• Thorongil
    You might want to look up Einstein's definition of insanity.
  • Thanatos Sand
    Nah, the one needing to do that is clearly you. Increasing a deficient amount is not repeating the same unsuccessful act.
  • Thorongil
    So, back when we didn't pump billions into education, didn't have a department of education, etc, US students were receiving an inferior education to those now?
  • Thanatos Sand
    The fact you ask that is very sad. Of course it was worse. At least 1/2 had the money for school and ended up doing child labor on to terrible labor the rest of their life, and the facilities for Blacks were decidedly inferior to those for Whites. Your nostalgia for horror is disturbing.
  • Agustino
    The fact you ask that is very sad. Of course it was worse. At least 1/2 had the money for school and ended up doing child labor on to terrible labor the rest of their life, and the facilities for Blacks were decidedly inferior to those for Whites. Your nostalgia for horror is disturbing.Thanatos Sand
    >:O At least, back 200 years ago, a doctor who finished medical school didn't have to slave away for 10s of years before he could become a full-time doctor ;)
  • Thanatos Sand
    Because doctors weren't professionals with the same requirements as now. But the fact you think it was better then when a black child had decidedly sufficient facilities to a white child and had a much worse chance of getting into med school because of discriminatory admissions show you're an unrepentant racist.

  • Agustino
    Because doctors weren't professionals with the same requirements as now. But the fact you think it was better then when a black child had decidedly sufficient facilities to a white child and had a much worse chance of getting into med school because of discriminatory admissions show you're an unrepentant racist.

    Thanatos Sand
    :s I never claimed it was better in that sense. But living in a world where we all have such possibilities but they are rendered meaningless (because we have to spend 10s of years slaving away before we can properly do what we went to university for) is worse, yes - for all of us, even for the black person. It's worse than not having such a possibility in the first place.

    Because doctors weren't professionals with the same requirements as now.Thanatos Sand
    No, much rather we have set up bullshit requirements in order to create a bureaucracy which supports the old doctors who are steps away from senility in holding on to their positions while the young have to slave away for them, effectively doing their own work. Also we have "robotised" life, by making everything a procedure - in hospitals, everyone is treated like a statistic today, not like a person. Doctors are those who apply procedures, not those who use their brain to treat the individual conditions that each person has. Bureaucracy has crippled us - the West is crippled by bureaucracy everywhere. Bureaucracy makes life very difficult for the up and coming, for the new, for the young. It is a game that they cannot win. And it's rigged. Because if things were fair, our hospitals wouldn't be run by 80 year old men who can barely speak two words anymore. Our politicians wouldn't be old dinosaurs who are a step away from the grave, and who struggle to even lead themselves. Our world has made an Alexander impossible.

    Look at the Renaissance - that great era of human history in which culture flourished, genius was common, some of history's greatest artistic achievements came into being, science advanced, theology developed, trade blossomed! Apart from technological advances, which indeed are something we didn't have back then, we're absolutely not better than we used to be.
  • Thanatos Sand

    Because doctors weren't professionals with the same requirements as now. But the fact you think it was better then when a black child had decidedly sufficient facilities to a white child and had a much worse chance of getting into med school because of discriminatory admissions show you're an unrepentant racist.

    — Thanatos Sand

    I never claimed it was better in that sense. But living in a world where we all have such possibilities but they are rendered meaningless (because we have to spend 10s of years slaving away before we can properly do what we went to university for) is worse, yes - for all of us, even for the black person. It's worse than not having such a possibility in the first place

    Sorry, the fact you said ">:O At least, back 200 years ago, a doctor who finished medical school didn't have to slave away for 10s of years before he could become a full-time doctor ;)" was a clear suggestion things were better back then, since you can't deny those terrible conditions for Blacks back them. I don't have time for games, racist.

    And, since you do admit things were better back then when they were worse for Blacks, and you don't back up your "possibilities rendered meaningless" claim at all, you just further affirm your racism.

    No, much rather we have set up bullshit requirements in order to create a bureaucracy which supports the old doctors who are steps away from senility in holding on to their positions while the young have to slave away for them, effectively doing their own work

    No, much rather we caught up with the science of the time that we were woefully behind and science and medicine has advanced greatly requiring more and greater education for doctors. Apparently you still want brain surgeons to be using pliers.

