• MoK
    And still curious whether you understand now that "aleph_1/(2^aleph_1)" is nonsense.TonesInDeepFreeze
    Yes, I got that. Thank you very much for your explanation.
  • MoK
    That's what I understand as a limit (process) - that can be approached but never reached, but if it could be reached, would yield whatever - the process of whatevering being nothing in itself, but useful as a tool.tim wood
    That is a correct interpretation if you divide the interval by two, then another time divide the result by two, ad infinitum. What I have in mind is that I simply divide the interval by 2^infinity in one step. This operation seems to be invalid though to mathematicians.
  • MoK
    Greater than any countable number or greater than any finite number?TonesInDeepFreeze
    It is better to say greater than any finite number given the definition of a countable set in mathematics.
  • tim wood
    What I have in mind is that I simply divide the interval by 2^infinity in one stepMoK
    It seems to me - subject to correction - that you cannot even reasonably think about that without at least giving a somewhat rigorous definition of what you think a - your - number line is, in the sense of what comprises it, or what it's composed of or made of. If points, then you have to decide how many, and at the least you run into a labeling problem if you have too many.

    Imagine I define a number line as comprising only the numbers - integers - 0, 1, 2,.... You want to divide the interval between, say, 0 and 1, using 1/2, or 2/3 as examples of what you have in mind. Two possible results: 1) you have demonstrated that my number line is impoverished by showing fractions, or 2) I simply say, not on my number line.

    Now the number line made up of reals, with uncountably many points between 0 and 1. You would like to divide that up so that there is no point between two points sufficiently close together.so that there is no point between them, thus zero "real" distance between them. It's easy enough to specify an example of one point of that pair, call it .75. What's the (name of the) next point so close no other point is between the two?

    In the case of my number line of integers only, I might say not on my number line, and you might argue that rational numbers are clearly members of my line, as a consequence of being representations of simple ratios of the numbers themselves. Thus my claim defective on its face.

    With the real number line, it seems to me it is the line itself that says you cannot. And if you say you can, then it is up to you to show how.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    Is f(infinity) a member of the above sequence?MoK

    What do you mean by "infinity" used as a noun?

    There is the adjective "is infinite": S is infinite if and only if S is not finite.

    And there are various infinite sets, such as:

    the least infinite ordinal = {n | n is a natural number} = w = aleph_0

    the least infinite cardinal = aleph_0 = w = {n | n is a natural number}

    the least infinite cardinal greater than aleph_0 = aleph_1

    card(set of functions from w into 2) = 2^aleph_0 = card(the power set of aleph_0)

    card(set of functions from aleph_1 into 2) = 2^aleph_1 = card(the power set of aleph_1)

    There are various uses of "infinity" as a noun, including such things as infinity as a point in the extended reals or infinity as a hyperreal in nonstandard analysis. But you've not specified.

    In any case, how can you ask your question when I explicitly defined the domain of f to be the set of positive natural numbers? (Whatever you mean by "infinity" used as a noun, it is not a member of the set of positive natural numbers.)

    how could the sequence be an infinite one?MoK

    How can you ask that question when I defined the domain of f to be the set of positive natural numbers? (The set of positive natural numbers is infinite, and if the domain of a relation is infinite then the relation is infinite.)

    You really need to learn basic mathematics.

    (Also: A sequence is a certain kind of function, and a function is a certain kind of relation, and a relation is set of ordered pairs. So, f(n) is not a member of the sequence f; rather <n f(n)> is a member of the sequence. f(n) is an entry in the sequence (i.e. f(n) is in the range of the sequence).

    And still curious whether you understand now that "aleph_1/(2^aleph_1)" is nonsense.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Actually, No:

    I simply divide the interval by 2^infinityMoK

    (1) What do you mean by "divide the interval"? At least four options:

    (a) Partition the interval

    (b) Divide the cardinality of the interval

    (c) Divide the distance of the interval

    (d) Deploy an operation that divides, then divides the result ... infinitely many times, as a single combined operation that has a final value

    Option (d) is meaningless. You are trying to argue against the proof that for every positive real number x (= the distance of the interval [0 x]) there is a positive real number y such that 0 < y < x. Your confused, ill-premised, ignorant and incoherent idea is that by dividing the interval 2^aleph_1 number of times, we get an i such that for any real number y>0, we have 0 < i < y.

