• Deleted User
    I read what you have typed and understand your view. I dont agree with you. I think he is doomed.universeness

    Maybe. To be as honest as possible, it took the greatest, multi-year mobilization of media and public court condmenation in the history of mankind to beat him in election, and he still garnered more votes than any president in the history of all nations of the world, with the unbelievable exception of Biden, who has in his first year garnered the worst approval rating of any president in history in that same time, or very close to more than any other. I wouldn't stake your place just yet. Keep your eyes peeled.
  • universeness

    I understand what you are saying but the Americans will get what they vote for.
    If they really want a civil war much worse than the one they already had then voting anything like trump back in, is a step towards it, in my opinion. There will be more American refugees crossing into Mexico than Mexicans trying to get into the US.
    There is a separate thread for all trump issues however so I don't want to clog this one with trump talk
  • praxis
    he still garnered more votes than any president in the history of all nations of the world, with the unbelievable exception of Biden, who has in his first year garnered the worst approval rating of any president in history in that same time, or very close to more than any other.Garrett Travers

    Second only to Trump for worst first year approval rating. The media and the public are responsible for that, of course, and not Trump. :smirk:
  • Deleted User

    It's hard to disagree with that, when they literally published it as their intention for the world to see: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

    It simply cannot be interpreted any other way.
  • Deleted User
    I understand what you are saying but the Americans will get what they vote for.
    If they really want a civil war much worse than the one they already had then voting anything like trump back in, is a step towards it, in my opinion. There will be more American refugees crossing into Mexico than Mexicans trying to get into the US.
    There is a separate thread for all trump issues however so I don't want to clog this one with trump talk

    Never underestimate what human hatred can achieve. Remember that a civil war was once fought over the right to OWN human beings. It took 400 years of debate to produce that civil war, over something evil beyond comprehension. People fought and died and betrayed their families, for the right to own the labor and body of other human beings bearing the Human Consciousness. The will to dominate, that will, didn't leave the planet, or the human mind. I might ask you, just to be cheeky, which side do you think won that conflict? Think about that, given what we've discussed.
  • universeness
    Remember that a civil war was once fought over the right to OWN human beingsGarrett Travers

    That's the one I am talking about. I am currently reading U. S. Grant's personal memoirs,
    but this was not the first war due to slavery, there have been rebellions/wars against such way back and before the days of Spartacus.
    As to your last sentence, I would use the words spoken by my American brother-in-law.
    'The confederates surrendered but that war is still not over.'
    Just in case there is any doubt. He and I would have supported the union in that nasty war.
  • Deleted User
    That's the one I am talking about. I am currently reading U. S. Grant's personal memoirs,
    but this was not the first war due to slavery, there have been rebellions/wars against such way back and before the days of Spartacus.
    As to your last sentence, I would use the words spoken by my American brother-in-law.
    'The confederates surrendered but that war is still not over.'
    Just in case there is any doubt. He and I would have supported the union in that nasty war.

    Me too, man. One thing you'll miss if you don't look close enough at this particular piece of history. Lincoln wasn't a champion. In fact, there is an argument to be made that the war was something that was extenuated, or atleast exacerbated by him. Nonetheless, the Union didn't win many battles, there was sometime there when it seemed that the South would be victorious. We won that war because, irrespective of the above stated contention, he set the slaves free on the condition that they fight for him. This won us the war. Doing the ethical thing, the philosophical consistent thing, recognizing the right to freedom, even if it meant they had to kill and die for it, it was still more ethical than not doing so, that was what led to victory. History is full of that sort of thing. Was that something you picked up on while reading?
  • universeness
    They won the most important ones such as Shilo and Gettysburg. The contribution of black troops can also not be denied in any way. Lincoln had his weak points but every so-called 'hero' does. One person's hero is another persons villian. Grant is very honest in his memoirs and it contains much about the despair he felt at having to fight both the Mexican war and much more so, the American civil war.
    He delivers a very harrowing account of war but he does insist that the South gave the Union little choice.
  • praxis
    It's hard to disagree with that, when they literally published it as their intention for the world to see: https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/

