that it has little to do with choice. Study the phenomenon relating to our stream of consciousness.

    I do think however your argument would be more persuasive, if maybe you had the experience in designing a robot. Maybe only then you would see the distinctions relative to the illogical nature of the human condition, the human mind.

    I think you were getting close with your analogy to being in a dream state before bedtime. But you lost me. And so if I follow your reasoning then daydreaming would not exist.

    The only way I can make sense of your analysis is thus: I chose to drive my car and also chose to daydream and crash it.

    And that's because you believe we have control of our minds at all times, correct?
  • Solvedit
    We seem to be dancing around your question without being able to truly come to a concise conclusion. But Lets try....

    Lets keep in mind we have already identified "consciousness" and what consciousness is.

    Alright lets go for it! Lets tackle it head on... This undefined unidentifiable mystical gray area where the conscious awareness fades from the mental physical reality of one self in action and motion into a purely unintentional internal mental reality of thought or daydreaming.

    Could it be paralysis
    Could it be a internal switch
    May it be a sensory perception
    An rhythmic vibration
    A soothing transition of one conscious variable into another

    Ultimately we are trying to find out "why" we are not aware of this seemingly passive transition of mental space and time as it reverts to the physical reality we are connected to or are to remain connected to in a critical high stakes involved activity.

    We will identify that there are three different factors to help complete this understanding.
    "Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Physical Reality, and Mental Awareness"

    Lets Break it down:

    Are we aware of our consciousness?

    Are we aware of our consciousness in reality?

    Are we aware of our subconscious?

    Are we aware of our subconscious in action or actions?

    Are we aware of our subconsciousness in physical reality?

    Are we aware of our mental reality?

    Are we aware of our physical reality?

    Are we aware of our physical reality as it relates to the unfamiliar?

    Are we aware of our levels of awareness?

    I believe it is the last one we are trying to identify with..." Are we aware of "our" levels or focus of awareness as it relates to a combination of activities set in motion at varying moments in time.

    Where does our levels of mental awareness go when involved in more than two different activities?

    In Summary: I conclude to identifying it " with variables of different "DEGREES".

    1. Experience (x2) - How much knowledge about all variables in the activity. i.e (driving a car) (thinking thoughts)
    2. Time(x2) - Awareness of precise time needed in two non-relatable activities in the time of motion.
    (Driving car - looking down at phone - changing the radio station, - Deep in mental thought of alternate
    activities )
    3. Speed(x2) - Mental Awareness of speed, distance, time from distant objects or internal mental activities in two non-relatable activities.
    4. Awareness(x2) - Mental awareness of self, Physical awareness of reality, Unknown variables in reality. Unknown variables in mental consciousness.
    5. Focus(x2) - How mentally focus can you divert in relation including all above factors to 2 different activities in motion while they are happening?
    6. Conditions (x2) Of the two activities in motion at the specific time of action. The driving condition and the operators condition.
    7. Mental/Physical Functions (x2) - The car and all it's functions and operations needed / the person and all it's functions and operations needed.
    8. Conscious/ subconsciousness (x2) Driving car (Mental/Physical) - Changing radio station (Mental/ Physical/Emotional) - Deep in thought (Mental/Mental/Emotional)

    If you would think of "Degree" as a Binary code on a scale of 1-10 and 1 being the least consciously aware or 10 being the most heightened conscious ability and you gave each one of the above mentioned variable a level of degree depending on the activity, but there was only a specific amount, or number that could be distributed before the awareness in one of the variables decreased. But remember to give(2 ratings) Because they have and are two different activities. Could you see how this could affect the result, answer or final outcome? The max available output is a rate of 140 total.

    Not having enough relative and relatable experience with the varying degrees of variables of a car in motion, the surrounding factors, the conscious mental sensory perception of time, distance, speed which are all factors in the result.

    There are obvious limits to our conscious awareness of what physical active, reality or environment is affecting or influencing us.

    For example: An earthquake, Could you possibly know without instrumental devices when it will hit. Where you will be, what things around you could affect you. Ground opening up, Things falling off the walls, desk, shelves. What will hit you?

    People or walking or birds smacking into Glass, not because it's not there. That would be because of knowledge, perception or lack of perception or awareness of it's qualities that make it exist. Same as the air we breath.

