• Echarmion
    Yeah, real revolutionary to oppose genocide and affrimbthe rights of resistance.StreetlightX

    It's true that callous disregard for human life in pursuit of ideological purity is often a hallmark of revolutionaries (the ones that ended up in power, anyways. Ruthlessness probably plays a big role). So you're in good company, I guess. Just glad you're in front of a computer and not in any actual position of power, given how you treat disagreement.
  • Streetlight
    Opposing genocide = ideological purity. Got it.

    Not resisting genocide because people might get hurt <> ideological purity. Got it.

    Sad that people like you not only exist in front of a computer, but are in actual positions of power too.
  • Streetlight
    In other news there are now 31 dead children among the 119 dead Palestinians, which keeps the ratio of dead children to dead adults about the same as a few hours ago. A nice consistency in the murder of children. Wonder why the Palestinians don't just lay down and die. Make things easier for the Israelis as Ec would prefer.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    In any violent, vicious conflict, whom do you side with, Joshs: the weaker or the stronger? "David" or "Goliath"? Hint: The answer is fucking partisan. :shade:180 Proof

    Ok, so you like Jews when they're weak, subjugated minorities but when they establish a state and manage to secure land from aggressors and demonstrate strength then they are the oppressors.

    As a Jew I'd rather have your enmity than your support then if it means the actual security of my family. I have real skin in the game here.

    Weakness does not make one good, strength does not make one bad.
  • Echarmion
    Meanwhile, the Manchester Guardian bafflingly headlines this as "Israel air and ground forces hit targets in territory as death toll climbs".

    A very revealing headline, separating the death toll from the "hitting of targets". From just the headline, one might assume Israel is firing at target dummies while somewhere else people just drop dead.

    Even the BBC at least mentions in the subtitle how many people have been killed.
  • Streetlight
    demonstrate strengthBitconnectCarlos

    Interesting way to say 'ethnic cleansing'.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    At the end of the day it's either the Jews or the Arabs in charge. It's that simple. When you tell the Jews that they need to dismantle their state and lay down their arms then you're just putting the Arabs in charge again and promoting the subjugation of Jews as is routine under Arab rule.
  • Streetlight
    Interesting justification of racial apartheid.

    Pretty sure you can find something like it in Mein Kampf too.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    Israeli Arabs are given the same rights as Israeli Jews. People in the disputed territories are not Israeli citizens so it's not an apartheid.
  • Streetlight
    Israeli Arabs are second class citizens and everyone knows this but do tell me more about this ethnostate which you need to establish.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    So are American blacks and Jews in other Arab countries. So is virtually every minority in every country ever.

    I'm fine with an ethno-state. I'd give the Kurds one if I could.
  • Streetlight
    I'm fine with an ethno-stateBitconnectCarlos

    Of course you are. As with all racists.

    And I guess American blacks are treated like shit so that makes it OK?

    Mask off here we goooo.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    by ethnostate I meant a state that strives to reflect certain cultural values in its laws & policies and strives to maintain a certain ethnic make up. are you mad at India because they strive to maintain a fundamentally Indian state with Indian values?
  • Streetlight
    Yes. Have you not seen what ethnic tensions - escalated by a fanatical Hindu nationalist PM - in India have wrought?

    Silly question, you're ignorant as shit, of course you haven't. But go on, keep telling on yourself.
  • Manuel

    Just now they bombed the Tel al-Hawa neighborhood, which is south of us – very close but we don’t know where. They bomb with F-16s; there’s the constant noise of the drones and the planes flying overhead. When they bombed Arafat City [the police facility], our building swayed from side to side. We saw the plane as it dropped the bombs.

    “I think around 20 bombs were dropped on the police facility. It’s like somebody went nuts. The shock wave was stronger and scarier than the explosion itself, as if the earth were blowing up into itself. The warships also didn’t stop shelling from the sea at the refugee camps. We haven’t been able to sleep for two days.

