• PseudoB
    As it appears to me, after years of research, and aligning with Hebrews 11:1-3, saying that the things we sense are made of things we cannot sense, that Genesis actually reveals some much more foundational things than is acknowledged even by the Church. If we consider that in the beginning all was perfect, then this negates the existence of evil.... That is of course until we are presented with the knowledge thereof.

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.

    Some will say that evil is evident, and preexisting. But this belief determines the experience of said evil and many other evils that were never even thought of. Perspective is founded on belief.

    I am sure there are many who will disagree, and use their experiences to validate the evil that they obviously believed beforehand, providing the life needed to experience a manifestation of said belief.

    Yeshua stated quite clearly that, "it shall be done unto you as you have believed".
  • T Clark
    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.PseudoB

    Or as Lao Tzu wrote:

    Recognize beauty and ugliness is born.
    Recognize good and evil is born.
    Is and Isn't produce each other. Hard depends on easy, Long is tested by short,
    High is determined by low, Sound is harmonized by voice, After is followed by before.

    Tao Te Ching, Verse 2. Addiss and Lombardo translation.
  • PseudoB
    My only contention is the obvious need for the destruction of opposites…. The necessity of “other than the Truth”, is a lie, in and of himself. To equate Truth and lies is an impossibility, which necessitated quantum theory, in my opinion of course. This is a legitimate function of Mind as a Realm of Experience. Some seriously awesome sauce to cook.
  • Richard B
    Recognition of evil comes before knowledge and belief of evil. First, we need a group of human beings to experience and react to situations they would call evil. As they come across experiences where they similarly judge to be exemplars of evil, their concept solidifies and they past on their “knowledge” to their community. Obvious, future experiences may be similar more or less to their original exemplars of evil, and so the concept of “belief” may creep in to express uncertainty.
  • PseudoB
    Ok, but what of the dissolution of Evil? Is it Experiential? Can it be? To dissolve all Experience of evil, from my realm of Experience? The entire concept of Potential Energy gives life to the Idea that Circulates. The Beginning is also the End. Suddenly, Light has shined in the darkness :)
  • PseudoB
    Richard, I would have to question u on the Belief that the evil precedes the Experience. Before any Experience of evil, one must take into account the Momentum of the Beliefs born into. Thus presenting one with a world experience that is this and that. Divided. To overcome this Experience of evil would indeed be a fire heated seven times hotter than normal, but with the right Fire, one can make fire afraid of Fire.
  • PseudoB
    Perspective alone states that we all Experience lies, and daily.
  • tim wood
    Looks like everybody recognizes evil! Should be easy, then, for someone to say what it is. You-all do know what you're talking about, don't you? What is evil?
  • Tom Storm
    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.PseudoB

    Can you expand - I don't understand the point.

    If we consider that in the beginning all was perfect, then this negates the existence of evil.... That is of course until we are presented with the knowledge thereof.PseudoB

    I guess you would need to accept this myth or the point doesn't hold.

    Do you think your OP is intelligible to anyone who doesn't hold religious or spiritual beliefs?
  • PseudoB
    Spiritual beliefs are validated by the Experience of solidity. The motivational factor, all movement whatsoever, is validated by Law, and Experience. But the circle of Experience is quite dangerous, because once based ONLY on Experience, no other Experience is considered justified, nor justifiable. It is beyond clear that no movement occurs without thought. Thought, being an invisible, has no Matter. At least, not that I have seen. So you see, this concept is a prison, refusing any other belief that is not based upon an experience in the world. But the world we are taught, is a sphere too, ensuring the imprisonment of all who disregard the spirituality of thought. Now, if one would like to justify brain, I have to ask, is not the brain an Experience?? Somehow, Perspective, however reinforced by the multitude, is only confirming what one believes at the core, where thought and manifestation agree. The agreement forces the circular Nature of the Experience, thereby ensuring the science of the times to be an infinite circle, allowing only for the solidification of lies believed. Truth does not allow for "potential energy". Thus the Experience of solidity.

