• 10k Philosophy challenge
    can’t argue with that.
    I would just suggest to you that if morality is objective, this is plainly false to claim.
    If it is subjective, that’s a strange framework I’d think. Heh
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    ah I wish you’d said the first up top.
    I can’t see what you’re seeing because I don’t think there is evidence for a soul. He wasn’t seeing evidence of anything - he was trying to answer a question. The soul is just the easiest, and one of the least-plausible accounts he canvasses imo
  • Perception of Non-existent objects
    Hume and Kant were correct in saying that the principle of causality, space and time exist in mind rather than in the external world.Corvus

    I'm quite unconvinced we can make any kind of claim like this, and is principally why I can't get on too much with Kant (along with his boiling-down to God for his fundamental conclusions, in terms of regression). I don't think we can make this claim, because sans experience of an object without human perception, we have nothing to go on. It may be (as I think I lean) that human minds are literally empty at inception. We learn concepts through having them foisted on the mind. There's no reason to thinkt he mind is incapable of assenting to a concept like space, given it could not function without it, in the world (this, obviously, assumes space as a facet of reality outside of minds - which I think is uncontroversial, myself).

    This all said, I don't think it bears on the direct/indirect debate other than to say a Direct realist would be committed to the view I put here above. Otherwise, the perception is necessarily indirect, having been mingled with the pre (or sub)-conscious mind's a priori concepts before presentation to the conscious mind
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Some very interesting, and much calmer takes here, than prior to the election. Interesting stuff.
  • 10k Philosophy challenge
    if people are ok with it, then it is morally acceptableMetaphysician Undercover

    HUGE yikes.
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    LOL yes, that's more than likely hte better option.
  • The Biggest Problem for Indirect Realists
    Just because a baby does not understand well enough, e.g., the difference between themselves and other things and space and time does not entail in the slightest that they do not experience in space and time.Bob Ross

    It really does. They have no experience of difference - which is what is entailed by space and time. They denote difference. Babies do not have a concept of difference. This is particularly obvious when you note that a baby's 'intellect' begins in utero - where they couldn't have those concepts. They are clearly (in my view) learned, and not innate. That 'space and time' are innate is somewhat implausible to me. These seem to be arguments that would need to come down to some supernatural conclusion. Which, you'll note, Kant does.

    Let me ask for clarification: are you saying that a baby does not experience in space and time despite lacking the thinking power know that they are experiencing in space and time?Bob Ross

    This is a really quite confused way of approaching a clarification imo, and that is not to be rude. I can't quite figure what to 'straighten out' as to why you'd ask this - but let me try: What's at issue here is that you experience a baby in space and time. I think your question words on that level. But that's not to do with the baby, and their ability (as it were). They simply don't access those concepts (to a point, obvs, from our perspective). And so, "experience in space and time" is a third party observation. It comes from you, not the baby. The baby doesn't have a concept of either. (again, my view.. not some scientific claim). The baby probably doesn't have a concept of experience. Automata. The baby lack's the thinking power to apprehend those concepts at all to begin with. I understand the reliance on the claim to 'possibility' but that possibility, even on a reading of Kant's claims, does not preclude having an experience without those frame works available. But this, then, asks the question about whether time and space inhere in objects and so a baby simply learns to access concepts which make certain thoughts possible. This certainly seems to happen to adults in a more esoteric way.

    You'll note from the above, that, with respect, this is nonsense.
    Your terms don't align with mine, for one thing. Secondly, your claim about
    hat there is a part of human development which is not human experience in any meaningful senseBob Ross

    This is an utter non sequitur that borders on idolizing Kant and his vision. It could simply not be true that he had a handle on much, beyond the logical form of human reason. Babies don't have reason. SO, unless that, to you, removes humanity, then i simply reject, wholesale your entire conjecture here.
    toto genereBob Ross

    Yes. THis seems inarguable, on an empirical reading before we even get to 'our' disagreement on Kant.

    doesn't have extension nor is it placed in succession within that baby's consciousnessBob Ross

    In the baby's perception, this also seems inarguable. Not quite sure what the pushback on this is. If you have an intellect that doesn't correctly order your spatiotemporal categories, you do not cease to be human or cease to experience.
    what, thenBob Ross

    bare experience, unorganised and automatically responded to. This, also, doesn't seem a problem. Adults have this experience also. Take mushrooms my guy. Space and time are not as hard-and-fast as you seem to think, in human experience.
  • Earth's evolution contains ethical principles
    I got a ping... Just confirming it was accidentally tagging me rather htan Banno for that quote above your post?
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    Definitely - and one far more nuanced than even this one, imo. Thank you for that.
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    Your opinion of my attitude is not really of interest to me.T Clark

