
  • I will delete the account relax :) there is no need to keep deleing my posts
    Please delete my account too :) I find no reason to remain here. Thanks!
  • I will delete the account relax :) there is no need to keep deleing my posts
    you should excercise your power here too, delete it... like you delete your problems in real life right? Oh crap, you can't do that ?!?
  • I will delete the account relax :) there is no need to keep deleing my posts
    I deleted it. Feedback threads are fine but that was four pages of pure infantilism. I'll soon get rid of this one too, if it remains that way.StreetlightX

    bravo!! way to go!
  • I will delete the account relax :) there is no need to keep deleing my posts
    I thought you didn't care? Also, you said I could if I wanted to (not that I have; someone else is having all the fun).Michael

    you are only showing your imaturity :)))) do whatever you want with the " power " you have on this forum! :) It only confirms what I know. Have your fun :)))
  • How would you describe consciousness?
    I might have pressed the wrong reply.. :) sorry
  • How would you describe consciousness?
    The container is the content, like the observer is the observed.
    There is no separation in that. It's like saying " I must control my anger - and separate anger from yourself, instead of acknowledging that you are anger itself.
  • How would you describe consciousness?
    Consciousness is the totality of memories, experiences, knowledge and thoughts that one has. All those together are assembled by thought into the " ME " - the self-aware being. And therefore you identify yourself with your memories, knowledge, beliefs etc. - and you can say: " I am this and that ... "
    It is a material process, those memories and experiences are stored in the brain, it is not a Hocus Pocus magic thing. Your consciousness is You.
  • Might I exist again after I die? Need I be concerned about what will happen to me in this life?
    The fear of torture is the same movement of fear inside you like any other fear. Fear is not divided into fear of heights, fear of death, fear of rejection, and so on..

    Fear is uncertainty. Uncertainty of the outcome.
    We seek security all our life, and when we face something uncertain we fear it because we don't know how to respond to it.

    So fear arises when you don't have control over something ( like death - it's coming no matter what ) and Taxes :))) thats why people fear the IRS like the Devil :)

    Your atoms still exist after you die, so there is something going on. I wonder however why do we fear so much the ending? The ending of what? Our memories, our possesions, our ideology, our friends - who will die too :)
  • Religious experience has rendered atheism null and void to me
    If your opinion was changed by an experience doesn't it mean a new kind of experience can change you back to where you were?

    Q: As long as you are accepting the image of Jesus or Allah or any other prophet or son of god, you are blocking the actual GOD itself from your perception, because you come with a predefined GOD, that you know stuff about and can recognize it. Am I wrong?
  • Time is an illusion
    Time has no speed but it has " flow " or direction. Time in itself it's a concept, an idea that we created in order to organize our daily lives and activities. So therefore we divided it into every notion of measurement available today, from the Ancient "billions of years of evolution" to the nasty nanoseconds and beyond.

    But what your body feels when you wake up at 6am is different from what my body feels if I wake at the same hour, because for both of us time being relative it interacts differently with each of us. ( at least our perception of it )

    Why do some people who are 5y old have the biological age of a 7y old or a 3y old ?
    Considering some organisms evolve faster then others or at a faster pace, how would we choose to date someone who is 5years old (chronologically) but has the biological age of a 7y old ? What would be the correct way to say it's age?
  • Why are we seeking enlightenment? What is it?
    Are the " insights " into different aspects of life, the building blocks of the so called " enlightenment "?
    That is by having many insights in the nature of man will someone "become" enlightened?

    Is enlightenment the ultimate thing in life? After which there is no other purpose or action to be taken in one's life?
  • Why are we seeking enlightenment? What is it?
    Yes, we are. Even by being on this forum you confirm it :)
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    Tolerance stops when one harms another by any action.
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    im doing it for quite a while :)
  • Is an armed society a polite society?
    An armed society is a violent society so the concept of violence can't stack with politeness by nature I guess. You cannot be Pollitely Violent right ? :)))
  • Religious experience has rendered atheism null and void to me
    Every path you follow is not the Truth.