    It simply cannot be interpreted any other way.
    Garrett Travers

    I don’t follow what you’re saying.
  • Deleted User
    I don’t follow what you’re saying.praxis

    I'm saying you're right, and providing eveidence of it.
  • praxis

    Trying to follow what you’re saying, I will point out that the media doesn’t report what its audience doesn’t want to hear, and that approval polls reflect public approval.
  • javi2541997
    If that painting is yours, wow excellent work and congratulations :up: :100:

    The red colour implemented wake up my emotions and makes me feel so motivated.
  • praxis
    Thanks, you're too kind.
  • Baden

    I also like really like that red and the shape is intriguing. This is a bit more sombre.7lrs7ti450wnnb4q.jpg
  • javi2541997
    Interesting paint, Baden. As you said, is a bit more sombre and that shades of green, purple, gray, etc... makes me feel a bit of anxiety for being lost there.
    A representation of a lonely winter day in a hidden forest.

    I liked it :up:
  • Baden

    Cheers :) . It looks very like a painting, but it's actually a photograph. I used a long shutter speed and moved the camera to get the effect (rather than use post-editing / Photoshop etc). This method doesn't always work, but in this case it was meant to express pretty much what you felt.
  • praxis

    Wow, I thought you photoshopped it. :up:

    Definitely anxiety producing.
  • Baden

    Yes, not a fan of Photoshopping except for very basic stuff. Nice to know this has a clear character anyhow. :) I go into these photo expeditions knowing most shots won't work out.
  • javi2541997
    One of my haiku poems has been published in a book called: HAIKUS VI.
    The editors were calling for haiku poems related to autumn. I named my poem "Aki no Hana" because it means in Japanese "flower of autumn"

    Visitando la
    Tumba de mis ancestros.
    Flor de otoño.

    If I translate it into English, it doesn't follow the rules of 5 + 7 + 5, but I do it anyway:

    visiting the
    grave of my ancestors.
    Autumn flowe
    r. :flower:

  • jgill
    Very nice. I especially like the sense of motion in the water.
  • Vera Mont

    Wonderful gradation of colour.
  • javi2541997
    Aye! That's really gorgeous, praxis. Good job. I like the colours of the sky, and I wonder if it is a morning or a sunset.
  • praxis


    Been doing a lot of these small paintings with big brushes. I figure that if I keep at it I'll eventually develop a looser technique and some style.


    I wonder if it is a morning or a sunset.javi2541997

    Hard to say since in the reference photo the sky is partly cloudy. Not exactly sure of the location either, but I'm guessing NE side of Ohau sometime before noon.
  • universeness

    I think you could sell many more of these type of paintings, if you do not already sell many paintings.
    Do you have any concern, about becoming a 'Bob Ross,' style artist?
    I don't mean he was not highly skilled at what he could produce in twenty minutes, he certainly was, and he made a lot of money as an artist, but how do you feel about this:

    I watched a documentary about 10 years ago about an old, very eccentric artist, whose name I don't recall and whose work I didn't like, as it was 'too alternative/abstract,' for me. But when he was challenged by the documentary maker, as to the meaning or significance of his work, he said the following:

    "I am an artist, not a fax machine or a photographer. If you want a facsimile or a photograph of a pretty scene, then don't come to me. As an artist, it is my remit to anger you, to invoke an emotional response from you, to intrigue you, to frighten you, to challenge you, to inspire you, to make you hate me and love me in the same confused breath. Can you even understand what a true artist is?"
  • universeness

    Here are 4 of mine that have a style, based on movie characters, pets and holidays abroad, that will sell very well but I am not sure I like that.

  • jgill
    My goodness, those are delightful ! :smile:
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