    Weather it's sitting in a class listening to a lecture or driving a car down the highway to a familiar destination or just about to drift off from your mental awareness of physical self in a bed to a La La land of mental obscurity.

    Possibly because one does not exercise oneself in the discipline of mental control. The mind has no identifying boarders of awareness and lacks the experience of time as related to mental distractions. Perhaps irrational emotions or strong creative ideas are pulling our minds from the sensory perception of time needed engage or two objectives at the precise time needed to execute the desired outcome correctly. Maybe we are wrong about relaxing and that relaxing is a passive response of the subconscious diverting your mental conscious mind away from the physical reality. Isn't relaxing emotional because it feels good and isn't emotional irrational that is the playground of the subconscious mind? Maybe comfort or relaxing is an extreme state of the senses that fades our ability to define awareness in our immediate consciousness in the moments of different activities or realities.

    Time is also man made and is a form of measurement that is not accurate because we have not identified the expansive distance of time. So it is an obscured variable, that really is not relatable without

    Daydreaming is part of a mental function

    Driving is part of a mental function and a physical reality

    Awareness is part of a Mental function of both the physical reality and mental reality.

    Time and speed is the determining factor of an object in motion of where it is in reality.

    Function(s) of the object in motion creates the ability to control that object.

    I believe it does involve an equation where awareness and the mind has no real defining or precise sense of time. Or that time is so vast that identifying the conscious awareness of you in its vast reality of expansion is vibration-ally lost in some other greater mental space network we are connected or not connected to at the time of dual activities.

    I rest here as I am exhausted! And my conscious ability to conclude further depths of thought on this subject matter is... For lack of better words "Moot"... You can continue to figure it out from here!!! I've got to get on with my life, but well... this was fun!

    *** Please share your final thoughts, think I at least deserve that for trying... I would like to hear them. Cheers! :)
  • Solvedit
    We seem to be dancing around your question without being able to truly come to a concise conclusion. But Lets try....

    Lets keep in mind we have already identified "consciousness" and what consciousness is.

    Alright lets go for it! Lets tackle it head on... This undefined unidentifiable mystical gray area where the conscious awareness fades from the mental physical reality of one self in action and motion into a purely unintentional internal mental reality of thought or daydreaming.

    Could it be paralysis
    Could it be a internal switch
    May it be a sensory perception
    An rhythmic vibration
    A soothing transition of one conscious variable into another

    Ultimately we are trying to find out "why" we are not aware of this seemingly passive transition of mental space and time as it reverts to the physical reality we are connected to or are to remain connected to in a critical high stakes involved activity.

    We will identify that there are three different factors to help complete this understanding.
    "Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Physical Reality, and Mental Awareness"

    Lets Break it down:

    Are we aware of our consciousness?

    Are we aware of our consciousness in reality?

    Are we aware of our subconscious?

    Are we aware of our subconscious in action or actions?

    Are we aware of our subconsciousness in physical reality?

    Are we aware of our mental reality?

    Are we aware of our physical reality?

    Are we aware of our physical reality as it relates to the unfamiliar?

    Are we aware of our levels of awareness?

    I believe it is the last one we are trying to identify with..." Are we aware of "our" levels or focus of awareness as it relates to a combination of activities set in motion at varying moments in time.

    Where does our levels of mental awareness go when involved in more than two different activities?

    In Summary: I conclude to identifying it " with variables of different "DEGREES".

    1. Experience (x2) - How much knowledge about all variables in the activity. i.e (driving a car) (thinking thoughts)
    2. Time(x2) - Awareness of precise time needed in two non-relatable activities in the time of motion.
    (Driving car - looking down at phone - changing the radio station, - Deep in mental thought of alternate
    activities )
    3. Speed(x2) - Mental Awareness of speed, distance, time from distant objects or internal mental activities in two non-relatable activities.
    4. Awareness(x2) - Mental awareness of self, Physical awareness of reality, Unknown variables in reality. Unknown variables in mental consciousness.
    5. Focus(x2) - How mentally focus can you divert in relation including all above factors to 2 different activities in motion while they are happening?
    6. Conditions (x2) Of the two activities in motion at the specific time of action. The driving condition and the operators condition.
    7. Mental/Physical Functions (x2) - The car and all it's functions and operations needed / the person and all it's functions and operations needed.
    8. Conscious/ subconsciousness (x2) Driving car (Mental/Physical) - Changing radio station (Mental/ Physical/Emotional) - Deep in thought (Mental/Mental/Emotional)