    But you have not defined such an operation. All you've done now is to claim you understand my explanation of cardinal division while going right past it to repeat your same mistake, but with even greater vagueness by insisting on an undefined "infinity" as a divisor.

    You're not only not making progress, but you're going in the opposite direction of progress.

    You really really need to learn basic mathematics.

    What I have in mind is that I simply divide the interval by 2^infinity in one step. This operation seems to be invalid though to mathematicians.MoK

    Not a question of "validity". It's just that it is not defined by you. Your method is to throw around mathematical terminology without understanding it, thus to combine it in ways that are not coherent.

    You really really need to learn some logic, set theory and the mathematics of standard analysis and non-standard analysis.

    Greater than any countable number or greater than any finite number?
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    It is better to say greater than any finite number given the definition of a countable set in mathematics.

    Then just say "finite". But your particulars involve both countable and uncountable cardinals, all of which are greater than any finite cardinal but some of which are greater than any countable cardinal:

    aleph_0 is countable

    aleph_1 is uncountable

    2^(aleph_1) is uncountable and greater than aleph_1
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    With the real number line, it seems to me it is the line itself that says you cannot. And if you say you can, then it is up to you to show how.tim wood

    As you touch on, the system of naturals can be extended to a system of rationals, and the system of rationals can be extended to the system of reals. And each is a different system. And the system of reals can be extended to a system with infinitesimals. And that is a different system. But when we extend in that way, we do it coherently. We prove the existence of the systems - the sets of numbers and the key operations and relations and the key properties of those). But @MoK's own offering is not coherent - does not proceed by coherent definitions and proofs. He needs to learn at least the basics of the real number system, then he can look up 'non-classical analysis' to see how an actually coherent and rigorous development of infinitesimals is done.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    An ordinary route:

    Prove the existence of a system of naturals, and define a particular system of naturals.

    Prove the existence of a system of integers, as there is a subsystem isomorphic with the system of naturals, and define a particular system of integers.

    Prove the existence of a system of rationals, as there is a subsystem isomorphic with the system of integers, and define a particular system of integers.

    Prove the existence of a system of reals, as there is a subsystem isomorphic with the system of rationals, and define a particular system of reals.

    Prove the existence of a system of hyperreals, as there is a subsystem isomorphic with the system of reals, but we cannot define a particular system of hyperreals (at least not with the method of compactness or the method of ultrafilters).
  • fishfry
    It seems that there is no operation of infinite division in the real number system. That was something I didn't know.MoK

    There are limits. As an example, consider the sequence 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, ...

    We all know that the limit of this sequence is 0. You can certainly call this infinite division if you like, as long as you understand what limits are. There are indeed infinitely many elements of the sequence, and you CAN think of this as "infinite division."

    You can even think of doing it "all at once" if you like

    What it means formally is that the elements of the sequence get (and stay) arbitrarily close to 0.

    What it does NOT mean is that there is some kind of magic number that the sequence attains that is a "distance of 0" from 0, but is not 0. That's a faulty intuition.

    In fact the formal theory of limits, once one learns it, is the antidote to all our non-rigorous, faulty intuitions about infinite processes.

    Does that help, or perhaps refresh your memory? I'm pretty sure that physicists must be exposed to the formal theory of limits at some point.

    Oh yeah, I can guess that. We, physicists, work with the infinities all the time. Of course, mathematicians do not agree with how we deal with infinities but strangely physics works. :)MoK

    Yes I understand and agree. But I am a little surprised that you seem to think that a sequence attains some kind of mysterious conclusion that lies at a distance of 0 from its limit, but is distinct from the limit. That's just not right.

    Did my mention of limits ring a bell at all? Or raise any issues that we could clarify or focus on?

    Because your idea of endless division is perfectly correct. But all that shows is that endlessly halving leads you to the limit of a sequence. But there's no "extra point" in there that's distinct from but at a distance of 0 from the limit.