    A clear reading of my post would illustrate this is not what's being put forward. I refer to the Democratic party and their abysmal failures throughout. IF you read it this way, that explains a huge amount. I am not trying to be rude - this literally clears up some misapprehensions, from my position, you've engaged in. Not a disparagement.

    it's that it continues.T Clark

    You have to be suggesting that slavery, or systematic (i.e open, and admitted) racism is extant. It isn't. Plainly (please don't be silly - obviously there are racist individuals, but the hyper-vigilance of your kind of thinking violates any sense of reason). So, unless you're suggesting the above, your position is nonsense. You're right, it's not worth arguing about. Either you notice reality, or you don't. This one is a direct disparagement, though.
  • Can One Be a Christian if Jesus Didn't Rise
    But the issue with a religious belief is that there is no clear way to identify what's valid and what's not.Tom Storm

    I disagree with this, but it is fact-specific to any particular claim so probably not worth following up in this context. Appreciate it :)

    not just some dead shit who likes the sound of a particular wordTom Storm

    Are you entirely sure these are mutually exclusive? hehe.
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    "you" being purposefully vague. "one" could suffice.

    My response to that question, is the quote you've used. I think that quote describes the behaviour in that question you wanted an answer to :)
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    epublicans want to pretend the way black people have been treated historically is no longer an issue. It turns my stomach.

    This is not a republican position, per se. I also highlight something which seems to be missed by all and sundry trying to advocate for various schemes. They are historical grievances. They literally not in issue. Barely a man in the land would deny their reality and import. What to do about the historical wrongs is what's at issue. So, this formulation is entirely wrong. The historical wrongs are not an issue anymore, plainly. The same way the gross, extreme and comparable (or exceeding) wrongs visited on northern Europeans, North Africans by North Africans in the 15-18th centuries is no longer an issue.

    However, the treatment of Northern Africans by other Northern Africans today is an issue that no one seems to want to talk about, in this context. Its a pretty telling issue, though, that America abandoned slavery and Northern Africa has not.
  • Is the distinction between metaphysical realism & anti realism useless and/or wrong
    we have no way of knowing whether there are further truths that are unknowable.Janus

    Not only this, even if we had a way - that further knowledge would constitute a truth, defeating the claim it is meant to support.
  • The Biggest Problem for Indirect Realists
    When Kant speaks of intuition, he is talking about the innate capacity our sensibility and reason has for attributing spatio-temporal properties to phenomena—not ‘intuition’ in the sense of what our higher-order thinking abilities does.Bob Ross

    I, also, am referring to these. Babies cannot determine depth and do not see themselves as separate to things around them. They, obviously, have no concept of time or duration. They can't note 'difference'. I am using the philosophical term 'intuition' here (though, admittedly, used the other sense at the end of that post so sorry for the confusion).

    this doesn’t even address what Kant is talking aboutBob Ross

    It does. Your response says to me you aren't engaging with it sufficiently to understand what's being said. Babies do not have concepts of space and time at birth . These are developed from experience. IF TRUE (which I contend, it is) then Kant's system fails on that fact. It is not an inherent ability. It is not something built-in to human reason. It is something discovered, by virtue of, I contend likely, the inherence of those concepts in the world around us. I think Kant's dumbest claim is that without perception time and space are either useless, or do not exist. That is such an insane speculation, as with the gulf between perception and ding-en-sich, that I've had to re-read the CRP specifically to see if there's anything whatsoever that makes it less insane. There doesn't seem to be..

    TO be clear: We experience babies in space and time. You are, it seems, rather confused as between this and the baby's experience. I have raised two. I can be fairly sure of this confusion.

    The space and time which are the forms of your sensibility are not in realityBob Ross

    Yes, that is the claim. I reject it on several grounds already canvassed. Though, I suggest, most likely, we have evolved to mirror them in sensibility. Again, assuming the kind of gap between things and our perception as would support the position you take from Kant is simply speculative nonsense to me. Absence is not evidence.

    is a wholly separate question.Bob Ross

    Per above, I do not think this is a tenable position to take. We may simply have to disagree here.

