• Mikie
    Big Climate ChangeAgree-to-Disagree

  • Mikie
    Big Geophysics, that’s a little fishy. The level of consensus that the earth is spherical is suspect. It’s about the funding. I look at the data myself, and make up my own mind. I’ve concluded that all the scientists are wrong: the earth is flat. But I’m not a flat earther.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    the earth is flat. But I’m not a flat earther.Mikie

    Mikie, what have you been smoking?
  • Mikie
    Mikie, what have you been smoking?Agree-to-Disagree

    Ask a fruit fly to explain satire to you.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    If you want to know the truth about net zero, solar power, wind power, EVs, lithium batteries, etc., then check out this YouTube channel.

    MGUY Australia
  • Mikie
    So he cites a YouTube guy.

    Finally, “the truth” has been found.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    So he cites a YouTube guy.Mikie

    As usual Mikie gives a knee-jerk reaction based on his narrow-mindedness.

    If Einstein had a YouTube channel would you refuse to accept his views?

    Did you even look at any of MGUY's videos?

    MGUY is a British engineer and lawyer, now a Sydney based YouTuber.

    What are your qualifications Mikie?

    This presents me with a difficult choice. Should I trust Mikie, or a qualified engineer?
  • RogueAI
    I recently bought a used Nissan Leaf. I love it. I plug it in when I get home and never have to worry about gas. It's also much easier to maintain.
  • Mikie
    If Einstein had a YouTube channel would you refuse to accept his views?Agree-to-Disagree


    Are you really over the age of 11?
  • javi2541997
    If Einstein had a YouTube channel would you refuse to accept his views?Agree-to-Disagree

    Hmm... I think we could reformulate the question in this way: If Einstein had a YouTube channel would we subscribe to it and watch his videos? :chin:
  • Mikie
    We’re faced with a hard choice: listen to the thousands of climate scientists around the world — from NASA to the Royal Academy…and learn about the extensive, overwhelming evidence…

    Or… do we ignore all that, select a YouTube lawyer (because what he says confirms what we want to believe), and then pretend that others are brainwashed because they dismiss us as idiots?


    The latter has the added benefit of pretending that we have special knowledge that everyone else has missed. Flat earthers and creationists talk exactly like climate deniers for a reason…
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    I recently bought a used Nissan Leaf. I love it. I plug it in when I get home and never have to worry about gas. It's also much easier to maintain.RogueAI

    MGUY is not totally against EVs. He says that they are good in certain circumstances. For example, if you do short trips, if you have off-street parking, if you can charge your EV at home, etc.

    MGUY is against EV mandates because EVs are not great in all circumstances. He wants people to be able to choose the type of car that is right for them.

    It is good that your Nissan Leaf is great for you. But not everybody is in the same situation as you.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    Are you really over the age of 11?Mikie

    No, I am not. I will be 8 on my next birthday.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    do we ignore all that, select a YouTube lawyerMikie

    Why did you fail to mention that MGUY is also an engineer?

    Could it be Mikie, that you are biased and ignore the qualifications of any person that disagrees with you?

    MGUY puts links to the places where he gets information from. For example in his YouTube video called "UK Fire Chiefs issue STARK warning on EVs", he puts the following links in the description of the video.

    FRNSW position statement: https://m-g.uy/onl
    Express article: https://m-g.uy/mgr

    You can check that what he is saying is true. Not that you would ever follow the links Mikie. You don't even see the links if you don't go to any of MGUYs videos Mikie. :scream:
  • Mikie
    Why did you fail to mention that MGUY is also an engineer?Agree-to-Disagree

    An engineer is as much a climate scientist as a lawyer. But it’s hilarious you think it’s important I “left it out.”
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    An engineer is as much a climate scientist as a lawyer. But it’s hilarious you think it’s important I “left it out.”Mikie

    An engineer knows more about solar power, wind power, EVs, lithium batteries, etc. than a climate scientist.

    MGUY is not talking about climate science. He is talking about engineering problems.

    For your information Mikie, engineers apply scientific principles to analyze, design, invent, code, build, and create, to solve all sorts of problems and make the world a better place.
  • Mikie
    MGUY is not talking about climate science.Agree-to-Disagree

    No kidding. Neither are you. Which is why it’s strange you’re in a climate change thread.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    No kidding. Neither are you. Which is why it’s strange you’re in a climate change thread.Mikie

    Solar power, wind power, EVs, lithium batteries, etc. are relevant to climate change. If you don't know that then you should expand your world view beyond your little self-imposed echo chamber.