    Doctors are those who apply procedures, not those who use their brain to treat the individual conditions that each person has.

    No, doctors have to use their brains to diagnose and implement those procedures most successfully. I really do worry about your health. You clearly are seeing the wrong doctors...:)

    Bureaucracy has crippled us - the West is crippled by bureaucracy everywhere. Bureaucracy makes life very difficult for the up and coming, for the new, for the young. It is a game that they cannot win. And it's rigged. Because if things were fair, our hospitals wouldn't be run by 80 year old men who can barely speak two words anymore. Our politicians wouldn't be old dinosaurs who are a step away from the grave, and who struggle to even lead themselves. Our world has made an Alexander impossible.

    This has absolutely nothing to do with the racism we were discussing. Considering you're a racist, I'm not surprised you want to deflect so.

    Look at the Renaissance - that great era of human history in which culture flourished, genius was common, some of history's greatest artistic achievements came into being, science advanced, theology developed, trade blossomed! Apart from technological advances, which indeed are something we didn't have back then, we're absolutely not better than we used to be.

    Even more deflection, and, by the way, medicine was a nightmare then and they burned more witches than in the Medieval times.
  • Agustino
    Please quit writing in bold, it certainly doesn't make what you say any truer.

    And, since you do admit things were better back then when they were worse for Blacks, and you don't back up your "possibilities rendered meaningless" claim at all, you just further affirm your racism.Thanatos Sand
    This is a huge red herring and non sequitur. I specifically told you I didn't mean that it was better back then for the reason that white people had access to more resources than black people. Rather I said it was better because those who did have access to resources (whether they were white or black - skin color is irrelevant to me because I'm not a racist) could actually do something meaningful with them. So no, I don't think I'm a racist at all.

    But it seems that like all progressives today, you are obsessed about racism, sexism, etc. :-} How boring.
  • Thanatos Sand
    Thanatos Sand Please quit writing in bold, it certainly doesn't make what you say any truer.

    I write in bold in long posts to delineate my writing from my interlocutors. I have no idea why that would bother you. Anyway, my post needed no more Truth.
  • Thanatos Sand
    This is a huge red herring and non sequitur. I specifically told you I didn't mean that it was better back then for the reason that white people had access to more resources than black people

    No, it's neither and you haven't shown it's either. It doesn't matter that you didn't think it was better back then for that reason. You know those horrible conditions existed back then for Blacks and you still think it was better back then. That makes you a racist.

    Rather I said it was better because those who did have access to resources (whether they were white or black - skin color is irrelevant to me because I'm not a racist) could actually do something meaningful with them. So no, I don't think I'm a racist at all.

    See, my last quote above which shows why that's irrelevant. And it shows why you're a racist, regardless of what you think. Many KKK members say they aren't racist's, too. Funny.

    But it seems that like all progressives today, you are obsessed about racism, sexism, etc. :-} How boring.

    No, it's more like all racists like you today want to keep being racist, but get your feelings hurt when people actually call them racist. How very boring.
  • Noble Dust

    Watch out, it's only a matter of time before Thanatos will cut you off and stop reading your posts! :’(
  • Thorongil
    Of course it was worse. At least 1/2 had the money for school and ended up doing child labor on to terrible labor the rest of their life, and the facilities for Blacks were decidedly inferior to those for Whites.Thanatos Sand

    You're trying to make marginal cases the normative ones. Sorry, these are red herrings. I'd like an answer to my question without offensive insinuations that I'm in favor of child labor or racial discrimination.
  • Thanatos Sand
    Watch out. It's only a matter of time before Noble Dust will stalk and troll you like the weirdo he is.
  • Thanatos Sand
    Of course it was worse. At least 1/2 had the money for school and ended up doing child labor on to terrible labor the rest of their life, and the facilities for Blacks were decidedly inferior to those for Whites.
    — Thanatos Sand

    You're trying to make marginal cases the normative ones. Sorry, these are red herrings. I'd like an answer to my question without offensive insinuations that I'm in favor of child labor or racial discrimination.

