• Banno
    I can push my book here on the desk without knowing anything about time, and it moves. If I measured time it took to move from one side to the other end, I know the time. But otherwise, time is not involved in the movement at all.Corvus

    Rubbish. Moving the book will take time, whether you know it or not.
  • Corvus
    I don't know - indeed, the question may well be useless. We don't need to know where time comes form in order to understand that force and energy involve time. What we might seek is consistency.Banno

    Time is an extra variable to calculate the value of energy, but for the movement of the object, it doesn't get involved at all. The object moves quite happily without knowing anything about time.
  • Corvus
    Rubbish. Moving the book will take time, whether you know it or not.Banno

    If we don't know anything about time, does time exist?
  • Banno
    Time is an extra variable to calculate the value of energy, but for the movement of the object, it doesn't get involved at all. The object moves quite happily without knowing anything about time.Corvus
    This shows a deep misunderstanding of both movement, and knowledge.

    Movement involves an object being in one location at a given time, and at another location at another time. Hence movement involves time.

    And some things are true, even if they are not known.

    If we don't know anything about time, does time exist?Corvus
    You might not know anything about time, but the rest of us have quite a good understanding.
  • Corvus
    This shows a deep misunderstanding of both movement, and knowledge.

    Movement involves an object being in one location at a given time, and at another location at another time. Hence movement involves time.
    If you only measure it.

    And some things are true, even if they are not known.Banno
    We are talking about time here. What is something?

    You might not know anything about time, but the rest of us have quite a good understanding.Banno
    Wrong answer. Not talking about me here. The question was if you don't know anything about time, does time exist?
  • Banno
    If you only measure it.Corvus
    No. If an object has moved, then it is in a different location at a different time. That's what "movement" is.

    The question was if you don't know anything about time, does time exist?Corvus
    We do know things about time. Quite a bit. Including that, contrary to your OP, it exists.
  • Corvus
    No. If an object has moved, then it is in a different location at a different time. That's what "movement" is.Banno
    Movement doesn't care about time, but it still happens. You get the time value when you measure it with the stop watch.

    We do know things about time. Quite a bit. Including that, contrary to your OP, it exists.Banno
    What do you know about time? Please tell us.
  • Banno
    Movement doesn't care about time...Corvus
    A category error. Caring is not the sort of thing that movement does. Movement does require time.

    You get the time value when you measure it with the stop watch.Corvus
    Yes. You seem to think this implies that time only occurs when measured. That does not follow.

    What do you know about time? Please tell us.Corvus
  • Corvus
    A category error. Caring is not the sort of thing that movement does. Movement does require time.Banno
    If movement was from human or animals, then the mover don't care about time for movement. Mover still moves. Movement still happens. Caring was a bit of metaphor, but you don't seem to understand it.

    Yes. You seem to think this implies that time only occurs when measured. That does not follow.Banno
    How else do you get the time value without measuring? You seem to be now stepping into mysticism.

  • Banno
    If movement was from human or animals, then the mover don't care about time for movement. Mover still moves. Movement still happens. Caring was a bit of metaphor, but you don't seem to understand it.Corvus
    What has any of this to do with the definition of movement? An object moves if it is at a different place at a different time. Hence movement involves time. Talking of "care" here is a category error.

    How else do you get the time value without measuringCorvus
    Presumably if you have a value for the time passed, then you have made a measurement. But that does not imply that without a measurement there is no time. Time may pass, unmeasured.

    So you understood my "Later". It seems you do know something about time, despite your protestations to the contrary.
  • Corvus
    What has any of this to do with the definition of movement? An object moves if it is at a different place at a different time. Hence movement involves time. Talking of "care" here is a category error.Banno
    It wasn't about definition of movement. It was a statement that movement happens without time. Mover doesn't care about time, but still moves.

    Presumably if you have a value for the time passed, then you have made a measurement. But that does not imply that without a measurement there is no time. Time may pass, unmeasured.Banno
    But you didn't get any accurate useable time value apart from "passed". What's the point?