    I think you are just misunderstanding Kant’s viewBob Ross

    If this is the case, his view is not in line with yours :D
  • Can One Be a Christian if Jesus Didn't Rise
    This answers the OP's quesion.Tom Storm

    I claim to be Christian. Never read the bible.

    Answers the OP?

    I claim to be an astronomer. I don;'t know what a tensor equation is. Answers the OP?

    I claim to be an adherent Buddhist, but I compete in Jiu jitsu, having broken several limbs and am somewhat proud of that fact. Answers the OP?

    Self identification must be the weakest defence for someone meeting a criteria which others must share.
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    he has zero convictions and merely harnesses the fears and bigotries of the unsophisticated to propel his movement. Liberal propaganda?Tom Storm

    Not propaganda, just hypocritical nonsense, I think, designed to support the emotional responses to politicians you abhor. I was guilty of doing this, as a 'democrat', for like a decade.

    Nothing per se wrong with that, though. Do what makes you most comfortable. Only lying about a politician would be - in this case, I think its just jacked-up weirdos doing the exact same gymnastics they do in their day-to-day lives to cover up hypocrisies and inconsistencies. That said, there seems to me to be far more willingness to lie, or at least allow untruths, to propagate as a specifically political tool on the Left.
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    but I do know it isn’t to lower our standards for evidence.Bob Ross

    Even accepting an opinion that its more likely than not Trump, or whoever, committed these crimes, this is true and an inarguably important aspect of a fair judicial system. The opposite risk is so much worse. This is why the 'believe all women' campaign probably resulted in a reduction in women being taken seriously. Coupled with lower thresholds for psychological resilience (i.e, some guy brushed against me in a mosh pit, so I was assaulted is utterly insane, but not uncommon, where women are constantly being told they're at risks that they probably aren't actually at, at most times).

    I note, also, that at least here and the UK, Judges are extremely live to this issue and very commonly will convict a man on "convincing hearsay" and thin probative evidence. I.e, nothing actually establishes the thing occurred, let a lone that guy did it - but judges do not want to leave a total gap for the reason Bob noted:

    the real challenge for sex crime victims: there word cannot be enough to convict someone, but the nature of the crime usually means there’s no further evidence.Bob Ross

    No idea how to 'get around' this. But hte situation where 'innocent until proven guilty' is airtight, is clearly better than convicting people on vibes. Having been a victim, I'm rather comfortable telling anyone who thinks otherwise to simply shut up. Just shut up.
  • Dominating the Medium, Republicans and Democrats
    Now, Elon Musk with X.com has likely interfered with this election cycle.Shawn

    "interfered" is a very strong framing.

    I can't really see how that could be the case, other than being an extremely visible and vocal person. That said, he certainly influenced it. This is not at all comparable to Russian assets literally trying to mess with voting locations.
  • The 'hard problem of consciousness'
    Seeing involves light.Harry Hindu

    I agree with much of your post, I can foresee (and have experienced) this wording being an extremely unhelpful and confusing one.

    "Ahh, i see" is a totally normal, every-day use of hte term which muddies these waters and requires some restriction. I prefer to use the term "see" to apprehend the perception and "look at" to note literally using one's eyes to receive light. This allows for looking out, without seeing - and seeing, without looking at (any given ...anything).

    Just a ntoe on how I have found some success making this discussion a bit clearer on several occassions. Not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm trying!

    It would be strange to claim the elected official is an effect of his constituents.ucarr

    It would not. But this is squarely because you're confusing the two senses.

    the physics of a material world, beyond mentally constructed information supports something being at stake: the life of the aware subject experiencing the world.ucarr

    It does not. Material physics need not include anything on the side of experience. That meaning it doesn't 'support' anything you've said. It is capable of describing those things.
  • Earth's evolution contains ethical principles
    hat the world has evolved in such-and-such a way does not imply what we ought to do.Banno

    :up: That's all I had to say, personally.
  • A modest proposal - How Democrats can win elections in the US
    I’m a liberal Democrat. I don’t like losing elections and we shouldn’t be. Democrats govern and Republicans destroy. We should be the majority party, but we’re not. Here are some suggestions about how we might go about fixing this.T Clark

    My suggestion: Do not approach the conversation as if you are the arbiter of moral truth, and the only available acceptable option. This is partially the reason Democrats constantly fail to inspire. They are authoritarian, as to people's views of them. In practice, though, there is little difference to the average person.

