• frank
    There's little reason to doubt that consciousness is influenced to some degree by the whole body. As a starting point, consider the features of consciousness identified by the IIT project. One of them is point of view, or intrinsic perspective.


    So even if a person experiences a state of disembodiment, as when under the influence of mind altering substances, there's still a sense of engaging the world from a point of view, so this would qualify as a kind of embodiment.

    A challenge to going further and saying that consciousness is entirely arising from the whole body starts with observing one of the ways that humans differ from other animals. In general, the dna and phenotypes of animals reflect the environments they're in. This means that if a flock of birds moves to the arctic, they won't survive unless they adapt physically. Humans have covered the globe without requiring any significant changes in body. This is usually explained by pointing to psychological adaptation, which involves changes in tool use, agricultural and hunting practices, animal husbandry, etc.

    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.
  • TheMadMan

    There is an important distinction that needs to be made between consciousness and contents of consciousness.
    Contents can adapt and do, but consciousness itself in uninfluencable (I know thats not even a word) so it doesn't adapt except for its contents.

    P.s Maybe I didn't understand you challenge.
  • frank
    There is an important distinction that needs to be made between consciousness and contents of consciousness.TheMadMan

    How would you describe the difference?
  • Joshs

    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind doesfrank

    You haven’t mentioned affect, emotion, feeling and mood. These are considered bodily by embodied approaches to cognition, and there is no consciousness that is devoid of affect. “Cognition is constrained, enabled and structured by a background of emotion-perception correlations, that manifest themselves as a changing background of implicit representations of body states.”(Ratcliffe 2002)
  • TheMadMan
    Clarification: By consciousness I don't only mean awakening consciousness but whole levels of consciousness, known and unknown.

    How would you describe the difference?frank

    Consciousness is not caused, contents are.
    Consciousness is not dependent on time and space, contents are.
    Contents are epiphenomena, they can be created and/or ended, Consciousness is not subject to this kind of change (although it could be subject to a subtler evolution).

    There are many other differences that are implied by these.
  • frank
    You haven’t mentioned affect, emotion, feeling and mood. These are considered bodily by embodied approaches to cognition, and there is no consciousness that is devoid of affect. “Cognition is constrained, enabled and structured by a background of emotion-perception correlations, that manifest themselves as a changing background of implicit representations of body states.”(Ratcliffe 2002)Joshs

    Mood is definitely influenced by bodily function. I work in healthcare, so I routinely use emotion, feeling, and mood to assess things like CO2 level in the blood. Of course I have to confirm my suspicions by testing because the same combative mood that might reflect hypercarbia, might also be a result of frustration or pain. So we have a multiple realizability issue here. There's no way to map a particular mood to any particular part of the body.
  • frank
    Clarification: By consciousness I don't only mean awakening consciousness but whole levels of consciousness, known and unknown.

    How would you describe the difference?
    — frank

    Consciousness is not caused, contents are.
    Consciousness is not dependent on time and space, contents are.
    Contents are epiphenomena, they can be created and/or ended, Consciousness is not subject to this kind of change (although it could be subject to a subtler evolution).

    There are many other differences that are implied by these.

    Could you be more specific? I'm not following. Can you have consciousness without any content? Can you have content without consciousness? If there's a relationship, what is it?
  • TheMadMan
    Can you have consciousness without any content?frank

    Yes that's the goal of meditation and maybe some other rituals. Consciousness is not depended on contents for its existence but it needs contents for expression in the physical world.

    Can you have content without consciousness?frank

    No. Contents need a cause.

    If there's a relationship, what is it?frank

    Consciousness is the blackboard (emptiness/space) upon which contents are written.
  • NOS4A2

    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.

    It’s not clear that the mind has adapted when the examples given are exclusively performed by bodies.
  • wonderer1
    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.frank

    The body does adapt, in that the strength of connections in your brain changes every time you learn something. It's simply a matter of us not being able to see and note the microscopic changes in brains hidden behind skulls. The changes to our bodies are there, and can be measured under the right circumstances, but it is easy to overlook such changes because they are hardly obvious.
  • frank
    Consciousness is the blackboard (emptiness/space) upon which contents are written.TheMadMan

    I think this is the view of British Empiricists, but I don't know how to line it up with the idea of embodied consciousness.
  • frank
    The body does adapt, in that the strength of connections in your brain changes every time you learn something. It's simply a matter of us not being able to see and note the microscopic changes in brains hidden behind skulls. The changes to our bodies are there, and can be measured under the right circumstances, but it is easy to overlook such changes because they are hardly obvious.wonderer1

    So you would agree that if "embodied consciousness" refers to the belief that consciousness arises from the whole body, then it must be wrong, since the human body doesn't adapt to diverse earthly environments, but we adapt psychologically. You're saying all that's left is to assert that consciousness is associated with brain states. I agree with that. I don't think any serious philosopher would object to that. :up:
  • T Clark
    This is usually explained by pointing to psychological adaptation, which involves changes in tool use, agricultural and hunting practices, animal husbandry, etc.

    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.

