• jorndoe
    the logical conclusion is that the democrats signaled their gangsters to stop protests and fireworksEros1982

    I wouldn't say that's the logical conclusion. Riots do start and end, emerge and fade, for whatever reasons. For that matter, they need not have a (single) "puppet master". But maybe the rioters were predominantly Democrats, if that counts as "the democrats".

    Democrats and Republicans have become very Machiavellian latelyEros1982

    Well, at least fringes of party members. Polarization has come with opportunism, noise, calculation, "mood swings", contrarianism, zeal, the usual. Game of Thrones and The Boys aren't to be emulated, and conspiracy theories should be taken with a grain of salt (make that two). :) Additionally, foreign interests are trying to nudge in whatever direction.
  • Mikie
    Trump withdrew US from the Paris Climate Treaty. But there are many moral dilemmas pertaining to the Democrats now that I think itEros1982

    Trump is still absolutely terrible on the environment. If it’s something you truly care about, this issue alone is motive enough for keeping him from office. That happens to mean pushing a button for Harris— fine. But to claim one should throw away one’s vote (which is all that is) or not vote at all is literally insane, given the professed values.

    And most of your claims amount BLM, etc., are straight from right-wing media. Worth analyzing.
  • Eros1982
    And most of your claims amount BLM, etc., are straight from right-wing media. Worth analyzing.Mikie

    That's true. But, as you say, some claims need more analysis (before you dismiss or approve those).

    I don't wish Trump to win. Another thing that bothered me back then was that almost all of his family members became advisers in his Oval Office (that really made this country look like Saudi Arabia). Even fanatic Republicans were bothered with the culture Trump brought into the White House. Clint Eastwood, to mention one of them, got really nuts when Trump posted those Goya-cans pictures from the Oval Office lol

    Anyway, right now 36% of males in this country despise both parties. Kudos to them! It is time for independent minds to make their voices heard. They should leave behind the notion that the least bad is the best choice for independents. Cause none can predict the future, and what you make the least bad right now, in the future it may turn into the worst choice.


    Independent men and women who still care for this country should push for judicial and electoral reforms. I do hope that judicial and electoral reforms may make us less independent on the two major parties. Reforms may help both republicans and democrats, also, to become more sensible and less Machiavellian.

    As hinted to, many institutions and standards in the US (I am adding UK also) for a few centuries were based on (unspoken/unwritten) conventions. But we see a cultural/mental shift in the US (and UK) lately --and for this reason reforms are becoming indispensable. Nothing should remain unwritten and unforeseen anymore.
  • Mikie
    They should leave behind the notion that the least bad is the best choice for independents. Cause none can predict the future, and what you make the least bad right now, in the future it may turn into the worst choice.Eros1982

    This is really silly.
  • 180 Proof

    Some folks can't tell the difference between eating a shit sandwich and starving themselves (due to low IQ/poor education, ethnonationalist hatreds and/or disingenuous venality). Fortunately, in this moment, they aren't (yet) the majority in the US. :mask:

    Roevember is coming! :fire:
  • Mikie
    eating a shit sandwich and starving themselves180 Proof

    Bad example. I think I’d rather starve than eat shit. :lol:
  • 180 Proof
    Today in Trumpenfreude

    NASDAQ (DJT :rofl:)

    26August24 – $21.72 per share
    (NASDAQ 17,725.77)
    180 Proof
    31August24 – $19.50 per share :down:
    (NASDAQ 17,713.62)
  • unenlightened
    Still overvalued by about $19.50. Who buys these shit sandwiches?
  • 180 Proof
    Still overvalued by about $19.50. Who buys these shit sandwiches?unenlightened
    No doubt only "poorly educated" "suckers & losers". :mask:
  • NOS4A2
    The social media handler for Kamala Harris went on X and called out Trump’s visit to Arlington, and the scandal deepens.

    This paltry move was underscored by the fact that Harris, “the last person in the room” when it comes to one of the worst events in US history in Afghanistan, had never contacted any of these grieving families. Trump did, so he was invited to Arlington on the anniversary of their death. At any rate, they’re pissed at Harris, who not only didn’t phone any of the families, but also did some campaign propaganda at Arlington herself, the exact same thing she accused Trump of. It’s always projection when it comes to Trump’s haters.

    Trump posted some of their responses to X and they’re quite devastating to Kamala’s “joyful” veneer. This, in combination with the accounts of Harris’ own staff, proves she’s just dog shit in lipstick.