    Your responses, over the course of months, suggest that you perhaps are not able to see this clearly. It suggests that, perhaps, you are in an ideological hole unable to even consider positions that make you uncomfortable. This has nothing to do with whether, or any specific issue, you hve the facts right. You probably do, in many cases. But to open a thread like this, the way you have, is extremely off-putting and highlights communication issues for the party. It seems you've taken on the same playbook in your own communiques.

    This is why Democrats lose. There is no critical thinking. There is pandering and cowing to pressure. Sure, there is on the other side, but at least the last eight (10, i guess) years, that hasn't been a selling point or a legitimate criticism as it had been previously (and why, previously, I strongly lent democrat and on paper, probably still appear that way issue-for-issue). Republicans won this round because Democrats and the Party appear like shitty movie sets - no depth, push-over, shallow "how do we get votes" type of campaigning.

    Perfect take, imo.
  • The Biggest Problem for Indirect Realists
    It’s an innate capacity; not memory.Bob Ross

    I don't think you've grasped what I've said. It is an objection to that formulation of Kant's. It does not seem to me that this is the case. Babies cannot intuit time and space. They develop those concepts as best i can tell, through experience (and if true, in a rough-and-ready way, defeating Kant's position entirely - but apoditicality would be required, and im not suggesting this.)

    The fact that....Bob Ross

    I can't quite understand the question - it seems as if you're asking the question I should be asking? I'm rejecting a significant gulf between the thing-in-itself and our perception of it in terms of form and aesthetics. I would also add, that we have no reason to think time and space aren't inherent in matter, rather htan our perception of it, for hte same reasons. Perhaps you're seeing what I'm seeing, but grasping at the gap as significant in theory? Can't quite tell, i'm sorry.

    hat’s true of all major philosophical movements to a large extent,Bob Ross

    I don't think so. Kant is pariticularly esoteric and counter to intuition. Several large philosophical movements have had their day - even Kant's - but it falls away when people come to the similar thoughts I've laid out here, it seems (this, also in universities, in my experience).
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    I think it's about the one describedClearbury

    To clarify why I think not, your conclusion requires a different question: What is the nature of consciousness? WHich is not the same as whether or not it is transitive, specifically. In your conclusion, there are several issues I can see: "if the mind stays with teh functioning" cuts across both ways. At some point, both 'items' become 'functional' as built-in to the thought experiment. In this case, it's the basic nature of consciousness, rather htan it's relationship to the brain that would be in question, I think - but I could be misconstruing.

    That the consciousness was uninterrupted assures us that the mind was present there the whole time, but the consciousness is not the mind, but simply a state the mind was in.Clearbury

    I don't think we can say that an uninterrupted consciousness is required. We sleep, for instance. It's not hte same, no, but it gives us pause. It's entirely possible that consciousness can be interrupted (perhaps true NDEs are in this category) and return to it's initial state, based on it's carrier. That could support it arising from the brain, and all its unique complexity, or it could support that mind is something else (or atleast, somewhere else)

    But it can't plausibly be that the consciousness was uninterrupted that explains why my mind stayed where it wasClearbury

    Similarly, I think it's entirely plausible that this is the reason. We just don't know.. My intuition is also that more than likely, the mind is not synonymous with the brain. But its extremely hard to see why...
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    There are no legal cases.Fooloso4

    Then your biases seem a little larger. Though, I acknowledged earlier, and do so now as a bit of a olivebranch that I am biased in the other direction, having been a victim and having been falsely accused. Fair positions; both, i'd think, if we're not talking legal benchmarks. Though, it seemed you were..
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    What I said is "they do not ...Fooloso4

    Correct. But, in retrospect, my comment makes more sense in this context. Apologies for the mis-quote.

    I don't. The point is that it is a major reason why many victims just keep quiet.Fooloso4

    Assuming so is ... bad form. Assuming guilt is bad form. INferring guilt is bad form. Filling gaps with non-existent victims (as far as we currently know, given we're talking about non-reports essentially) is bad form. I don't do that. I wouldn't accept others doing that around me. Perhaps its the legal mind, but I can't allow it (i.e I would push back. Do whatever you want lol).

    It is not a pre-determined view.Fooloso4

    Based on the following sentence (in your reply) i'm going to reiterate that it is. We can just leave that, I would think.

    That is as far as all but one of these cases went.Fooloso4

    Then we have literally no reason to assume guilt, do we? Nice.

    I am saying that grabbing a woman by the pussy without consent is a sexual assault. He claims that this is what he does.Fooloso4

    You will notice that my comments on the initial position apply (perhaps more strongly) to this one. You have nothing.

