• javi2541997
    I am not talking to you, and I think it is bad manners to mind other people's businesses, but I don't deny any of that data. I am only confused about how someone is 'fond' of Spain and then he refers to my country using that tone.
  • Vera Mont
    I am not talking to you, and I think it is bad manners to mind other people's businesses,javi2541997

    And here I was, under the impression that's it's an open thread! Sorry to intrude on your private business of resenting someone's 'tone' in their own blog.
  • javi2541997
    I was showing evidence against Ciceronious' own hypocrisy, and then you showed up out of nowhere. Don't expect me to behave like a kitty. When I feel attacked, I respond.
  • Vera Mont
    I'm terribly sorry you felt attacked. Carry on!
  • Ciceronianus

    Neither was I, frankly. But "Google" Rome and Iron Age and there it is.
  • Ciceronianus
    Oh yes! You are very fond of my country! How can I think otherwise?javi2541997

    A person can't be fond of Spain unless also fond of bullfighting and adverse to poking fun at a Genoese? You surprise me. I suppose admiration for such as El Greco, Velasquez, Goya, Picasso, Cervantes, Santayana, Las Cases, and Ortega y Gasset (sometimes)--not to mention the famous Romans born in Spain, like Seneca, Trajan (optimus princeps) and Hadrian--doesn't quite match up to enthusiastic attendance at la corrida.
  • javi2541997
    A person can't be fond of Spain unless also fond of bullfighting and adverse to poking fun at a Genoese? You surprise meCiceronianus

    No. You didn't refer to just bullfighting. I dislike it and most Spaniards do. You also pointed out in your blog that we are not better than most other nations because our 'heritage' is Fascism, the Spanish Inquisition, Franco, Genocide, etc. You literally wrote: Spain being no better generally than most other nations, its common cultural heritage may be said to include some less than admirable things... [and then you wrote all that crap]
    The sense of your words is like that's just Spain, no more. When we have eight Nobel laureates and other interesting stuff, which I will not post here because I will not change the mind of someone who already has negative prejudices on my country.

    I suppose admiration for such as El Greco, Velasquez, Goya, Picasso, Cervantes, Santayana, Las Cases, and Ortega y GassetCiceronianus

    And many more... a thousand old country has a lot of personalities and culture.
    It is just frustrating that nobody rants about Germans (for example) because of their Nazi past. They are only known for good things, like philosophers, engineering, economics, etc.

    No way we are known thanks to Cervantes or Goya. The people quickly reminds us that dark period of our history. You are an example of that.
  • Ciceronianus

    The fact I think that Spain is "no better generally" than most other nations doesn't mean I think it worse than other nations. Most nations are no better generally than others.

    I'm not aware of any nation which hasn't had dark periods in their history.

    I'm not sure what you mean about Goya. In his time, Spain was made a battleground by France and England acting in their own interests. That "dark period" was imposed on Spain by other nations.

    You shouldn't assume my aversion to the conquest and subjugation of indigenous people means I'm adverse to all nations (which includes my own) who engaged in that practice.
  • javi2541997
    Hmm... OK let's leave it here. We both expressed our views on this topic. My intention was to protest why I am tired of receiving endless mockery for being from Spain. I am aware that we have a lot to improve, we are not perfect and there are better EU countries.

    But Jesus... We are not monsters... Nor retards. We can write books or paint on canvas too.

    I will not regret any second being Spanish in my life. It is not about a question of nationalism but self-respect. Yes, none nation is perfect but we receive more mockery than others. Again, I don't usually read criticism on France or Germany...
  • Vera Mont

    I won't complain if you say he wasn't a very nice man, or that this is not a very appropriate monument.
    And I don't mind who says what about the present government (ugh!)
    Nevertheless, Budapest is beautiful and many Hungarians are worth knowing.
    This one is a poet - and a better statue.
  • Ciceronianus

    You certainly shouldn't be mocked for being from Spain, and I didn't intend to do so. I hope to return there, as I only spent a brief time in Barcelona, and there is much I'd like to see.
  • Ciceronianus

    Attila was one of the great figures of the late Roman Empire in the West; Flagellum Dei (the Scourge of God). I'm not familiar with the poet.

    I've heard great things about Budapest and would love to visit. When I was younger, I fenced using the sabre, recreationally. Hungarians are legendary swordsmen, especially with the sabre (swordswomen as well, no doubt).
  • Lionino
    swordswomen as well, no doubtCiceronianus

    I looked up "hungarian swordswomen" and the only thing that popped up was men.
  • Vera Mont
    Sports have been badly neglected by this miniTrump's administration. Among other things, like freedom of speech. Hungary stands #3 in fencing (although it seems the women are coming up. News to me; I never gave it a thought before.), #4 in water polo and a shameful 27th in soccer - all sports they used to dominate. That's how it goes, innit: big shot one day, insignificant also-ran the next. I'm almost embarassed to own my native land these days - but that would be as silly making a virtue of it.
  • Ciceronianus

    I tried Googling "swordswomen" and a bunch of anime characters was the result. Even so, it seems Hungary's women's team won the sabre fencing championships in 2022.
  • Lionino
    miniTrumpVera Mont

    Wow, Trump truly is an all-encompassing, omnipresent, orange god-emperor.
    The Indians are so right.
  • Ciceronianus

    Sport fencing is odd, not at all like traditional fencing is thought to be. There are some clubs, though, that teach traditional European martial arts with swords, including sabres.

    I participated in some tournaments. Unfortunately, the rules are such that that the typical bout, particularly in sabre fencing, consists of two rushing each other and a single clash of swords--no swordplay, no parry and riposte, except now and then. Speed is all important; very little skill.
  • Ciceronianus

    Just a matter of time until we start seeing it here in God's Favorite Country.
  • Lionino
    God's Favorite CountryCiceronianus

    You are Brazilian? Or maybe God is not a patriot.
  • Ciceronianus

    Not Brazilian, no. But all too aware of the conceit of many of my countrymen in the USA.
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