    If you would think of "Degree" as a Binary code on a scale of 1-10 and 1 being the least consciously aware or 10 being the most heightened conscious ability and you gave each one of the above mentioned variable a level of degree depending on the activity, but there was only a specific amount, or number that could be distributed before the awareness in one of the variables decreased. But remember to give(2 ratings) Because they have and are two different activities. Could you see how this could affect the result, answer or final outcome? The max available output is a rate of 140 total.

    Not having enough relative and relatable experience with the varying degrees of variables of a car in motion, the surrounding factors, the conscious mental sensory perception of time, distance, speed which are all factors in the result.

    There are obvious limits to our conscious awareness of what physical active, reality or environment is affecting or influencing us.

    For example: An earthquake, Could you possibly know without instrumental devices when it will hit. Where you will be, what things around you could affect you. Ground opening up, Things falling off the walls, desk, shelves. What will hit you?

    People or walking or birds smacking into Glass, not because it's not there. That would be because of knowledge, perception or lack of perception or awareness of it's qualities that make it exist. Same as the air we breath.

    Weather it's sitting in a class listening to a lecture or driving a car down the highway to a familiar destination or just about to drift off from your mental awareness of physical self in a bed to a La La land of mental obscurity.

    Possibly because one does not exercise oneself in the discipline of mental control. The mind has no identifying boarders of awareness and lacks the experience of time as related to mental distractions. Perhaps irrational emotions or strong creative ideas are pulling our minds from the sensory perception of time needed engage or two objectives at the precise time needed to execute the desired outcome correctly. Maybe we are wrong about relaxing and that relaxing is a passive response of the subconscious diverting your mental conscious mind away from the physical reality. Isn't relaxing emotional because it feels good and isn't emotional irrational that is the playground of the subconscious mind? Maybe comfort or relaxing is an extreme state of the senses that fades our ability to define awareness in our immediate consciousness in the moments of different activities or realities.

    Time is also man made and is a form of measurement that is not accurate because we have not identified the expansive distance of time. So it is an obscured variable, that really is not relatable without

    Daydreaming is part of a mental function

    Driving is part of a mental function and a physical reality

    Awareness is part of a Mental function of both the physical reality and mental reality.

    Time and speed is the determining factor of an object in motion of where it is in reality.

    Function(s) of the object in motion creates the ability to control that object.

    I believe it does involve an equation where awareness and the mind has no real defining or precise sense of time. Or that time is so vast that identifying the conscious awareness of you in its vast reality of expansion is vibration-ally lost in some other greater mental space network we are connected or not connected to at the time of dual activities.

    I rest here as I am exhausted! And my conscious ability to conclude further depths of thought on this subject matter is... For lack of better words "Moot"... You can continue to figure it out from here!!! I've got to get on with my life, but well... this was fun!

    *** Please share your final thoughts, think I at least deserve that for trying... I would like to hear them. Cheers! :)

    11 hours ago
  • 3017amen

    I hope you had a great weekend Solvedit! Thank you for that careful analysis. As we both know explaining consciousness or conscious states of Being is very much a reductionist challenge to say the least. There is a lot to unpack, but let's take one at a time.

    I agree, here's where we have agreement; you said:

    "Are we aware of our levels of awareness?

    I believe it is the last one we are trying to identify with..." Are we aware of "our" levels or focus of awareness as it relates to a combination of activities set in motion at varying moments in time.

    Where does our levels of mental awareness go when involved in more than two different activities?"

    Solvedit, as we know self-consciousness and self-awareness is generally thought of as the big distinction between us and lower life forms. It's still a mystery in and of itself. But it is that very existential thing, that creates the kinds of contradictions I've been trying to explain. For example, consider the following statements:

    Socrates: "What Plato is about to say is false."
    Plato: "Socrates has just spoken truly."

    Which statement is true?
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