    Twenty-seven is many.Fooloso4

    The context is a section of a group. 27 is several as opposed to 200 (where maybe 75+ would be 'many'). This is a dumb thing to object to anyway. It has nothing to do with the substance.

    Is there any number of allegations against him that he denies that would strain his credibility for you?Fooloso4

    No. But I think this is actually the answer you want, you're just not adequate distinguishing the important part: A single provable instance would be enough to write him off in the same way even some of hte lets say less stable detractors have. That's simply not something I can get on with in any way. Accusations don't bother me, that much (particularly ones against a wealthy, older white male (i.e extremely easy target) in the context of his becoming President where half the country already wanted his head). That's a separate conversation, but just stating so it's clear.

    If you'd just asked me whether I personally actually think he's sexually assaulted anyone before, I'd have said, oh almost surely. I don't know a single person who hasn't, when drilled. Its a matter of degree. And his 'degree' is likely to be far higher than the ones I'm intimating in the previous sentence. Do I believe he did any of the discreet things he's accused of? I'd be an idiot to go one way or the other.

    Facts are provided in the link. I listed them.Fooloso4

    Then, I think we're done. Nothing you've presented provide any basis for your conclusions, in my view. You've doubled down on assumptions, reading words as actions, a pretense of Godly knowledge of character and a knack for inferring facts from non-facts that I'm jealous of. At least one (that other complaints went no further) tell against you. You have to fill in the gaps and assume embarrassing numbers of elements to come to any conclusion. Reiterating the above: I'd be an idiot to believe one way or the other. This is hte correct way to deal with disputed facts when you're not the Judge, God or have direct personal knowledge.

    The only aspect you've brought up which has much to say is the E Jean Carroll case which is certainly concerning, and even on terms I've restricted my concerns to. However, I would refer you to the Amber Heard case in London for an example of why this says not much. It just means Trump couldn't win a defamation case. It's word-against-word, and both sides have an extremely vested interest. For several reasons, the Jury was likely disposed (particularly on a lower threshold of evidence in civ cases) to find him guilty. He very well could have raped her. He very well could have done something lesser. He very well may just be a clumsy dick that people are targeting because of his clumsy, lusty behaviour (for the avoidance of doubt, any form of SA is precluded from the description just given).

    I have not defended him once. I don't know him. He seems a total goof who I wouldn't enjoy spending time with.
    I have pushed back on legally dubious claims and presumptions of guilt. Might be worth focusing a little bit ;)
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    Why do you lose memories when you teleport and why do you posit that I have a continuous memory from birth to now?Hanover

    Please forgive any prickliness here. It seems, outright, you are not reading my entire posts. Eg, the above vs:

    You're free to say you were not 'you' before, say, age 4 when clear memories coalesced.AmadeusD

    So, to be clear, I can;t answer your question because I did not make the claim it refers to. I will do my best to ignore this, as it comes up, and just respond to what I can stand behind. So, apologies if things seemed to be missed and such.

    You're distinguishing your example from mineHanover

    By the fact that, in 'my' (it's actually Derek Parfit) case, you choose to use a machine which purports to "recreate" you somewhere else. But what actually happens, is that you go into a machine, it copies you perfectly - atom for atom - then destroys you and sends the data to another machine which 3d-prints you from that data. This is clearly not like your case of simply living through life, even if this reduces to saying they're are just different cases.
    Ignoring the question of whether this would preserve psychological continuity (relation R) at all (reductionists are essentially committed to saying yes, it would, by virtue of being your exact physical double at the moment of transfer) and the question of how, moments after re-creation, you couldn't be the original person as your memories now diverge sufficiently to defeat the rule of identity, the point is this:

    If there is someone who recalls being you, and is physically identical do you - is this you? The reason this is an important thing to nail down about identity is presented in:

    the kicker for this thought experiment is what's called the 'branch-line case" in which the machine malfunctions, and you survive several hours after the transfer and can talk to your double. You are, though, destined to die in the 'normal' way, in several hours time.

    Can there be two "you"s? Uncomfortable. But seems fairly true, if relation R holds. You may simply disagree that this is the correct notion of identity and that's totally fine. I've just not come across a better one, however much this has increased my fear of death.