    So you understood my "Later". It seems you do know something about time, despite your protestations to the contrary.Banno
    Time is a concept. "Later" means some future, which is an element of the set of time. I never protested about anything.

    I just said you seem to be talking wrong things not even reading or understanding the posts that you were supposed to reply to, and keep giving out wrong answers, and then in deep illusion that I was protesting about something. I was just answering to your questions, because you seem to be curious about the topic of time.
  • Banno
    It wasn't about definition of movement. It was a statement that movement happens without time. Mover doesn't care about time, but still moves.Corvus
    Movement presupposes time. Movement is being at one place at one time, and another place at another time. The claim that movement does not involve time involves a misunderstanding of movement.

    But you didn't get any accurate useable time value apart from "passed".Corvus
    So what. If there is a past, then time has passed, and therefore time exists.

    "Later" means some future, which is an element of the set of time.Corvus
    You seem to know quite a bit about time. Odd, if it doesn't exist.

    What I have done here is show that saying time does not exist leads to quite a few inconsistencies. Specifically, today, I have shown that movement, force and energy all involve time.

    If you think my answers are wrong, it might be becasue you are asking the wrong questions.

    Going back to the OP, this:
    Time doesn't exist.Corvus
    has been shown to lead to inconsistency.
  • Corvus
    Movement presupposes time. Movement is being at one place at one time, and another place at another time. The claim that movement does not involve time involves a misunderstanding of movement.Banno
    So how did rocks fall down from the hill to the river before invention of time?

    So what. If there is a past, then time has passed, and therefore time exists.Banno
    Can you access the past? Is the word "passed" useful for time value?

    You seem to know quite a bit about time. Odd, if it doesn't exist.Banno
    Time is a concept. Later is a word to mean future. It is not time itself. It is a word. Your misunderstanding seems to be coming from mistaking a word as time. They are not the same. Anyhow, you say it exists. Please demonstrate and prove it exists.

    What I have done here is show that saying time does not exist leads to quite a few inconsistencies. Specifically, today, I have shown that movement, force and energy all involve time.

    If you think my answers are wrong, it might be becasue you are asking the wrong questions.
    As said, the original point I was talking about was why the objects move. But you came up with the whole loads of strawman wasting much time talking about the irrelevant details coming from misunderstanding the words as time.

    Going back to the OP, this:
    Time doesn't exist.
    — Corvus
    has been shown to lead to inconsistency.
    It wasn't inconsistency. It was an assumption of the OP.
    Demonstrate and prove time exists.
  • Banno
    So how did rocks fell down from the hill to the river before invention of time?Corvus
    Time wasn't invented.

    Can you access the past?Corvus
    Yep. I am here replying to your post, made in the past, while you are reading this thread, after I wrote it.

    Is the word "passed" useful for time value?Corvus
    Most certainly. "Past" even more so.

    Time is a concept. Later is a word to mean future. Demonstrate and prove it exists.Corvus
    You've said "time is a concept" several times, as if that meant something. You have demonstrated that you understand the concept. Asking for further proof is superfluous. But I might offer more, some time...

    As said, the original point I was talking about was why the objects move. But you came up with the whole loads of strawman wasting much time talking about the irrelevant details.Corvus
    You said
    Objects move because of energy or force, not because of time.Corvus
    And I have shown this to be in error by demonstrating that movement, force and energy all presuppose time. There is no movement, force or energy unless there is time.

    Demonstrate and prove time exists.Corvus
    Already done.
  • Corvus
    Time wasn't invented.Banno
    I asked you but you never answered. Where did time come from, if not invented?

    Yep. I am here replying to your post, made in the past, while you are reading this thread, after I wrote it.Banno
    That is archive of the post, not the past itself.

    Most certainly. "Past" even more so.Banno
    It is just a word. It is meaningless on its own. You should know that, if you studied language.