    Some advice for you Mikie. When in a hole, stop digging. Remember that everybody reading the thread can see how ridiculous you are.
  • Mikie
    When in a hole, stop digging. Remember that everybody reading the thread can see how ridiculous you are.Agree-to-Disagree


    God you’re delusional.
  • Agree-to-Disagree

    Mikie, are you going to look at any of MGUY's videos?

  • jorndoe
    @Agree-to-Disagree, would you like renewable/sustainable/green energy efforts to succeed?
  • jorndoe
    Swifter hydroclimate changes anticipated:

    Hydroclimate volatility on a warming Earth
    — Daniel L Swain, Andreas F Prein, John T Abatzoglou, et al · Nature Reviews Earth and Environment · Jan 9, 2025

  • Agree-to-Disagree

    Yes, I would like renewable/sustainable/green energy efforts to succeed. But I think that most people don't know about, or don't want to acknowledge, the many problems that there are with the current efforts. I could list many examples of these problems, but MGUY does a much better job of this than I can. I strongly recommend that you look at his videos.
  • Agree-to-Disagree

    Some of the information on the map that you reference seems "odd".

    North-Central USA / Jan 2020-Jan 2021 / wet to dry
    Why does this have the impact of flooding

    Northern and Central Europe / Jan 2018-Jan 2019 / wet to dry
    Why does this have the impact of flooding

    Pacific Southwest / Oct 2022-Oct 2023 / dry to wet
    Why does this have the impact of wildfire

    Southern Chile and Argentina / Dec 2016-Dec2017 / dry to wet
    Why does this have the impact of wildfire

    Southeast Australia / Dec 2019-Dec2020 / dry to wet
    Why does this have the impact of wildfire

    The way that the date ranges are different for each region makes it look like they are cherry-picking. They vary in starting month and starting year. The starting year varies from 2016 to 2023.

    Also the date ranges vary in length. Most are MMM YYYY to MMM (YYYY+1).
    But West Africa is Jun 2020-Sep 2020
    East Africa is Sep 2023 to Dec 2023
    Southern China is Jun 2022 to Sep 2022
    Iran, Pakistan and Eastern Arabian Peninsula is May 2022-Aug 2022

    Why didn't they give results for the same date range and date range length?
  • Mikie
    So the “windmills kill birds!” tactic of the stupidest of climate deniers. Let’s ignore the bigger “list” of problems with fossil fuels and focus solely on the problems of renewables. Never mind that fossil fuels are subsidized by governments and are far more costly, even when externalities aren’t added — like the fact that they create greenhouse emissions which is heating the world and are causing, and will continue to cause, worldwide devastation.

    But some idiot on YouTube has something to say about it that we should all pay attention to — after all, he comes highly recommended by an Internet forum’s resident climate denier, and fellow intellectual fruit fly — who refuses to spend a second reading anything relevant on the topic, but would like you to spend the time watching his stupid bullshit.

    Sounds great.
  • Agree-to-Disagree

    Have I upset you Mikie?

    Let's ignore the “windmills kill birds!” issue at the moment. You have introduced it as a distraction. But since you have raised the issue...

    If you ask Google the question "what type of birds do wind turbines farms kill", The AI overview says:

    Wind turbines most often impact large birds of prey, waterfowl, and nocturnally migrating birds.
    Birds that are most impacted
    - Large birds of prey: Eagles and hawks are more likely to fly into turbine blades
    - Waterfowl: Swans, geese, and ducks are more likely to collide with turbines
    - Nocturnally migrating birds: Passerines that migrate at night are more likely to collide with turbines

    The fact that "windmills" kill large birds of prey is of particular concern.

    Never mind that fossil fuels are subsidized by governments and are far more costly, even when externalities aren’t addedMikie

    Renewable energy is highly subsidized by governments. If fossil fuels are far more costly than renewables then why are developing counties using fossil fuels to help lift themselves out of poverty? If renewable energy was really cheaper then they would be queuing up to use renewables.

    after all, he comes highly recommended by an Internet forum’s resident climate denier, and fellow intellectual fruit fly — who refuses to spend a second reading anything relevant on the topic, but would like you to spend the time watching his stupid bullshit.Mikie

    I have told you many times Mikie that I accept that global warming is happening. I accept that humans are responsible for most of the increase in the CO2 level above 280 ppm. I accept that this will cause some problems. We need to be careful that in trying to solve global warming that we don't end up causing bigger more serious problems. That is why you should be looking at things like MGUY's videos. You shouldn't be pretending that there are no problems with our "solutions" to global warming.