    It's not a psychological adaptation, it's a technological one. When it's cold I put on a jacket. When it's hot I sit around in my lounge chair naked. Here's a picture:

    Why in God's name are you looking here.
  • wonderer1
    So you would agree that if "embodied consciousness" refers to the belief that consciousness arises from the whole body, then it must be wrong, since the human body doesn't adapt to diverse earthly environments, but we adapt psychologically. You're saying all that's left is to assert that consciousness is associated with brain states. I agree with that. I don't think any serious philosopher would object to that.frank

    I think it would be a matter of simplistic thinking to assert either consciousness comes from the whole body, XOR consciousness comes from the brain. The brain plays a central role, but other parts of the body play a role in how the brain is functioning as well. Hormones, blood flow, and the oxygen and glucose content of the blood, are some of the aspects of how parts of the body outside the brain have an impact on consciousness. Then of course there are the sensory and motor nerves, with paths all over the body, which play a big role in how our consciousness develops.
  • Paine

    A bathrobe and the dynamic of cultural evolution will help bring that technology into a better light.
  • Pantagruel
    I think it would be a matter of simplistic thinking to assert either consciousness comes from the whole body, XOR consciousness comes from the brain. The brain plays a central role, but other parts of the body play a role in how the brain is functioning as well. Hormones, blood flow, and the oxygen and glucose content of the blood, are some of the aspects of how parts of the body outside the brain have an impact on consciousness. Then of course there are the sensory and motor nerves, with paths all over the body, which play a big role in how our consciousness develops.wonderer1

    Additionally, the embodied consciousness thesis is often bundled with that of embedded cognition (environmental factors are also integral to cognition). And there is extensive experimental evidence to that effect. If cognition isn't construed narrowly as just thinking, but is understood as a kind of enaction, then the theory of embodied consciousness really isn't that far-fetched. After all, think about how intimately the nature of our thoughts is entwined with the nuances of our physical form, the dexterity of our fingers, the nature of our other senses. Knowledge is the result of a "hunger" which is then satisfied. Imagine how different our thoughts would be if we were instead squid-like creatures who absorbed sunlight through an algae-symbiote living in our skin.
  • T Clark
    A bathrobe and the dynamic of cultural evolution will help bring that technology into a better light.Paine

  • apokrisis
    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.frank

    Neurobiology explains the embodied consciousness of an animal. Language and maths is what then promotes humans to the kind of selves that also live life through a social and technological lens.

    So we have stuff like self-aware or introspective consciousness – how things would look if we could see ourselves from the socialised point of view of a linguistic community,

    We still live embodied in our neurobiological personal point of view. But then we add the perspective of ourselves as social actors embodied within a realm of culture and socially rational meaning.

    So there is a faultline in the human psyche that just isn't properly realised even within mainstream psychology and cognitive neuroscience. It is only in sociology and anthropology does this extra level of situatedness simply seem the bleeding obvious.
  • wonderer1
    Additionally, the embodied consciousness thesis is often bundled with that of embedded cognition (environmental factors are also integral to cognition). And there is extensive experimental evidence to that effect. If cognition isn't construed narrowly as just thinking, but is understood as a kind of enaction, then the theory of embodied consciousness really isn't that far-fetched. After all, think about how intimately the nature of our thoughts is entwined with the nuances of our physical form, the dexterity of our fingers, the nature of our other senses. Knowledge is the result of a "hunger" which is then satisfied. Imagine how different our thoughts would be if we were instead squid-like creatures who absorbed sunlight through an algae-symbiote living in our skin.Pantagruel

    I don't see the theory of embodied consciousness as far-fetched at all. From my perspective it seems pretty intuitively obvious.
  • Joshs

    So there is a faultline in the human psyche that just isn't properly realised even within mainstream psychology and cognitive neuroscience. It is only in sociology and anthropology does this extra level of situatedness simply seem the bleeding obviousapokrisis

    Could you given an example from the work of a specific sociologist or anthropologist illustrating this extra level of situatedness missing from mainstream psychology? Can you think of any non-mainstream approaches in psychology that realize this faultline? What about embodied enactivist accounts that, following Merleau-Ponty, make intersubjectivity primary? For instance, Shaun Gallagher writes:

    “…intersubjective (social and cultural) factors already have an effect on our perception and understanding of the world, even in the immediacy of our embodied and instrumental copings with the environment.”
  • frank
    Some proponents of embodied cognition would argue that the environment provides the body with all the stimulus necessary for navigation to food and shelter. So there's no need to assign inference to this navigation.

    If that were true, then why do humans have a superior ability to adapt to diverse environments without any significant physical adaptation? And whatever the answer to this is, why do humans have this capability and few other animals do?

    If I take the position of the embodied cognitionist, I'll have to explain why the traditional answer to this question, that is, that humans adapt psychologically, is wrong.

    At the heart of my challenge is a form of multiple realizability recognized by Descartes in regard to wax. Why do we call a melted blob "wax" and a solid cube "wax"? Or as it relates to this topic:

    The staple diet of the Guilford Indians was made from the acorns of white oaks, which were abundant where they lived. They would pound the acorns into blobs and then wrap them in the leaves of poison ivy, then bury these items in the sand under a running creek. A day or so later, they would take the items out and put them in a fire until the acorn dough turned black and had the consistency of charcoal. According to English observers, the result was sweet.

