• 4ever1friend
    International Women's Day, in 2021, as every year is celebrated on March 8, but this year fell as it could not be better, more precisely, on a Monday. Symbolically speaking, Monday being the first day of the week, it is the beginning for everything: on Monday I start learning, on Monday I start exercising, on Monday I start losing weight, practically everything starts on Monday.

    Life for each of us started from the mother's womb, from the woman's womb, the beginning of each of us, at least until now, we had it in the woman's womb, without them, we would not have existed. Of course, we as men are equally important in conception, but we cannot realize how a woman feels when the child is formed, grows up, hits the mother's womb and is then brought into this world. At the beginning we are connected through the physical oblique cord, later we are connected through the spiritual one.

    Unfortunately, there are “woman’s” who are far too selfish and negative, who become mothers and leave deep traces, sometimes unforgivable in the innocent soul of the child.

    However, for each of us, the lucky ones, the mother is much more special and has a special place in our heart and soul, so it is worth celebrating it at least once a year.

    Why women's day? Because every woman is a potential mother, both the lucky ones who are blessed with the gift of bringing a child into this world, and the less fortunate ones who want but cannot have a baby. Both categories of women, for me, are mothers because they carry in their souls the same love ready to be given.

    Happy birthday to all mothers, potential mothers but also to those with a motherly spirit, happy birthday woman!

    Originally published at 4ever1friend.com
  • fishfry
    Unfortunately, there are “woman’s” who are far too selfish and negative, who become mothers and leave deep traces, sometimes unforgivable in the innocent soul of the child.4ever1friend

    Uh oh you are in trouble with the woke police now. Suggest you turn yourself in for cancellation.
  • Outlander
    Because. Why don't we have "White History Month" or "Men's Day", just to remind other people they are so marginalized they need a holiday to commemorate them. Cycle, rinse and repeat. It's made to be internalized, and it generally is. More invisible chains, chains that are more binding than if they were physical because at least those can be unlocked with a physical item even absentmindedly. Unfortunately, you'll need to use your mind to break free from these.
  • 180 Proof
    Why women's day?4ever1friend
    Probably to call attention to the fact that the status quo is "Man's Day" every day all year long except(?) "Woman's Day". A symbolic form a protest to prick the cultural conscience (and maybe even rattle some political cages around the globe) ... like "Black History Month" in the US (which is manifestly white history month every day).
  • Amity
    Why women's day?4ever1friend

    It is more than it first appears.

    There's a mini discussion about this in the Lounge. Starting with:

    On 8th March every year is International Women's Day.
    This year the theme is: 'Choosing to Challenge'.
    How many get to choose ?


    There is also an International Men's Day

    Because every woman is a potential mother,4ever1friend

    So much more than being a mother or a father.
  • Benkei
    So much more than being a mother or a father.Amity

    Nah, reducing humanity to mindless baby makers seems about accurate. All the rest is just a means to that end. :razz:
  • Amity

    Is that a French tongue ? :cool:

    Allons-y !

  • Benkei
    I'm so French I was thankful for the English subtitles. I used to speak decent French and Spanish but I don't practise enough. :sad:

    Speaking of French kisses. My six year old daughter was saying "ewww" when my wife and I kissed a few days ago.

    So I ask "do you think this is disgusting?".
    "You'll be happy to know then that we sometimes kiss and also use our tongues."
    Daughter : :gasp: "Wait... What?"

    Ah, dinner table talks. Gotta love them.
  • Amity
    Ah, dinner table talks. Gotta love them.Benkei

    Bien sur :cool:

    You never know where they might lead.
    Brad and Angelina at dinner in Mr and Mrs.


    No problem with equal opportunities to stick the knife in :love:

    But then again:
  • TheMadFool
    "Do Women Actually Control The World?"

    Sounds like a good title for an exposé long overdue.
  • unenlightened
    Why is April the first all fools day, when fools prattle on every day?
  • TheMadFool
    Why is April the first all fools day, when fools prattle on every day?unenlightened

    Excellent! A word to the wise though...the world is not what it seems. Anyone who spends 5 minutes in a street in New York knows that. :lol:


    NOT a woman but also NOT in New York
  • Harry Hindu
    Probably to call attention to the fact that the status quo is "Man's Day" every day all year long except(?) "Woman's Day". A symbolic form a protest to prick the cultural conscience (and maybe even rattle some political cages around the globe) ... like "Black History Month" in the US (which is manifestly white history month every day).180 Proof
    Yet White History month and Man's day aren't officially recognized days while the others are. You sound like someone that is simply angry at the world for spawning you in a environment where there happen to more people that have a different skin color than you. Considering that the US is mostly white, it is no surprise that most of the people recognized will be white. The same goes in China and Africa - the majority race will be the one that is recognized the most. It seems to me that you are trying to impose minority rule of the majority. Why do I get the feeling that if the roles were reversed and blacks were the predominant race in the US, that we would never get a White History month, or that if women ruled the world, would they allow a Man's Day?
  • Tzeentch
    Black, white, man, woman. These are meaningless labels that fill our heads with assumptions about a given individual we may encounter, but in fact tell us next to nothing. The individual largely has no use for them. Such labels that echo same- and otherness are however of great use to those who seek to hold power over others.

    The appeal of these labels for the (sadly misguided) individual is that they are given a false, external source of self (ego), because they are yet unable to reach their true, unique identity, which cannot be defined through such generalizations.