    No, I'm doing no such thing and you haven't shown I have. So, the only red herring is yours. And you clearly showed you're in favor of child labor and racial discrimination because you said you preferred a period when those things were much more prevalent than our current period. Nice.
  • Agustino
    Watch out, it's only a matter of time before Thanatos will cut you off and stop reading your posts! :’(Noble Dust
    But wait Noble Dust, is it bad if an ignoramous ignores you? Instead of crying, may it not be that you need to rejoice at the possibility, and proceed to prepare a gift for the said ignoramous, thanking him for freeing you? X-)
  • Thanatos Sand

    Don't mind Augustino. I showed he was an ignoramus and a racist. So, he's only trying to woefully save face...:)
  • Thorongil
    And you clearly showed you're in favor of child labor and racial discrimination because you said you preferred a period when those things were much more prevalent than our current period.Thanatos Sand

    Wow. This is so ridiculous that I'm not entirely sure you're being serious! First, no, I'm not in favor of child labor or racial discrimination. For you to assume that I am is uncharitable in the extreme. Second, no, I never said I "preferred" the past, I simply challenged you to prove that US students were receiving an inferior education compared to today, which you have still failed to do. Ergo, you're trying to deflect the conservation by means of character attacks.
  • Agustino
    No, it's more like all racists like you today want to keep being racist, but get your feelings hurt when people actually call them racist. How very boring.Thanatos Sand
    No, I'm just finding it incredibly funny that you call me a racist :)

    You know those horrible conditions existed back then for Blacks and you still think it was better back then. That makes you a racist.Thanatos Sand
    So how does that make me a racist? Can you please explain? If you like vanilla ice-cream because of its taste are you a racist because it is white? :s And like all racists today, of course you don't want to admit that you really like it because it's white! Racist! >:O >:O >:O >:O
  • Thanatos Sand
    And you clearly showed you're in favor of child labor and racial discrimination because you said you preferred a period when those things were much more prevalent than our current period.
    — Thanatos Sand

    Wow. This is so ridiculous that I'm not entirely sure you're being serious! First, no, I'm not in favor of child labor or racial discrimination. For you to assume that I am is uncharitable in the extreme.

    Thanatos Sand So, back when we didn't pump billions into education, didn't have a department of education, etc, US students were receiving an inferior education to those now?

    Of course you're in favor of it, since in your quote directly above you clearly express your preference for a period when child education was rampant and there was terrible racial discrimination being used in making education worse for Black children than for White children. Your own words make that clear.

    So, the only one being ridiculous is you.

    Second, no, I never said I "preferred" the past, I simply challenged you to prove that US students were not receiving an inferior education than they are today, which you have still failed to do

    This is disingenuous and dishonest. The whole challenge was on the premise of your claim education was better in periods when we didn't spend money, which was when child labor and racism was rampant. Now, you're pretending you think things are actually better when we spend money on education. So, your preference for periods of child labor and reference still stands, unless you want to admit your original arguments were wrong, and we know you won't do that.

    And I'm not deflecting anything. You expressed your horrid support of periods of racism and child labor over our present period of spending billions on labor. So, I addressed it, and you've been stalling us by lying and deflecting from your shameful preference for periods of child labor and racism.
  • Thanatos Sand
    No, it's more like all racists like you today want to keep being racist, but get your feelings hurt when people actually call them racist. How very boring.
    — Thanatos Sand
    No, I'm just finding it incredibly funny that you call me a racist :)

    Then you must think it's funny when I call a tree a "tree" since you've made it clear you're a racist.

    You know those horrible conditions existed back then for Blacks and you still think it was better back then. That makes you a racist.
    — Thanatos Sand
    So how does that make me a racist? Can you please explain? If you like vanilla ice-cream because of its taste are you a racist because it is white? :s And like all racists today, of course you don't want to admit that you really like it because it's white!

    The fact you have to ask that proves you're an ignoramus. Only racists would prefer times when Blacks suffered great racial discrimination over periods when they don't. That's syllogisitically self-explanatory. If you don't get that, I'll get you a bigger ignoramus hat...:)
  • Thorongil
    Of course you're in favor of it, since in your quote directly above you clearly express your preference for a period when child education was rampant and there was terrible racial discrimination being used in making education worse for Black children than for White children. Your own words make that clear.Thanatos Sand

    You're repeating the same false accusations here.

    Now, you're pretending you think things are actually better when we spend money on education.Thanatos Sand

    No, I'm not. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit it seems.