    So if you go with Atheism or Catholicism or Intellectualism or any other movement is plain wrong and will never lead you to truth.

    Truth is a pathless way, because the journey goes inwardly - ( standing still ), not outwardly - ( where you can follow a direction )
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    is just an illusion, there is no revolution taking place.

    It is just humans getting more and more distracted, having access to millions of distractions each day.
    As long as we don't understand what pleasure is and the pursuit of it, what desire is, what fear is and how it can end, and all the other important aspects of life, there is no better tomorrow.

    Today people are too cowards to express their minds and say what they think, because of the fear of being ridiculized or misjudged, and they go with the only possible solution that we know and feel, that is Ignorance
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    Society leaders want people to have as little time as possible for inquiry into life issues. Because a man who can think clearly cannot accept the current state of the society and this is largely unwanted.
    So what to do? Create distractions but not just any distractions, a distraction that people love and make a religion out of it.

    Therefore they will invest and sustain businesses like Facebook - that absolutely gave young people ADHD and other mental disorders because of the way it interacts with them. Look at excessive selfies - what they do - why would someone take 10000 photos of himself in a day? isn't this a serious mental disorder? I mean do we need more evidence?
    We have trillions of selfies of ourselves but how many of us really know how we are inwardly?

    People want their opinions to matter so they post them on twitter and Facebook. Guess what? No one gives a shit :) The World agenda is still up and running "5 by 5"
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    plus a dog cannot grasp beauty :)

    Dog is acting only in the present which is very good and keeps him alive, while we live only in the past constantly projecting the " future me " that I want to become, still holding to my past prejudices and knowledge which are all only in the past.
    The dog also has very heightened senses unlike us - who had the same, but lost them due to lifestyle and society.

    We are functioning now with the whole of senses impaired and dulled. ( Alcohol, drugs, junk food, lack of sport, lack of reading and understanding, attention deficit - due to all the noise and spam and junk from all TV's - billboards - banners - Ads - News - etc.

    We even lost the notion of morality - we mistake Morality with socially acceptable morality -(respectability), political correctness (this term should be banned ) It is an evil construction in itself - it brings corruption and division between humans.
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    What is the material substratum for beauty?hypericin

    Harmony - sacred geometry etc.. in the field of a painting or sculpture. In the beauty of a landscape it is something else
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    If you are lost in the woods while you are running what do you do? The first thing to do is stop, and realize where you are, grasp the surroundings and go from there - have a starting point and you can make a decision and create a projection of the destination you wanna reach.

    But in daily life
    , since day 1, constantly becoming, but NEVER knowing what we are.
    And we are lost in this becoming forever because it never ends, because there is no destination and we will never make it out of the woods because we are simply running after an exist but never stopping to see where we are actually, so in this race we will be lost and doomed slowly.

    The 1st problem of mankind if I can say is: EVERYONE wants his RIGHTS but NO ONE EVER talks about his responsibilities after being alive.
    We should radically change the entire practice of living.
    We should assign certain default responsibilities to every human being on Earth.Because when you are responsible for something you act with great care and empathy.

    So for me that would be the 1st step.
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    We’ve got LGBT rights (most of it), we’ve got quite a lot of religious tolerance.. and what I’m seeing in the most frontrunning progressive media outlets now (which are basically a glimpse of the future if we continue our social and cultural developments like this) is for example pedophilia. Now it’s mostly discussed as an idea and the “pedophiles” are seen as a group whose ‘rights’ are currently not recognised.Linda

    in the current state and direction pedophiles will have rights too in a decade or so. Everyone will be allowed to rape a minor ( a few times legally - then it becomes illegal ) this could be a tolerant act of law regarding this subject.

    But your concerns are totally valid and the direction we're headed to is pretty clear today. The majority of people are uneducated and mentally ill ( as in deficient thinking according to reality - like a wrong behavior in a clearly stated framework of behaviors ). They live in illusions and the mind plays tricks on them too.

