• Metaphysician Undercover
    Ok. For things in the real world, they are already in some order, even if it's a complete state of disorder. Even a completely disordered collection of gas molecules in a container, at every instant each molecule is wherever it is. And that set of coordinates, locating every molecule in space, is the order.

    I get that. But by the same token, there is no preferred order. Suppose for example that I got my schoolkids from the playground to line up single-file in order of height. And now YOU come along and say, "Ah, that is the inherent order, and all other orders are disorders of that."

    But of course your observation was a complete accident. I could have lined them up alphabetically by last name.

    So even among physical objects, if we allow that they are always in some order, even if it's disorderly; but nevertheless, there is no preferred or inherent order.

    I believe you are saying there's an inherent order, have I got that right?

    I think we have to look at context here. What is our subject of discussion, what are we talking about here? Are we talking about things (individuals), of which there is a multitude, or are we talking about a group (set) of individuals, of which there is one? Your description above, seems to imply the former. You are talking about separate things, many schoolkids, and there is many possibilities as to the order they could have. On the other hand, if you were talking about the group as a whole, as your subject, then the parts of that group, the individuals, must have the order that they have at that time, even though it could be different in past or future times. If you were talking about the same individuals in a different order, this would require a change to that specific group, so you would be talking about that group, at a different time, because you'd be talking about the individuals, changing places.

    You might understand this better through what is known as internal and external properties. To each individual, as a subject, its relations to other individuals are external properties. To the group, as a unit, and the subject, the relations between the individuals is an internal property.

    You talk about the schoolkids as distinct individuals, where the various relations between them are the external properties of each and everyone of them. There are no internal relations here. Each schoolkid is a subject to predication, age, height, etc.. and you might produce an order according to those predications. The order is external to each schoolkid, people say it transcends, and changing the transcendent order does not change any of the schoolkids in anyway.

    Now, let's take the group as a whole, as an object, and produce a corresponding subject, the set, and make that our subject. Since the whole group is our object of study, any change to the order of the individuals is an internal change to that object, therefore a change to that object itself. The order of the individuals (as the parts of the whole) is an internal property of that object, and a change to that order constitutes a change to the object, which we must respect as predicable to the corresponding subject. Therefore we can say that the order of the individuals, as the parts of the whole, is an intrinsic property of the whole, which is represented as the set.

    Notice however, the switch from "subject" to "object", and this I believe is the key to understanding these principles. There is an implicit gap, a separation, between the meaning of "logical subject" and "physical object". When we make a predication, "the sky is blue" for example, "the sky" is the subject, and if there is an object which corresponds with that subject, the predication may be judged for truth. However, we can manufacture subjects and predications with complete disregard for any physical objects, and so long as we have consistency, we have a valid "subject", with no corresponding object.

    Consider the following proposition, "There is a group of schoolkids". We have a propositional subject, without a corresponding object, what some people would call "a possible world". Since there is no assumed corresponding object which would cause a need for conformity, we can predicate any possible order we want, so long as it is not contradictory. The hidden problem of formalism which I referred to lies in the naming of the group, "schoolkids". That name needs to be clearly defined and the definition will place restrictions on what can be predicated without contradiction.

    Perhaps, we can remove these restrictions, by making the things within the group, the elements of the set that is, completely nondescript. "There is a group of nondescript things". We still have the name "things", with implied meaning, so this name has to be defined, and this would put restrictions on what we can predicate. So we go to a simple symbol, "x" for example, and assume that the symbol on its own, has absolutely no meaning, and this would allow any individual predication whatsoever without any risk of self-contradiction. X is a subject which has absolutely no inherent properties.

    It might appear like we have resolved the problem in this way, we have a subject "x" which can hold absolutely any predication, so long as the predications don't contradict.. However, when we assume that the subject has no inherent properties, we disallow any predication because the predication would be a property and this would contradict the initial assumption. So this starting point allows no procedure without contradiction.

    Now look what happens when we say "there is a group of x's". There is actually something implied about x, which is implied simply by saying that there is a group of them. It is implied that x has a boundary, separation, etc.. We may start with the assumption that there is no intrinsic properties of X, but as soon as we start to predicate, we negate that assumption. And the symbol, x, without any predications is absolutely useless.

    Well now that you mention it, no. 1, 2, 3, ... is NOT the inherent order of the set N

    , believe it or not. On the other hand it sort of is, in a sneaky way. Von Neumann defined the symbols 1, 2, 3, ... in such a way that n∈m

    if it happens to be the case that we want n < m to be true.

    I agree, what I meant is that this appears to be the inherent order, but it's not necessarily, that's why I went on to say that we can deny that order.

    I know this is hard for normal humans to accept, since it's pretty obvious that 1 < 2 < 3 and so on. But mathematicians insist on being picky about how numbers and other things are defined. In the set-theoretic view of modern math, the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... are defined as particular sets, with no inherent order; and then we impose their order by leveraging the ∈


    I think I see the need for this, and so I understand it.

    Have I got any of that right?fishfry

    I think so, but I also think, that sort of inherent order has minimal effect, and the real issue comes up with the restrictions, or limitations to order which are constructed. What I am arguing is that how the inherent order manifests, is as a limitation to the order which one can select. If there is absolutely no inherent order, then we can select any order, but if there is limitations to what can be selected, we cannot choose any order. The examples you give are, I believe, selected, therefore they're probably no true inherent order. The example I gave, is that we cannot give 2 and 3 the same place in the order, they cannot be equal, so we need to proceed toward understanding how this limitation exists.

    Anyway, back to the question. How do we know that 2 and 3 are not the same set?

    Well 2∈3

    , but 2∉2


    Therefore by extensionality, 2≠3

    , because they don't have exactly the same elements.

    Perhaps you can begin to see the virtues of working a the set level separately from its order properties. We can see the mechanics of how to use the axiom of extensionality. No order properties are needed to determine that 2 and 3 are different sets. It's just a matter of ignoring hypotheses that you don't need for a particular argument.

    Nobody is saying that a given set doesn't have an order, as well as a lot of other stuff. A topology, some algebraic operations, a manifold structure perhaps. But we can learn a lot just from restricting our attention to the membership relation and seeing what we can learn just about that.

    So this is where the real problem lies, in defining a symbol, such as 2 or 3, as a set. Check back to what I said about the difference between internal and external properties. The subject now is a set, say 2, and a set necessarily has internal properties. We have the elements which compose the set, 0,1, which are also sets. As the set is also related to other sets, it has external properties, represented by the ∈
    operator. The external properties are not necessary, and are a matter of choice, but whatever choice is made, that choice dictates the nature of the internal properties.

    Now here's where I think the illusion lies. A set necessarily has internal properties, even though there may be infinite possibility as to the nature of the internal properties, making the specific nature of the internal properties dependent on choice, in this case von Neumann's choice. The illusion is that since the specific nature of the internal properties is dependent on a choice from infinite possibilities, it would therefore be possible to have a set with no internal properties. Clarification of the illusion implies that a set cannot exist prior to the choice of external properties, which dictate the internal properties. Internal properties are essential to "a set", and so a set has no existence prior to the choice of external properties, which determine the internal properties. This makes the empty set, as a set with no internal properties, impossible. The problem now, is what is zero? It can't be a number, because numbers are sets, and an empty set is impossible.

    Then you have been proven wrong. I don't need to mention or consider or use any of the order properties of 2 and 3 to determine that they're different numbers.fishfry

    I think you misunderstand. As I explain above, you refer exactly to the internal (intrinsic) properties of 2 and 3, as sets, to show that they are different numbers. What the set theory has done is denied order as an external property of those things, 2 and 3, as numbers with order relative to other numbers, and made it into an internal property of those things, as sets. An internal property is an intrinsic order. The fact that the intrinsic order is ultimately dependent on choice is irrelevant, because some order must be chosen for, or else the system would be meaningless.

    Entirely without rational basis. This para is a wild generalization of your complaint about 2 and 3, but I already showed how we can distinguish 2 and 3 using only their membership properties and not their order properties.fishfry

    No, you've simply shown how external order has been switched for internal order. And now I've shown the problem which arises from this switch, the contradictory, therefore impossible "empty set", which makes the inclusion of zero an inconsistency.

    You are thrashing away at a strawman you've created out of your imagination, and under the mistaken belief that we can't tell 2 from 3 without their order properties. But we can.fishfry

    As I say, the idea that you've gotten rid of the order properties is just an illusion. The order inheres within each individual number, as the definition of that specific set. Rather than simply being an external property of a number, as an object, and how it relates to other numbers, order is now an internal property of the number itself, as a set..

    No, you are consistently wrong about this. If A and B are sets and I can prove that A = B, then A and B are the same set. They are in fact the identical set, of which there is only one instance in the entire universe. They are NOT "two copies" or two distinct entities that we are calling the same by changing the meaning of the word "same."fishfry

    I argue the exact opposite, that you are consistently wrong about this. It is exactly "two copies", just like the word "same" here, and the word "same" here, are two distinct copies, even though we say it's the same word. Look, we are talking the meaning of symbols here. "A=B" means that that symbol A has the same meaning as B, it does not mean that A signifies the same entity as B, without additional information. However, the additional information in this case indicates that what is signified by A and B is a set, "the same set". But a set is not a thing, it is a group of things, grouped by a categorization such as type. Therefore this is an instance of "the same meaning", signified by A and B (indicated by "type"), not an instance of the same entity signified by A and B. This is just like when we use the same word twice when the word has meaning, rather than referencing a particular object. We say that the word has the same meaning, just like we might say A and B have the same meaning, in your example.