    But if I go from Point A to Point B over 50 years and not a single same cell or single same memory exists from age 1 to age 50, then don't I have the same identity problem as you noted in the teleporting?Hanover

    I think the underlined is not quite right. This might be rectified by moving the date forward to age 4, per the above correction I've made to your initial questions. But that said, in your example - not a single cell, and not a single memory remain? You are not the same person. That seems simple. It relies on the same logic/reasoning/position as the teletransporter case. That case is simply the reverse. Can someone who does have the exact physical make-up, and psychological make-up as you.. actually be you? It seems they can. And, for me, the only issue is how to get around the possibility of two "you"s. For me, this is solved by the fact that the exact instant one becomes aware they did not die in the machine, the two have disparate memory banks. Nothing ship-of-theseus rears its head.

    Here is a thought experiment - I do not think it is mine, but I cannot remember whose it isClearbury

    Parfit outlines several versions of this in Reasons and Persons as related to humans. He uses surgeries replacing body parts, and swapping body parts to tease out the intuitions. Far too long to summarize, but that may be helpful in you find the discussion. DM me if you need further help on that...

    On the other hand, if the mind stays with the functioning, then the mind stays where it is and the reassembled brain is either just a lump of meat or another mind, but it isn't the original one.Clearbury

    This is a conclusion for a different thought experiment, on my view. Yours speaks to "at what point" certain things become, or are disestablished. The whole-sale transference of matter in the sense of "Reassembling" is not the same question, I don't think. However, I think when you turn this to brains and minds, we don't know enough about functional memory and where/what in the brain houses/contributes to/eliminates memories to justly answer whether or not the "old, reassembled" brain would carry any memories with it.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    Why do I have to use teleportation?Hanover

    I didn't say you did. It was an example. Which is what I posited it as. Bizarre question.

    Why can't I just say I existed as a baby at Time 1, Location 1 and now I'm at Time 1,000 at Location 1,000?Hanover

    Because you wouldn't think this was the case. It wouldn't be open to you in my example, which is clearly, and vastly different to yours. You wouldn't be saying it. You'd be dead.
    In your case, you DO have the memories. You have psychological continuity. You're free to say you were not 'you' before, say, age 4 when clear memories coalesced. That is another semi-discomforting conclusion from the Relation R take (i.e psychological continuity) which terrifies me, and comforts others. These two ways of thinking aren't really in any kind of conflict.

    It's always very hard to know what hte heck Banno is trying to say, as he tends to do drive-by thought-wanking but it seems he's pointing hte same out.

    Your continuity as you is all that matters. If that continuity is irreversibly broken (i.e there is no one alive who remembers being you) then you don't exist anymore. This doesn't require any essentialism. It requires a vague, but obviously felt, reality of psychological continuity.

    I still think they're just Ship of Theseus problems dealing with identity.Hanover

    Then I'd say you're not adequately contending with the ideas put forward. Mine are specifically designed to avoid that insurmountable sorities issue.
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    One of those who do not care about the truth?Fooloso4

    You are clearly doing this in bad faith. This one hit like a shitty Twitter response.

    No. I am a victim of several sexual assaults, who has chosen not to press charges. So, kindly, keep your bullshit in your mind.

    Are you just pretending to be clueless? The defense will do what they can to attempt to discredit the accuser. This often amounts to a psychological abuse and an assault on the victim's integrity.Fooloso4

    Yes. That is their entire job, and half the purpose of an adversarial justice system. If you have an issue with this, it might be worth having a look into the middle east and how their courts work.

    Nonsense. This has nothing to do with meFooloso4

    Its has everything to do with you. Your biases are writ large, and its clear your have a pre-determined view on the matter. It doesn't seem to matter to you that we have systems in place to adjudicate conflicting accounts of things. You are also intimating that a recording of a private conversation, in a context that has absolutely nothing to do with carrying out a sexual assault is evidence of one. You can't be serious can you?

    two things seem likely: there are others who remain silent and at least a few of the allegations are trueFooloso4

    These are two things that seem likely to you. Once again, this is about you. Not the facts.

    What facts?Fooloso4

    Fucking, exactly my dude. Exactly.

    27 is more than several. "perhaps scorned" is weaseling and a sleazy suggestion.Fooloso4

    It is several. No it isn't. You are having a moment because I've suggested a completed reasonable, and previously known possibility for the persecution of socially controversial men. I didn't even suggest this did happen. I've suggested it does not strain credibility. It doesn't. Your protests aren't anything more than that.