    Let me know if we're on the same page about this.
  • fishfry
    If i cut a cake horizontally starting from the halfway point upwards with each slice being half the size of the one immediately below, what would the top of the cake look like? Isn't it indefinite? But you can definitely look at the cake, from all angles, and see that it has definite position in relation to its parts. So how do we reconcile the indefinite with the definite? I think this is what must be asked about the continuum.Gregory

    The continuum is a mathematical abstraction. It has no representation or instantiation (as far as we know) to anything in the physical world.

    This is all explained by the mathematical theory of limits. The sequence 1/2, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16, ... is an infinite sequence that has the limit 1. The "top of the cake" is the limit of the sequence. In terms of a cylinder, the very top would be a circular disk of zero thickness, the same as any other horizontal slice. That is, the intersection of a cylinder with a horizontal plane (parallel to the top and bottom of the cylinder) is a circular disk.

    It can be confusing to think about cakes, because cakes are made of atoms; and the Planck limits preclude our making fine enough horizontal slices to produce a zero-thickness slice. Cakes are not cylinders, and Math Physics!

    Hawking would say that four dimensional Euclidean space, with a time dimension that both 1) acts as space, and 2) is described by imaginary numbers, gives an answer to this question. That is to say, the universe as a whole gives the answer to the continuum. But how do imaginary numbers relate to geometry?Gregory

    There is no evidence that anything in the physical universe is a mathematical continuum. It's possible that there is, but this is a deep open question that (with respect to current science) is more philosophical than scientific.

    How imaginary (perhaps you mean complex) numbers related to geometry is a pretty cool subject, but far afield from understanding the nature of limits.

    Here's the coolest example I know of how complex numbers relate to the geometry of the plane.

    Take a regular n-gon (triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, etc.)

    Place it in the complex plane such that its center corresponds to the origin of the plane, the complex number 0; with one of the vertices as the point (1,0) in the plane, or the complex number 1.

    Now the vertices of the n-gon are exactly all complex n-th roots of 1; that is, they are all the complex solutions to the equation .

    As a concrete example, consider a regular 4-gon, or square, with one vertex at the point 1 in the complex plane. Where are the other vertices? At , , and . And these are exactly the four complex numbers whose fourth power is 1.

    And this works for any regular n-gon. The vertices of the regular 17-gon are the seventeen 17th complex roots of 1.

    That's one of the coolest things I know. And it is one example of the deep relation between complex numbers and geometry, which is the question you asked. But it's got nothing to do with the definition of limits or the nature of the mathematical continuum, but it's definitely interesting. I only mentioned it since you asked about the relationship of complex numbers to geometry.

    Here's some Wikitude on the subject.


    None of this has ANYTHING to do with relativity or spacetime or the physical world. Physicists use the mathematical continuum to model spacetime, but there is no evidence whatsoever that time or space or spacetime are literally the same as a mathematical continuum. They use the mathematical continuum as an approximation that seems to work, to the limit of our ability to measure the results of our experiments.

    Remember: Math Physics!
  • Gregory

    Thanks for the superb reply. The reason i brought up Hawking's "no boundary" thesis is that i was thinking maybe geometry and limits are incomplete by themselves and need the 4 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension in order to make sense of it. That is, mathematicians assume math can stand on its own, but maybe it can't. However i also now see how the physics can be in trouble where maybe the math isn't. You've explained with the cylinder how the top of it is the limit such that if i metaphorically touch it with my finger i am touching a point limit. However if we bring in time and do the series Zenonian as i proposed (one at a time), and with each new slisce changed the color of the new slice, i can ask "what color" the top of the cylander would be. This causes a problem *because* it is a process and processes aren't used like that in mathematics. But again, Hawking had the thesis from the 80's that 5 dimensions (4 spacial Euclidean ones and 1 temporal one that acts as space and uses "imaginary time" as he says) wherein there is no before of time (as there is no north of the North Pole) express a hologram such that 2 dimensions are projected from the 5 dimensions infinitely far away. I know it's unorthodox, but why can't this been seen purely from it's mathematical side and brought into mathematics itself? Hawking explained away indeterminacy with this idea.The lines here seem rather blurry to me, but i read of mathematics mostly from the historical perspective, although i started working through a discrete mathematics textboom recently.

