Sounds like Jordan Peterson.It is perhaps particularly appropriate to the times to begin with truth and honesty. It's as old as Aesop's 'The Boy who Cried Wolf', but I would want to relate it to advertising and political spin. To the extent that we do not tell the truth reliably, we undermine meaning and communication, and become isolated from each other, in the end, facing the wolf alone. Everything of society, including your program, depends on truth. — unenlightened
Yes, so do some of the other men I've known who have many female friends. I certainly wouldn't have expected you to have been romantically involved with most of them.I also have disproportionally more lady non-ex friends than I do lady friend exs! — StreetlightX
Also, what I meant by working harder, is working harder with the accumulation of wealth as the purpose. If you just work hard with another purpose, say, becoming the best at your craft, then you may not become as wealthy as you could if you worked hard with this as your purpose.working harder — Pattern-chaser
Well certainly not all of them did gain their position that way, but it certainly requires a lot of work to keep it. And of course, some of them did gain it. Most billionaire out there, for example, are self-made.Really? You actually think that those who are rich and powerful gained this position by working harder than others do/did? — Pattern-chaser
And have you been romantically involved with some of them? :razz:I have disproportionately more lady friends than I do guy friends. — StreetlightX
I think we can both agree that "doing as much as you like" (or acting according to your whims) is immoral. Do you reckon the poor & weak have a monopoly on morality? You seem to just be more resentful of those who have worked harder than you have.the rich and powerful can do much as they like. — Pattern-chaser
Why were they morally wrong - how did they become morally wrong in the first place? And how do we know that? Again, you don't seem to understand the difference between "X offends our sensibility and we would never do it", and "X is morally wrong and we would never do it".So what? Cultures like individuals can be morally wrong. You need that explained to you? What exactly is wrong with you. — Baden
Right, well, thanks, but I haven't insulted you nor misrepresented your position.morally sick individual such as you — Baden
Well, philosophy is about questioning all kinds of matters that would otherwise not be questioned. I am interested to know why such societies found such forms of punishment acceptable and moral, and we don't. My view is that the acceptable degree of violence as a form of punishment within a society varies historically- I'm not so quick as you to claim that it necessarily is morally wrong. You are obviously not interested - you just like to think that you are right.As Zizek says (somewhere) one mark of a civilized society is that certain things are considered without the need for debate as right and wrong. — Baden
Right, and next to that definition it says "unsophisticated, primitive". Their punishments were primitive, you would expect savages to behave that way. But primitive or savage isn't the same as immoral.Which is why I checked how you use it. And of course, no value judgment at all where it's defined as "savagely cruel". Please continue with the back pedaling. It's entertaining. — Benkei
So the majority of people in Ancient Judea lacked a reasonable degree of human empathy? If that is so, probably the entire Ancient world lacked a reasonable degree of human empathy... if that is the case, how come we suddenly gained this empathy that they lacked?If you can't figure out and need it explained to you why putting a woman (or man) in a hole and throwing rocks at their head until you do so much physical damage that you kill them, and doing this simply because they committed adultery then you are too morally disgusting to be worth engaging. Why should anyone who is not a professional psychologist waste time on explaining to you why torturing someone to death in this way is wrong any more than we would waste time explaining to someone why raping someone as a punishment for their crimes would be wrong? There are certain things that no civilized individual would contemplate doing, and yes, there are reasons for that that any half-decent ethical theory can provide. But you're beyond all that. The best thing for you to do would be to crawl back into the hole from which you emerged and leave the moral debate on these boards for those with at least a reasonable degree of human empathy. — Baden
Oh how quaint. I thought the same about you. If you require proof that stoning adulterers is moral, then that's your moral failing since you're too weak to do justice.If you require it to be proved to you, then that's your moral failing. — Sapientia
I just checked my dictionary and barbaric does not mean immoral.You said it was barbaric, which is a clear moral judgment. — Benkei
And I think it's not. Who is right?I think it is. What more could there be? — Banno
By whose standard? We can prove that the Earth is not flat by experiment, but we cannot prove that stoning adulterers is wrong by experiment.If they thought that stoning was acceptable, then obviously not. That's a very good test for sound moral judgement. — Sapientia
Why is your decision better than mine?We each must decide. And making that choice is exactly the question. — Banno
No, that's not what I said. Check below:Should it occur today, it's immoral, yesterday moral. — Hanover
If you think there are a range of appropriate (or just) punishments, does that make you a moral relativist? — Agustino