    When you do not know the facts they cannot indicate anything.Fooloso4

    Ok. So, why are you coming to all manner of absurd conclusions, foregoing democratic judicially processes and assuming everything but God to get to a position like the one you're in?
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    Alas, if only denial made it true. As far as I can tell, you and Bob don’t even care if it is.T Clark

    Unfortunately, the case here is that there is no good evidence. Caring if its true has nothing to do with the discussion I've engaged in. I can see the confusion you're doubling down on. The problem is, denial is legitimate in the absence of proof. Concluding guilt in an absence of compelling evidence is the type of thing that gets judges removed from the bench.

    They doFooloso4

    Very true. I am one.

    where they are assaulted a second time.Fooloso4

    Sorry, what the heck are you talking about here?

    This time around by defense lawyers who care nothing about the truth.Fooloso4

    It seems you're not getting what you want out of hte world stage, and thereby foregoing any sense of objectivity here. THat's fine, i guess. But hte facts indicate other than the conclusions you're drawing.
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    The fact that he has never been criminally charged does that there is not ample evidence that he is a sex offender.Fooloso4

    It's actually a pretty damn good indication of this. I can't understand why, if this was your brother or father, you certainly wouldn't rest on these laurels. But if its someone you would psychologically benefit from being charged and convicted you're happy to lay a really dubious claim out there like this. I realise its just a forum, and who cares, but diligence around provability is an important aspect, and the conclusion drawn here is decidedly undemocratic.

    Would you leave him alone with your wife or mother or daughter?Fooloso4


    Where is explicit consent? How can there be consent when he does not even wait?Fooloso4

    This isn't evidence of any kind, as regards rape. This is a recording of a private conversation which gives us every reason to detest his character. This wouldn't even count as probative evidence in a criminal court.

    It strains credibility to the breaking point to think that this many women just made things up.Fooloso4

    No it doesn't. Much weirder, more expansive and stupid shit has happened. Michael Jackson's criminal trials come to mind. Absolute joke. Full disclosure though: I have been the target of more than one completely and utterly false claims of sexual assault/rape. One of those was in fact, a situation in whcih I was sexually assaulted and the woman wanted to get ahead of it. So, it does not strain credibility to think there are several, perhaps scorned, unstable women willing to lie in court for money. That's not at all hard to conceive, in the context of "this is the election for America's future". Ideological commitment is poison.

    Let's face facts, calling him a rapist is an accurate description.T Clark

    No. No it isn't. It is a speculative slur, at this point. Bob is right.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    No, not at all. Your example does the same as mine, but the 'biological method' is different. If you simply cannot remember who you are - look down and go "whos legs are these?" you're not the owner of those legs. In this case, I just don't have a name for hwo you are - your psychology has only just now come into existence. Name yourself!
    This isn't particularly difficult to grasp, I don't think. It just gives us the extremely uncomfortable conclusion that (for example) in a situation of teletransportation, you die. You don't come to in place 2. You simply die. Someone new, with your same memories, exists in place 2. For some, that is comforting. As long as someone who will be you continues to drive toward your goals and desires, all is well. For me, its terrifying.

    Now, that runs counter to most intuitions about identity, for sure. But that is likely irrelevant. As regards Ship of Theseus, no. I am expressly avoiding that question. The body is not that relevant - it just a way of testing the conclusion as against the opposite (i.e "oh! Those are my legs" would indicate no change in psychological continuity in the Jane example).
  • Can One Be a Christian if Jesus Didn't Rise
    I think no. Despite Leontisko's protestations (which don't seem to go further than that description) it is clearly hte case that a Christian must accept Christian doctrine. The name "Christ-ian" infers this is, at the base, the doctrine of hte Christ myth. If you do not accept the Christ myth, you're something else related to Christian. But clearly, if you reject the basis for the description of the sect, you're not in it.

    That might seem reductive, but the concept of doctrine is pretty reductive, and it behooves me to avoid hte ridiculousness of sectarianism and just make a call, from my view.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    This is hte crux; good stuff.

    When you wake up, would you think "where is my mind?". Surely not. Would you look down - see two legs and think "where are my legs"?

    Are the ones you now have Jane's legs? Then you're still you. Are they your legs? Then you're Jane.
  • Aristotle and the Eleusinian Mysteries
    I am interested in what Aristotle thought about this and whether he took part.I like sushi

    Then my suggestion wasn't for you, was it friend? :)

    but this doe snot define the purpose of the mysteries.I like sushi

    It may have been the entire purpose, form and execution of the Mysteries (though, not to box-tick drug taking). That's what explorations like Muraresku's are trying to sort through.