    I will be thinking about your reply and other posts on this thread throughout the day
  • MoK
    Thank you very much for your contribution to my thread. I learned lots of things. You saved me a lot of time as well.

    What do you mean by "infinity" used as a noun?

    There is the adjective "is infinite": S is infinite if and only if S is not finite.

    And there are various infinite sets, such as:

    the least infinite ordinal = {n | n is a natural number} = w = aleph_0

    the least infinite cardinal = aleph_0 = w = {n | n is a natural number}

    the least infinite cardinal greater than aleph_0 = aleph_1

    card(set of functions from w into 2) = 2^aleph_0 = card(the power set of aleph_0)

    card(set of functions from aleph_1 into 2) = 2^aleph_1 = card(the power set of aleph_1)

    There are various uses of "infinity" as a noun, including such things as infinity as a point in the extended reals or infinity as a hyperreal in nonstandard analysis. But you've not specified.

    In any case, how can you ask your question when I explicitly defined the domain of f to be the set of positive natural numbers? (Whatever you mean by "infinity" used as a noun, it is not a member of the set of positive natural numbers.)
    By infinity, I mean aleph_0. I thought that the value of f(alep_0)=0 which is why I asked for its value. But after some thinking, I realize that it is not. In fact, one could define a sequence g(n+1)=g(n)/10 where g(0)=1. It is easy to see that for any value of n g(n)<f(n) except n=0 if (f(0)=1. But g(aleph_0)=0.0...1 and we find g(aleph_0) >0 so f(aleph_0)>0 as well. I am sure you can define things better and provide a better argument.

    Then just say "finite". But your particulars involve both countable and uncountable cardinals, all of which are greater than any finite cardinal but some of which are greater than any countable cardinal:

    aleph_0 is countable

    aleph_1 is uncountable

    2^(aleph_1) is uncountable and greater than aleph_1
    Just out of curiosity, why aleph_1 is uncountable?
  • MoK
    There are limits. As an example, consider the sequence 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, ...

    We all know that the limit of this sequence is 0. You can certainly call this infinite division if you like, as long as you understand what limits are. There are indeed infinitely many elements of the sequence, and you CAN think of this as "infinite division."

    You can even think of doing it "all at once" if you like

    What it means formally is that the elements of the sequence get (and stay) arbitrarily close to 0.

    What it does NOT mean is that there is some kind of magic number that the sequence attains that is a "distance of 0" from 0, but is not 0. That's a faulty intuition.

    In fact the formal theory of limits, once one learns it, is the antidote to all our non-rigorous, faulty intuitions about infinite processes.

    Does that help, or perhaps refresh your memory? I'm pretty sure that physicists must be exposed to the formal theory of limits at some point.
    I agree with what you stated.

    Yes I understand and agree. But I am a little surprised that you seem to think that a sequence attains some kind of mysterious conclusion that lies at a distance of 0 from its limit, but is distinct from the limit. That's just not right.

    Did my mention of limits ring a bell at all? Or raise any issues that we could clarify or focus on?

    Because your idea of endless division is perfectly correct. But all that shows is that endlessly halving leads you to the limit of a sequence. But there's no "extra point" in there that's distinct from but at a distance of 0 from the limit.

    Let me know if we're on the same page about this.
    Yes, we are on the same page and thank you very much for your contribution. I learned a lot of things and refreshed my memory. :)
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    By infinity, I mean aleph_0.MoK

    Then say 'aleph_0' since, in this context, 'infinity' is ambiguous.

    I thought that the value of f(alep_0)=0MoK

    You think that only if you didn't read my post.

    For the third time: The domain of f is the set of positive natural numbers, therefore, aleph_0 is not in the domain of f, therefore "f(aleph_0)" is meaningless.

    one could define a sequence g(n+1)=g(n)/10 where g(0)=1MoK

    What is the domain of g? If the domain of g is the set of natural numbers then:

    g(0) = 1
    for all natural numbers n, g(n+1) = g(n)/10

    So g, just like f, converges to 0.

    But g(aleph_0)=0.0...1MoK

    So the domain of g is not the set of natural numbers. What is the domain of g?