    DUH that is what it MEANS to be the same set. That is the ONLY thing it means to be the same set.fishfry

    Exactly, and this is a different meaning of "same" from the meaning of "same" in the law of identity. That is the point. In the law of identity "same" means a lot more than simply having the same members (what I called a qualified "same"), it means to be the same in every possible way ("same" in an absolute, unqualified way),

    Yes that is what it MEANS for two sets to be the same. That they have the same members. That's ALL it means and EVERYTHING it means.

    You simply can't accept that and I don't know why.

    I totally agree with that, that's what "same" means in this context. The problem is that it does not mean what you stated above: "They are in fact the identical set, of which there is only one instance in the entire universe". The set is an imaginary thing, indicated by meaning, it is not something in the universe. So it's not even coherent to say that there is one instance of that set, it's not even a thing which has an instance of existence, it's just the meaning of a symbol. So you speak of "the same set", and claim there is only one instance of that set, but this would be taking a different meaning of "same", which refers to instantiated things, and applying it to "same set", which really means having the same meaning, and not referring to one instantiated thing. Do you see the difference between referring to one and the same thing with a name, "MU", and using a word which has meaning, like "person", without any particular thing referred to? Person refers to a type, so it has meaning, just like "set" refers to a type, so it has meaning. These do not refer to instantiated things of which we could say there is one instance of, they refer to ideas.
  • fishfry
    For set theory, an example is Hindman's 'Fundamentals Of Mathematical Logic'TonesInDeepFreeze

    You're the one who gave me Enderton's set theory book as a reference. Ok whatever. Nevermind that.

    I will agree with you that identity is implicitly in extensionality, in the sense that two sets are equal if they have the "same" elements. We need identity to know when two elements are the same.

    Now, since the elements of sets are other sets (barring urelements for the moment), I can see that there's a bit of a pickle. I''m not sure how this pickle is resolved.

    Perhaps this is what you're trying to explain to me.

    Is it?
  • fishfry
    I think we have to look at context here. What is our subject of discussion, what are we talking about here?Metaphysician Undercover

    Good question. Nothing, really. Can we work on getting these posts shorter?

    Are we talking about things (individuals), of which there is a multitude, or are we talking about a group (set) of individuals, of which there is one? Your description above, seems to imply the former. You are talking about separate things, many schoolkids, and there is many possibilities as to the order they could have. On the other hand, if you were talking about the group as a whole, as your subject, then the parts of that group, the individuals, must have the order that they have at that time, even though it could be different in past or future times. If you were talking about the same individuals in a different order, this would require a change to that specific group, so you would be talking about that group, at a different time, because you'd be talking about the individuals, changing places.Metaphysician Undercover

    Physical collections have inherent order. Sets don't. That's all I'm saying. You seem to agree. What are you concerned with then?

    You might understand this better through what is known as internal and external properties. To each individual, as a subject, its relations to other individuals are external properties. To the group, as a unit, and the subject, the relations between the individuals is an internal property.Metaphysician Undercover

    Is this related to the intensional and extensional meaning of symbols as has been discussed previously?

    I have no idea what topic you are discussing at this point. I've agreed with you about the playground and I thought I'd explained to you about sets. What is left to discuss?

    You talk about the schoolkids as distinct individuals, where the various relations between them are the external properties of each and everyone of them. There are no internal relations here. Each schoolkid is a subject to predication, age, height, etc.. and you might produce an order according to those predications. The order is external to each schoolkid, people say it transcends, and changing the transcendent order does not change any of the schoolkids in anyway.Metaphysician Undercover

    This is lost on me. I've already conceded your point about the school kids being ordered, even if in a state of disorder.

    Now, let's take the group as a whole, as an object, and produce a corresponding subject, the set, and make that our subject. Since the whole group is our object of study, any change to the order of the individuals is an internal change to that object, therefore a change to that object itself. The order of the individuals (as the parts of the whole) is an internal property of that object, and a change to that order constitutes a change to the object, which we must respect as predicable to the corresponding subject. Therefore we can say that the order of the individuals, as the parts of the whole, is an intrinsic property of the whole, which is represented as the set.Metaphysician Undercover

    School kids are not sets. This para and the point of view it represents is totally lost on me. I understand what you're saying, I just don't have much interest in the subject. You think order is an inherent part of a set, so that if I line the kids up differently, it's a different set of kids. That doesn't sound reasonable.

    Notice however, the switch from "subject" to "object", and this I believe is the key to understanding these principles. There is an implicit gap, a separation, between the meaning of "logical subject" and "physical object". When we make a predication, "the sky is blue" for example, "the sky" is the subject, and if there is an object which corresponds with that subject, the predication may be judged for truth. However, we can manufacture subjects and predications with complete disregard for any physical objects, and so long as we have consistency, we have a valid "subject", with no corresponding object.Metaphysician Undercover

    Can't argue with that! Why are you telling me this?

    Consider the following proposition, "There is a group of schoolkids". We have a propositional subject, without a corresponding object, what some people would call "a possible world". Since there is no assumed corresponding object which would cause a need for conformity, we can predicate any possible order we want, so long as it is not contradictory. The hidden problem of formalism which I referred to lies in the naming of the group, "schoolkids". That name needs to be clearly defined and the definition will place restrictions on what can be predicated without contradiction.Metaphysician Undercover

    I'm sorry, I know you put some thought into this and wrote a lot of words, but I don't feel part of this conversation.

    Perhaps, we can remove these restrictions, by making the things within the group, the elements of the set that is, completely nondescript. "There is a group of nondescript things". We still have the name "things", with implied meaning, so this name has to be defined, and this would put restrictions on what we can predicate. So we go to a simple symbol, "x" for example, and assume that the symbol on its own, has absolutely no meaning, and this would allow any individual predication whatsoever without any risk of self-contradiction. X is a subject which has absolutely no inherent properties.Metaphysician Undercover

    Absent from the convo.

    It might appear like we have resolved the problem in this way, we have a subject "x" which can hold absolutely any predication, so long as the predications don't contradict.. However, when we assume that the subject has no inherent properties, we disallow any predication because the predication would be a property and this would contradict the initial assumption. So this starting point allows no procedure without contradiction.Metaphysician Undercover

    I am not your philosophy professor and this is not going to get you a good grade in my class. Why are you telling me all this? Honestly. I don't get it. I'm sorry.

    Now look what happens when we say "there is a group of x's". There is actually something implied about x, which is implied simply by saying that there is a group of them. It is implied that x has a boundary, separation, etc.. We may start with the assumption that there is no intrinsic properties of X, but as soon as we start to predicate, we negate that assumption. And the symbol, x, without any predications is absolutely useless.Metaphysician Undercover

    Boundaries and separations are topological properties about sets. it's amply covered in mathematical treatises on topology.

    I agree, what I meant is that this appears to be the inherent order, but it's not necessarily, that's why I went on to say that we can deny that order.
    Metaphysician Undercover

    Then you agree with me about sets. So we're good on that. I have no opinion about the other matters you've discussed.

    I think so, but I also think, that sort of inherent order has minimal effect, and the real issue comes up with the restrictions, or limitations to order which are constructed. What I am arguing is that how the inherent order manifests, is as a limitation to the order which one can select. If there is absolutely no inherent order, then we can select any order, but if there is limitations to what can be selected, we cannot choose any order.Metaphysician Undercover

    Did you read that back to yourself before you committed it? What am I supposed to make of this?

    The examples you give are, I believe, selected, therefore they're probably no true inherent order. The example I gave, is that we cannot give 2 and 3 the same place in the order, they cannot be equal, so we need to proceed toward understanding how this limitation exists.Metaphysician Undercover

    2 and 3 are different sets per extensionality. I thought I explained that.

    So this is where the real problem lies, in defining a symbol, such as 2 or 3, as a set.Metaphysician Undercover

    Take it up with von Neumann. It's his idea. I'm only a humble student of these concepts from many years ago.

    Check back to what I said about the difference between internal and external properties. The subject now is a set, say 2, and a set necessarily has internal properties. We have the elements which compose the set, 0,1, which are also sets. As the set is also related to other sets, it has external properties, represented by the ∈
    operator. The external properties are not necessary, and are a matter of choice, but whatever choice is made, that choice dictates the nature of the internal properties.
    Metaphysician Undercover

    Can't understand a word of that.

    Now here's where I think the illusion lies. A set necessarily has internal properties, even though there may be infinite possibility as to the nature of the internal properties, making the specific nature of the internal properties dependent on choice, in this case von Neumann's choice. The illusion is that since the specific nature of the internal properties is dependent on a choice from infinite possibilities, it would therefore be possible to have a set with no internal properties. Clarification of the illusion implies that a set cannot exist prior to the choice of external properties, which dictate the internal properties. Internal properties are essential to "a set", and so a set has no existence prior to the choice of external properties, which determine the internal properties. This makes the empty set, as a set with no internal properties, impossible. The problem now, is what is zero? It can't be a number, because numbers are sets, and an empty set is impossible.Metaphysician Undercover

    The empty set is given by the axiom of the empty set.


    I think you misunderstand. As I explain above, you refer exactly to the internal (intrinsic) properties of 2 and 3, as sets,Metaphysician Undercover

    I'm not referring to internal properties of anything. 2 and 3 are MODELED within set theory as sets. There are other encodings. Maybe you are trying to get at Benacerraf's concerns in his famous paper, What Numbers Could Not Be, in which he points out that number's aren't the same as their encoding. This paper is regarded as having sparked the the movement toward structuralism in modern math, in which numbers are what they do, not how we encode them.

    to show that they are different numbers. What the set theory has done is denied order as an external property of those things, 2 and 3, as numbers with order relative to other numbers, and made it into an internal property of those things, as sets. An internal property is an intrinsic order. The fact that the intrinsic order is ultimately dependent on choice is irrelevant, because some order must be chosen for, or else the system would be meaningless.Metaphysician Undercover

    Word salad.