I don't claim stoning would be immoral today. It wouldn't. It would just offend our sensibilities, but it would not be immoral. There is no moral relativism there at all. You and Benkei are both misreading what I've written.I did, however, claim that stoning as punishment, or jail as punishment in the case of adultery are both just forms of punishment, and if society was structured such that these types of punishments were the norm and would not offend our sensibility, I would have no problem with it. — Agustino
Yes, adultery is absolutely wrong, but not because God said so.You think adultery is absolutely wrong because God said so — Hanover
Only due to technology, not because the ancient society wasn't more manly. They clearly were.Should an ancient society exist alongside a modern one, the manly men ancients wouldn't scoff at the girly moderns, but would live in constant fear and dependence on them. The good old days weren't. — Hanover
So people 2000 years ago didn't have sound moral judgement? Only we have sound moral judgement, because our time is privileged over all other historical times. Don't you see how arrogant and ridiculous this is? Every historical era sees itself as the standard to compare everyone else to - I don't see any reason to prioritise today over yesterday - quite the contrary, we should do the very opposite, because very likely we have many blindspots that make us ignore the faults of the present (just like the Ancients ignored the faults of their present).as anyone with sound moral judgement would acknowledge — Sapientia
There is no commandment to forgive except when a brother or a sister repents. Then you shall forgive, but there is no commandment to forgive before that.Christianity commands you to forgive. — frank
There is nothing immoral about stoning adulterers if such is the law and everyone knows that the law is such.stoning adulterers immoral — Benkei
Exactly.We all adhere to some sort of moral creed, whether we acknowledge it. — Waya
And so is yours from my perspective. Where do we go from here?And yours is an abomination. — Banno
I can say the same thing about you, where does that leave us?You are not worth listening to on questions of morality. — Banno
Sure, you can't. But that's not the question. The question is, who decides that God choosing to destroy all Creation is immoral? How do you reach that conclusion? If God is your rightful owner, and without Him, you would not even continue to exist, based on what can you claim that He lacks the RIGHT to choose when you live and when you die? Just because this doesn't appeal to your soft sensibilities?You can't escape responsibility for your moral actions by being a moral coward. You decide to follow what you take to be god's commands, or not. — Banno
That's not being a moral relativist. I did not claim that X or Y is immoral at one time in history and not at another. I did, however, claim that stoning as punishment, or jail as punishment in the case of adultery are both just forms of punishment, and if society was structured such that these types of punishments were the norm and would not offend our sensibility, I would have no problem with it.ah, so you are a moral relativist, — Benkei
Yes, and so too would Ancient Jew Sappy believe that, even if, counterfactually, he grew up in an environment in which, as a result of cultural conditioning, he believed that not stoning a vicious criminal was acceptable, it doesn't follow that it is acceptable, or that that is any good reason to doubt that it's acceptable. (and as for why these things are acceptable, he really shouldn't have to explain that to you)Your reasoning is clearly erroneous. Even if, counterfactually, I grew up in an environment in which, as a result of cultural conditioning, I believed that stoning or slavery or genocide or torture or what-have-you was acceptable, it doesn't follow that it is acceptable, or that that is any good reason to doubt that it's not acceptable. (And as for why these things are not acceptable, I really shouldn't have to explain that to you). — Sapientia
No, it's not besides the point. If your answer is "no", then it shows that there is nothing intrinsically immoral with having stoning as the punishment for adultery. It may seem immoral to us, because it is very distant from the way our society is currently structured. We don't have such punishments even for mass murder.That's beside the point, so I choose not to answer. — Sapientia
If you were born and lived in Ancient Judea, you reckon you would have found stoning as punishment for adultery to be unjust?That's sickening. — Sapientia
I have no problems with such laws. If they happen to be the laws of my society, then I will follow them. I wouldn't personally advocate for such laws because I'm not used to living in such a society (and I personally find it barbaric), but I can certainly imagine living back in the day and accepting such laws as part of the way the world is. My bet is that if you too lived in Ancient Judea, you too would have accepted stoning as the just punishment for adultery too. Most people did in those days. What makes you think that you would have been different?You should be worried. That's very disconcerting. No one who permits stoning adulterers to death, whether your fictional "God" or anyone else, can rightly be called the very standard of morality. Where is your humanity, Agustino? — Sapientia
Moral person by what standard? God is the very standard of morality... By your standard of morality I may not be a good person, but why should I be worried about that?If you think this was a good plan, then you are not a moral person. — Banno
Well this is precisely the problem. The moment you allow happiness to be interpreted as subjective, something defined by the subject, from that moment, anything goes. There is no God (objective standard) - thus anything goes.If two people are in a happy open-marriage, happier than they would be if they were single, how can that be considered harmful? — VagabondSpectre