    Until we realize what we are, we can never become anything.
    We will just run around in circles repeating the same mistakes over and over again until salvation or total destruction.
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    Then a dog walks into the gallery, sniffs them both, and finds the second to hold vastly more aesthetic interest.hypericin

    how can you be sure? How can you prove that?

    You are basically saying " Beauty is the relationship intensity or range-value between the Observer and the thing that is observed " right ? ( so like if you enjoy the object 30% AND the object enjoys you back 40% - you have 70% beauty ? )

    So you say " beauty " is when you judge something and pleases you. If it doesn't please you it is not beautiful. So the quality of beauty is given by you - the observer.
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    The tricky part with Beauty is that - we think Beauty is something that we can See or Hear, and in reality beauty is something that we Feel inwardly,
    Because a sound can be beautiful too right?
    When your lover touches you, can it feel beautiful too?

    So beauty is perceived by senses but the feeling of beauty is inward. You are beauty itself when you feel it, that's why you enjoy interacting with it so much.

    Just my opinion! Not the truth!
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    All you can prove is that you perceive beauty from your brain thanks to descartes infallible cogito ergo sum.intrapersona

    I am not perceiving beauty thanks to Descartes.

    Because his statement was true before he was born, just like beauty. the concept of "I think therefore I am" existed before Descartes said it :) He only wrote it on paper, but that doesn't mean he made it exist. He might have made the first note on paper about it, but the fact ( I think therefore I am ) existed regardless of his personal note. others existed before him and even if they didn't had a writing form of it they still existed and they were aware :)
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    Some aspects may be seen in the eye of the beholder while others may be in the object if they are shared across various groups of people.ralfy

    totally agree but the quality of beauty resides where?

    Where is the WHITE? the color white? Because what we see as white is just our brain interpretation of a range of visual spectrum values translated into different colors - every wavelength having it's own color ( so in this case we can say white exists as a fact ( substance ) in the range of values from A to B which can be calculated and measured, but can beauty be measured? isn't it eternal and sacred - i know the two terms collide in a small manner )

    J. Krishnamurti said " Beauty is when you're not " - and he meant Beauty exists when there is no EGO-centric observer, but only the act of observation itself ( with NO prejudices and no conclusions and no center from which the act of observation takes place ).
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    That is unsubstantiated claim, you have no evidence for it. Akin to saying something like God exists without proof.intrapersona

    your statement about God is a fallacious argument.
    First of all because we have different views about what GOD is ( therefore we both make statements subjectively ) - we have to define and agree upon what the notion of GOD is before we make any statement about it. In order to be logical and reasonable.

    Otherwise is just your opinion vs mine, which is childish.
    I perceive GOD not as an entity, but more of all things that exist ( both natural and abstract ), that manifest in form of ideas, planets, life, sciences, ( is biology or math excluded from GOD? )
    GOD is everything so in my personal view it exists and I can see it and feel it everyday.
    God will never be found by blind belief, only through logic, reasoning and love we will grasp GOD.

    For a religious person GOD is an old guy with a bible in his hand waiting in the Heaven for people to die so he can judge them..

    For an Atheist there is no GOD - no concept of god at all.
    For the church GOD is business - making money out if the idea of GOD etc... See the million-dollars mansions some pastors or preachers have :) God is such a kind person :))))

    Whats your view about the GOD problem ?
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    How can you prove that? You are using your mind to percieve beauty, it is a construct of the mind. Even if it DID exist objectively, you could never prove it existed... just like you could never prove an objective set of morals existed.intrapersona

    The existence of beauty doesn't have to be proved. It is there. It's like asking me to prove we have this discussion while we are having it, and it's a fact.