    No, you've simply shown how external order has been switched for internal order. And now I've shown the problem which arises from this switch, the contradictory, therefore impossible "empty set", which makes the inclusion of zero an inconsistency.Metaphysician Undercover

    It's quite pointless to deny the empty set. It shows that you utterly fail to understand the nature of abstraction.

    As I say, the idea that you've gotten rid of the order properties is just an illusion. The order inheres within each individual number, as the definition of that specific set. Rather than simply being an external property of a number, as an object, and how it relates to other numbers, order is now an internal property of the number itself, as a set..Metaphysician Undercover

    Lost me again.

    I argue the exact opposite, that you are consistently wrong about this. It is exactly "two copies", just like the word "same" here, and the word "same" here, are two distinct copies, even though we say it's the same word. Look, we are talking the meaning of symbols here. "A=B" means that that symbol A has the same meaning as B, it does not mean that A signifies the same entity as B, without additional information. However, the additional information in this case indicates that what is signified by A and B is a set, "the same set". But a set is not a thing, it is a group of things, grouped by a categorization such as type. Therefore this is an instance of "the same meaning", signified by A and B (indicated by "type"), not an instance of the same entity signified by A and B. This is just like when we use the same word twice when the word has meaning, rather than referencing a particular object. We say that the word has the same meaning, just like we might say A and B have the same meaning, in your example.Metaphysician Undercover

    You're wrong about that. You might as well argue that the knight in chess doesn't really move that way.

    Exactly, and this is a different meaning of "same" from the meaning of "same" in the law of identity. That is the point. In the law of identity "same" means a lot more than simply having the same members (what I called a qualified "same"), it means to be the same in every possible way ("same" in an absolute, unqualified way),Metaphysician Undercover

    I think I already agreed with you about this point.

    I totally agree with that, that's what "same" means in this context.Metaphysician Undercover

    Now that we're agreed can we stop? You lost me with your theme of this post.

    The problem is that it does not mean what you stated above: "They are in fact the identical set, of which there is only one instance in the entire universe". The set is an imaginary thing, indicated by meaning, it is not something in the universe. So it's not even coherent to say that there is one instance of that set, it's not even a thing which has an instance of existence, it's just the meaning of a symbol. So you speak of "the same set", and claim there is only one instance of that set, but this would be taking a different meaning of "same", which refers to instantiated things, and applying it to "same set", which really means having the same meaning, and not referring to one instantiated thing. Do you see the difference between referring to one and the same thing with a name, "MU", and using a word which has meaning, like "person", without any particular thing referred to? Person refers to a type, so it has meaning, just like "set" refers to a type, so it has meaning. These do not refer to instantiated things of which we could say there is one instance of, they refer to ideas.Metaphysician Undercover

    There's only one instance of each set. You seem to disagree. Don't know what to say.

    ps -- I know these ideas are important to you and my post was dismissive. Perhaps if you could give me your overall point it would help.

    Are you saying set theory's a poor model for reality? Well of course it is, nobody claims it's a model for reality, only for math.

    You say you don't believe in the empty set? But that's like saying you reject the way the knight moves. The empty set and the knight move are each rules in their respective formal games.

    How can you disbelieve in a rule in a game?

    Nobody but you is making ontological or metaphysical claims about sets.

    If you could just clearly summarize your concerns, it would help. The internal and external stuff, I'm sure it's interesting, but I was not able to relate it to anything we've ever talked about. So just toss me a clue if you would.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    Enderton's set theory text is a great book. But, as with many excellent set theory books, it doesn't mention all the technical details.

    I will agree with you that identity is implicitly in extensionality, in the sense that two sets are equal if they have the "same" elements.fishfry

    I didn't say that identity is implicitly in extensionality, whatever that might mean.

    I've said that usually set theory is based on first order logic with identity. That includes the identity axioms (such as found in Enderton's logic book). Then set theory adds the axiom of extensionality that provides a sufficient condition for identity that is not in identity theory.

    I don't know how I could be more clear about that. Explicity:

    Start with these identity axioms:

    Ax x=x (a thing is identical with itself)

    and (roughly stated) for all formulas P(x):

    Axy((P(x) & x=y) -> P(y) (if x is y, then whatever holds of x then holds of y, i.e. "the indiscernibility of identicals")

    Then add the axiom of extensionality:

    Axy(Az(z e x <-> z e y) -> x = y) (x and y having the same members is a sufficient condition for x and y being identical)

    We need identity to know when two elements are the same.fishfry

    We need identity axioms to prove things we want to prove about identity, including such things as:

    x = y <-> y = x

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    (P(x) & x = y) -> P(y) (for example, (x is finite & x = y) -> y is finite)



    Suggestion: Learn the details of the axioms and rules of inference of first order logic with identity. Then start with the very first semi-formal proofs in set theory (such as a set theory textbook usually gives semi-formal proofs), and confirm how those proofs would be if actually formalized in first order logic with identity. Then you would see how the axioms and rules of inference of first order logic with identity play a crucial role in set theory.


    Now, since the elements of sets are other sets (barring urelements for the moment), I can see that there's a bit of a pickle. I''m not sure how this pickle is resolved.fishfry

    I have no idea what pickle you see.

    Perhaps this is what you're trying to explain to me.

    Is it?


    If you read again the first post in this thread on this particular subject, with regard to exactly what I've said, step by step, then it may become clearer for you. But also, as mentioned, learning the axioms and inference rules of first order logic with identity would be of great benefit. My suggestion would be to start with:

    Logic: Techniques Of Formal Reasoning - Kalish, Montague and Mar
    (but you could skip it if you feel strong enough already in doing formal proofs in symbolic logic and making simple models for proofs of consistency and proofs of invalidity by counterexample)


    A Mathematical Introduction To Logic - Enderton

    I found both of those books to be a special pleasure and profoundly enlightening. The Enderton book especially blew my mind, as I saw in it how mathematical logic so ingeniously, rigorously and elegantly gets to the heart of the fundamental considerations of logic while making sure that no technical loose ends are left dangling.
  • fishfry
    Enderton's set theory text is a great book. But, as with many excellent set theory books, it doesn't mention all the technical details.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Right. Only mentioning it because when I asked for references you mentioned it.

    I might look at his logic book. I confess, as you insightfully noted, that I may know a little set theory, but my first-order predicate logic is for sh*t. You got it. In fact I had a great course in sentential logic, basic stuff; then I became a math major and just sort of picked up the idea of logic.

    I took undergrad mathematical logic, but it made my eyes glaze so I dropped it. The professor was a famous logician but I couldn't understand his lectures. So I dropped the course. Then I took grad level mathematical logic from Schoenfield and I was fairly lost, from not having taken the undergrad version.

    So you are right, I suck at logic. I hope you'll keep that in mind and keep it simple :-)

    I didn't say that identity is implicitly in extensionality, whatever that might mean.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Best I can interpret your thesis. Else I have no idea what your overarching point is. Maybe you can state that. What one thing do you want me to know about this?

    I've said that usually set theory is based on first order logic with identity. That includes the identity axioms (such as found in Enderton's logic book). Then set theory adds the axiom of extensionality that provides a sufficient condition for identity that is not in identity theory.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I believe you to be saying that the axioms of set theory implicitly incorporate the axioms and rules of first order predicate logic. Is that what you're saying? If so, I agree.

    But if set theory adds an axiom, then clearly it is not the same thing. It's something else, a new thing. It's a new algorithm that we apply when we try to determine if two things are equal.

    if A and B are both sets
        use extensionality from set theory
        use identity from logic

    Have I got that right? So they're different things, they're principles that operate at different levels of the abstraction. Yes? Maybe?

    I don't know how I could be more clear about that. Explicity:

    Start with these identity axioms:

    Ax x=x (a thing is identical with itself)

    and (roughly stated) for all formulas P(x):

    Ok at this point, I am wondering: Why are you telling me this? I don't understand what you want me to know about this. What problem are we trying to solve?

    We need identity axioms to prove things we want to prove about identity, including such things as:TonesInDeepFreeze

    I am certain I never said we don't need identity! Did I give the impression I'm part of a committee to ban the law of identity? I'm all for the law of identity. A thing is equal to itself. That's good do know. In fact it helps make equality an equivalence relation with exactly one item per equivalence class.

    Suggestion: Learn the details of the axioms and rules of inference of first order logic with identity. Then start with the very first semi-formal proofs in set theory (such as a set theory textbook usually gives semi-formal proofs), and confirm how those proofs would be if actually formalized in first order logic with identity. Then you would see how the axioms and rules of inference of first order logic with identity play a crucial role in set theory.TonesInDeepFreeze

    If I could but dispatch a clone for that job. You, clone, go spend two years learning mathematical logic and report back to me.

    It's a worth aspiration, but not something I'm likely to do. I actually have a bit of a research interest of a historical nature, that's where my study time should go. I'm pretty lazy at that too. So the logic has no chance. Alas.

    Insightful of you to notice, though. My ignorance laid bare for the world to see. I am ignorant of many things.

    I have no idea what pickle you see.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Then my attempt to explain my take on the subject we're discussing failed.

    Leaving me to wonder what we are talking about.

    Perhaps this is what you're trying to explain to me.

    Is it?
    — fishfry


    I am at a loss then. Mystified.