    You've said "time is a concept" several times, as if that meant something. You have demonstrated that you understand the concept. Asking for further proof is superfluous. But I might offer more, some time...Banno
    It is my inference so far, but it might change. Hence the OP was launched for debates. The OP is not about consistency or inconsistency, truth or falsity. OPs start with assumptions for further discussions and coming to possible conclusions.

    You said
    Objects move because of energy or force, not because of time.
    — Corvus
    And I have shown this to be in error by demonstrating that movement, force and energy all presuppose time. There is no movement, force or energy unless there is time.
    I have explained to you with the examples why movements and movers don't need time, but still move.
    Time only appears when you measure it.

    Demonstrate and prove time exists.
    — Corvus
    Already done.
    You seem to think words and numbers are time. Surely your understanding of time is incorrect.
    You need to first explain what "existence" "exists" means, and then explain what time is, and why time exists.
  • Banno
    I asked you but you never answered. Where did time come from, if not invented?Corvus
    I did answer, quite directly:
    I don't know...Banno

    It is just a word. It is meaningless on its own. You should know that, if you studied language.Corvus
    It has a sense, it has a use. You know that.

    The OP is not about consistency or inconsistency, truth or falsity.Corvus

    I have explained to you with the examples why movements and movers don't need time, but still move.
    Time only appears when you measure it.
    And i have given you counter arguments that show that movement requires time. The very notion of movement requires a different location at a different time. And I have shown that your conclusion "Time only appears when you measure it", does not follow from your argument.

    You seem to think words and numbers are time.Corvus

    You need to first explain what "existence" "exists" means, and then explain what time is, and why time exists.Corvus
    I've no idea what you might mean here by "existence" exists - sure the word "existence" exists... surely you are not suggesting otherwise? In the past I've given you many examples that show what time is. I can give you more, later. I just gave you another.
  • Corvus
    I did answer, quite directly:
    I don't know...
    — Banno
    Then to say," time exists" and "movement requires time." are groundless claims.

    It has a sense, it has a use. You know that.Banno
    Only if you further clarify what you meant by it. A word itself doesn't mean anything, or it can mean many different things.

    And i have given you counter arguments that show that movement requires time. The very notion of movement requires a different location at a different time. And I have shown that your conclusion "Time only appears when you measure it", does not follow from your argument.Banno
    It sounds like your counter argument is coming from your psychological state or appeal to authority.
    According to your counter arguments, all the cavemen before invention of time couldn't have moved to hunt, and no rocks fell down the river, and no rivers flowed due to no time.


    I've no idea what you might mean here by "existence" exists - sure the word "existence" exists... surely you are not suggesting otherwise? In the past I've given you many examples that show what time is. I can give you more, later. I just gave you another.Banno
    "existence" and "exists" are both in the quotation marks meaning they are different words. The former is a noun and the latter is a verb. Wasn't it obvious?
    You never said what time is, and why time exists. You never explained what "existence" and "exists" means either. These concepts needs to be defined objectively and agreed for the validity, before you can assert "Time exists."

    Pointing to the old postings, and claiming "Time exists" is not a proof or definition of time.
  • Banno
    Then to say," time exists" and "movement requires time." are groundless claims.Corvus
    Rubbish. You know what time is, despite your claims to the contrary. And you know what movement is, despite your claims that it does not require time.

    Only if you further clarify what you meant by it. A word itself doesn't mean anything, or it can mean many different things.Corvus
    "Past"? Or "Passed"? Either way, you are flummoxing. You know what both of these are. The time for saying otherwise has passed, and your OP is in the past.

    It sounds like your counter argument is coming from your psychological state or appeal to authority.Corvus
    More rubbish. Movement requires that the object that moves is in one place at one time, and at another place at another time. Therefore it requires time. You haven't addressed this. And it has nothing to do with psychological states or authority. GO ahead and give a different definition, if you can, that does not presuppose time.

