The inability to individuate is a key component to racism. It opens up a host of fallacies that the racist can never overcome, relegating his beliefs to a lower order of thought, and any action motivated by it to injustice. — NOS4A2
So there were some non-African hominids in Europe (Neanderthals) and Asia (Denisovans). My knowledge of human evolution is limited to the out-of-Africa theory, our neanderthal and denisovan cousins which we probably assimilated and/or exterminated. :scream: That's one reason I don't feel "happy to be alive". My family tree is not something I would be proud of, soaked in the blood of so many my ancestors had to kill as it is — Agent Smith
The way I see it, all human groups tend to be fearful or hateful of other groups (but also fascinated by them, it's complicated). — Olivier5
Racism is the theory and practice – ideology – of the oppressor and his functionaries. — 180 Proof
Xenophobia — Olivier5
That is true: there is such a thing as near universal xenophobia, and there is also such a thing as a near universal desire or attraction for the exotic -- which I like to call the "Pocahontas effect", or simply "xenophilia": sexual or intellectual attraction for other folks. — Olivier5
Most interesting. — Ms. Marple
n Asia there's plenty of ethnic prejudice as well, including some that is institutional (eg the treatment of non Siamese folks in Thailand) but to my knowledge it hasn't been made into an ideology yet. — Olivier5
Historically, we simply don't value the lives of men as much as we do women. — 64bithuman
it's perfectly possible for men's issues to coexist with women's issues and have them both be recognized as problematic. Dismissing white blue collar issues has become something of a hallmark of popular liberal politics. — 64bithuman
... xenophobia, and ... xenophilia
— Olivier5
Which is the rule and which is the exception? — Agent Smith
when racism was at its peak, interracial unions were forbidden, punishable by death since even consensual marriages/sex were/was taken to be rape/beastiality or something like that. — Agent Smith
Even in the antebellum American South, people were having much biracial sex, from what historians can tell. Slave owners were the first one to do so, due to their power over their victims, but there were also instances of consensual biracial sex, eg through prostitution. So even such a thoroughly racist society could not eradicate it. That's how powerful the sexual pull is between different ethnicities. — Olivier5
Too much genetic variation is too much. Too little is too little. There actually is an optimal range for procreation and this optimal range is regarded to be (by experts in the field) with breeding between 3rd and 4th cousins if I recall correctly. — I like sushi
Try googling it maybe before putting your foot in your mouth. — I like sushi
Try googling it — I like sushi association between the kinship and fertility of human couples
Agnar Helgason 1, Saebjörn Pálsson, Daníel F Gudbjartsson, Thornórdur Kristjánsson, Kári Stefánsson
1deCODE Genetics, Sturlugata 8, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland.
Science. 2008.
Previous studies have reported that related human couples tend to produce more children than unrelated couples but have been unable to determine whether this difference is biological or stems from socioeconomic variables. Our results, drawn from all known couples of the Icelandic population born between 1800 and 1965, show a significant positive association between kinship and fertility, with the greatest reproductive success observed for couples related at the level of third and fourth cousins. Owing to the relative socioeconomic homogeneity of Icelanders, and the observation of highly significant differences in the fertility of couples separated by very fine intervals of kinship, we conclude that this association is likely to have a biological basis.
When Incest Is Best: Kissing Cousins Have More Kin
Study analyzing more than 200 years of data finds that couples consisting of third cousins have the highest reproductive success
By Nikhil Swaminathan on February 8, 2008
... The results of the exhaustive study are constant throughout the generations analyzed. Women born between 1800 and 1824 who mated with a third cousin had significantly more children and grandchildren (4.04 and 9.17, respectively) than women who hooked up with someone no closer than an eighth cousin (3.34 and 7.31). Those proportions held up among women born more than a century later when couples were, on average, having fewer children. ...
Interestingly, one evolutionary argument for mating with a relative is that it might reduce a woman's chance of having a miscarriage caused by immunological incompatibility between a mother and her child. Some individuals have an antigen (a protein that can launch an immune response) on the surface of their red blood cells called a rhesus factor—commonly abbreviated "Rh." In some cases—typically during a second pregnancy—when a woman gets pregnant, she and her fetus may have incompatible blood cells, which could trigger the mother's immune system to treat the fetus as a foreign intruder, causing a miscarriage. This occurrence is less probable if the parents are closely related, because their blood makeup is more likely to match. ...
"It may well be that the enhanced reproductive success observed in the Iceland study at the level of third [and] fourth cousins, who on average would be expected to have inherited 0.8 percent to 0.2 percent of their genes from a common ancestor," Bittles says, "represents this point of balance between the competing advantages and disadvantages of inbreeding and outbreeding."
Similia similibus curantur (like cures like). — Homeopathy
In reality, the vast majority of them belong to the same class as everyone else: the working class. If straight white men developed class consciousness, this jealousy of other people different from them would dissolve, because they would have a support group and a meaningful social narrative in which they could place themselves. The fear of other people different from them would also dissolve, as they would identity with these folk as fellows of the working class. — _db
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