• PeterJones
    So what is the scope for original possibilities and are there questions which have not been touched upon at all. Or are we coming to a dead end in this post postmodern era.Jack Cummins

    One person's;new idea is someone else's old one. I look forward to the time philosophers consider it part of their job to study the Perennial philosophy, for this is a still a new idea for most trained philosophers. It seems to me that university-style philosophy died some some ago and rigour mortis.is well advanced.

    As you say, the internet is a crucial consideration, It is now possible for anyone to examine the facts. This gives me hope that they will see the poverty and ongoing failure of mainstream western philosophy and move on. . . .
  • Sir2u
    There are plenty of really good new ideas:Hanover

    Not many of them are truly new, they are mostly either combinations of existing ideas or remakes of other ideas.
  • Hanover
    Not many of them are truly new, they are mostly either combinations of existing ideas or remakes of other ideas.Sir2u

    I posted that 3 years ago. You have no idea what it's like waiting that long for a reply. Absolute torture.
  • Sir2u
    I posted that 3 years ago. You have no idea what it's like waiting that long for a reply. Absolute torture.Hanover

    I never look at the dates, it takes the fun out of things. :rofl:
    I had not seen the thread before so it either got missed back them or was of no interest at that moment.

    I am now going to look for your posts from as far back as I can find and answer them, just for the fun value.
    Hope I can find at least something worth replying to. :wink:
  • Bella fekete
    “ If you want to come up with an original idea, then you gotta be on edge of what's known, the logical next step tends to follow once you've had a revelation. The idea of revelation in the sense that something becomes suddenly visible and audible with indescribable certainty and accuracy, which stirs and upsets one—describes simply the matter of fact. One hears—one does not seek; one takes—one does not ask who gives: a thought suddenly flashes up like lightning, it comes with necessity, unhesitatingly, revealing a hidden path in the dark.”


    Possibly establishing a link between links between paradoxically ‘original’ questions Meno comes up with, commensurate with predictive signs of parables which have claimed miracles as their ground.
  • Count Timothy von Icarus

    One person's;new idea is someone else's old one.

    Yup. And even when new thinkers make original contributions to older ideas, we have a bad habit of backwards projecting the new ideas onto the old. E.g., I am a very big fan of Wallace's "Philosophical Mysticism in Plato and Hegel," and yet it seems to me that Wallace's Plato is more the future "Plato" of the "middle Platonist" Jews and Christians (Philo, Origen, Cyril, etc.) and of the "late/Neoplatonists," (Plotinius, Porphyry, Proclus, Augustine, Eriugena, etc.).

    Not that the seeds of these ideas cannot be located in Plato, but they seem a lot stronger in those he influenced.

    But we also tend to allow a large set of ideas to accrue to "great names," in this way.
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