    I explained to you before that ".0...1" represents a sequence h on w+1 such that:

    For all natural numbers n, h(n) = 0
    h(w) = 1

    So if aleph_0 is a member of the domain of g, then:

    g(0) = 1
    for all natural numbers n, g(n+1) = g(n)/10
    g(aleph_0) = h

    But we don't have a less than relation defined that includes h in the field of the relation, so no definition of "converges".

    And are you going to be defining the domain and range of g to include other objects?

    and we find g(aleph_0) >0MoK

    You haven't defined ">" so that it includes g(aleph_0) in the field of the relation.

    so f(aleph_0)>0 as well.MoK

    Nonsense. aleph_0 is not in the domain of f. "f(aleph_0)" is meaningless notation.

    I am sure you can define things better and provide a better argument.MoK

    Only because my meager knowledge at least includes an understanding of what such concepts as a function, domain, range, value of a function at an argument, sequence, infinite sequence, alephs, etc. mean. Meanwhile, your knowledge about these plainly required things is less than meager.

    You need to learn at least the minimal basics of this subject. I mean, you don't even know what "domain of a function" means.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    why aleph_1 is uncountable?MoK

    That you ask that question, indicates that you don't know what 'aleph' and 'countable mean' despite that you toss those terms around as if you're making actually meaningful statements with them.

    Df. S is countable if and only if (S is one-to-one with a natural number or S is one-to-one with w)

    Df. S is uncountable if and only if S is not countable

    Df. T strictly dominates S if and only if (there is an injection from S into T & S is not one-to-one with T).

    Notation: If j is an ordinal, then j+ is ju{j}.

    Definition (by transfinite recursion on the ordinals):
    aleph_0 = w
    aleph_j+ = the least ordinal that strictly dominates aleph_j
    If j is a limit ordinal, then aleph_j = U{alelph_m | m e j}

    1 = 0+, so aleph_1 = the least ordinal that strictly dominates w. Since aleph_1 strictly dominates w, aleph_1 is not one-to-one with a natural number nor is S one-to-one with w. So, aleph_1 is uncountable.


    Please get a book on the first order predicate calculus, then one on set theory.
  • Benj96
    It exists in your mind, your imagination, but not in the physical worldT Clark

    Does that mean the mind is also an abstraction? Something outside the physical world? If so how does one explain what happens to my mind when you crush my head between two boulders?
  • Gregory

    The books you've recommended sound very interesting. I think Kant was right in saying that mathematics involves time (that is, process, synthesis). To *analyze* one plus one equals two is just to give a verbal description of having one and one. Mathematics is more than that. If i have 1 and see another 1, i have 1 and 1 and i "call that 2". But 1 added! to 1 EQUALS two because there is something in the addition that is synthetic instead of having backwards analysis. I realized this when i was trying to remember how i first used numbers. Mathematics is synthesis and analysis, but it's core meaning is synthesis it seems. I wonder how this relates to logicism
  • MoK
    For the third time: The domain of f is the set of positive natural numbers, therefore, aleph_0 is not in the domain of f, therefore "f(aleph_0)" is meaningless.TonesInDeepFreeze
    What do you mean by infinity when you talk about the limit in this post?
  • T Clark
    Does that mean the mind is also an abstraction?Benj96

    Good question... We argue about that kind of thing here all the time. I'll take a swing at it - the mind is a non-physical manifestation of a physical process, i.e. our nervous system's functioning. If you squish an important part of the nervous system, there is nothing left to manifest the mind.
  • T Clark
    Does that mean the mind is also an abstraction? Something outside the physical world? If so how does one explain what happens to my mind when you crush my head between two boulders?Benj96

    Oh, wait. I guess I didn't answer your question... Did I mention that's a good question?
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    What do you mean by infinity when you talk about the limit in this post?MoK

    I didn't use the word 'infinity' in that post.

    I used 'inf' (usually seen as the lemniscate). In the context and sense I used, 'inf' has no meaning by itself; it does not denote a mathematical object. You may think of it is a facon de parler.

