
  • Greatest Power: The State, The Church, or The Corporation?
    With every pyramid scheme there will always be an individual at the very top. He is the one with the most power and decides who fights with who and who wins. He controls all the money which is the real god this day and age. Rendering governments, religion, and businesses puppets in his own hands. Without money these things would die out to the ones that do. The fake image of money is the most powerful image to date and each individual feeds it with his own thoughts and actions by using it.
  • Vaccine acceptence or refusal?
    dying from complications of the vaccine are 112 times more likely than dying from covid itself
  • Intelligence of the Natural world
    well spoken. Which of these four possibilities is the most likely one? Trick question?
  • Intelligence of the Natural world
    The natural world contains so much information and yet it is able to systematically organize that information to create a kind of cohesion. Take a single human cell for example the nucleotides that compose its DNA and RNA sequence are composed and organized in way to perpetuate the entire life in the cell. There is also epigenetics that provide feedback to each individual cell so randomness of the event of perfect organization is reduced dramatically. Nature is like a system that constantly tries to perfect and learn about itself. such a perfect perpetual system of growth isn't likely to be random. And by not likely it is REALLY unlikely like 1/1x10^8867 kind of likely
  • Intelligence of the Natural world
    and don't even start on autogenisis. Say, which book from Occam do you recommend to read?
  • Which books have had the most profound impact on you?
    All of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books
    Tao Te Ching
    One straw revolution
    Tales from the night rainbow
    Dantes divine comedy
    The kin of Ata
    the hobbit
  • Intelligence of the Natural world
    Occams razor states that the simplest solution is generally always the best solution
  • Intelligence of the Natural world
    What may have created these powers to be infinitely complex?
  • What's your favorite Thought Experiment?
    One of my favorite thought experiments is the boy with no words. Suppose if a boy was raised his whole life without any sort of made up language of communication. How would he think? I think he would think in terms of images and feelings. The essence of what we think.
  • Euclids Elements
    logic is very systematic and straightforward with well defined rules that you can follow. Reason on the other hand gets more complicated in that there are less solid guidelines to follow in using it. Rationality, however, contains the whole complex of human energy that you work with and more importantly the feelings that we all have. Through rationality I use logic and reason but also feelings to determine the truthfulness of my conclusions.

    If I end with a philosophical conclusion feeling helpless, sad, negative, depressed, etc... I know by trusting my feelings that the conclusion I came up with is false and shouldn't be implemented. If instead I get a conclusion that gives me joy and an inspiration to co-create something new into my life, then I came up with something good that will help people and the world. The goal of all my philosophical conclusions is to confirm the perfection and beauty that is life!

    Now anti-rationality is when you leave out those important feelings and come up with spockmania as you may call it. By following this example you get the artificial reality we have created today which destroys and exploits the natural world (gods thoughts) in order to sustain itself for a temporary period of time until it can't no longer.

    On the other hand feeding those rational conclusions with your thought and actions makes you nourish and cultivate the natural world that we are an important part of. For the natural world is eternal by way of auto-genesis and provides objects that were created by a vastly superior intelligence than the artificial ones that are created today and, consequently, by interacting with the natural world we can attain higher truths that will help reciprocally serve to create the paradise on Earth(or eden if you will) that is the birthright for every given man. This is our journey back to our pristine origins. Back to knowing god through his creations.
  • Euclids Elements
    I thought I foresaw that axiom loophole which could be overused and abused. I am currently working on perfecting the skill of logic and reasoning just how Euclid, Aristotle, and my good pal Abe Lincoln had done.

    I, sadly, failed to make the connection between geometry in particular, mathematics in general and logicTheMadFool

    I would blame the educational (which is actually social/political) system for that common insufficiency that you and I both share.

    So, the natural question is, is math just logic in its [Euclid's] elements?

    I feel like if math is a universal language then it should express properties that the universe contains. The universe I think isn't simply just cold logic but also contains feelings, reason, and everything in between. So, more accurately I would like to say mathematics should be expressed through rationality rather than just simply logic in itself. On that line of thinking everything outside of what we couldn't use with mathematics would be irrational, or a term I like to use is anti-rationality.
  • What mental practices do you use when thinking philosophically?
    It is important to compare my conclusions with the feelings it produces. Conclusions that produce good happy feelings are closer to the truth and inspire more creation than ones who produce negative, helpless, and sad ones.
  • Euclids Elements
    Is that the question you want to be asking?
  • Euclids Elements
    thanks a bunch, however shouldn't some of the axioms by Euclid be included in the list since arithmetic is grounded in geometric proofs? Not that I have much of a right to formalize a question.
  • what do you know?
    bravo! gold star to this guy.
    perhaps in this paradox of yours there is freedom of will?
  • what do you know?
    well said.
    interesting perspective
    I too believe that is true
  • Are systems necessary?
    I admonish encouraging people to follow the systems that make people feel independent. All they do is perpetuate the same unhappiness that you had to live in this technocratic society. All the people walking down the street are nothing but glum and concerned about the next thing... they are like this because they follow all the same systems that society thinks is best for them... they are not happy.
  • Are systems necessary?
    yes man-made systems.

