• Carlo Roosen
    I am here with a mission. I thought my mission was only to save humanity from self-destruction, by building an AI with super-human intelligence (SHAI). Today I understand that, before I can even begin, I will have to get philosophy back on track. This forum is the place where it will happen, and I'll need your help.

    I am not joking. I can be wrong, I can be right, that doesn't matter. I know what my mission is. And I am enjoying the ride.

    Avi Loeb spends his life searching for alien spaceships. That is great. If he finds one, it changes everything. If he doesn't, he has had a fantastic life with many wonderful experiences.

    What is wrong with most of philosophy? Philosophers from every rank have stopped trying to find answers that apply to reality. Instead, they build theory on theory without contributing to anything at all. They just keep each other busy.

    People here on the forum are telling me, you cannot say things like that. You are new here, first prove that you have something to say. Learn to speak our jargon. Do not quote Kant because you forget X and Y and all that.

    People even dare to say, philosophy is not about finding real answers, an answer would become a dogma. What? I would say a theory that is not applicable to reality is a dogma.

    Philosophy has not always been like this. There have been several revitalisations, the Enlightenment being one of them. When SHAI becomes real, all philosophical theories will crumble. We will have to go back to the basics. If you cannot expain it in cookies, it means nothing.

    I have no idea what SHAI will look like. This is my imagination: you want to go to work, and your personal SHAI says "I would wait 5 minutes". You ignore it and then get involved in a car crash. As I said, it is an imagination. Make your own if you wish. What would an AI say to you if it was 10x more intelligent and was connected to all information in the world?

    Even while we cannot fully predict what SHAI will say or do, we can get a better understanding of a few principles by good old philosophic thinking. Not the kind of thinking that runs in circles. We need real insights.

    I do have real new insights. Promise. It will take time to lay them out in detail, and that is where I need you all.

    Those new insights are not new in the sense that nobody has ever had them before. They are new in the sense that they got wrapped up in theories, passed along, disagreed with, paradoxes attached to them, covered up with other theories, forcefed to students who thought this was what they had to do as a philosopher.

    So when I unwrap them here, people say it is nothing: "I heard nothing new". That is my challenge, to let people observe and discover again. Thinking comes much later. First observe. Eat more cookies.
  • Carlo Roosen
    Context might help.I like sushi

    The challenge is, I don't understand exactly where the disconnect is. In the post https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/15487/fundamental-reality-versus-conceptual-reality/p1 I got a mutual understanding with RussellA, it seems. That is also where I wrote about cookies. But others seemed to get lost in the theoretical woods.

    I believe that computers capable of conceptual thinking but with a much wider bandwidth than us humans, can be vastly more intelligent. This thinking then happens in their own language. To us, this language is just noise, hence its name "b***speak".

    I wrote a bit about my ideas for the technical implementation here https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/comment/936919 . But that is not the thing for a philosophy forum, I believe?

    So what I am looking for is a handful of people who are interested in this topic and who at least have some idea of what I am talking about. I found that standard philosophical jargon sits in the way.

    So it is all about connection it seems. So far I haven't found it here, and indeed some seem to be a bit hostile even.

    I could post my whole theory here, but that might result in even more confusion if I do not strike the right chord. Some of you have read the whole story, and you Mr "I like sushi" were not impressed.

    So what I'll do is start writing OP from different angles, see what works and what doesn't. Any suggestion welcome.
  • Carlo Roosen
    I can write a bit of my personal story.

    I have experience with Eckhart Tolle, living in The Now. Basically it means just stop thinking and perceive everything without concepts. But that always felt a bit unnatural.

    Five years ago I got surgery and woke up completely blank, no memory at all. I didn't know my own name. And without memory there was nothing to think about. I still have these experiences almost daily, but less extreme. These experiences give me the opportunity to watch what happens when the first thought reappears. I could write more about it from this perspective, if that is helpful?
  • I like sushi
    I could write more about it from this perspective, if that is helpful?Carlo Roosen

    It probably would be.
  • Carlo Roosen
    That will be tomorrow's OP then.
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