• NOS4A2

    Does you always speak in questions?
  • Paine

    Do you always deflect from challenges by not answering questions?
  • NOS4A2

    Do you always deflect from challenges by not answering questions?

    What challenge?
  • Paine

    You have the attention span of your hero.
  • NOS4A2

    I showed you a connection between the very wealthy and the political class, and you bring up Trump. That’s something Biden would do.
  • Mikie
    I see NOS has put everyone to sleep on this thread. Nice.
  • NOS4A2
    Bragg’s current prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, previously served as acting associate attorney general in Biden’s Justice Department and also led New York Attorney General Letitia James’s civil inquiry into Trump. He’s Biden’s hatchet man.

    Add this to the fact that the judge’s daughter received millions from the Biden/harris campaign, is it just not possible to find someone in the justice system who is impartial, and not a Biden/obama stooge with a vested interest in Trump’s conviction?
  • 180 Proof
    And yet non sequiturs even if true, dude, because Criminal Defendant-1 is conspicuously guilty AF. :victory: :lol:
  • NOS4A2

    It is true. Not only that but it’s a made up crime that no one has ever been charged with. They have to make up crimes in order to feed their fantasy that the man is a criminal. It’s glorious. No wonder trust in these institutions is falling, and I’m all for it.
  • Lionino
    He routinely makes a mockery of his own "faith." He made the sign of the cross at an abortion rally a few days ago. He stands for nothing. He is neither mentally not physically fit to hold office yet the Democrats bolster him up while others run the show.BitconnectCarlos

    Well, he clearly has dementia or something related.

    non sequiturs180 Proof

    sequuntur :up:
  • BitconnectCarlos

    It bothers me that I don't quite know who runs the show. He's just so weak at a time when we need anything but a weak leader.
  • Lionino
    It bothers me that I don't quite know who runs the show.BitconnectCarlos

    You don't know who runs the show even when the president is mentally sane. In 2020, the ultra-fascist Trump "let" BLM riots burn down entire cities, he "let" antifa young adults take over a neighbourhood of Seattle where the government could not get in.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    I see NOS has put everyone to sleep on this thread. Nice.Mikie

    The Lounge is where I go to take the edge off the day with a good lullaby.

    The only thing an educated person can do politically is glorify and aggrandize the state, or disguise their statism as social and political philosophy, which is the direct consequence of their state education.

    In any case, I’d love to see an educated refutation of any one of the aforementioned political stances, morally and socially, if you care to try.

    Thanks NOS, I slept well for four days after that one. Have you ever heard of voting?
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    "Rockabye baby on the tree top ... down will come baby cradle and all".

    Moral of the story: sleep with one eye open.
  • Relativist
    Bragg’s current prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, previously served as acting associate attorney general in Biden’s Justice Department and also led New York Attorney General Letitia James’s civil inquiry into Trump. He’s Biden’s hatchet man.

    Add this to the fact that the judge’s daughter received millions from the Biden/harris campaign, is it just not possible to find someone in the justice system who is impartial, and not a Biden/obama stooge with a vested interest in Trump’s conviction?
    I seem to recall you complaining about media propoganda, and yet here you are- regurgitating (right-wing) media propoganda.
  • NOS4A2

    Thanks NOS, I slept well for four days after that one. Have you ever heard of voting?

    No problem, pal.

    Yes, I’ve heard of voting. Isn’t that what educated people do?

    I seem to recall you complaining about media propoganda, and yet here you are- regurgitating (right-wing) media propoganda.

    I learned about Colangelo from the New York Times and Merchan’s daughter from a gagged Donald Trump. One place you won’t hear of it is in your little echo chamber.
  • creativesoul
    More rhetoric straight from the lips of the disinformation campaign...

    ...the irony.
  • Relativist
    I learned about Colangelo from the New York Times and Merchan’s daughter from a gagged Donald Trump. One place you won’t hear of it is in your little echo chamber.NOS4A2
    I seriously doubt the NY Times called Colangelo Biden's "hatchet man". I read similar claims on the Fox News website.(part of my "bubble", I guess).

    Regarding the use of Trump for information, that's probably the least credible source one could use. Are you also upset that the gag order prevents him from testifying? :lol:

    Loren Merchand's company has certainly made millions from Dem candidates, but she's not involved in Trump's legal case. The ethics board ruled her business constituted no conflict of interest for the judge, which was perfectly appropriate. Of course, Trump will nevertheless seize every opportunity to attack.
  • NOS4A2

    You read more Fox news than I do. Have you never heard of the phrase "hatchet man"?

    It surprised me too that I had to learn about the conflict of interest from the defendant in the trial. Where did you learn of it?