    Thus, the embrace of external sources of self is ultimately a form of rejection of the self, and only leads to anger, resentment, projection, etc.
  • Amity
    to call attention to the fact that the status quo is "Man's Day" every day all year long except(?) "Woman's Day". A symbolic form a protest to prick the cultural conscience (and maybe even rattle some political cages around the globe) ... like "Black History Month" in the US (which is manifestly white history month every day).180 Proof

    I meant to reply to this. You make good points.
    Re: a White History Month, I found an interesting article where a sociologist claims it would be ridiculous to have one but later agrees it might be worthwhile:

    We celebrate the accomplishments of white people every day. Calls to celebrate whiteness ignore the institutionalized celebration of whiteness that’s built into the very fabric of our day-to-day lives, along with the more overt celebrations in every history textbook.Daniel Hirschman in interview


    if women ruled the world, would they allow a Man's Day?Harry Hindu

    There is already, as mentioned above.

    You sound like someone that is simply angry...Harry Hindu

    Didn't get that impression at all. Whereas your post sounded a tad on the mad side.

    It seems to me that you are trying to impose minority rule of the majority.Harry Hindu

    When white nationalist and white supremacist movements call to celebrate whiteness, they claim or imply that white people are under threat from nonwhite people. That is a cover to justify white people’s monopoly on wealth, income, property values, prestige power, and other desirable things. So they are deeply invested in inventing a particular understanding of race and a particular understanding of history that supports their narrative of white people under siege.As above

    This is based on fear of losing power and control.

    Having a Whiteness Day could inform rather than create further division.
    Understanding the history of whiteness - the organisations to ensure dominance:

    We should be talking more about whiteness. There was a recent controversy over a course being offered at the University of Wisconsin Madison on “The Problem of Whiteness.”

    I looked over the syllabus — it’s a great example of how to think and teach about race by foregrounding whiteness rather than nonwhiteness. That is, when we talk and write about race, we almost automatically assume that race is something that African Americans and Latinxs and Asians and Native Americans have; white people are just people.

    By foregrounding whiteness, we remind ourselves that race is a social construct that, for the most part, white people have used to assert or imply that white people are superior.
    As above
  • Possibility
    A few points I feel I should mention:

    I think you may have mixed up International Women’s Day with Mother’s Day.

    Being a woman is not just about being a mother. In celebrating women, we also celebrate those women who choose NOT to be mothers, because they, too are women, and worth celebrating for everything they bring to the table.

    Women do not exist in the world as a vessel of selfless love to be given to humanity - sorry to burst your bubble.
  • 180 Proof
    :clap: Grazie.

    You sound like someone that is simply angry...Harry Hindu
    STFD and stop projecting.
  • Amity

    Prego :sparkle:
  • BC
    That was a nice read--detailing how the Mother Country has fallen! What I felt was less schadenfreude and more relief at getting a cohesive explanation for the national act of shooting its collective self in both feet.

    But I am not convinced that GB has stolen the crown from us in the Stupidity Bowl game. Stay tuned.
  • Harry Hindu
    if women ruled the world, would they allow a Man's Day?
    — Harry Hindu

    There is already, as mentioned above.
    That wasn't what I asked. I was asking a hypothetical question. If you aren't going to pay attention to what I actually said and respond to what I actually said, then don't bother responding at all. These racist tactics are tiresome. If women or blacks were the ones in power, would we have White History month?

    This is based on fear of losing power and control.

    Having a Whiteness Day could inform rather than create further division.
    Understanding the history of whiteness - the organisations to ensure dominance:
    Again, if blacks were in power and whites started celebrating White History, would the blacks feel like their power is threatenend?

    The point of my post was that if it is good or bad for one group to do, then it good or bad for all groups to do. Blacks are human beings just like whites, and any moral obligations that one group is beholden to, the other group should be as well. Not having the same moral expectations of one group that you have of the other is racist.

    It's strange to say that everyday the US had a black president, it is still White History month every day. We don't have White History books. The history books in schools include the contributions from blacks and whites. World History books are a history of all peoples. So I am failing to see where White History is being celebrated and taught in our schools. There is no official part of our society that is designated as only white, yet plenty of places designated as only black. So your argument just doesn't hold any water when you actually try to reconcile what you said with what we observe.
  • Harry Hindu
    STFD and stop projecting.180 Proof
    You're the biggest racist on these forums, 180.
  • Amity
    That wasn't what I asked. I was asking a hypothetical question. If you aren't going to pay attention to what I actually said and respond to what I actually said, then don't bother responding at all. These racist tactics are tiresome. If women or blacks were the ones in power, would we have White History month?Harry Hindu

    Agree that you were asking a hypothetical question.
    My response was neither tactical or racist, any careful reader would see that.
    And this response will be short and the last on this subject.

    There are all kinds of 'special' days and months held globally.

    They are used by various governments, groups and organizations to raise awareness of an issue, commemorate a group or event, or celebrate.

    To answer your hypothetical:

    I don't see any reason why there couldn't be a 'White History Month' no matter what kind of human or E.T. is in charge. Although a Pastafarian would probably just call it 'Holiday' and celebrate any old how... :party:

  • 180 Proof
    ... and now, another projection from our Dunning-Kruger highlight reel:
    You're the biggest racist on these forums, 180.Harry Hindu
    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  • unenlightened
    another projection from our Dunning-Kruger highlight reel:180 Proof

    It's odd though, how popular the "argument" form is. A sort of very loud and insistent variety of "he who smelt it dealt it", whereby antiracists become racists, and fascists become defenders of free speech. But a philosophy forum and the mainstream media dominated by kindergarten nonsense is a rather desperate state of affairs, and there doesn't seem to be anything much to be done.
  • Benkei
    The "colour blind" progressive is poisoning the Dutch debate as well. I always wonder how they imagine problems will go away by not talking about them. Add to that the pretentious "impartiality" of those thinking they're above it deploring how society is becoming more polarised, where what's actually going on is that one side demands equality (that great Conservative value enshrined in almost every constitution) and another side vehemently opposes it and you realise just how few allies there really are.
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