    If you read again the first post in this thread on this particular subject, with regard to exactly what I've said, step by step, then it may become clearer for you. But also, as mentioned, learning the axioms and inference rules of first order logic with identity would be of great benefit. My suggestion would be to start with:

    Logic: Techniques Of Formal Reasoning - Kalish, Montague and Mar
    (but you could skip it if you feel strong enough already in doing formal proofs in symbolic logic and making simple models for proofs of consistency and of proofs invalidity by counterexample)


    A Mathematical Introduction To Logic - Enderton

    If that is the price of conversing further with you on these matters, I must confess that I'm not worthy. I will not be reading these nor studying first order predicate logic. Not because I would not dearly love to. But because time is finite.

    I found both of those books to be a special pleasure and profoundly enlightening. The Enderton book especially blew my mind, as I saw in it how mathematical logic so ingeniously, rigorously and elegantly gets to the heart of the fundamental considerations of logic while making sure that no technical loose ends are left dangling.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I am happy you had that profound intellectual experience.

    Now if you will just tell me what we're talking about, then I will have a profound intellectual experience.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    I don't recall the context in which I recommended Enerton's set theory book, but if it was about first order logic with identity for set theory, then I mis-recommended.

    Who was the famous logician?

    Shoenfield's logic textbook is rich and has lots of stuff not ordinarily in such a book. But it is difficult, and he uses some terminology inconsistent with ordinary use in the field.

    As I recall, many posts ago, my initial point was that, contrary to your assertion, the axiom of extensionality, as ordinarily given, is not a definition. Then I went on to explain how there are other ways to set up the logic and the set theory axioms so that a different version of extensionality would be a definition.

    An ordinary presentation of set theory either explicitly or implicitly has set theory based upon first order logic with identity theory.

    Yes, of course, set theory has non-logical axioms, so set theory is not just first order logic with identity.

    if A and B are both sets
    use extensionality from set theory
    use identity from logic

    That's not right.

    In set theory, we use both the logic axioms (which include the identity axioms) and the set theory axioms (which include the axiom of extensionality). lf our focus now speaking is identity theory and the axiom of extensionality, then it suffices to say that we use both.

    I don't know how I could be more clear about that. Explicity:

    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ok at this point, I am wondering: Why are you telling me this? I don't understand what you want me to know about this. What problem are we trying to solve?

    I was trying to solve the problem that you had not been understanding me as you characterized my point again incorrectly, so I tried to state it in as simple terms as I could.

    I am certain I never said we don't need identity!fishfry

    I didn't say that you did. Rather you gave your reason that we need identity. And I take it that 'identity' in that context is short for 'the axioms and semantics regarding identity', and I gave better reasons that we need them.

    However, several posts ago you did indicate (as best I could tell) that you think the axiom of extensionality is all we need for proving things about identity in set theory, which would comport with your view that the axiom of extensionality is a definition. So, I mentioned that, for example, from the axiom of extensionality alone we cannot prove:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    I'm all for the law of identity. A thing is equal to itself. That's good do know. In fact it helps make equality an equivalence relation with exactly one item per equivalence class.fishfry

    We need the law of identity, but we also need the indiscernibility of identicals.

    (But Wang has an axiomatization in a single scheme.)

    Yet, interestingly, from the axiom of extensionality we can derive the law of identity:

    (1) Az(z e x <-> z e x) logic

    (2) x = x from (1) and the axiom of extensionality

    But the law of identity does not ensure that '=' stands for an equivalence class. It only provides

    x = x

    It does not entail

    x = y -> y = x


    (x =y & y = z) -> x = z

    To get all the needed identity theorems, we need both the law of identity and the indiscernibility of identicals.

    Moreover, we want to ensure that '=' stands not just for an equivalence relation but for, indeed, the identity relation. And to do that we have to make the semantic stipulation that '=' is interpreted as standing for the identity relation on the universe.


    Me too. There is so much I didn't learn a long time ago but should have learned. I never got past a pretty basic level. And now I am very rusty in what I did learn, and don't have very much time to re-learn, let alone go beyond where I was a long time ago.

    I have no idea what pickle you see.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Then my attempt to explain my take on the subject we're discussing failed.

    You said that sets have sets as members and that there is a pickle about that viv-a-vis identity.

    But I've not had any pickle in that way and I have not read about such a pickle. So I can know what pickle you have in mind only if you tell me.

    If that is the price of conversing further with you on these mattersfishfry

    Of course it is not.
  • fishfry
    I don't recall the context in which I recommended Enerton's set theory book, but if it was about first order logic with identity for set theory, then I mis-recommended.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ok, thanks.

    Who was the famous logician?TonesInDeepFreeze

    Rather not say.

    Shoenfield's logic textbook is rich and has lots of stuff not ordinarily in such a book. But it is difficult, and he uses some terminology inconsistent with ordinary use in the field.TonesInDeepFreeze

    It did me in, sadly.

    As I recall, many posts ago, my initial point was that, contrary to your assertion, the axiom of extensionality, as ordinarily given, is not a definition.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Of course it is. It's an axiom. It says what is true about all the things we call sets. Therefore we can characterize the world of things into sets and non-sets, according to whether they satisfy the axiom. So axioms serve as definitions and vice versa. They are the same thing.

    Then I went on to explain how there are other ways to set up the logic and the set theory axioms so that a different version of extensionality would be a definition.TonesInDeepFreeze

    That's fine, but that's one of the points where you lose me. Why do you care, or why do you think your doing so will make me understand something I didn't understand before?

    An ordinary presentation of set theory either explicitly or implicitly has set theory based upon first order logic with identity theory.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I've never heard of identity theory except in the context of many of the Wiki disambiguations. And when I showed you the most likely meaning, you rejected it. So I have no idea what identity theory is.

    Yes, of course, set theory has non-logical axioms, so set theory is not just first order logic with identity.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I don't recall even having an opinion about this, let alone expressing it in this thread.

    if A and B are both sets
    use extensionality from set theory
    use identity from logic
    — fishfry

    That's not right.

    Every attempt I make to understand you is wrong. So maybe just give up because I don't get it.

    In set theory, we use both the logic axioms (which include the identity axioms) and the set theory axioms (which include the axiom of extensionality). lf our focus now speaking is identity theory and the axiom of extensionality, then it suffices to say that we use both.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Give me an example.

    I don't know how I could be more clear about that.TonesInDeepFreeze

    You can see that you could be more clear, because EVERY idea I toss out to try to relate to what you're saying, you reject.

    I was trying to solve the problem that you had not been understanding me as you characterized my point again incorrectly, so I tried to state it in as simple terms as I could.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Apparently not simple enough. Perhaps I'm not capable.

    I didn't say that you did. Rather you gave your reason that we need identity. And I take it that 'identity' in that context is short for 'the axioms and semantics regarding identity', and I gave better reasons that we need them.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I said reasons and you said better reasons? Ok. Your reasons are much better than my reasons for believing things we both agree on.

    However, several posts ago you did indicate (as best I could tell) that you think the axiom of extensionality is all we need for proving things about identity in set theory,TonesInDeepFreeze

    There is no such thing as identity in set theory. It's not defined as any part of set theory in Enderton or Kunen.

    which would comport with your view that the axiom of extensionality is a definition.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I already explained why it's both an axiom and a definition.

    So, I mentioned that, for example, from the axiom of extensionality alone we cannot prove:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    Of course we can, straight from the axiom.

    We need the law of identity, but we also need the indiscernibility of identicals.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Not really.

    (But Wang has an axiomatization in a single scheme.)

    Yet, interestingly, from the axiom of extensionality we can derive the law of identity:

    (1) Az(z e x <-> z e x) logic

    (2) x = x from (1) and the axiom of extensionality

    But the law of identity does not ensure that '=' stands for an equivalence class. It only provides

    x = x

    It does not entail

    x = y -> y = x


    (x =y & y = z) -> x = z

    To get all the needed identity theorems, we need both the law of identity and the indiscernibility of identicals.

    Irrelevant to anything I can relate to, in this conversation or in general.

    Moreover, we want to ensure that '=' stands not just for an equivalence relation but for, indeed, the identity relation.TonesInDeepFreeze

    The identity relation is an equivalence relation.

    And to do that we have to make the semantic stipulation that '=' is interpreted as standing for the identity relation on the universe.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I never stipulated to it.

    Me too. There is so much I didn't learn a long time ago but should have learned. I never got past a pretty basic level. And now I am very rusty in what I did learn, and don't have very much time to re-learn, let alone go beyond where I was a long time ago.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Even so, logic would be way down my list. I think I already passed on a couple of excellent opportunities.

    You said that sets have sets as members and that there is a pickle about that viv-a-vis identity.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I think I talked myself out of my pickle. No pickle.

    Of course it is not.TonesInDeepFreeze

  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    Of course it is. It's an axiom. It says what is true about all the things we call sets. Therefore we can characterize the world of things into sets and non-sets, according to whether they satisfy the axiom. So axioms serve as definitions and vice versa. They are the same thing.fishfry

    I addressed that in detail. You could reread what I wrote.

    Then I went on to explain how there are other ways to set up the logic and the set theory axioms so that a different version of extensionality would be a definition.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    That's fine, but that's one of the points where you lose me. Why do you care, or why do you think your doing so will make me understand something I didn't understand before?

    I post for at least as an end in and of itself, and also meaningful record for whomever may read it, no matter how few people or even accepting that it might be none at all. It would be good if my best efforts in explanation were understood, but I cannot ensure that they are, especially given that they are ad hoc and out of context of the required material they depend on.

    I've never heard of identity theory except in the context of many of the Wiki disambiguations. And when I showed you the most likely meaning, you rejected it. So I have no idea what identity theory is.fishfry

    We're going around full circle.