    Impressive "self-defense", very brave. :shade:
  • BitconnectCarlos

    You and I are just different then. I don't see anything wrong with a state having a fundamentally, e.g. Indian, Han Chinese, Jewish, Muslim, character and striving to maintain that.
  • Streetlight
    I don't see anything wrong with a state having a fundamentally, e.g. Indian, Han Chinese, Jewish, Muslim, character and striving to maintain that.BitconnectCarlos

    Yes, because you are a racist. So this follows quite nicely.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    You're the one who wants to tell other entire nations that they're not allowed to enshrine their own cultural/historical values into law and maintain those through governance and I'm the racist. :chin:

    You just don't respect other customs. You don't respect the autonomy of communities. We don't all have to be like you.
  • Streetlight
    You're the one who wants to tell other entire nations that they're not allowed to enshrine their own cultural/historical values into law and maintain those through governance and I'm the racist.BitconnectCarlos


    How dare you tell racist states not to be racist. You're the real racist!

    Ahh you crack me up.
  • Streetlight
    Man, reading that article... this is actual state terrorism. Not state 'sponsored' terrorism. Just straight state terrorism.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    I certainly think one can implement cultural values and not be racist. Do you believe that all countries ought to run themselves in the same way? No cultural variation?
  • Streetlight
    Do you believe that all countries ought to run themselves in the same way?BitconnectCarlos

    Indeed I do. Which is why when countries exclude members of their population - or engage in ethnic cleansing to 'purify' that population - they do not 'run themselves'. They are made to run along exclusionary lines which make them - wait for it - racist.
  • Manuel

    Amira Hass is the real deal, a golden standard human being.

    Terrorism, absolutely. Putting a people in a blockade, limiting caloric intake, shutting down electricity, limiting how far they can go fishing and just bombing people indiscriminately is akin to putting fish in a barrel, starving them, shocking them and then bombing them.

    But these are people, not fish.

    And to top it off, have the audacity to call it a "war".
  • BitconnectCarlos
    Indeed I do.StreetlightX

    So would this be a liberal democracy? What system are you looking to implement everywhere?
  • Streetlight
    Oh, back to hypotheticals are we? Nope, not playing. Thanks for the admission though, racist.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    You just said you want to see all countries run roughly the same way and I'm just trying to get a sense of what that would mean. Just give me something to work with. Even if we had the same governance systems around the world the policies implemented would be quite different if we're dealing with democracy.
  • Harry Hindu
    Indeed I do. Which is why when countries exclude members of their population - or engage in ethnic cleansing to 'purify' that population - they do not 'run themselves'. They are made to run along exclusionary lines which make them - wait for it - racist.StreetlightX
    By this definition, the more diverse a country's population, the less racist it is. So China must be the most racist country by a multitude of factors above any other country. Someone should tweet LeBron James to let him know.
  • Manuel
    So China must be the most racist country by a multitude of factors above any other country.Harry Hindu

    China is quite racist actually and Japan as well for that matter.

    But so is Israel.
  • Streetlight
    So China must be the most racist country by a multitude of factors above any other country.Harry Hindu

    China is insanely racist. Like Israel, it too runs concentration camps.

    I don't know why people like you bring up all these supposed counter-examples which can be answered with a simple "yes". It's incredible. (I bet India is racist! Yes. I bet China is racist! Yes. I bet you think the Allies committed war crimes! Yes). Shows how fucked up people's moral compass' are.

    You just said you want to see all countries run roughly the same way and I'm just trying to get a sense of what that would meanBitconnectCarlos

    Not along ethnic lines would be a minimum. I.e. not racist.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    How about the Arabs countries? You think they love Jews over there? I haven't forgotten about your earlier post btw, I didn't mean to ignore it but I was just so mobbed with responses yesterday.

    Not along ethnic lines would be a minimum. I.e. not racist.StreetlightX

    How about religious ones then? Example: Calls to prayer in Muslim countries that are broadcast everywhere. You think non-Muslims love to hear this? Are you going to tell Muslim countries that this is a no-no?
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