    To be clear here, I am not trying to introduce any type of "religion". I am approaching a hard topic, that has been treated both by science and religion, to no satisfying end. If we apply Newtonian Laws of Motion to the "things of the spirit", to the "invisibles", the Momentums clearly affect far more than Matter is said to affect Matter, in and of itself. If scientifically applied to things of the spirit, the forceful are understood to be the Virus. The virus of all mankind is beyond evident. I see no need to bring the confinement of religion into a theory on True Freedom :)
  • dimosthenis9

    Scrolling down and thinking "wtf! where is the definition question?!"

    ... Few posts later.....

    Tim Wood saves the day.
  • Tom Storm
    Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. You seem to be making up a worldview.
  • James Riley
    Some will say that evil is evident, and preexisting.PseudoB

    I don't believe in evil, but I understand the utility of a social construct called evil. Does the fact we construct something that does not exist render it extant? I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with caves and shadows and whatnot. But I wonder if we could have gotten American's all fired up to kill Nazi's and Imperialists in WWII without calling them evil?

    At most, I think there is sickness, aberration, mens rea, etc. But "evil" will suffice.

    It's somewhat scary when a tone set during and after WWII begins to fade with the passing of those who set it; all to the point where today we have MSM giving equal time to "evil" in the name of "both sides" objectivity. Are there any men and women who are willing to kill before it's too late? Or has the tone left our culture altogether?

    Why give equal time to a filthy POS racist white-supremacist fascists NAZI? Does doing so give you cred back in the MSM boardroom? Don't hide behind the denials, or obscure the dog whistles, lest it become too real, too late.

    There is always room in academia to entertain argument, both sides, and objectivity. That is what academia does best. But don't shovel it out, uncontested, as propaganda. You may not get anyone fired up next time around when it's time to kill.
  • PseudoB
    There is always room in academia to entertain argument, both sides, and objectivity. That is what academia does best. But don't shovel it out, uncontested, as propaganda. You may not get anyone fired up next time around when it's time to kill.James Riley

    I could not agree more. As the Metal in the Furnace, the Heat is purifying.

    I don't believe in evil, but I understand the utility of a social construct called evil. Does the fact we construct something that does not exist render it extant?James Riley

    I am curious as to the utility of such a lie? The prospect of such a thing, once internalized, determines the experience of it, externally, all legitimized by Perspective. The prisoners have been promoted to prison guards that never leave.
  • TheMadFool
    It's said that belief taken up a notch - conviction - is a very powerful state of mind in that it can, in a sense, open doors, much like a psychedelic drug but realer, to other worlds and depending on what it is that one has focused on - be it God or be it the Devil - Yhwhy/Satan will manifest himself before you. Try it, I must.

    A big clue to the power of belief is how if one gives credence to the paranormal - ghosts, spirits, demons, and the like - one begins to see them (on a regular basis).
  • James Riley
    I am curious as to the utility of such a lie?PseudoB

    I think it's utility is in spinning people up to kill. Can you imagine getting anyone to fight the Nazi's or Imperial Japan today? The MSN would have talking heads on the screen, debating the issues, and your average Joe would be like: "Well, there are two sides to this, there is disagreement on the matter. I'm not going to put my war on if there are 'fine people' on both sides."

    While a professional soldier doesn't need to hate, or believe in evil, to kill an enemy, a civilian needs propaganda to spin him up to leave his home and go fight. Nothing will do that like "evil."

    I've got a better idea: Let's allow Hitler and Tojo to have some air time; let's hear what they have to say. After all, they have a huge following and all those people can't be wrong, can they? Maybe they have a point? Isn't it better to spit on the graves of all the U.S. soldiers who died fighting racists in the Civil War and WWII while I "do my own research"?
  • PseudoB
    In trying to keep on subject here:

    Let's allow Hitler and Tojo to have some air time; let's hear what they have to say. After all, they have a huge following and all those people can't be wrong, can they? Maybe they have a point?James Riley

    Do you see the "potential energy" being given?? The "maybe's", the "possibilities", are given more fuel, per person who comes into Agreement that such a "possibility" is actually there. I understand the mindset that needs to prepare and is governed by Fear. But I also see a very simple math equation being played out on the biggest Stage there is. Meanwhile, another veil is laid overtop it, so that the people affected are so distracted by their fears and desires, quite literally blinded by fear. The solidity takes place due to generations of Momentum of Propaganda. Bernays would be proud. That should scare the hell out of the population but no, it somehow gets twisted back and used against the fearful.

