• TiredThinker
    I like to ask physics questions in a physics forum I've joined, but often get criticized for asking questions that I don't know the answers to. I was told it wasn't a Q&A forum. It's like they want me to somehow contribute to the field of physics as if I was writing a doctoral dissertation. What are forums if not the place to ask questions?
  • praxis
    A place to share ideas or theories. If I developed a theory about something, say a theory that I called Theory X, I could submit said theory for review on a forum that is most relevant to Theory X. Others could read my theory and, depending on how it is received, applaud it, criticize it, laugh at it or express other non-linguistic feelings, or simply ignore it. In such a case a question could be asked, although, and this is the point, it could be that no questions are asked.
  • Deleted User
    This user has been deleted and all their posts removed.
  • 180 Proof
    I use this well-moderated forum to discuss problematic questions raised or answers given in a variety of topics. Many members do likewise, giving and taking reasons in order to learn something or to help others learn, but too many also ask IMO idle or merely tedious wiki/google-like pedantic questions which tend to detract from rather than promote fruitful discussions.

    Also, some merely preach – not discuss – their pet dogmas (they can be fun to rope-a-dope occasionally) which are almost always as uninformed as they are uninformative, just earnest sophistries of rationalized woo-of-the-gaps (i.e. magical thinking), pseudoscience, ideological biases (i.e. propaganda) and other flagrant irrationalities. And apparently some are here just for argumentative point-scoring and/or to incorrigibly troll discussions they do not understand.

    This forum is like a rowdy neighborhood / college bar – agora – where some revelers do not know how to drink or dance or socialize, needing to be cut-off and eventually tossed-out by the bouncers. Come for some intellectual company, stay for the dialectic, and contribute to the never-ending symposium (à la Plato) :party: – do Q&A homework, preach pet dogmas, and spew sophistries elsewhere! – I say. :victory: :smirk:
  • Amity
    'What type of forum is this?'

    Why do you ask?
    You joined 2 years ago.
    You don't know by now?

    I like to ask physics questions in a physics forum I've joined, but often get criticized for asking questions that I don't know the answers to. I was told it wasn't a Q&A forum. It's like they want me to somehow contribute to the field of physics as if I was writing a doctoral dissertation. What are forums if not the place to ask questions?TiredThinker

    It depends on the forum, the admin and their raison d'être.
    Some expect a certain degree of specialist knowledge...
    What is the name of the physics forum?
    What were your questions?
  • TiredThinker

    Can't ideas be stolen from forums?
  • praxis

    My Theory X isn’t anything to write home about and is quite worthless.
  • TiredThinker

    Physicsforums.com . And I don't remember the last deleted post.
  • jgill
    Can't ideas be stolen from forums?TiredThinker

    Many instances they can't be given away. :cool:
  • Amity
    Physicsforums.com . And I don't remember the last deleted post.TiredThinker

    Thanks for the link.
    I was told it wasn't a Q&A forum.It's like they want me to somehow contribute to the field of physics as if I was writing a doctoral dissertation. What are forums if not the place to ask questions?TiredThinker

    I asked 'What were your questions?' not about any deleted posts.
    You don't remember the nature of your question?
    Bolded part:
    I think this is an unfair and exaggerated complaint, a misunderstanding or misrepresentation.

    A quick look suggests that is an excellent, well-organised site for different levels and areas.

    B= Beginners ( Basic high school)
    I = Intermediate ( Undergrad)
    A= Advanced (Grad+)
    There is even a Homework Help forum with Q&As.

    Before posting to a forum, it's always a good idea to read the mission statement and guidelines.

    We aim to provide a community for students, scientists, educators or hobbyists to learn and discuss science as it is currently generally understood and practiced by the professional scientific community....
    Reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/#the-lounge.34

    Strange that it is in The Lounge.
    [ I note they are looking for writing input in Sci-Fi ]


    Non-mainstream theories:
    Generally, in the forums we do not allow the following:
    • Discussion of theories that appear only on personal websites, self-published books, etc.
    • Challenges to mainstream theories (relativity, the Big Bang, etc.) that go beyond current professional discussion
    • Attempts to promote or resuscitate theories that have been discredited or superseded (e.g. Lorentz ether theory); this does not exclude discussion of those theories in a purely historical context Personal theories or speculations that go beyond or counter to generally accepted science
    • Mixing science and religion, e.g. using religious doctrines in support of scientific arguments or vice versa.
    • Philosophical discussions are permitted only at the discretion of the mentors and may be deleted or closed without warning or appeal

    Reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/physics-forums-global-guidelines.414380/


    In the Physics subforum: other physics topics:
    A helpful 'Insights' article:


    So, again:
    What was the nature of your question or proposed discussion title? *
    Did it meet the forum guidelines?
    Do you now have the answer to your OP?

    * perhaps it could be discussed better at TPF?
    Worth considering?
  • TiredThinker

    No I don't remember the topics of my last deleted or criticized questions. At the time they seemed reasonable. Maybe asking for clarity on lightspeed travel versus hypothetically manipulating space to travel faster than light without actually reaching that speed.
  • Amity
    Maybe asking for clarity on lightspeed travel versus hypothetically manipulating space to travel faster than light without actually reaching that speed.TiredThinker

    OK. Perhaps they don't like 'hypothetically'...
    Perhaps try the question out here?
    As a thought experiment...
  • TiredThinker

    Are there many physicists in here?
  • Amity
    Are there many physicists in here?TiredThinker

    If nobody responds here, then:
    Suggest you type 'physicist' into the search box or go search the Phil. of Science sub-forum.
    Or if you ask in the Shoutbox, someone will surely appear.
    On a wave of consciousness never before observed or survived.
    Over and out.
  • 180 Proof
    Maybe asking for clarity on lightspeed travel versus hypothetically manipulating space to travel faster than light without actually reaching that speed.TiredThinker
    Ez-pz. :nerd:

    According to physical laws (SR), "lightspeed" is only possible for massless particles (e.g. photons). Spaceships have mass, therefore "lightspeed travel" is prohibited.

    Alcubierre warp drive is a speculative method of "FTL travel" and plausible to the degree it's consistent with (known) physical laws..
  • Amity
    Ez-pz180 Proof

    Hah. Show-off! :clap:

    A brilliant example of TPF being this kind of forum.
    Filo, Fun, Fizziks and Fireworks for Free! :fire:
  • Pantagruel
    Can't ideas be stolen from forums?TiredThinker

    I would say an idea is the one thing that can't ever be truly stolen.
  • jgill
    Are there many physicists in here?TiredThinker

    They show up from time to time. Kenosha Kid was one. I suspect Pie is one. I'm guessing apokrisis is a biophysicist. There are probably a few more lurking behind their avatars.
  • Agent Smith
    A vibrant community of people who rarely agree with each other but who all love philosophy, this is the place for philosophical discussions about knowledge ... — Google

    That says it all, oui?

    Unfortunately or not, what the ellipsis ( ... ) means is rather uncharacteristically left to the imagination.

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