I can consider it harmful because I disagree that happiness is something that can be subjectively determined. Rather, happiness is something objective, and has nothing to do with what a person thinks about it. A person can be, and often is self-deceived. Indeed, the person who is so self-deceived that he perceives himself as happy, when in truth he is not happy, is in a worse state than someone who is in conscious misery (check Kierkegaard on this point - conscious despair vs unconscious despair).how can that be considered harmful? — VagabondSpectre
Yes, my way views suffering as essential to redemption. It is only when an individual accepts that they deserve to suffer, and willingly and gladly embrace that suffering, saying, with Nietzsche's overman, one more time, again and again, I deserve this, that they can start on the path to redemption.My way reduces crime without causing unnecessary additional suffering, and your way uses additional suffering as a matter of course. — VagabondSpectre
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do. — Romans 7:15
I think it's much more of a binary choice than a gradation.If the 100% intimacy is a good thing, then isn't 50% intimacy half as good? — VagabondSpectre
Why do you reckon it's un-Christian to judge? What about:It's un-Christian to judge — VagabondSpectre
Stop judging by outward appearances, and start judging justly. — John 7:24
Several points. I think being physically attracted to others in some circumstances is a sign of immaturity. A person who is married for example, but finds that they are physically attracted to other women is frustrated - there is something wrong with them, as if they haven't grown up, and they're still a 15 year old who doesn't know any better.When we're physically attracted to others, sometimes we actually become less aware of other things (such as the ramifications of crime). Inebriation is especially good at turning us ignorant... — VagabondSpectre
Because humanity used its free will in order to build a corrupt society, where abomination reigned in the social, moral, and religious spheres. The children born in that environment would have become corrupted, and the only way to save Creation was to restart it.How does free will excuse mass murder? — Banno
I disagree with your interpretation of Dimitri. I view Dimitri as the "most successful" of the 3 brothers, the one who ultimately rights his wrongs and emerges on top, despite the fact that he ends up sentenced for a crime he did not commit. His and Gruschenka's love when they finally meet again is, arguably, one of the best moments of the book.(a) an attempt to deny one side of your complex motivations leads to ruin (as illustrated by Dimitri's fate); — John Doe
The problem with Alyosha is that he never put his hand in the fire so to speak. He was always a spectator, whatsoever was happening, was not happening to him. I think Alyosha is just the lofty side, without the animal side. Dimitri, on the other hand, ends up as the merger of the lofty and the animal side - or in other words, in Dimitri, the animal side is divinised, lifted up.(c) Joy is found in embracing both sides in a well-ordered set of instincts rather than pitting them against each other (as illustrated by Alyosha's fate and Zosima's shortcomings). — John Doe
Yes. I disagree that such a union can ever be considered a marriage, in any sense of the term. The harm comes from failing to achieve the intimacy that is possible in an exclusive relationship where each partner is 100% devoted to the other. To add more details to this, in failing to actualise a potential of the human being, they do irremediable harm to each other.If a couple has an "open marriage" and allows each other to fornicate with third parties, are they doing irreparable harm to one another? — VagabondSpectre
By catching them, you are teaching them that they will be caught for their injustice, and will get punished for it. Why do you think that the act of getting caught doesn't also reinforce the belief that they will get caught for wrong-doing? For the masses of men, their beliefs are influenced by these social settings. So the criminal will probably change his beliefs as a result of understanding the power of Justice, and then rationalise it in some way.If criminals are just hedonists who respond only to pain and pleasure, then you're teaching them to not get caught, you aren't teaching them why it's morally wrong to do crime. — VagabondSpectre
Bingo.This position is a perfect mirror of the Christian version of hell; bad people deserve to go to the bad place to suffer badly. — VagabondSpectre
No, I correct them by (1) teaching them, (2) telling them to return the chocolate, pay for it, and apologise. But if they repeat the offence, then they will get punished, because they should have known better.They've committed a crime, and so in order to correct their behavior, you would administer punishment right? Instead, you could correct their behavior by teaching them about money and property and explaining why taking the property of others is wrong. — VagabondSpectre
Yes, they do have to be the first moral recourse against transgressions that are willed, despite knowing better. Where there is ignorance which leads to the transgression, then yes, threats of suffering are not necessary.Threats of suffering don't have to be our first moral recourse against transgression. — VagabondSpectre