    You expressed your horrid support of periods of racism and child labor over our present period of spending billions on labor.Thanatos Sand

    Once again, repeating this doesn't make it so! If you're just trolling, then I hope you find something better to do with your life. If not, then I hope you seek psychological help, as you've displayed nothing but pathological, ungrounded antipathy toward me and, by the looks of it, other people on this forum too.
  • Agustino
    The fact you have to ask that proves you're an ignoramus. Only racists would prefer times when Blacks suffered great racial discrimination over periods when they don't. That's syllogisitically self-explanatory. If you don't get that, I'll get you a bigger ignoramus hat...:)Thanatos Sand
    Please acquire this large ignoramus hat, it would make for an excellent gift!

    And no I never said I prefer periods of great racial discrimination over periods of no racial discrimination. The fact that there was racial discrimination during the renaissance is an accidental fact (in terms of what I was talking about) that has nothing to do with why I admire the renaissance over today's society.

    It's just as stupid as me telling you I like vanilla ice-cream over chocolate ice-cream because of its taste, and you responding that I'm a racist because I like vanilla ice-cream because it is white while chocolate ice-cream is black. The whiteness of it is an accidental feature with regards to my reason for liking it. I wouldn't expect even a retard to make such an error in thinking...

  • Thanatos Sand
    Of course you're in favor of it, since in your quote directly above you clearly express your preference for a period when child education was rampant and there was terrible racial discrimination being used in making education worse for Black children than for White children. Your own words make that clear.
    — Thanatos Sand

    You're repeating the same false accusations here.

    No, I made the same accurate claim. You're making the same erroneous deflections here.

    Now, you're pretending you think things are actually better when we spend money on education.
    — Thanatos Sand

    No, I'm not. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit it seems.

    Yes, you are, and I showed how you were. My reading comprehension is excellent, yours is clearly awful.

    You expressed your horrid support of periods of racism and child labor over our present period of spending billions on labor.
    — Thanatos Sand

    Once again, repeating this doesn't make it so! If you're just trolling, then I hope you find something better to do with your life. If not, then I hope you seek psychological help, as you've displayed nothing but pathological, ungrounded antipathy toward me and, by the looks of it, other people on this forum too.

    Once again, repeating didn't make it so, it's truth made it so, so the only one trolling and (greatly) needing psychological help is you. As the only one who has shown pathological, ungrounded antipathy is you in your meltdown above.

    I won't be reading any more of your post so you can go get that help, and probably some meds, too.
  • Thanatos Sand
    And no I never said I prefer periods of great racial discrimination over periods of no racial discrimination.

    Of course you said that. You said it in the exchange below. So, you should be asking "He is retard?" about yourself...:)

    The fact you ask that is very sad. Of course it was worse. At least 1/2 had the money for school and ended up doing child labor on to terrible labor the rest of their life, and the facilities for Blacks were decidedly inferior to those for Whites. Your nostalgia for horror is disturbing.
    — Thanatos Sand

    >:O At least, back 200 years ago, a doctor who finished medical school didn't have to slave away for 10s of years before he could become a full-time doctor ;)

    The rest of your post was incoherent nonsense. So, since you've degraded into mere babbling, you and I are done. I won't be reading anymore of your posts. I suggest you go get help for that racism of yours; it can be helped.
  • Thorongil
    I won't be reading any more of your postThanatos Sand

    And if you keep this act up, I predict no one will be reading yours, since you'll be banned.
  • Agustino
    The rest of your post was incoherent nonsense. So, since you've degraded into mere babbling, you and I are done. I won't be reading anymore of your posts. I suggest you go get help for that racism of yours; it can be helped.Thanatos Sand
    Yes, in my first response to you I laughed, because you brought up child labor and racism out of nowhere. So equally out of nowhere I said that at least 200 years ago a doctor who finished medical school wouldn't have to slave away for 10s of years before becoming a full-time doctor. Effectively I'm saying yes, the racism + child labor of that period was a bad thing, but there were also good things in the past. So you gave examples of bad things, I gave an example of a good thing - better education relative to the standards of that day.

    I won't be reading anymore of your posts.Thanatos Sand
    Thank you :) Took you a long time!
  • Agustino
    Watch out, it's only a matter of time before Thanatos will cut you off and stop reading your posts! :’(Noble Dust
    you and I are done. I won't be reading anymore of your posts.Thanatos Sand
    Your powers of clairvoyance are amazing Noble... (Y) >:O
  • Noble Dust

    What can I say, I have a gift...
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