    You can feed yourself full without systems, by only following the system of Masanobu Fukuoka's on straw revolution and you'll get an idea of what I mean.

    That's where I am at when it comes to systems. Nature itself brings everything to balance emphasizing the Taoist quote "when nothing is done, nothing is undone" if we all stopped polluting the planet and our minds with "systems" that aim to make you believe they are all-important, while leading astray from what is actually important which would be your own self.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    I see your point. The truth can be a hard pill to swallow.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    That is sadly the case today.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    To not think there is a collective of some kind seems somewhat absurd to me. I know that I create my own reality but I know I am not the only one creating my own reality. I am also not the only one participating to the destruction of this planet.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    Look at Christianity for example. Many say they don't teach truth, however, Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and has one of the biggest impacts on history. I think it has a lot to do with their belief of utter disregardance for THIS life and THIS planet and reaping the temporary rewards as such. I want to know a belief that is very empowering that serves to cherish the life and planet here and now.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    What constitutes truth anyway? With a world full of disinformation how can we trust religion or science? Both of those fields are are either to subject to change or not enough to say they actually have truth. I feel you should trust only in yourself (you are your own best friend after all) for your own discernment of information. Use intuition if you have to. Nonetheless the truth should be decided by ones own self and soul. This current paradigm would be broken if we relied more on the things we can absolutely trust and if you don't trust yourself you need to change that in order to live your life with your own free will. This is my empowering belief. Answer below.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    That, my friend, is a very limiting belief because it prevents you learning anymore from what I have to offer. Everybody (both stupid and smart) has something to teach you that you do not know.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    I am in agreeance with you. Our collective reality and the belief that creates it our not capable of sustaining our planet for much longer so the cause (being our beliefs) must change. So, then, what causes these beliefs? How can we change them for a belief better suited for creation?
  • Which belief is strongest?
    Believing is a lot more than just "thinking" you are this or that. You have to truly feel. Truly believe that you are capable. and it must rational enough for your mind to believe in. The example you gave is very poor because it is actually a very limiting and disempowering belief if you look deeper into it.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    I want to know a belief that will empower myself in THIS life the most that is also rational enough that I can believe in it. Empower as in giving confidence and aptitude in a given individual. The opposite of that would be disempowerment which is instilling lack of confidence and fear in a given individual.
  • Which belief is strongest?
    Absolutely in neurophilosophy I learned that we will adopt the beliefs that are most rational for our knowledge and experience.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Sorry if I may be difficult to understand. I will try to arrange new combinations for my words so that people like you may understand the truth a little better next time.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    It is impossible to fully understand it. To fully understand it would be to end it's experience. Completion is a cessation of motion. Likewise, I see no end to how much Love we can enjoy
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    I see your point and I would like to respond to that by saying true love cannot give inspiration to annihilation. It is true that someone can "love" the wrong things at the wrong time but it isn't true love because they are not guided by their heart to love. They are guided by their carnal or selfish interests to "love" the other, which is a debasement to Love.

    It is true that you would have to have a massive speed and purity in thought even just to understand a piece of what Love is and is capable of. Since love's intelligence is highly intuitional and more direct and vastly quicker than slower thinking and rationalizing. Love is, however, Rational and is possible to be understood somewhat by the mind. So it is best, if you can, to take Love as it is and experience it, live it, bathe in it if you must. For no matter how keen your mind is it is impossible to fully understand Love.

    I think the fear of Love comes from the lack of some amount of understanding of it and also lack of experience,
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Sadly that is mostly true but there are people. There are hundreds of thousands of them and many happen to be gardeners. I am one of them. I would like to note that not many wise men are capable of loving. In fact, many try an indifferent approach to life, and when you are indifferent it is as if you do not exist.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    It is easy I notice in this day and age for one to not believe in love because there is so little of it to be seen. Mainly due to a lack of material embodiment for Love to be preserved. I recommend creating situations that you can ignite it within yourself or change your environment to more natural settings where the people garden. The plants act as very effective embodiments of their love that are near eternal due to their ability of auto-genesis. I would like to warm your heart with my Love from a distance but I do not know you enough, for you cannot love whom you do not know...
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Say Love resides in your heart and it is a great feeling. When you say you are following your heart many mean you are using your intuition. When you listen to your feelings they will express a good deal of information that could take books to describe them in words, kinda like the concept that a picture can be described in a thousand words. When you listen to those feelings it is the intuition... Love just happens to be the greatest among these radiant feelings. Intuition is intelligent in this aspect.
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