In any business dealing, it is suggested that if the law fails, then matters will be resolved some other way. For example, if you break your contract with your employer, they may use their influence to ensure you cannot secure employment with companies in the same industry.If I break a contract with an employer, they can potentially sue me if I've caused them damage by doing so, but it's unlikely that I would be sent to jail (example: working for competitors despite a non-competition clause could get me fired or sued, but not arrested, assuming I broke no laws). — VagabondSpectre
It does, any contract is legally binding.Being an agreement, rather than a law, a marriage contract doesn't exist as a broad public safeguard like actual laws do, it mediates individual relationships. — VagabondSpectre
The fact that you may end up profiting from a crime doesn't make it any less of a crime.What if you were secretly unhappy in your marriage (with no kids) and upon finding out that your wife cheated you are actually filled with happiness and joy, because now you know you can file for divorce and keep the house. Should she be sent to jail for adultery? — VagabondSpectre
Damage is reparable and not that extensive. You can pay back our dough.If I'm a party clown, and you contract my services to perform at your future son's birthday event, and I break the contract, thereby causing your son and by extension you emotional suffering and distress and financial loss, should I be sent to jail? If not, why? — VagabondSpectre
I disagree - you're reading it too literarily. The idea is that the punishment will be proportional to the gravity of the offence.Actually, this parable suggests that the punishment ought to be the crime. — VagabondSpectre
Incarceration is a form of punitive damage that is awarded in this case. I find it extremely appropriate, not only is there significant emotional distress for the spouse, but the breaking of a contract combined with a lot of strain and TRAUMA on the children and the family. It is life-altering. It's also not something we want to spread in our society, and we need to discourage it.In the case of adultery, what can punitive incarceration solve which compensatory or punitive damages cannot? How is revoking someone's freedom an appropriate punishment for them having caused their spouse and/or children and/or friends and family and/or fans who really wanted Brad and Angelina (Brangelina) to make it, some emotional distress? — VagabondSpectre
Yes, I think when people break the law, and the law requires that they stay in jail for a time, then they need to execute their sentence. In cases such as the case presented above, the punishment will be lower, maybe the minimum sentence for theft, if this was the first occurrence. But I think there must be a punishment, otherwise we give off the idea that people will be let go of without any punishment whatsoever. Again, do you consider being poor as an adequate excuse for theft?It kind of does yes. We should not lock up a father who stole bread to feed his children for 6 months. It would be more rehabilitative, more restorative, and generally better in every way to instead compensate the store for the loss of bread, offer assistance to the father toward getting a job, give him food for his children, and then the tax-payers can pocket the many thousands of dollars saved on expensive prisons and imprisonment.
I mean, when the father gets out of prison, if he still needs to provide for his children, and stealing is the only way for him to do so, would he likely not steal again?
America already incarcerates more people for more reasons than any other nation on the planet, and its prisons are notoriously expensive and low quality places of suffering where recidivism is endless and rehabilitation non-existent. And you want to start locking up people for having affairs now too? — VagabondSpectre
How are they "His errors" if human beings have free will?The god who tried to hide his errors by drowning everyone except the family of a blindly obedient old man? — Banno
Yeah, the problem of evil has been dealt with so many times already. You can head to the sources which deal with it.Who demanded obedience even to the point of sacrificing a son? Who permits tsetse fly, thelazia gulosa, the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and the Holocaust? — Banno
Well yes, so you are going against the words of Jesus.I hope I'm called least in the kingdom of heaven. — Noble Dust
What's the opposite? He said He came to fulfil the Law. Furthermore, that:He didn't claim the opposite of abolishment. — Noble Dust
until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. — Matthew 5:17-20
I find your interpretation completely un-Christian. Please show me some evidence or some reasons as to why Jesus would abolish the Law when he claimed the complete opposite?un-Christian — Noble Dust
Sure.If they had produced the man, and the two witnesses, he would have allowed them to stone both of them? — Noble Dust
Have YOU read the Gospels?What was Jesus — Noble Dust
Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. — Matthew 5:17-20
Well said, my friend. — frank
That doesn't mean God doesn't hate. For example: Proverbs 6:16-19, Exodus 20:5, etc.God doesn't hate, God is love. — Baden
It absolutely does. Justice demands that one is ruthless. If one isn't ruthless, one cannot be just. Ruthless not in a bad sense, but in a good sense - in the sense of applying the law, sticking to what is right, etc. So to be a moral human being, you must absolutely be should be 'ruthless' in business as if that has anything to do with justice. — Baden
I didn't claim that.fear is better than love — Baden
I disagree... this is so wrong. Success in business takes many of the same qualities that are required to be a moral person. Discipline, being ruthless, being independent and not following the crowd, etc.You can't be a successful business man in a competitive capitalist economy and a Christian. Period. — Baden