    As I explained [redacted for context]:

    [Suppose] there exists a unique real number x such that for every positive real number y, there exists a positive natural number n such that |f(n) - x| < y.

    Then we write:

    lim[n = 1 to inf] f(n)

    'lim' is a variable binding operator, but it can be reduced to a regular operation symbol:

    Df. If f is a function from the set of positive natural numbers into the set of real numbers, and there exists a unique real number x such that for every positive real number y, there exists a positive natural number n such that |f(n) - x| < y, then Lf = the unique real number x such that for every positive real number y, there exists a positive natural number n such that |f(n) - x| < y.

    You see there that we unpack lim[n = 1 to inf] f(n) to:

    lim[n = 1 to inf] f(n) = the unique x such that for every positive real number y, there exists a natural number n such that |f(n) - x| < y.

    The falcon de parler 'inf' does not occur in the definiens. There is no resorting to a claim that there is an object named 'infinity'.

    Again, we distinguish between the adjective 'infinite' and the noun 'infinity':

    Adjective: S is infinite if and only if S is not finite.

    Noun: There are various uses of 'infinity' as a noun, including such things as infinity as a point in the extended reals, or infinity as a hyperreal in nonstandard analysis. But my use of 'inf' (the lemniscate) in the context of defining 'limit' makes no use of 'infinity' as a noun.

    Have you studied the material of Calculus 1? At least the first week in which the definition of 'limit' is given?
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    The books you've recommended sound very interesting.Gregory

    They are almost entirely mathematics, very little philosophy. Except the introductory chapter in 'Introduction To Mathematical Logic' by Church.

    A pretty good book that weaves mathematics and philosophical topics is 'The Philosophy Of Set Theory' by Mary Tiles (but best to have already studied textbook set theory). And some great essays are in 'Logic, Logic, and Logic' by George Boolos and his essay "The Iterative Conception Of Set".
  • fishfry
    if we bring in time and do the series Zenonian as i proposed (one at a time), and with each new slisce changed the color of the new slice, i can ask "what color" the top of the cylander would be.Gregory

    Uh-oh. We had a very lengthy thread about supertask a while back. Best leave that one alone :-)

    The reason i brought up Hawking's "no boundary" thesis is that i was thinking maybe geometry and limits are incomplete by themselves and need the 4 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension in order to make sense of it.Gregory

    Well math is math and physics is physics. Math is a tool for physics but they aren't the same thing. You're making connections that I'm not sure I see. But maybe there's something to it.

    The mathematical continuum is perfectly clear. It's the set of standard real numbers. Personally I think it's very unlikely that the real numbers are instantiated in the world.

    Yes, we are on the same page and thank you very much for your contribution. I learned a lot of things and refreshed my memory.MoK

    Glad I could be helpful.

    If so how does one explain what happens to my mind when you crush my head between two boulders?Benj96

    Nobody knows what happens to the mind (or soul) when we die.
  • MoK
    Why is f(aleph_0) meaningless when we know that natural numbers have aleph_0 members?

    Have you studied the material of Calculus 1? At least the first week in which the definition of 'limit' is given?TonesInDeepFreeze
    I studied Calculus 1 40 years ago. I am familiar with this notation of the limit.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    The domain of f has aleph_0 members, but aleph_0 is not a member of the domain of f.
  • MoK

    This is counter-intuitive to me. Consider a function f with the domain D={1,2,...N} where N is a finite positive integer. The domain has N members and N is a member of the domain of f. Could you please explain what happens when N is aleph_0?
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    This is counter-intuitive to me.MoK

    It's not counterintuitive that there exist functions whose domain is the set of positive natural numbers. Any Calculus 1 textbook has such functions all through the book. Moreover, there are functions whose domain is the set of real numbers. Moreover, there are functions whose domain is a proper subset of the set of real numbers. Moreover, for any set whatsoever, there are functions whose domain is that set (except there is only one function whose domain is the empty set).

    What is counterintuitive to me is someone claiming to be familiar with basic calculus but not understanding ordinary mathematical functions.

    Consider a function f with the domain D={1,2,...N} where N is a finite positive integer.MoK

    To be clear, 'N' there does not stand for the set of natural numbers, so I'll use 'n'':

    Yes, {1 ... n} is a set with n number of members and n is a member of {1 ... n}.