    "The American people don’t believe anything until they see it on television” is a quotation by American politician Richard Nixon (1913-1994) — https://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/the_american_people_dont_believe/#:~:text=%22The%20American%20people%20don%E2%80%99t%20believe%20anything%20until%20they,solid%20for%20months%20after%20the%201972%20Watergate%20break-in.

    This, along with many, many, many attempts tp "program" the minds of the masses, have been admitted, proven, since the 60's, and the effects of the Momentum's used and abused clearly blind the "woke", When the affections of the masses are manipulated to the point that they are willing to pay to be lied to about their reality, there is no government who would give back such power over the people. I fully understand just how offensive this "idea" can appear, the cognitive dissonance this causes, but it is the momentum of lies believed that overpower the perception of reality. Almost as if the everyday people are the ones tripping. Quite seriously, like a mushroom trip. Anymore, the lies believed produce a "flakka" response....
  • PseudoB
    What I am trying to get at in these conversations is how the Laws of Motion apply more to things nonphysical. That the manipulation of feelings and affections greatly alter the perceptions of the people, allowing for the manipulation of free will.
  • PseudoB
    It's said that belief taken up a notch - conviction - is a very powerful state of mind in that it can, in a sense, open doors....TheMadFool

  • PseudoB
    Looks like everybody recognizes evil! Should be easy, then, for someone to say what it is. You-all do know what you're talking about, don't you? What is evil?tim wood

    You do ask an important question. Sorry I didn't acknowledge until now.

    I personally come from the perspective of there being an Absolute Truth, and given the Experience of solidity, I feel justified in this. So then any Experience that "opposes" this Truth, would be considered the Experience of "evil". Evil then being defined as the opposition of Truth.

    In Hebrew, this "opposition" to Truth is embodied in the Personality of "ha'satan" -- the opposer.

    Now, right there, this "spiritual" text has just turned into an esoteric, Mystical, and Experience-affecting text.

    The Belief in this "pre-existing evil", makes no sense, yet the Experience thereof is quite sensible. But it surely allows for the Experience to Manifest. So consider the Momentum behind the "evil".... The solidification of the Idea is ensured by the equation, " p = MV " . The specific Weights needed to reach Specific Manifestations are only given to the children of Art.... an Art founded on the Movement of the Elements.
  • PseudoB
    The Experience of "opposition" to the Truth, is the Experience of lies.... Most people take this as absurd, and impossibility that could not exist. But every single person in this world has the Experience of lies that cannot be denied, once the solidity of anything at all is attributed to there being a Foundational Truth.
  • James Riley
    Do you see the "potential energy" being given??PseudoB

    I do. And I see a single tool, a two-edged sword laying there upon the ground, and I wonder who is going to pick it up first? If some wise one out there would not pick it up, and would pretend to stand between the sword and any who would pick it up, they had better come up with a pretty compelling argument to the others as to why they should turn from it. So far, I haven't heard the argument which would convince me to turn my back and walk away.
  • PseudoB
    What I see is an Absolute. Absolute Truth tho, can have no "opposite", no "potentially other experiencel". The only thing affirming the "need" for both sides, is Perspective and/or Experience. But Absolute Truth can in no way have an opposite. No other Experience can be justified as Truth, if it at all diverges from the Truth. Before I get in trouble for not defining Truth, my understanding is Truth is that which IS, regardless of Experience. Once given to Perspective, "realms" become thoroughly legitimized. So in the Realm of the Believer of the opposition of Truth, one is giving their life to a lie. A lie so Foundational, that the Momentum of previous generations, and the Momentum of Affections, just as in the use of Dialectic and Rhetoric, to Force the Agreement for one, and for two, allows for no other Experience, thus keeping the "so-called scientist" in a never ending circle.
  • PseudoB
    An Absolute, cannot in any way be divided.... cannot contain within itself an opposite of its very self. lol, do you believe in ghosts? Has anyone ever come back from the dead?
  • Tzeentch
    Evil could be understood as belief in that which isn't. Lies, (self-)deceit, illusions, ignorance, etc.
  • dclements
    As it appears to me, after years of research, and aligning with Hebrews 11:1-3, saying that the things we sense are made of things we cannot sense, that Genesis actually reveals some much more foundational things than is acknowledged even by the Church. If we consider that in the beginning all was perfect, then this negates the existence of evil.... That is of course until we are presented with the knowledge thereof.