    On the other hand, the Maasai of Africa eat milk, meat, fat, blood, honey, and tree bark.

    So we have two very diverse adaptations. How do I explain how each of these takes place without any inferences? Without any concepts? With nothing but bodily engagement to the environment?

    I think in order to adhere to this particular brand of embodied cognition, I'd have to posit some sort of bodily process that has not been discovered yet, but that would explain why there's no psychological adaptation going on.

    Or, if I say that I don't have to explain anything because the Guildford Indians and the Maasai were both adapting physically, then I think I'll have to explain why humans have covered the globe in a way other animals haven't. What's special about us that our bodies adapt to diverse environments, but other animals have limited ranges?
  • Pantagruel
    Yes, but it is oriented around a more 'expansive' understanding of what consciousness is. There is a long tradition of consciousness as an interior movie, an interior monologue, things going on "in the head." The whole layer of intelligence involved in the micro-coordination of our overt actions and behaviours is ignored by many people.
  • frank
    There are non-human animals who adapt in terms of behavior, but not physically. An example close to home is mice and hamsters who escape from pethood. Unlike tame birds, who can't adapt to being wild once they're adults, some mammals can easily transition from dependent pets to independent, wild animals.

    Could we argue that the neuroplasticity that allows mice and cats to become wild is also responsible for human so-called psychological adaptation? Perhaps it's just that humans ended up with such big brains that a more primitive adaptability present in all mammals is more pronounced in humans?

    Whether or not we decide that it's reasonable to explain complex cooking techniques by an extension of something more primitive, what I'll note is that we've moved to the realm of speculation, not observation of what's actually happening.
  • frank
    What about embodied enactivist accounts that, following Merleau-Ponty, make intersubjectivity primary?Joshs

    There's a problem with trying to go from Merleau-Ponty to any of the hard sciences. There's just no bridge from his observations about what we can and can't separate, and biology, or its scientific mother, physics. Science starts with a methodological naturalism where analysis is built-in. There's no room for synthesis. Or if you think there is, you'd have to explain how.
  • Joshs
    There's a problem with trying to go from Merleau-Ponty to any of the hard sciences. There's just no bridge from his observations about what we can and can't separate, and biology, or its scientific mother, physics. Science starts with a methodological naturalism where analysis is built-in. There's no roofrank

    Science starts from whatever metaphysics informs it at the time, which is why there is no such thing as ‘science’ as some specific methodology that encompasses all eras of empiricism. If there is no bridge between science and Mwrleau-Ponty, it is because the particular brand of naturalism that a science is in thrall to makes no room for Merleau-Ponty’s thinking. Varela, Thompson, Gallagher, Petitot and others claim phenomenology can be naturalized
    once we transform and update our thinking about scientific naturalism so as to accommodate it.
  • frank
    Varela, Thompson, Gallagher, Petitot and others claim phenomenology can be naturalized once we transform and update our thinking about scientific naturalism so as to accommodate it.Joshs

    What an astounding assertion. Do they have any predictions about which century this update will be downloaded?
  • Joshs
    What an astounding assertion. Do they have any predictions about which century this update will be downloaded?frank

    Astounding? Not when it comes to biology, neuroscience or cognitive science

    The newer naturalized models are already out there.Lynn Margulis’ work on symbiosis and the new synthesis updates biological thinking, and as far as physics is concerned, writers like Karen Barad, a physicist and philosopher, and Michel Bitbol, interpret quantum field theory in terms that move away from the old naturalism.
  • frank
    Astounding? Not when it comes to biology, neuroscience or cognitive science

    The newer naturalized models are already out there.Lynn Margulis’ work on symbiosis and the new synthesis updates biological thinking, and as far as physics is concerned, writers like Karen Barad, a physicist and philosopher, and Michel Bitbol, interpret quantum field theory in terms that move away from the old naturalism.

    Ok, so maybe later in this century, but for now, all mainstream science starts with an analytic attitude. That means we can't connect Merleau-Ponty to science as it is today. We might be able to connect him with the science of 2070.
  • Joshs

    y. We might be able to connect him with the science of 2070.frank

    Could be.
  • Philosophim
    If consciousness is strictly a bodily function, we'd have to explain how it is that the body doesn't adapt, but the mind does.frank

    So the reason why your brain understands what is going on in your body is because of nerves which send communications to the brain. it is these nerves which allow your extended consciousness. People who have dead nerves in certain places of their body cannot feel anything there.

    As for the body not adapting, how do you conclude that? Increased Melanin in Africa. Extra eye folds for glary environments in Asia. Less melanin for people in cloudy sun limited climates. Even more basic, you can tan your skin, scar, and get calluses. All of these are adaptations.
  • frank
    So the reason why your brain understands what is going on in your body is because of nerves which send communications to the brain. it is these nerves which allow your extended consciousness. People who have dead nerves in certain places of their body cannot feel anything there.Philosophim

    What sort of embodied cognition would you say you're defending?
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