    (1) I said it may be more commonly called 'first order logic with equality'.

    (2) For about the fourth time, a only a few posts ago I gave the axioms. And you responded by asking why I posted it!

    (3) And I gave you a reference to Enderton where he stated an axiomatization equivalent with the one I gave. And Hinman also, and moreover as he states set theory as based on first order logic (which is to say, first order logic with equality).

    (4) You said yourself that you recognize that set theory is based on first order logic. Set theory is based on first order logic with equality. That is what identity theory is, as I've said before. Whether called 'identity theory' or 'first order logic with equlality', it's the same set of axioms.

    Yes, of course, set theory has non-logical axioms, so set theory is not just first order logic with identity.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    I don't recall even having an opinion about this, let alone expressing it in this thread.

    You had written.

    But if set theory adds an axiom, then clearly it is not the same thing. It's something else, a new thing.fishfry

    And I agreed with that, but wished to phrase it as I prefer.

    I said reasons and you said better reasons? Ok. Your reasons are much better than my reasons for believing things we both agree on.fishfry

    Yes, because the reasons I mentioned go the heart of the motivation for the axioms.

    Every attempt I make to understand you is wrong. So maybe just give up because I don't get it.fishfry

    That's up to you. But I am not errant for correcting things that are wrong.

    We need the law of identity, but we also need the indiscernibility of identicals.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Not really.

    You just say "not really" without basis and without even taking a moment to reflect on it.

    Again, without the indiscernibility of identicals we wouldn't be able to prove the theorems regarding identity that are required for our formalized mathematics.

    So, I mentioned that, for example, from the axiom of extensionality alone we cannot prove:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Of course we can, straight from the axiom.

    Then you could show it. Give the proof steps, using only the axiom of extensionality and the law of identity (and even also any number of the other set theory axioms). This is the second time I've suggested that you show what you think is a proof:

    And this is the second time I say:

    WARNING: You may not use substitution of equals for equals unless you prove that principle from only the law of identity and the set theory axioms.

    And now I'll add:

    HINT: You won't be able to prove the principle of substitution of equals for equals, since it is itself tantamount to the indiscernibilithy of identicals.

    And you studied with Shoenfield. On page 21 lines 13 and 15 of his book you will see the equality axioms that are the indiscernibility of identicals, similar to the way I formalized and that you asked why I posted it.

    Moreover, we want to ensure that '=' stands not just for an equivalence relation but for, indeed, the identity relation.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    The identity relation is an equivalence relation.

    Of course it is. My remarks imply that I know that it is. My point though is that it is a particular equivalence relation, which is that x is identical with y iff x is y and not merely that they <x y> is in an equivalence relation.

    EVERY idea I toss out to try to relate to what you're saying, you reject.fishfry

    'EVERY' (all caps no less) is an overgeneralization. It is proven wrong even in my previous post where I agreed with you that set theory is more than identity theory.

    But, yes, I do comment often where I find errors.

    To get all the needed identity theorems, we need both the law of identity and the indiscernibility of identicals.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    Irrelevant to anything I can relate to, in this conversation or in general.

    Relate to what you will, but the statement I made corrects your false claim that that we do not need the indiscernibility of identicals for doing even ordinary math, even if it is a reasoning principle that mathematicians don't bother to log in their arguments. It is, as they say, "the water the fish lives in". The substitution of equals for equals is ubiquitous.

    And to do that we have to make the semantic stipulation that '=' is interpreted as standing for the identity relation on the universe.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    I never stipulated to it.

    So what? In logic it is ordinarily stipulated.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    Mostly, I would be very interested to see your proof of:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    You may use only the law of identity Ax x = x and the axioms of set theory. You may not use substitution of equals for equals, unless you prove it from only the law of identity and the axioms of set theory.

    For reference, here's the axiom of extensionality:

    Axy(Av(v e x <-> v e y) -> x = y)

    Here's a head start to a dead end:

    Assume x = y & y = z

    Show x = z

    To show x = z it suffices to show

    Av(v e x <-> v e z)

    Go to town on it! I'd like to see what you got!


    Or try proving:

    x = y -> y = x
  • Metaphysician Undercover
    Physical collections have inherent order. Sets don't. That's all I'm saying. You seem to agree. What are you concerned with then?fishfry

    The reason why physical collections are different from sets, in this way, is that physical objects are different from intelligible (including mathematical) objects. What I am concerned about is that the law of identity, as formulated from Aristotle, is specifically designed from a recognition of this difference, and intentionally designed to protect, and maintain the understanding and acceptance of that difference. To put it simply, an abstraction, intelligible object, is a universal, and a physical object is a particular. The law of identity refers to the identity of a particular. And, because intelligible objects are different from physical objects, as you recognize and acknowledge, they cannot be held to this law. So mathematical ideas, if they are called "objects", are objects which naturally violate the law of identity. In short, that's how we distinguish physical objects from ideas, with the law of identity.

    In classical sophistry physical objects are confused, mixed up, and conflated with intelligible objects. The difference between the particular and the universal, as "objects" is ignored. This allows sophists to logically prove things which are absurd. The law of identity is intended to enforce that difference, and expose the faults of the sophist. The head sophist at TPF, TIDF, continues to defend sophistry by arguing that intelligible objects are consistent with the law of identity.

    Is this related to the intensional and extensional meaning of symbols as has been discussed previously?fishfry

    I'd have to say, no, not really. Internal/external properties is a distinction we make concerning the properties of particular physical objects, the object's internal relations, and the object's external relations. Intensional/extensional meaning is a distinction concerning the meaning of a word, how the word relates to ideas, and possibly physical objects. This is a matter of semiotics, and Charles Peirce provides some very good insight into the use of symbols. But that is a completely different matter from what I was discussing, as the internal/external properties of a physical object.

    I have no idea what topic you are discussing at this point. I've agreed with you about the playground and I thought I'd explained to you about sets. What is left to discuss?fishfry

    The problem, is that you continually cross the boundary of separation between physical objects, and intelligible objects, in your manner of speaking, in the sophistic way, without even noticing it. That's what happened with your example of schoolkids. In order for the example to work, "schoolkids" must refer to a multitude of particular physical objects. Yet "set" must refer to an intelligible object. So in speaking the example you cross the category separation, back and forth in the way of sophistry, without even realizing it.

    Imagine if we were to maintain the boundary. Instead of having schoolkids in a playground, we would be talking about the idea of "schoolkid", or an imaginary schoolkid. This appears to deny the possibility of any extensional meaning. Further, if we want a number of schoolkids, then we need a principle of separation to distinguish one from the other. But that principle of separation would either create an order amongst the imaginary schoolkids, or else produce a complete separation of type, making distinct types of schoolkids.

    I understand what you're saying, I just don't have much interest in the subject.fishfry

    OK, you have no interest in the difference between a subject to be studied and an object to be studied. That's fine by me, but until you learn this difference you are likely to continue to speak in a way which mixes these two up, and makes your examples and arguments appear like nothing more than sophistry, and arguing by equivocation, just like Tones. This is what happens when a subject is called an object (mathematical) and the difference between the physical object and the mathematical object, (as defended by the law of identity) is ignored.

    I am not your philosophy professor and this is not going to get you a good grade in my class. Why are you telling me all this? Honestly. I don't get it. I'm sorry.fishfry

    That's right, you are not my philosophy professor, that would reverse credentials. I am your philosophy professor, and your lack of interest deserves a failing grade.

    I'm not referring to internal properties of anything. 2 and 3 are MODELED within set theory as sets.fishfry

    Right, this is why a set is not an object, objects have internal properties and external properties, sets have meaning.

    There's only one instance of each set. You seem to disagree. Don't know what to say.fishfry

    There is no "instance" of any set. You recognize that there is a difference between physical objects an sets, why do you not see that there is no such thing as an instance of a set? Sets are not the type of thing which have an instantiation. "Instance" refers to a particular, a set is a universal. That sort of misleading statement is where the sophistry kicks in, even though I know you are not intending to be misleading..

    How can you disbelieve in a rule in a game?fishfry

    That's a simple question with a simple answer. When a rule in a game contradicts another rule in a game, this is cause for disbelief in the whole game. That was the point of the example I gave you of waves in physics.

    Nobody but you is making ontological or metaphysical claims about sets.fishfry

    That has become obvious to me. But in a philosophy forum, things ought to be the other way around. We ought to be discussing the ontology of sets and working through the problems which arise.

    If you could just clearly summarize your concerns, it would help. The internal and external stuff, I'm sure it's interesting, but I was not able to relate it to anything we've ever talked about. So just toss me a clue if you would.fishfry

    There's too many concerns to summarize. But let's look at a most fundamental problem of set theory as an example. You recognize the difference between physical objects, and sets, so let's start there. Now, consider the elements of a set, these might be sets as well. The elements of a set are not physical objects, just like sets are not physical objects. The elements are ideas, universals, they are not particulars or individuals. Since they are not particulars the set cannot be measured as particulars. A set cannot have a cardinality. That's a basic problem.
  • fishfry
    I post for at least as an end in and of itself, and also meaningful record for whomever may read it, no matter how few people or even accepting that it might be none at all. It would be good if my best efforts in explanation were understood, but I cannot ensure that they are, especially given that they are ad hoc and out of context of the required material they depend on.TonesInDeepFreeze

    So not necessarily for me. Ok good to know. Maybe this site should have a @Whoever generalized user so that people can direct their rantings to the universe.

    We're going around full circle.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Many times. Very high winding number.

    (1) I said it may be more commonly called 'first order logic with equality'.