    I have strong reasons to believe it would be a waste of time reading that. I have heard him before and cannot imagine sifting through a couple of hundred pages is worthy of my time in the hope of finding one nugget of information.I like sushi

    I can't but assume you really aren't coming into much contact with the substance of the work. Which is not Hancock's, btw.That's not meant to be disparaging - this is most people's position having not engaged particularly well. If any of your reasons have anything to do with racism, you should probably just stop and actually read his work - or admit you just don't know? Usually the way.

    If you have any interest in Hancock's psychedelic work, Supernatural is probably the single-best-researched book o the topic which isn't specialised (i.e written by a worker, or focussed on one particular pet project). This coming from someone who has worked in academic psychedelic labs and lectured at several universities on the topic.

    By all means, tell me if he mentions Aristotle at all?I like sushi

    Yes. But it sounds like you're not particularly apt to accept something from this writer. Which is fair.
  • The Biggest Problem for Indirect Realists
    So, something cannot correspond, from reality, to, one-to-one, your perception: that wouldn’t make sense.Bob Ross

    I understand, and I'm not quite suggesting this (though, it seems far more reasonable than pretending there isn't one at all). To reiterate something from an earlier take, there is no good reason to think that which excites our perceptions is significantly different from them. The fidelity between people's perceptions tends toward this, as does "objective measurement" to the degree that that is actually going on LOL.

    (1) there are a priori preconditions by which your brain cognizes and (2) your brain is cognizing multiple objects, from those sensations, into one coherent stream of consciousness.Bob Ross

    So say's Kant's system. Am well aware of this position. But I don't think that's necessarily the case. The idea of a priori concepts is a baffling one, if you're not going to invoke like genetic memory or whatever. This isn't decisive for me, but I think this, coupled with the above, are points, again, at which for me Kant is left seriously wanting.

    If by this you just meant that there must be something exciting your senses in order for your brain to have the material required to represent (i.e., the sensations), then you are absolutely right.Bob Ross

    To make this a speculative proposition: That "something" must be (in the sense of, it would be required) sufficiently similar in form, function and aesthetic to your perceptions to cause them absent any notable aberration in perception (this leans on the above two objections, I suppose, and I take that they are all speculative, and work together).

    How? The idea of a coffee is inherently spatiotemporal, logical, mathematical, conceptual, etc. All of that is a priori.Bob Ross

    I don't think so, no. And even if it were, you need to explain to me how the thing which causes coffee is not coffee (albeit, having never been named as such - but that's clearly not what's at issue here). If it's not coffee... well. I'm sure it's quite clear why this a rocky road to go down. And perhaps why philosophies like Kant's don't make it further than universities... No one relates to this nonsense.
  • The Biggest Problem for Indirect Realists
    I am not following the critique here: a thing-in-itself represents something real—it represent “that”. It doesn’t represent nothing.Bob Ross

    If there is 'nothing out there' corresponding to your perception (which you have very expressly positied) then, no. It isn't anything. It represents nothing but a gap in the knowledge of hte perceiver. Maybe that was hte intention, but it butters no bread as far as I can see.

    Ok, I was misunderstanding what you mean by “disconnect”.Bob Ross

    Fair enough - I'll try to be clearer (generally, not going to restate).

    It would be, then, under my view that there is “connect” between the object which excited the senses and the phenomena of it insofar as the former is required for the latter but is not knowable, in terms of its properties, from the latter.Bob Ross

    I agree. Which, to the degree I can make heads or tails of it, is precluded by the above issue of correspondence.

    You would have to experience the world as it were independently of your experience of it to verify how accurate your perceptions areBob Ross

    Apodictically, yes.

    All you can know, is that when you strip out the way your brain is pre-structured to experience, then there’s nothing intelligible left.Bob Ross

    This is yours, and Kant's view. I'm unsure it's mine, but it also does not defeat what I'm putting forward here.

    what do you have left?Bob Ross

    The coffee. Quite blatantly.
  • Aristotle and the Eleusinian Mysteries
    That may be your opinion. Not mine. I disclaim that Graham is a personal friend, and has been for quite some time. That said, yeah - pretending that his name is somehow an indication of quality is erroneous at best, prejudiced at worst.
  • Abortion - Why are people pro life?
    after Mackie, I'm going to say asking anyone to defend their values is a joke.