    According to your counter arguments, all the cavemen before invention of time couldn't have moved to hunt, and no rocks fell down the river, and no rivers flowed due to no time.Corvus
    What twaddle. Again, time was not "invented". Nor does my argument imply any such thing. Present an argument, rather than making tangential assertions, if you can.

    You never said what time is, and why time exists. You never explained what "existence" and "exists" means either. These concepts needs to be defined objectively and agreed for the validity, before you can assert "Time exists."Corvus
    Despite what you say here, you have shown that you understand "past", "passed", "future", "Later" and so on. In that very paragraph you make use of the notion of "never" in a temporal context. We use these words effectively, and understand their use. Your every post shows the inadequacy of your contention that time is not understood and does not exist. You will, in due time, reply to this post, and in that very act you will show that you are mistaken that time does not exist.
  • Corvus
    Rubbish. You know what time is, despite your claims to the contrary. And you know what movement is, despite your claims that it does not require time.Banno
    You confirmed that you don't know anything about time. Remember your own posting?
    I did answer, quite directly:
    I don't know...
    — Banno

    "Past"? Or "Passed"? Either way, you are flummoxing. You know what both of these are. The time for saying otherwise has passed, and your OP is in the past.Banno
    Past what? What has passed? Words themselves don't mean much. They have to be in correct grammar, and must have proper objects they refer to in the real world, to be meaningful.

    More rubbish. Movement requires that the object that moves is in one place at one time, and at another place at another time. Therefore it requires time. You haven't addressed this. And it has nothing to do with psychological states or authority. GO ahead and give a different definition, if you can, that does not presuppose time.Banno
    Only if you believe time is needed. Without knowing anything about time. movements still occurs, and movers move.

    What twaddle. Again, time was not "invented". Nor does my argument imply any such thing. Present an argument, rather than making tangential assertions, if you can.Banno
    You seem to be denying the official historic facts here. The first record of time was 4241 BC in Egypt or Sumerian region. Are you saying, time was handed down by God or time crashed into the earth from the outer space?

    Despite what you say here, you have shown that you understand "past", "passed", "future", "Later" and so on. In that very paragraph you make use of the notion of "never" in a temporal context. We use these words effectively, and understand their use.Banno
    This is what I meant. Your idea of time comes from idea of words. You think words are time. This is not true, and it is a grave misunderstanding of time and even the words.

    You will, in due time, reply to this post, and in that very act you will show that you are mistaken that time does not exist.Banno
    More misunderstanding here. You seem to think past archive is time. We have record of postings which we can refer to. The archives are the objects. They are not time. I am not saying time exists or doesn't exist yet, as you seem to be imagining. I am saying there are many aspects to consider in time. It is not a simple and naive topic saying the words are time, and the use of the words are time.
  • L'éléphant
    Time doesn't exist. Only space and objects exist.Corvus
    Therefore, time exists.
  • Corvus
    Therefore, time exists.L'éléphant

    Prove it. Tell us what time is first.
  • L'éléphant
    Prove it. Tell us what time is first.Corvus
    The duration of time that it took you to respond to my post coincided with the beating of my pulse, in seconds.
  • Corvus
    The duration of time that it took you to respond to my post coincided with the beating of my pulse, in seconds.L'éléphant

    What do you mean by the duration of time? We are talking about time here. Duration of time sounds unclear. What is the relationship between duration and time? Or are they same?

    I am trying to see good arguments on the existence of time. I am not saying your description of time is right or wrong at this stage.
  • Banno
    You confirmed that you don't know anything about time.Corvus
    You are being quite carelss. You asked:
    Where did time come from then?Corvus
    To which I replied:
    I don't know - indeed, the question may well be useless.Banno
    Not that we do not know anything about time. Others will understand that one might well knwo something of a topic, yet not everything.
    Words themselves don't mean much.Corvus
    You have used this phrase several times. We are here making use of words in a context, with purposes; these are not words themselves, whatever that might mean. You do use "past", "present" and "future" correctly, so it is evident that despite your claims to the contrary you do understand what time is, and further your use of temporal language demonstrates that you believe time exists, despite your inconsistent assertions.