    (2) For about the fourth time, a only a few posts ago I gave the axioms. And you responded by asking why I posted it!

    Sorry I asked. I don't think I can continue to hold up my end of this conversation.

    (3) And I gave you a reference to Enderton where he stated an axiomatization equivalent with the one I gave. And Hinman also, and moreover as he states set theory as based on first order logic (which is to say, first order logic with equality).TonesInDeepFreeze

    You gave me a ref to Enderton's set theory book, then retracted the reference when I took the trouble to check it out.

    (4) You said yourself that you recognize that set theory is based on first order logic. Set theory is based on first order logic with equality. That is what identity theory is, as I've said before. Whether called 'identity theory' or 'first order logic with equlality', it's the same set of axioms.TonesInDeepFreeze


    Yes, because the reasons I mentioned go the heart of the motivation for the axioms.TonesInDeepFreeze

    You have MUCH BETTER REASONS than I do. Ok.

    That's up to you. But I am not errant for correcting things that are wrong.TonesInDeepFreeze

    You're right, I'm wrong.

    And you studied with Shoenfield. On page 21 lines 13 and 15 of his book you will see the equality axioms that are the indiscernibility of identicals, similar to the way I formalized and that you asked why I posted it.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I admitted to being a logic slacker.

    So what? In logic it is ordinarily stipulated.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ok. I have no response. I no longer know what we were talking about. Definitely regretting getting into the middle of this. You're right, I'm wrong.
  • fishfry
    The reason why physical collections are different from sets, in this way, is that physical objects are different from intelligible (including mathematical) objects. What I am concerned about is that the law of identity, as formulated from Aristotle, is specifically designed from a recognition of this difference, and intentionally designed to protect, and maintain the understanding and acceptance of that difference. To put it simply, an abstraction, intelligible object, is a universal, and a physical object is a particular. The law of identity refers to the identity of a particular. And, because intelligible objects are different from physical objects, as you recognize and acknowledge, they cannot be held to this law. So mathematical ideas, if they are called "objects", are objects which naturally violate the law of identity. In short, that's how we distinguish physical objects from ideas, with the law of identity.Metaphysician Undercover

    Ok wrong question. I asked why are you concerned, and you wrote that para. What I should have asked is, why do you think I care? What is this to me? I'm not involved in this conversation.

    In classical sophistry physical objects are confused, mixed up, and conflated with intelligible objects. The difference between the particular and the universal, as "objects" is ignored. This allows sophists to logically prove things which are absurd. The law of identity is intended to enforce that difference, and expose the faults of the sophist. The head sophist at TPF, TIDF, continues to defend sophistry by arguing that intelligible objects are consistent with the law of identity.Metaphysician Undercover

    Drat those sophists. Are they in the room with us right now?

    Oh I see. Tones. Well my fundamental error was accidentally getting between you and @TonesInDeepFreeze, which has caused me to recall the saying, Act in haste, repent at leisure.

    I'd have to say, no, not really. Internal/external properties is a distinction we make concerning the properties of particular physical objects, the object's internal relations, and the object's external relations. Intensional/extensional meaning is a distinction concerning the meaning of a word, how the word relates to ideas, and possibly physical objects. This is a matter of semiotics, and Charles Peirce provides some very good insight into the use of symbols. But that is a completely different matter from what I was discussing, as the internal/external properties of a physical object.Metaphysician Undercover


    The problem, is that you continually cross the boundary of separation between physical objects, and intelligible objects, in your manner of speaking, in the sophistic way, without even noticing it.Metaphysician Undercover

    I make many errors.

    That's what happened with your example of schoolkids. In order for the example to work, "schoolkids" must refer to a multitude of particular physical objects. Yet "set" must refer to an intelligible object. So in speaking the example you cross the category separation, back and forth in the way of sophistry, without even realizing it.Metaphysician Undercover

    Well discussing set theory with you on its own terms has proved futile in the past.

    So I gave an informal example of real world objects, and you have been hammering me at length about it now for several posts. So forget the school kids. The elements of sets have no inherent order. The purpose of setting things up that way is so that we can abstract the qualities of belonging and order from each other. End of story.

    Imagine if we were to maintain the boundary. Instead of having schoolkids in a playground, we would be talking about the idea of "schoolkid", or an imaginary schoolkid. This appears to deny the possibility of any extensional meaning. Further, if we want a number of schoolkids, then we need a principle of separation to distinguish one from the other. But that principle of separation would either create an order amongst the imaginary schoolkids, or else produce a complete separation of type, making distinct types of schoolkids.Metaphysician Undercover

    For God's sake it was an informal example, which I had to resort to because you dislike my saying sets have no inherent order. Except when you occasionally say that you accept the point.

    OK, you have no interest in the difference between a subject to be studied and an object to be studied.Metaphysician Undercover

    LOL That's like that famous conversation between Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman. "I think the world is round." "Why do you hate minorities and gays?" Not the exact quotes but same general rhetorical technique.

    That's fine by me, but until you learn this difference you are likely to continue to speak in a way which mixes these two up, and makes your examples and arguments appear like nothing more than sophistry, and arguing by equivocation, just like Tones.Metaphysician Undercover

    I used the school kids example because in the past you've had trouble understanding set theory. From now on, pure set theory only. No real world examples, since sets aren't real and you needn't further belabor that point.

    So am I now on the same sh*t list as Tones in your book?

    This is what happens when a subject is called an object (mathematical) and the difference between the physical object and the mathematical object, (as defended by the law of identity) is ignored.Metaphysician Undercover

    Give it a rest, man.

    That's right, you are not my philosophy professor, that would reverse credentials. I am your philosophy professor, and your lack of interest deserves a failing grade.Metaphysician Undercover

    Well Tones has already flunked me in logic, and now having been flunked by you in philosophy, my academic career is complete.

    I'm not referring to internal properties of anything. 2 and 3 are MODELED within set theory as sets.
    — fishfry

    Right, this is why a set is not an object, objects have internal properties and external properties, sets have meaning.Metaphysician Undercover

    Sets have no meaning whatsoever, other than that they obey the axioms of set theory. You still don't understand that.

    There is no "instance" of any set.Metaphysician Undercover

    There is exactly one instance of every set.

    You recognize that there is a difference between physical objects an sets, why do you not see that there is no such thing as an instance of a set?Metaphysician Undercover

    Because I know set theory.

    Sets are not the type of thing which have an instantiation. "Instance" refers to a particular, a set is a universal. That sort of misleading statement is where the sophistry kicks in, even though I know you are not intending to be misleading..Metaphysician Undercover

    You are beyond help. You refuse to understand.

    That's a simple question with a simple answer. When a rule in a game contradicts another rule in a game, this is cause for disbelief in the whole game. That was the point of the example I gave you of waves in physics.Metaphysician Undercover

    This was in response to your denial of the empty set. Tell me exactly -- and be extremely clear and specific, please -- tell me what other rule of set theory is contradicted by the empty set.

    That has become obvious to me. But in a philosophy forum, things ought to be the other way around. We ought to be discussing the ontology of sets and working through the problems which arise.Metaphysician Undercover

    I'd be happy to do that, but since you aggressively refuse to engage with set theory on its own terms, we cannot have that discussion.

    I have explained to you the ontology of sets many times. They are mathematical abstractions.

    There's too many concerns to summarize. But let's look at a most fundamental problem of set theory as an example. You recognize the difference between physical objects, and sets, so let's start there.Metaphysician Undercover


    Now, consider the elements of a set, these might be sets as well.Metaphysician Undercover

    Yes. They generally are, since set theories with urelements are mostly for specialists.

    The elements of a set are not physical objects, just like sets are not physical objects.Metaphysician Undercover

    Meta you are on a roll. You've said several correct things in a row.

    The elements are ideas, universals, they are not particulars or individuals.Metaphysician Undercover

    You know, I am not sure I agree that sets are universals. My understanding is that "fish" is a universal, and the particular tuna that ended up in this particular can of tuna I bought at the store today is a particular instance of the category or class of fish.

    Sets are not like that at all.

    I did ask you a long time ago to explain what you meant by universals, and you snarked off at me. And now you come back at me claiming that sets are universals. Explain to me what you mean by that.

    The concept of a set is a universal. The set of rational numbers is a particular set, of which there is exactly one instance.

    Since they are not particulars the set cannot be measured as particulars. A set cannot have a cardinality. That's a basic problem.Metaphysician Undercover

    LOL. Oh man you're crackin' me up. The set of rational numbers most definitely has a cardinality of , because of Cantor's discovery of a bijection between the rational numbers and the natural numbers.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    Making clear corrections, giving generous explanations, commenting the deplorable methods of cranks, and posting ideas in general is not ranting.


    Looking back:

    Rather than sorting out your questions in this disparate manner, it would be better - a lot easier - to share a common reference such as one of the widely used textbooks in mathematical logic. I think Enderton's 'A Mathematical Introduction To Logic' is as good as can be found. And for set theory, his 'Elements Of Set Theory'.TonesInDeepFreeze

    So I see now that I recommended Enderton's set theory book in general. I didn't say that it is specifically a reference to the fact that set theory is based on identity theory (first order logic with equality).

    And by starting with Enderton's logic book, which does present the axioms for '=', you would see how they work in set theory even if not explicitly stated in his set theory book.

    But when you complained that it does not mention identity theory, I said that I would have been mistaken if I offered it for reference on that matter. And, now that I see the context, I grant that, since the context was general, it would not be entirely unreasonable for you to take it that at least part of the reason for my recommending the book is that it mentions identity theory, so, in that respect, and to that extent, my recommendation was faulty.