    there is a major difference between acquiring knowledge ( memorizing stuff ) and understanding facts ( seeing with no prejudices and make a statement based on reason )
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    ego-centrism is about someone trying to be better than someone else or something else or excessively self-concerned.intrapersona

    ego centrism means all actions have the EGO as the center. You are the center of all things and actions, everything has to be related to the center, to the you...i think your definition of egocentrism is wrong or at least incomplete.
  • Tolerance - what is it? Where do we stop?
    the concept of Tolerance was created by man in order to avoid conflicts in situations where you should not apply a total act of retaliation over a partial act of guilt so it is working like a kind of balance between facts. ( you can't be intolerant to an idea )

    - how would you manifest your intolerance over an idea ? - because over a fact you can take action. ( idea is just an abstraction of the fact, it's a mental construct or projection in our minds ) think of it like the idea of a building and the building itself ( they are totally different )
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    im talking about the quality of beauty, the substance from which beauty is made of, not the form of beauty - the idealistic beauty or a specific kind of beauty.
  • Is beauty in the object or in the eye of the observer? Or is it something else?
    If there were no observers, would it still be beautiful? Well, who would be there to judge?intrapersona

    Does the quality of beauty exist with no observer?
    The observer only uses the act of perception over beauty, but the beauty is still there, regardless of the observer.
    Beauty is eternal as where the observer is not, it lives a limited amount of time.
    Beauty exists and it's permanent as a fact, like mathematics, even if there is no controller that exercises the act of control over mathematics and interacts with it, mathematics still exists and can wait for a next controller. Beauty too can wait for the next observer...

    We are making it too EGO-centristic - stating that if there is no observer then beauty doesn't exist - this is a very very vain statement.
    It makes us very self-important ( without me or my act of observation that which is being observed does not exist - REALLY?), where in actuality we are non important to the act of existence of beauty, our only " importance " is our own perception of what beauty is and only for the limited amount of time we live while we can observe it.
    But saying that beauty doesn't exist with no observer is like saying reality or the universe doesn't exist if we die .... :)
  • Can "life" have a "meaning"?
    You give life the meaning
  • Would you like to live forever? If so, why ?
    Death is just the lost of attachments in life ( all material and personal attachments ). if you can do that while living then you are free...
  • Is there any value to honesty?
    What if I'm doing that already? :) but low profile because the Squid is giant.
    What if im working to get a lot of money to start something? :) Who will join? How can one make friends and allies without being the victim of (Seek retser vices)?

    But usually good people with similar intentions tend to gravitate together like planets around suns :) the sun being the cause not the person (hero or whatever)
  • Is there any value to honesty?
    I would say I feel relatively safe. And we lived on that up until now because it has worked. What is your alternative proposition? Reject the selfish part under the false assumption that other people will see you doing that and decide to do the same. It is fallacious to believe that other selfish people will admire your selflessness and decide to change themselves. What's in it for them?MonfortS26

    If you feel relatively safe go to Syria and " live " there for a week and let me know how safe you feel. Or in North Korea or in many African countries where there is conflict and the so called "terrorism".

    At this point is worthless to try and change anything as far as I am concerned (and im not saying there is no hope, but the traction and speed we got towards this human moral decline has reached a speed that can't be stopped unless something really really bad happens), we are going towards a downfall ( you don't need to trust me ), and the only things we can do is either accept it (which is what is happening by default today), or fight it (which will never happen with the current mental state of mankind). So the one thing that I do is trying to enjoy the ride and become less materialistic every day because money don't bring anything but false feelings of accomplishment. Try and find happiness in the things that matter for you.

    Fuck society. Society doesn't want change, it's only whining and baby-crying but does nothing about it.
    We need more whistleblowers ( Assange, Snowden, Aaron Swartz (dead already).. ) and more balls to make a change, but unfortunately those things are harder to come by every day. And people who are doing it are considered Enemies of the State and people aggree with that...

    Would you risk your life to make a change? I guess not, because you have the fear of death. Why would you risk it and for who ? for another politician to replace the existing one? for the wealth of the people who know the truth and rule this business we call world?

Benjamin Dovano

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