With a better reason than 'reasonable suspicion', yes. — AmadeusD
Before appealing a PIP (disability benefit) decision to a judicial tribunal, you lodge a reconsideration request with the state - approximately 22% of the time they overturn their original decision. Of those that are then appealed to an independent judicial tribunal, approximately 70% are won by the claimant.
And you cannot go to the tribunal until they have reconsidered their decision. People go for years waiting for reconsideration - all this period without an income, and many die after being declared "fit for work" waiting for reconsideration. — Down The Rabbit Hole
I do wonder if this is an expensive draconian solution to a non-problem. Apparently it's nearly 4% of benefit expenditure is overpaid. Is that a massive problem compared to other problems? So 4/100 people get a bit more than they are entitled to? Compare that to billionaires not paying taxes. — bert1
You seem to be saying, "It looks like X isn't going to be high enough to justify (3), therefore we can't give them a choice." This is a bit like the father at the theme park who reasons, "My daughter wants to go on this ride, and if she goes on it she will probably enjoy it, so I can't let her go on it." This is reminiscent of the "paternalism" that schopenhauer1 claims to oppose. — Leontiskos
I would say it is most likely the vast, vast, vast (perhaps 99.85%) of people born will, on balance, suffer more than they enjoy their life — AmadeusD
In which case, selling drugs would have to be judged on a case-by-case basis: which drug, to whom, under what circumstances; how did they use it, what affect it had. Doesn't that require a lot of usually unavailable information? How does the dealer justify it to a jury? — Vera Mont
Is justification the same as reason, apology, exculpation, defense, plea, rationale, rationalization, pretext, excuse - or something else? — Vera Mont
What criteria do you use when judging someone's justification for a policy or a course of action? Is it different from the criteria you apply to justifications for an isolated act? — Vera Mont
When justifying your own actions or statements, according to what factors do you formulate your argument?
On what grounds do you decide whether a justification is appropriate and valid?
Examples from any area of experience would be helpful. — Vera Mont
is it exclusively frequentism? Do they also layer on additional types of analysis that aren't as obviously frequentist? — flannel jesus
Seems like frequentism is a bad fit for "What's the probability that Donald Trump wins the election?" for example.
It's not like there's a like-for-like set of comparable situations you can compare this future event to, like you would with coin flips for example - this next election will happen once and will be unique from all elections before and after it. — flannel jesus
how can we still justify livestock farming? — LFranc
Whatever we do to keep ourselves happy, are we doing it to mitigate the suffering that is life? — Arnie
More redundant than nonsensical. The word Carnot cycle already summons the idea of efficient (100% efficiency to be exact), so "efficient Carnot cycle" is pleonastic, while perfect Carnot cycle is not. — Lionino
For objects defined by their final cause (a lift is that which works as a lift), the goal is already implicit when you use the word. — Lionino
But as Lionino explained in his Carnot cycle example there are certain operations that are produced which are perfect with little room for dispute so how do you account for that ? — kindred
If Civilians are an important part of the war effort then to win the war you must eliminate all important means of the enemies war effort this includes civillians. — Vishagan
In reference to the last question I’d say no because I think animal exploitation is wrong and we can still have pleasure, convenience and entertainment without them. — Captain Homicide
Once citizens are old enough to know the truth, most, though initially shocked and disgusted, ultimately acquiesce to this one injustice that secures the happiness of the rest of the city. However, some citizens, young and old, walk away from the city after seeing the child — Down The Rabbit Hole