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.

    Some will say that evil is evident, and preexisting. But this belief determines the experience of said evil and many other evils that were never even thought of. Perspective is founded on belief.

    I am sure there are many who will disagree, and use their experiences to validate the evil that they obviously believed beforehand, providing the life needed to experience a manifestation of said belief.

    Yeshua stated quite clearly that, "it shall be done unto you as you have believed".

    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.

    Take for example the cells in our body. When they are behaving in the way we want them to they are generally considered "good" but when they do not (like when they are cancer cells) they considered "bad" or "evil". However such cells don't really choose whether they either help or hinder the body since they are not really conscience of what they are doing nor are they aware of how their behavior either helps or hurts their host nor if their actions really benefits them or not. this is more or less true of all any and all animals who are not sentient and can not really be "moral agents".

    In essence anything that isn't human or sentient (or even human but not really sentient) falls into a category or problem called "natural evil".


    However the existence of natural evil begs the question, if man is influenced by most of the same problems and limitations of as other animals, cells, forces of nature, etc. how can we are considered "objective moral agents" when pretty much everything in nature is not. Is it or is it not considered wise to expect human beings in many ways as fallible (or perhaps sometimes more fallible) then the cells in our body which can be expected to go "bad" from time to time?
  • PseudoB
    "Good" and "evil" are mostly just arbitrary terms we give to different things according the metrics our morality/systems of belief tell us to assign to them. But beyond our preexisting systems of belief there is no clear way to explain why something is good or evil.

    Take for example the cells in our body. When they are behaving in the way we want them to they are generally considered "good" but when they do not (like when they are cancer cells) they considered "bad" or "evil". However such cells don't really choose whether they either help or hinder the body since they are not really conscience of what they are doing nor are they aware of how their behavior either helps or hurts their host nor if their actions really benefits them or not. this is more or less true of all any and all animals who are not sentient and can not really be "moral agents".

    In essence anything that isn't human or sentient (or even human but not really sentient) falls into a category or problem called "natural evil".


    However the existence of natural evil begs the question, if man is influenced by most of the same problems and limitations of as other animals, cells, forces of nature, etc. how can we are considered "objective moral agents" when pretty much everything in nature is not. Is it or is it not considered wise to expect human beings in many ways as fallible (or perhaps sometimes more fallible) then the cells in our body which can be expected to go "bad" from time to time?

    Wow.... Truly am grateful for your time and response, as I am everyone in this feed, really. Thank you all for thinking this out with me. There is some underlying thing driving the need to understand and have an answer to, what it is I see here.

    .... You take me to the very point I have been trying to build to with all this weaving around. I needed the basis laid in order to makebetter sense of what it is I see, without being discarded as absolutely nuts, lol.

    Behind the evil and the good, is some metadata of some sort, that presents us with a version of our Belief/s. From here, we add colour.

    Data comes in, we give it colour, and "it" fills in the Forme, that our Belief gives it.... This is my hypothesis, after deciphering many things written in stone, written for Posterity. These things, along with the alchemists of old, as Fulcanelli clearly states, were not looking for gold in the form of the metal we all know and love.

    I see, after all these years, the Path to the island Hesperides, and much more than even this. Four and Three and Two and One.... Two Waters, made One....

    Perspective alone assures us of the experience of belief. Knowledge and belief are two different things. Knowledge is based on forms, the letter of the spirit behind the form. But belief is the invisible that takes form, depending upon the ingredients provided by said belief.

    The belief of the existence of evil, at all, is what allows for the infinite manifestations of evil that we experience daily.
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