    Even the appearance of a conflict of interest should be enough for a judge to recuse himself, preferably to a judge whose kids do not benefit from Trump's conviction.
  • Relativist
    Have you never heard of the phrase "hatchet man"?NOS4A2
    You're deflecting. But thanks for sharing your opinion about the judge. FYI: I disagree.
  • NOS4A2

    Of course you disagree. It's enough for me to know that you're now finally informed of the matter.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Yes, I’ve heard of voting. Isn’t that what educated people do?NOS4A2

    Oddly enough, voting is not just limited to those who are educated. Now, it has been argued that a certain degree of education ought to be mandatory, but that would be discriminatory. So... we get the problem described by Plato, being a successful candidate is like offering candy to children.
  • Relativist
    I was already aware the actual facts, as well as the Trumpist spin.

    As I've mentioned before, I think the prosecution's legal basis is weak, so there's a good chance of overturning it on appeal. But the coverage of the case provides a good reminder of Trump's sleazy character (irrespective of the legality).
  • NOS4A2

    Oddly enough, voting is not just limited to those who are educated. Now, it has been argued that a certain degree of education ought to be mandatory, but that would be discriminatory. So... we get the problem described by Plato, being a successful candidate is like offering candy to children.

    Very true. Buying votes with promises is one means to edge out the other guy. But really the only reason people vote is for astronomical reasons, because the earth has spun on its axis 1460 times. So at least they know how to count.

    As I've mentioned before, I think the prosecution's legal basis is weak, so there's a good chance of overturning it on appeal. But the coverage of the case provides a good reminder of Trump's sleazy character (irrespective of the legality).

    That, I think, was the point all along: a campaign favor for Trump's opponents. What else could explain why they waited past the statute of limitations so that it could happen as close to election as possible? It's the corruption of the justice system for another smear job, not unlike the one which defrauded the American people in 2016. So now we all get to talk about the Access Hollywood tape again, which appears to be the only play they have.

    But thankfully it has revealed an even sleazier element, for instance the extortion of Trump devised by Cohen and the porn star's lawyer. Given their claim to moral superiority, it rings kind of odd that the anti-Trumpists have pinned their hopes and dreams on the porn stars and perjurers and the corrupt New York justice system.
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    But really the only reason people vote is for astronomical reasons, because the earth has spun on its axis 1460 times. So at least they know how to count.NOS4A2

    Faulty conclusion. If someone tells you the earth has spun on its axis 1460 times, therefore it's time for you to go and vote, so you do, this does not mean that you know how to count.
  • Relativist
    That, I think, was the point all along: a campaign favor for Trump's opponents. What else could explain why they waited past the statute of limitations so that it could happen as close to election as possible?NOS4A2
    The state waited because the feds told them to stand down, because they were investigating. The federal investigation stopped when Biden took office. Many of the investigators were pissed, and pressured Bragg to indict Trump (e.g Mark Pomerantz wrote a book about Trump's financial crimes- and this got the public's attention). DA is an elected position, so this constituted political pressure.

    As you know, it is the misdemeanor that has passed the statute of limitations. Trump is charged with a felony, based on the fraud being associated with another crime. So although there was a political element to the decision to prosecute, there do seem to have been actual felonies.

    If he's found guilty, the appeals court may rule that he would need to have been indicted for those "other crimes", although that's not stated in the statute. There's a smaller vulnerability that one of the "other crimes" is a federal crime, so the appeals court may decide it must be a state crime. However, there is also state election law that tracks the same act.

    In the meantime, it's still an interesting case to watch, as Trump continues to flout the law.
  • NOS4A2

    Yes, I've read the indictment. What's missing is the alleged other crime. There is none. Both the DOJ and the FEC examined the case and no charges were brought. So will you hazard a guess as to what the other crime may have been, federal or otherwise?

    Oh no! Trump wrote down "legal fees"!

    So it's even worse, a misdemeanor book-keeping error past its statute of limitations made to look like a felony in the furtherance of another crime, but there is no other crime. It just shows the absurd lengths they are willing to go to in order to further their fantasy that Trump is some big criminal, a lie they've been regurgitating to themselves for years now. They're literally making up laws and novel legal theories to take down their political opponent. That's how you flout the law.
  • Relativist
    So will you hazard a guess as to what the other crime may have been, federal or otherwise?NOS4A2
    Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass said in court that one of the crimes Trump intended to commit was a conspiracy to promote or prevent an election. Here's the law:

    Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

    Both the DOJ and the FEC examined the case and no charges were brought.NOS4A2
    Exercise of prosecutorial discretion does not mean a crime wasn't committed.
  • NOS4A2

    Another misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations. Here we are 8-years later. This whole case is the real crime.
  • Relativist
    Another misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations.NOS4A2
    Irrelevant. The charge for falsifying business records rises to a felony because it allegedly entailed intent to commit the conpiracy crime. The statute of limitations explains why he wasn't indicted for that conspiracy crime.

    I know you feel the indictment shouldn't have been made, but I hope you at least see there's a legal basis for it.
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