    If you pull the blankets over your head in bed, then the monsters can't get you. :scream:

    But some idiot on YouTube has something to say about it that we should all pay attention toMikie

    I would be interested to hear from other people on this thread what they think about MGUY's videos.

    Are MGUY's videos "stupid bullshit" as Mikie is claiming?
  • jorndoe
    Using AI for weather projection seems like an obvious exercise; that's what these folks are researching:

    On the Extrapolation of Generative Adversarial Networks for Downscaling Precipitation Extremes in Warmer Climates
    — Neelesh Rampal, Peter B Gibson, Steven Sherwood, Gab Abramowitz · NIWA + UNSW · Dec 5, 2024
    A Reliable Generative Adversarial Network Approach for Climate Downscaling and Weather Generation
    — Neelesh Rampal, Peter B Gibson, Steven Sherwood, Gab Abramowitz, Sanaa Hobeichi · NIWA + UNSW · Jan 2, 2025

    The projections (for New Zealand) can be generated a lot faster than with traditional models.
  • Mikie
    You shouldn't be pretending that there are no problems with our "solutions" to global warming.Agree-to-Disagree


    Are MGUY's videos "stupid bullshit" as Mikie is claiming?Agree-to-Disagree

    I’ve given your recommendation exactly the amount of attention it deserves: none. As with most climate deniers.

    I get that you’re too stupid to understand why — but others do.
  • unenlightened
    I would be interested to hear from other people on this thread what they think about MGUY's videos.

    Since you ask, looking at the banner of his website, he declares upfront that his site is an EV free zone. Then there are some videos highlighting problems with EVs. Then there are some videos extolling the virtues of high end petrol sports cars.

    I think MGUY is a petrol-head. These are not a rare breed in the UK or in Australia. So it is not the site to look for a balanced view of EVs as a practical means of transport, never mind as a way to contribute to stabilising the climate.
  • Agree-to-Disagree
    So it is not the site to look for a balanced view of EVs as a practical means of transport, never mind as a way to contribute to stabilising the climate.unenlightened

    Do EV evangelists provide a balanced view of EVs? MGUY is providing the "other side" from EV evangelists.

    I agree with you that MGUY is a bit of a petrol-head. But as I said before, MGUY is not totally against EVs. He says that they are great in certain circumstances. For example, if you do short trips, if you have off-street parking, if you can charge your EV at home, etc.

    MGUY is very against EV mandates because EVs are not great in all circumstances. He wants people to be able to choose the type of car that is right for them.

    MGUY provides links to where he gets his information from, so you can check that he providing true information. For example, in his video called "UK Fire Chiefs issue STARK warning on EVs" he provides the following links:

    FRNSW position statement: https://m-g.uy/onl
    - Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is the State Government agency responsible for the provision of fire, rescue and hazmat services in cities and towns across New South Wales. FRNSW is one of the world’s largest urban fire and rescue services and is the busiest in Australia. FRNSW's position statement includes the following:
    - FRNSW consider EVs and EV charging stations to be special hazards...
    - A failure event within an EV battery (such as mechanical, thermal abuse, rapid discharge, or internal cell failure) has the potential to lead to a thermal runaway event within the EV battery, which may pose significant challenges for the building structure, the building occupants, and for firefighters in the management of the incident.
    Is this information incorrect because it is in MGUY's video?

    Express article: https://m-g.uy/mgr
    Here are some extracts:
    - Electric cars can 'explode' and the public must be warned say worried UK fire chiefs.
    - Fire chiefs say the public must be told about the huge fire risks posed by electric vehicles, as the Government presses ahead with a ban on new petrol and diesel cars.
    - Damaged vehicles could burst into “explosive” flames and fires could resume days after they appeared to have been extinguished according to the National Fire Chiefs Council, the professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service.
    - Blazes could also release toxic fumes and even the water used to put out electric vehicle fires could become poisonous and pollute the environment.
    - Thermal runaway can lead to the creation of toxic vapours and gases such as (not exhaustive) carbon monoxide, hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen chloride.
    - Fire water that is contaminated with chemicals from battery fires is dangerous to the environment.
    Is this information incorrect because it is in MGUY's video?
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