    Only if you believe time is needed. Without knowing anything about time. movements still occurs, and movers move.Corvus
    You need time. It separates out each of your responses, one from the other. And again, movement, force, energy and the other physical concepts of which you make use each require that there be time in which they might occur. Movement still occurs without knowing anything about time, becasue time exists regardless of our knowing about it. It is somewhere in this that your confusion inheres. you somehow have convinced yourself that time requires mind, perhaps form misunderstanding Kant or @Wayfarer, and have worked your way into a right mess.

    You seem to be denying the official historic facts here. The first record of time was 4241 BC in Egypt or Sumerian region. Are you saying, time was handed down by God or time crashed into the earth from the outer space?Corvus
    You claim that there was no time before time was measured. No 4242 BC. That's ridiculous. The reasons were given previously.

    Your idea of time comes from idea of words.Corvus
    Not at all. You and I are both embedded in time, existing in time regardless of words or ideas or concepts. You show this by the very fact that you reply to these posts one after the other. Time exists. You will demonstrate this yet again when you reply to this post, after I post it.

    I am not saying time exists or doesn't exist yet, as you seem to be imagining.Corvus
    You have expressed a most confused and contrary view of the nature of time, that is bellied by your actions as well as by your words. Makes for a fun thread. But perhaps not for you.
  • Banno
    I am trying to see good arguments on the existence of time.Corvus
    On the contrary, the arguments are before you, but your confusion forbids you recognising them.

    Again, you post one reply after the other.
  • Wayfarer
    perhaps form misunderstanding Kant...Banno

    My understanding is not that time doesn't exist, but that it has an ineluctably subjective aspect. Meaning that the reality of time is not solely objective but is in some basic sense subject-dependent. Whereas, as I'm discussing in another thread, we're accustomed to regarding only what is objective as fully real. What is subjective is usually relegated to the personal.

    It (i.e. time) needs human mind to exist. Are we being extreme idealists here?Corvus

    My view is that this is not extreme.
  • Banno
    Fair enough. What might be said is that our knowledge of time - indeed, our knowledge of anything - has a "subjective" component in that knowing requires a mind. The mistake is to supose that therefore time requires a mind. That's your step too far, yet again.

    The confusion to which that view contributes is well shown in this thread.
  • Wayfarer
    I’d like to differentiate myself from the thread owner. And the so-called ‘step too far’ you keep accusing of me is nothing of the kind. It is plainly impossible to consider any sense of time without a scale or units of duration in mind. What time might be, or indeed anything might be, in the absence of any mind whatever, can a fortiori never be known.
  • Banno
    I’d like to differentiate myself from the thread owner.Wayfarer
    Sure. Your account is much more sophisticated and much more coherent. But there are similarities.

    It is plainly impossible to consider any sense of time without a scale or units of duration in mind.Wayfarer
    Yep. And yet time might pass, unnoticed. (My emphasis. What we consider to be the case and what is indeed the case are not the very same.)

    What time might be, or indeed anything might be, in the absence of any mind whatever, can a fortiori never be known.Wayfarer
    And yet some go a step further, as in this thread, and insist that time does not exist, when at most they can only conclude that they can say nothing.
  • Janus
    What do you know about time? Please tell us.
    — Corvus

    Nice :lol: I can almost guarantee he won't get it.

    What time might be, or indeed anything might be, in the absence of any mind whatever, can a fortiori never be known.
    — Wayfarer
    And yet some go a step further, as in this thread, and insist that time does not exist, when at most they can only conclude that they can say nothing.

    Yes, this is indeed the "step too far"—saying that we cannot know anything about anything without the mind (well, duh!) and then concluding that therefore nothing exists without the mind. The epitome of tendentiously motivated thinking!
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