• Wosret
    I've been dreaming like every night lately, which is super duper weird for me. Usually it is only one or two a year. I don't recall very much of them, and many not at all, but I just know that I've been dreaming, but they've been getting clearer as well.

    I finally remember some of a couple that I've had in the last few days. The first one, I was walking in like a nice downtown like area, though nowhere I remember being, and everyone was dressed fancy, like nice dresses and suits. They also seemed very tall, like I was at a lower perspective for some reason, though I never saw myself. I remember two women walking pasted some fancy dude like gesturing, almost like directing traffic, but was on the side walk, and one of the women's shoulders started to like like nervously move around weirdly. I then went and walked off into like the woods, and went down this path, and a women with like winter hiking gear was coming up past me, but then I got down into the path, and it was like a wall of dirt, so I turned to go back the way I came, and it was far too steep to go back somehow now. I then noticed that it was like a square hole, that looked like the walls were compressed or compacted, like from a garbage compactor, and I thought "well that ain't, good, I don't want to stick around to find out what's doing that, better wake up", and then I woke up. It wasn't like a lucid dream or something, like I knew the whole time it was a dream, or even got the impression of reasoning, or anything. I just thought that and woke up.

    Then last night, I had this dream where I was living in the woods type deal with my older brother and sister, and I remember walking home, and then arguing with them about money, like we had sold something, and split it, but no one was happy, and then I had to go to work, and I thought, and said that I had hate being stuck at a job all day for hours without being able to leave. I then woke up.

    I wonder if that last thing I said in my dream is true. I have a new job now, stocking shelves at a department store at night, but I don't think that I don't like going or being stuck there. I wonder why I said that.

    I wonder if dreams tell you things that you don't know, or mean anything, or if they're just random? Maybe it doesn't mean precisely that, but something else. Maybe like normal I was the only one even working in my dream house with brother and sister like usual, and I was just overstating the difficulty, or undesirability of it. I feel like that is something I do. Like I actually like cleaning up, and doing house work, but I also sometimes feel that it's unfair, and wrong that I always do it, but then I don't really dislike it either. I dunno...
  • TheMadFool
    Strange dream I had...

    I saw meteorites flying through the air and on one rock were the letters S.B.H.A

    After I woke up I googled it and lo and behold S.B.H is an acronym for Super Massive Black Hole and coincidentally there's one at Saggitarius A in the milky way, which according to reports is swallowing up asteroids.:P
  • Wosret

    What do you think it meant? Did it have any significance you think?
  • TheMadFool
    What do you think it meant? Did it have any significance you thinkWosret

    I don't know. I hope it doesn't mean anything bad though. I just don't know...
  • Hanover
    I often think that I'm living in a dream, but then I wake up and realize that it was just a dream.
  • Wosret
    When I was a kid I was on puffers because doctors didn't know wtf was wrong with me (I ended up self-diagnosing it when I was 22... useless doctors), but I used them to get high, and I would feel exactly like I was dreaming. Though they stopped giving them to me when I was like 12 or something, because I started going through them too quickly.
  • Shawn
    I live to dream. I treat my dreams with a sort of reverence because they are self-generated and I'm a neurotic mess for the matter that has to analyze anything related to my-self.

    I too was fascinated with lucid dreaming in my youth. I would practice reality checking by holding my nose with my mouth shut and see if I could still breathe (if done in a dream you realize that you can still breath and initiate a lucid dream). Another method is to check your watch twice within a dream. If the numbers are different every time you are also dreaming, indicating that causality is altered in the dream also. There are also methods to increase your ability to remember dream by keeping a dream journal.

    I kind of grew out of my fascination with lucid dreaming and just enjoy my dreams as they are without interference. I also read that if you practice weight lifting during a dream your muscles worked on in the dream will actually grow.

    Anyhow, dreams are a glimpse into the soul, which I nowadays ponder about during the day.
  • Wosret

    I might start keeping a dream journal. I normally almost never remember my dreams, and even when I do it's only a few bits. I'd like to increase my recollection.
  • Nils Loc
    Only two recurrent types of lucid dreaming that I can remember well. One is about driving blind.

    I realize that I'm trying to overcome the sleep paralysis that keeps my lids closed and there is intense effort and strain to open my eyes but I can't. Meanwhile in the dream I'm usually driving, both memorable accounts being a motorcycle and a limo with something like Gweneth Paltrow and Tom Hanks in the back seat (I saw them even though I couldn't open my eyes). I actually think I'm getting real visual data that is interfering what I see in the dream (blurrrr).

    The other is hovering by tilting forward. It's like flying or floating but my toes nearly drag on the ground.
  • Wosret

    My little brother once told me that he dreamed that Nicolas Cage was frying left over potatoes in the kitchen.
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