    But then I followed up by pointing to Enderton specifying the equality axioms in his logic book (though he doesn't mention in that book the fact that set theory is based on first order logic with equality). And that was pertinent to your complaint that you couldn't find anything on that topic.

    And I cited Hinman's book that both gives the axioms for equality as part of first order logic, equivalent to the axioms I posted, and he says that set theory is based on first order logic.

    And I referred you to Shoenfield's book that specifies the axioms for '=', equivalent to the axioms I posted.

    And, you yourself agree that set theory is based in first order logic. So, all that is needed is to show citations that first order logic ordinarily includes identity theory (i.e. first order logic with equality) and that was accomplished by citing Enderton's logic book, Hinman, and Shoenfield. But I guess that, despite my sin of overlooking that a certain book doesn't supply reference to a particular point (though it still is an excellent reference for the context of this subject and on other points) it seems I am finally past needing to explain over and over and over that the identity axioms are in first order logic and set theory is based in first order logic, as you post:

    (4) You said yourself that you recognize that set theory is based on first order logic. Set theory is based on first order logic with equality. That is what identity theory is, as I've said before. Whether called 'identity theory' or 'first order logic with equlality', it's the same set of axioms.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze



    You have MUCH BETTER REASONS than I do. Ok.fishfry

    In that instance, yes, and that is made clear by what I wrote. But rather than address the substance of the matter, you opt for ill-premised sarcasm about the exchange.

    And you studied with Shoenfield. On page 21 lines 13 and 15 of his book you will see the equality axioms that are the indiscernibility of identicals, similar to the way I formalized and that you asked why I posted it.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    I admitted to being a logic slacker.

    Of course, that's hardly even a foible. But it's at least odd that someone who knows nothing about the matter would categorically say that it false that the indiscernibility of identicals is not included in first order logic with '=' as primitive.

    I no longer know what we were talking about.fishfry

    We were talking about how '=' is interpreted.
  • fishfry
    Making clear corrections, giving generous explanations, and posting ideas in general is not ranting.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Was referring to all of us, not anyone in particular.

    So I see now that I recommended Enderton's set theory book in general. I didn't say that it is specifically a reference to the fact that set theory is based on identity theory (first order logic with equality).[/quote]

    Too late to wriggle out, you've already been found guilty by the court of Me.

    And by starting with Enderton's logic book, which does present the axioms for '=', you would see how they work in set theory even if not explicitly stated in his set theory book.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Well maybe I'll see if I can find the pdf and sort this out for myself someday.

    But when you complained that it does not mention identity theory, I said that I would have been mistaken if I offered it for reference on that matter. And, now that I see the context, I grant that, since the context was general, it would not be entirely unreasonable for you to take it that at least part of the reason for my recommending the book is that it mentions identity theory, so, in that respect, my recommendation my be faulted.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ah, you have 'fessed up after all. Good. Let's speak of the matter no more. I'm sure you're right about some aspect of this.

    But then I followed up by pointing to Enderton specifying the equality axioms in his logic book (though he doesn't mention in that book the fact that set theory is based on first order logic with equality). And that was pertinent to your complaint that you couldn't find anything on that topic.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Having already been found guilty, are you now preparing your appeal? Won't help, I'm the appellate court too :-)

    And I cited Hinman's book that both gives the axioms for equality as part of first order logic, equivalent to the axioms I posted, and he says that set theory is based on first order logic.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I'm sure it is. I'll concede the point (if I even knew what the point was) for the sake of keeping the peace.

    And I referred you to Shoenfield's book that specifies the axioms for '=', equivalent to the axioms I posted.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Have you ever been accused of taking things too literally and too seriously?

    And, you yourself agree that set theory is based in first order logic.TonesInDeepFreeze


    So, all that is needed is to show citations that first order logic ordinarily includes identity theory (i.e. first order logic with equality) and that was accomplished by citing Enderton's logic book, Hinman, and Shoenfield.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I have been so cited.

    But I guess that, despite my sin of overlooking that a certain book doesn't supply reference to a particular point (though it still is an excellent reference for the context of this subject and on other points) it seems I am finally past needing to explain over and over and over that the identity axioms are in first order logic and set theory is based in first order logic, as you post:TonesInDeepFreeze

    You are making more of this than I intended for you to make.

    Giving pinpoint corrections, copious explanations, and sharing ideas in general is not rantingTonesInDeepFreeze

    à la Walter White: I am the one who rants.

    In that instance, yes, and made clear by what I wrote.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I'm mocking you for saying that you agreed with a point I made, but that your reasons were better; and now for doubling down on that silliness.

    I have a bad habit of tweaking and needling people who take things too seriously, and I better put a stop to this before it goes too far.

    Of course, that's hardly even a foible. But it's at least odd that someone who knows nothing about the matter would categorically say that it false that the indiscernibility of identicals is not included in first order logic with '=' as primitive.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I don't know "nothing" about the matter. I know logic as it's used in math, but did not study enough formal predicate logic. Indiscernibility of identicals I know of in other contexts, and am genuinely surprised to hear that it's incorporated into set theory.

    We were talking about how '=' is interpreted.TonesInDeepFreeze

    It's interpreted as the axiom of extensionality in set theory. Which doesn't actually require identity, and I've asked for a specific example to prove otherwise.

    If I have two sets, and I want to know if they're equal, I apply extensionality. Not identity. And if I have an two objects that are not necessarily sets, I don't see them because I'm doing set theory. This is my point. I ask for a clear clear clear clear clear refutation or counterexample. I could be wrong. I'd like to understand. Explain better please.

    ps -- I downloaded a pdf of Enderton's book on mathematical logic. Toss me a page ref please and I'll look it up.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    Too late to wriggle outfishfry

    No wiggling. It was faulty of me to reference that book without specifying that I do not claim it discusses the identity axioms.

    Ah, you have 'fessed up after all.fishfry

    I had previously admitted that I would have been mistaken if I referenced the book regarding identity theory.

    So, no, not "after all".

    You are making more of this than I intended for you to make.fishfry

    You could have stopped the first time I recognized my lapse.

    And I make of it what it is worth: Being clear as to what was actually posted.

    I'm mocking you for saying that you agreed with a point I madefishfry

    I know that. And your mocking is sophomoric. There is nothing amiss in agreeing on a point with someone but commenting that nonetheless their reasoning about it is poor.

    If you cared more about the subject at hand then in prevailing with lame smart-aleckisms, then you could go back to the post to see my substantive point.

    I have a bad habit of tweaking and needling peoplefishfry

    You're not good at it. And I don't buy that your motive is just to josh but not also imbued with putdown as a kind of trump card.

    I don't know "nothing" about the matter. I know logic as it's used in math, but did not study enough formal predicate logic. Indiscernibility of identicals I know of in other contexts, and am genuinely surprised to hear that it's incorporated into set theory.fishfry

    You don't know enough to know that when we use the principle of substitution of equals for equals in mathematics, including set theory, we are in effect using the principle of the indiscernibility of identicals, whether we explicitly recognize it or not. And, with first order logic, which codifies and formalizes the reasoning for classical mathematics, we do explicitly formulate the principle in an axiom schema.

    As I recall, the reason I mentioned the subject lately, and with that fancy name, is that the law of identity had been mentioned as historical and fundamental. My point was that also the indiscernibility of identicals is historical and fundamental. Indeed, with those two historical ideas, we axiomatize first order identity theory.

    We were talking about how '=' is interpreted.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    It's interpreted as the axiom of extensionality in set theory. Which doesn't actually require identity, and I've asked for a specific example to prove otherwise.

    I have to repeat myself:

    (1) Interpretation is semantical. The axiom of extensionality is syntactical.

    (2) Even just syntactically, the axiom of extensionality is not a definition, in the sense of a syntactical definition.

    (3) If set theory didn't have the identity axioms, then, even with the axiom of extensionality, set theory would wouldn't even get very far off the ground.

    (4) I already gave you specific examples about three times!

    Without the indiscernabilty of identicals you can't prove:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    x = y -> y = x

    (n is even & j = n) -> j is even

    If I have two sets, and I want to know if they're equal, I apply extensionality. Not identity.fishfry

    I've said, extensionality gives a sufficient condition for equality, but not a necessary condition for equality.

    Yes, to prove x = y, then it suffices to prove Ax(z e x<-> z e y)

    But that's not the only thing we do with '='.

    We also use equal to reason this way:

    x has property P, and y = x, so why has property P.

    And that uses the indiscernibilithy of identicals.

    Sometimes it's called "substitution of equals for equals".

    When a school kid says:

    "2 = 1+1, so 1/(1+1) = 1/2"

    that is using substitution of equals for equals.

    So, to codify and formalize use of subtsiution of equals for equals, we make it an axiom. And that axiom is a fomalization of the identity of indiscernibles,

    I ask for a clear clear clear clear clear refutation or counterexample.fishfry

    I gave three, three times!

    But you claimed that you could prove:

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    using just the axiom of extensionality (or, even all the set theory axioms but not identity theory axioms), and I said:

  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    The head sophist at TPF, TIDF, continues to defend sophistry by arguing that intelligible objects are consistent with the law of identity.
    — Metaphysician Undercover

    Drat those sophists. Are they in the room with us right now?

    Oh I see. Tones.

    That exchange deserves nothing more than a snort.

    The crank still can't vindicate his claims sets by answering what is the inherent order of the set whose member are the bandmates in the Beatles.

