• ExistenceofSelf
    (Social Engineer Explains Choice and Predeterminism)

    **** Introduction ****

    Predetermined existence and choice are difficult concepts to fully comprehend. There are perspective conundrums that develop when processing the concept. If everything is predetermined, than how can I have choice or free will?

    **** What is Predeterminism and Choice? ****

    Predeterminism is mathematics that predict the outcome of everything that; has, will, is currently, will not, and could occur. Choice is when an individual is complex enough to formulate multiple constructs of perspective actions or solutions before implementing one of the; actions, ideas, or solutions for circumstance.

    The more information and biologically complex an individual acquires and is, the more choice an individual can formulate.

    The human concept of choice is what constrains perspective when trying to understand predeterminism and choice. The human concept of choice is predicated on the concept of free will. The human concept of free will is having the liberty of choice without being or feeling like a puppet that has no control over themselves. Religious; cults, ideologies, and personal beliefs heavily influenced how humans perceive the concept of choice. This naturally created a type of dissociation between the human perspectives of "reality and illusion" that surround the concept of free will and choice.

    **** How Predeterminism and Choice Actually Operate ****

    An individual is a constant quantitative calculation of mathematics. This also applies to everyone and everything outside of the individual as well. Mathematics takes a "predetermined" route in order to formulate and translate a conclusion. This is applied both in an individual's internal and external reality/illusion and illusion/reality of perspective experience.

    All mathematical information is in domino since the beginning of the universe or "big bang." In theory, this domino can be predicted into what is considered an inevitable conclusion. A technology in theory could be produced to implement the Mother Of Equation (MOE) for great power in advantage. It is predeterminism that gets in the way of predeterminism. When a sub-species predeterminism conflicts with another sub-species predeterminism, then the two outcomes will compromise into a predeterminism not predicted by either.

    During the initial stages of a universe's development, there is not complex isolated information to complexly influence the mathematics of environment. As a result, all matter and information would be 100% predictable in domino. The first sub-species that discovers the technology has true advantage. As more sub-species start acquiring the technology, the more likely predeterminism is going to get in the way of itself.

    The purpose of complex data being able to influence the predeterminism of a universal existence, is to make adjustments for optimization. This is a natural manifestation of mathematics evolving in predetermined outcome. Math in predeterminism overall and in detail, takes the path of least resistance both objectively and subjectively to optimize outcome. Choice is simply a symptom in this process to allow isolated information to influence information without "restriction."

    **** Conclusion ****

    Humans always had choice, just not the perspective they envisioned for themselves. Everything is in an automated domino of calculation. An individual's ability to influence the calculation is choice. An individual will always be governed by core calculations of instinct or automation. Conscious calculations still rely on core automated calculations in order to produce perspective sufficient or insufficient functioning.

    To give better perspective, if you were to build a universe to allow for choice, how would you do it? (What an individual should eventually realize is that the calculation is quite complex. The calculation keeps coming back to what I explained as the optimal; solution, perspective, and reasoning of the concept choice and predeterminism.)

    Humans have choice, they just feel the concept in definition and perspective reasoning is not enough to explain the actions they choose and experience.

    (I hoped this helped. If you like this, then please like and share. Your thoughts are welcome, however, please keep them tactful. Thank you for taking the time to read this.)

    Content Created by and Author: Lloyd R Shisler (Social Engineer)
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