• BC
    What happens is that you become a disembodied mind drifting invisibly somewhere in the dim, dusty, dark matter-cluttered cosmos. The contents of your once embodied mind survive death, and whatever was there at the moment of death is all you will have for the 1000 year duration of your disembodied existence.

    What is the upshot of this situation?

    Whatever you had when you died is the cud you will be chewing on for the duration (which is 1000 very, very slowly passing years, after which you abruptly dissipate (because god is slightly merciful). No, you will not meet god. He has his own problems to deal with. No devil, no heaven, no hell, just whatever was between you ears when you dropped dead.

    I advise this:

    Get busy and start reading as much as you can! Listen to as much music as possible, see as many movies, have as much sex, eat as many delicious foods, etc. as you can. in other words, load up with as much baggage as you can hold because you will be taking it with you. If you have filled your mind with crap, then that is what you are going to be thinking about for 1000 years.

    There are no bookstores, media outlets, fine restaurants (or bad ones either), or sex organs after death. You will not be able to fill the tank once you are dead. No conversations allowed, either. (No mouths to speak, no ears to hear, no telepathy either, just in case you thought you'd be able to tap into somebody else's supply.)

    I was informed that there are a lot of disembodied minds out there absolutely desperately craving SOMETHING to think about. What would they give for a sleazy tabloid or the worst novel ever written! Anything!

    BTW, if you think existence is pointless now, just wait! If you have a sour, negative outlook, you would do well to get into attitude class pretty damn quick. 1000 years is a long time to be peeved.
  • Noble Dust

    What happened to "Against All Nihilism", or whatever?
  • BC
    Nothing happened to it. What's pessimistic about "eat, drink, be merry, and learn as much as you can while you have the opportunity, lest your life after death be the worst possible boring drag imaginable"?

    You should be working on Tolstoy. Trollope, or an unabridged dictionary right now. Just shove it in while you still have time!!!
  • Noble Dust
    What's pessimistic about "eat, drink, be merry, and learn as much as you can while you have the opportunity, lest your life after death be the worst possible drag"?Bitter Crank

    There's nothing pessimistic about "eat, drink, and be merry"; but "shove it all in while you can!" is basically nihilism personified.
  • BC
    Nonsense. It's a prudent investment in content.

    Maybe you misunderstood. Read "shove" as "shovel"; shovel in as much as you can. The separate etymologies of shove and shovel is one of those things you can think about after death.
  • BC
    Bullshit he says. It's no more unsensible than other schemes of what happens after one dies. You, for instance, will be among the last to be bored, since you have a well stuffed mind, or at least it looks like that at a distance.
  • Noble Dust

    Well sure, my response, "bullshit", is just as probable as your entire OP, since no one knows what happens after death. Is that your point?
  • BC
    A sense of humor will help you pass the time during those 1000 years.
  • Noble Dust
    Maybe you misunderstood. Read "shove" as "shovel"; shovel in as much as you can. The separate etymologies of shove and shovel is one of those things you can think about after death.Bitter Crank

    Thanks for the edit here; I did read "shove" as "shovel", hence my use of "shove" in my initial comment....
  • Noble Dust

    Which 1000 years? I have a sense of humor, but it doesn't manifest itself when confronted with bullshit.
  • BC
    You just have to grab the bull by the tail and face the situation.
  • Noble Dust
    You, for instance, will be among the last to be bored, since you have a well stuffed mind, or at least it looks like that at a distance.Bitter Crank

    Again with these edits, as I re-read. Are you just placating me here? Or is this some fodder to make your case look better? I really don't know.
  • BC
    Of course I have your best interests at heart, so I improve the quality of my prose to strew as few stumbling blocks in your path as possible.
  • Noble Dust

    You probably assume, via the avatars of BC and myself, that we're two old men bickering about chess pieces. I'll dispose you of that false notion right now by letting you know that one of us is a phony, in that regard.
  • BC
    Which 1000 years?Noble Dust

    What do you mean, "which 1000 years"? I've only mentioned 1 millennial stretch.
  • Noble Dust

    I mean witch ever 1,000 years you originally mentioned; I can't adequately answer your question, because I too don't know which 1,000 years you were referring to...
  • BC
    You're not paying attention. There is no heaven, as well as no media outlets or bookstores, fine restaurants, or sex organs. That's why you need to store up as many memories as you can now. Have you read Thackeray? Dostoyevsky? Are you having as much sex as possible so that you will have as many happy memories as possible? Are you eating up-market and better tasting hot dogs?
  • BC
    The disembodied mind operates for 1000 years starting with the moment of death -- no options on that. It's 1000 years whether you like it or not. Then poof! You finally disappear, forever. After 1000 years, you'll be grateful for nothingness.
  • Noble Dust

    Why would my possible death be reason to assume I should follow BC's advice? And what specifically made you think my avatar should lead to my inherent death?
  • Noble Dust

    So this thread is a joke? I was playing the joker and the philosopher at the same time, as I always do, because I thought there was something real here to be discussed.
  • BC
    I'm pretty sure that in the conventional heaven which people imagine, there are no gonads or orifices of excretion. White clouds, white robes, white feathers, harps, trumpets... God wouldn't want us getting feces, urine, and other excretions all over everything. And we would, because that's what happens without proper bathrooms, and I just don't see toilets and plumbing in heaven. Which doesn't exist, anyway.
  • BC
    So this thread is a joke?Noble Dust

    Bell rings in the lounge. Edit for clarity for Noble Dust: Ding!
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