    And fishfry is lately asking me to give examples regarding identity when I've given three of them three times already, while he has not shown a proof of the transitivity of equality without using sub of equals for equals, though he claims he can do it.
  • fishfry
    You don't know enoughTonesInDeepFreeze

    Spare me. I just looked through Enderton's logic book, The word indiscernible does not appear in the index. I looked up identity and did not find any kind of description of what you're talking about. Page ef please.

    The crankTonesInDeepFreeze

    Don't become unpleasant.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    I already gave you the pages:

    The Enderton reference was to the identity axioms. See page 112 in the logic book. And also, on page 83, he specifies satisfaction regarding '=' so that it adheres to interpreting '=' as the identity relation.TonesInDeepFreeze

    And I gave you page number and line numbers for Shoenfield:

    And you studied with Shoenfield. On page 21 lines 13 and 15 of his book you will see the equality axioms that are the indiscernibility of identicals, similar to the way I formalized and that you asked why I posted it.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I said that the indiscernibility of identicals is formalized in identity theory. I didn't say that any particular formalization mentions it with the phrase 'the indiscernibility of identicals'. The principle was enunciated by Leibniz. But in mathematics, it's often called 'the principle of substitution of equals for equals'. And in modern logic, it is an axiom schema in the manner I've posted, which is equivalent (though notation and details differ) to Enderton and Shoenfield, for example.

    I'm giving you a lot of the same information and explanation over and over, since you skip over it over and over.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    I hope you know that 'the crank' does not refer to you. If that was not clear in the context, then I should have made it clear.
  • fishfry
    I hope you know that 'the crank' does not refer to you. If that was not clear in the context, then I should have made it clear.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Oh thanks. I dropped by the site and saw I had 6 mentions and that they were all from you so I was snapping back pretty quickly without actually reading much.

    So I saw a ref to equality on 112 of enderton that had nothing to do with set theory, and can't find anything at all on page 83. But on 112 he said that we can take as a rule x = x. But we don't need that for set theory! This is my point, or point of confusion. If I want to know if x = x for some set x, I can just apply extensionality and check to see if if for all z, z in x iff z in x. Which is of course true. So x = x. I don't need the law of identity to determine if x = x if x is a set. This is my point.

    I'm giving you a lot of the same information and explanation over and over, since you skip over it over and over.TonesInDeepFreeze

    It gets lost in all the verbiage and symbology.

    I said that the indiscernibility of identicals is formalized in identity theory. I didn't say that any particular formalization mentions it with the phrase 'the indiscernibility of identicals'.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ok. But you say this isn't written down anywhere?

    The principle was enunciated by Leibniz. But in mathematics, it's often called 'the principle of substitution of equals for equals'.TonesInDeepFreeze

    This pushed hard against my understanding. The identity of indiscernibles says (afaik) that two things are the same if they share all properties.

    Substitution says you can plug in things that are equal in expressions. I'm not sure how that relates.

    And in modern logic, it is an axiom schema in the manner I've posted, which is equivalent (though notation and details differ) to Enderton and Shoenfield, for example.TonesInDeepFreeze

    I suppose I'll have to take your word for it, because it's not in Enderton or I missed your explanation earlier. I just glanced at the SEP entry for ident of indisc. and it doesn't say anything about substitution. If there's no written reference, is this perhaps an idea of your own?

    In any event, if I want to know if two sets are equal I apply extensionality. And that's another reason I get lost in your posts. I don't see your point. Extensionality tells you everything you need to know about when two sets are equal. You don't need anything else.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    And you can look at the SEP article 'Identity' where you'll see:

    Leibniz’s Law, the principle of the indiscernibility of identicals, that if x is identical with y then everything true of x is true of y.
  • fishfry
    And you can look at the SEP article 'Identity' where you'll see:

    Leibniz’s Law, the principle of the indiscernibility of identicals, that if x is identical with y then everything true of x is true of y.

    Ok thank you for that specific reference. You should know that I generally respond to my mentions and don't always monitor the threads. Please give me a mention when you want me to see your posts. Of course that doesn't guarantee I'll see everything you want me too, but at least I'll know you said something to me.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    So I saw a ref to equality on 112 of enderton that had nothing to do with set theoryfishfry

    Yes, I said that it doesn't mention set theory, but rather it is a place to see the logical axiom schema for first order logic with equality.

    However, as you have agreed, set theory uses first order logic with equality. So there you have it.

    And, yes, at least twice, I said myself that Ax x=x can be derived from the axiom of extensionality. So in set theory Ax x=x is redundant. But the axiom schema for the indiscernibility of identicals is not redundant in set theory.

    This is my point.fishfry

    But that is just a part of the picture. And you keep slapping about saying that we need only the axiom of extensionality and don't need the indiscernibility of identicals. And when I pointed out we can't prove

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = z

    from the set theory axioms without the indiscernibly of identicals, you claimed that you easily can.

    So, again, I say that I'd love to see your attempt.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    can't find anything at all on page 83fishfry

    That is where he gives the semantics for '=', as I mentioned that '=' is given a fixed interpretation.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze

    If you mean that it would help for my posts to link to yours, then I'll hope not to forget doing that each time.

    My preference regarding you is that you don't gloss my posts and jump to conclusions that I've said something I didn't say but that you think I must have said in you own confusions or lack of familiarity with the concepts or terminology.
  • fishfry
    That is where he gives the semantics for '=', as I mentioned that '=' is given a fixed interpretation.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Ok I'll check again. I'm reading the SEP article on identity, and it's interesting reading. Puts some of what you've been saying in context. They did say that "Leibniz’s Law must be clearly distinguished from the substitutivity principle ..." so perhaps that's pushback to your claim.

    But there are actually two principles, identity of indiscernibles and indiscernibilility of iten ...

    oh man i'm typing and you are replying back. I can't keep up. Let me just say that the SEP article is interesting and I'll get to the rest of this tomorrow.

    However! You just said

    So in set theory Ax x=x is redundant.TonesInDeepFreeze

    in which case you agree with my main point and there is nothing more to say. That's why I'm confused. Once you concede that identity is not necessary for set theory, then I don't know why you are going on about set theory.

    (x = y & y = z) -> x = zTonesInDeepFreeze

    Challenge accepted, I will get to this tomorrow or day after, I am a little busy tomorrow.

    So I appreciate that you are now writing much shorter posts, making it possible for me to read them. But you are compensating by writing very quickly, so that right now I'm two posts behind and you have one or two already ahead of me! I can't keep up.

    So let me work on (x = y & y = z) -> x = z and I'll read through your posts tomorrow. It's after midnight right now where I live.

    I reply to your posts, then I see your replies back, to which I then reply back ...

    I don't use any other protocols.

    That only works if either (a) I happen to read all the recent posts in a given thread, which I rarely do; or (b) I happen to be posting at the same time as you.

    I'm sure you can see this leaves a window where I might not see your posts.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    They did say that "Leibniz’s Law must be clearly distinguished from the substitutivity principle ..." so perhaps that's pushback to your claim.fishfry

    That might be. I'm speaking in broad terms about them in that regard. If the article draws a needed distinction then I should say that they are at least akin.

    But there are actually two principlesfishfry

    Right. I discussed that in about my first post on the subject in this thread.

    So in set theory Ax x=x is redundant.
    — TonesInDeepFreeze

    in which case you agree with my main point and there is nothing more to say.

    A few posts ago, I explained exactly why there is more to say.


    Whatever was your main point, one of your points, and the one we've been thrashing over for dozens of posts, is that we only need the axiom of extensionality for identity. And I've explained and explained for you, a trillion ways to Sunday, exactly why that is not true.

    So I appreciate that you are now writing much shorter postsfishfry

    I write long posts because you post so many incorrect claims and confusions about the subject and confusions about what I've posted, and, often enough, I give meaty explanations.

    I can't keep up.fishfry

    I am hopelessly behind composing posts in at least a few threads. Even years behind in threads that I just had to let go because I really should be spending my time on other things more important than posting.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    That might be. I'm speaking in broad terms about them in that regard. If the article draws a needed distinction then I should say that they are at least akin.TonesInDeepFreeze

    Nope. I am consistent with the SEP article. The context in this discussion is plain predicate logic where substitution works, not intensional contexts.
  • fishfry

    I didn't get to your most recent yet. But I did have a bit of an epiphany and it's possible you may be steering me to enlightenment.

    I started working on (x = y & y = z) -> x = z, which seems an easy consequence of extensionality.

    So I started by writing down the statement of extensionality, and right away I see that I'm in trouble! I don't need extensionality ... I need the converse of extensionality. I need to go from x = y to saying that for all z, z in x iff z in y. That is not given by the axiom. So you have actually taught me something.

    I did a quick search, and found this: The converse of the axiom of extensionality where he says that the converse "follows from the substitution property of equality."

    So this is quite a bit more subtle than I thought, and I will have to work on this some more. I do think you have made your point, at least provisionally. I can't assume the converse of extensionality. Who knew, right?

    In which case ... an axiom is NOT the same as a definition, because definitions are reversible, and extensionality is not. So I do believe you may have made a couple of good points with this example.

    ps -- Ah ... the Wiki page on extensionality explains your point that if equality is not a primitive symbol in predicate logic, then extensionality is taken as a definition rather than an axiom. You did say this to me several times. I now begin to see your point.

    This example did it for me. I have to study this a bit. I did not realize that extensionality goes only in one direction, and that the = symbol is not being defined, but is inherited from the underlying predicate logic. You have made your point. I need to understand this better.
  • TonesInDeepFreeze
    The converse of the axiom of extensionality where he says that the converse "follows from the substitution property of equality."fishfry

    Exactly. That goes right with what I've been saying.

    Without sarcasm I say that it gives me a good feeling that reason, intellectual curiosity and communication have won the day finally.
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