    That doesn't vitiate that there are other sets with n number of members but such that n is not a member:

    {0 1} has 2 members, but 2 is not a member.

    {1 4 7} has 3 members, but 3 is not a member.

    the set of natural numbers has aleph_0 members, but alelph_0 is not a member.

    the set of real numbers has 2^aleph_0 members, but 2^aleph_0 is not a member.

    Could you please explain what happens when N is aleph_0?MoK

    The domain of the function f that I defined is the set of positive natural numbers. aleph_0 is not in that domain.

    I mentioned in a previous post that nothing is stopping us from defining a different function that has alelph_0 in the domain. But so what?

    the domain of f is the set of positive natural numbers = {n | n is a positive natural number}

    f(1) = 1

    f(n+1) = f(n)/2

    "f(aleph_0)" is meaningless notation since alelph_0 is not in the domain of f

    a different function h:

    the domain of h = {n | n is a positive natural number}u{aleph_0}

    h(1) = 1

    h(n+1) = h(n)/2

    h(aleph_0) = whatever you want to make it (could be h(aleph_0) = 0, or h(aleph_0) = aleph_0, or h(aleph_0) = pi, or whatever you specify. just say what it is and then we'll know what h is)

    The purpose of defining f was to agree with you that the results of dividing by 2 converge to 0. And the fact that there is no finite upper bound to the number of times we can divide by 2 refutes your errant claim that there is a real number such that there is no real number between it and 0, thus disproving your errant claim that you've disproved the existence of the continuum.

    Once you define h, you can say what the purpose of doing that is. But any claims about h vis-a-vis real numbers, infinitesimals and the continuum need to be proven and use only terminology already defined or defined by you, not merely imaginistic hand waving.


    Do you really not understand what a domain of a function is? Or are you trolling me?
  • jgill
    Do you really not understand what a domain of a function is? Or are you trolling me?TonesInDeepFreeze

    Does make one wonder, doesn't it? :roll:
  • fishfry
    This is counter-intuitive to me. Consider a function f with the domain D={1,2,...N} where N is a finite positive integer. The domain has N members and N is a member of the domain of f. Could you please explain what happens when N is aleph_0?MoK

    Sure. If you had a set , that would be a set with four elements, one of which is . Then if you had a function defined on that set, would make sense.

    But is NOT A MEMBER of the set of natural numbers. None of 1, 2, 3, ... are . So no function defined on the natural numbers takes a value at , since is not a natural number.
  • MoK
    It's not counterintuitive that there exist functions whose domain is the set of positive natural numbers. Any Calculus 1 textbook has such functions all through the book. Moreover, there are functions whose domain is the set of real numbers. Moreover, there are functions whose domain is a proper subset of the set of real numbers. Moreover, for any set whatsoever, there are functions whose domain is that set (except there is only one function whose domain is the empty set).TonesInDeepFreeze
    That I understand and that is not my problem.

    To be clear, 'N' there does not stand for the set of natural numbers, so I'll use 'n'':

    Yes, {1 ... n} is a set with n number of members and n is a member of {1 ... n}.

    That doesn't vitiate that there are other sets with n number of members but such that n is not a member:

    {0 1} has 2 members, but 2 is not a member.

    {1 4 7} has 3 members, but 3 is not a member.
    I understand there are sets with n members, but n is not a member of the sets. That was why I defined the domain D that has this specific property, the number of its members, n, is a member as well.

    the set of natural numbers has aleph_0 members, but alelph_0 is not a member.TonesInDeepFreeze
    Let me ask you this question: Are all members of the natural number set finite? If yes, how the number of its members could be aleph_0?

    Do you really not understand what a domain of a function is? Or are you trolling me?TonesInDeepFreeze
    I am so sorry that you feel that I am trolling. I respect your time and my time. I appreciate your effort in explaining things to me and I learned lots of things from you that I am grateful for.
  • MoK

    So you are saying that aleph_0 is not a member of the set of natural numbers yet the number of its members is aleph_0. I am however puzzled how all the members of the natural number set are finite yet it has aleph_0 members.
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