  • frank

    Hummuna hummuna hummuna
  • NOS4A2
    How to make a lizard appear human: have her talk about cooking or something. We certainly wouldn’t want her to talk about policies.

  • Baden

    All of this personal marketing stuff is calculated and generally works. It's unlikely Harris has anything to do with it.
  • Baden
    Anyhow, my advice is stop rotting your brain with Twitter pol. You will become just another victim of psychological entropy.
  • NOS4A2

    I have neurolink so I’m basically on auto update.
  • Mikie
    Summary so far:

    (1) Trump was the worst president in history (or close), a traitor to the country, a degenerate con man, and pathological liar— on top of being an empty narcissist with no ideas other than personal branding. A climate denier and plutocrat lover, to boot.

    (2) Trump is rightfully hated and extremely unpopular. Currently losing in the polling, which is no surprise.

    (3) Harris is a boring, establishment candidate. And is now likely to win, given the choices.

    What a shame the Republican Party and their slaves have no souls. It’s sad. But at least it makes it easier for them to lose, as they’ve been doing the last 8 years. Given that they’re the party of climate denial and pro-pollution, I’m at least happy about that.

    Incidentally, it looks like North Carolina is now in play— which is interesting.
  • Tzeentch
    You think the establishment gives two shits about climate or pollution? :brow:
  • Mikie
    You think the establishment gives two shits about climate or pollution? :brow:Tzeentch

    I think they want to get elected, and the environmental vote is getting larger and more vocal.

    You think Trump and the republicans give two shits about abortion? No. But they sure did scrap Roe v Wade. It’s not always lip service. Sometimes you have to deliver, even if it’s too little (IRA was biggest climate investment in history — and yet still too little; would have never happened under Trump.)
  • Tzeentch
    They'll deliver as little as they can get away with.

    Suppose they did nothing. Would you then vote Trump? My guess would be no, so why expect anything other than lip service?

    I just don't get the overly vigorous defense for what is a shit sandwich either way.
  • Fooloso4
    You think the establishment gives two shits about climate or pollution?Tzeentch

    The "establishment" is a nebulous term. There are elected and appointed officials who are active in their support on the environment. They are as much a part of the "establishment" as those who are indifferent or opposed. The "establishment" is not one side or the other.
  • Mikie
    They'll deliver as little as they can get away with.Tzeentch


    Suppose they did nothing. Would you then vote Trump?Tzeentch

    If Trump were offering something better on other issues, yes. Nuclear weapons, healthcare, education, guns, anything. His stopping funding for Ukraine would be a bright spot, but for the wrong reasons — and it’s uncertain whether he would. On Israel he’s even more hawkish than Biden.
  • unenlightened
    Panic not chaps, your country is fucked whoever wins, because you are all insane. But go down smiling would be my preference.
  • 180 Proof

    ... batshit RFK, Jr replaces fake-redneck JD Vance as VP canditate in MAGA-GOP bait-n-switch (instigated by Kelly Ann Conway) in the days or weeks to come.180 Proof
    So even before they had announced JD Vance ...

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/sep/03/rfk-jr-trump-vice-president :mask:

    @Baden @Mikie @Wayfarer @Fooloso4 @Benkei @unenlightened @frank
  • NOS4A2

    The US is fucked, I guess, but it is the UK that is falling apart. Public services are on the brink of collapse. The gov is at the point where they are arresting people for social media posts, which is authoritarian, but also stupid because the prisons are too full. A shithole.
  • unenlightened
    I guess, but it is the UK that is falling apart. Public services are on the brink of collapse. The gov is at the point where they are arresting people for social media posts, which is authoritarian, but also stupid because the prisons are too full. A shithole.NOS4A2

    Yes indeed, the UK is ahead of the pack as usual. That is one of the ways I can foretell your future. But I love authoritarianism in the service of peace and non-violence.
  • NOS4A2

    An authority must monopolize violence and use violence in order to institute “non-violence”. Just another contradiction among many. At any rate, speech is not violence, so I’ll just have to remain suspicious of such admissions.
  • unenlightened
    An authority must monopolize violence and use violence in order to institute “non-violence”.NOS4A2

    Yes. Pax Romana.

    speech is not violenceNOS4A2

    A sheepdog gone rogue can herd a flock of sheep over a cliff without touching them.
  • NOS4A2

    A sheepdog gone rogue can herd a flock of sheep over a cliff without touching them.

    How do they do with apes?
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