• Bartricks
    Go away. This is a philosophy forum and so far all you've done is express ignorant attitudes. It's pathetic.
  • Streetlight
    Yeah, it is a philosophy forum. Which is why 'sorry but they do' is ought to be treated like the unphilosophical crap that it is.
  • Bartricks
    Again, more attitude expression. Address the OP.
  • Streetlight
    I addressed the entirety of its substance.
  • Bartricks
    You addressed precisely nothing in it. Address it.
  • Streetlight
    Sorry, but it's trash.

    See how this argument works?
  • Bartricks
    More attitude expression. Show your working. Address the OP.
  • Streetlight
    It's what you wrote. If you think it's attitude then so be it.
  • Streetlight
    Sorry, but they do.Bartricks

    This is the only line worth anything in the OP, and it is worth nothing.
  • Bartricks
    Show your working. Address the OP.

    Note, you have yet to do this. You simply told me your 'intuitions' about certain matters. I then asked you in what way that was relevant to the OP. You then asked me whether I trust your intuitions. Well, no of course I don't - why would I trust the intuitions of a person whose reason is so poor they can't understand the OP? I mean, did I at any point assert in the OP that our faculties of intuition are infallible or that yours in particular is?
  • Streetlight
    Address the OP.Bartricks

    There is nothing to address in the OP because the entirity of its substance is a bald assertion which does not follow from the waffle that precedes it.
  • Bartricks
    This is the only line worth anything in the OP, and it is worth nothing.Streetlight

    But you're not very good at arguing or at understanding what another person has argued. I mean, you somehow thought that I had argued that your faculty of intuition is infallible, yes? But that's not in the OP. So you just have really poor comprehension skills.
  • 180 Proof
    First, reasons to believe things are directives to believe things.Bartricks
    "Reasons" =/= "directives" as you point out below with "directives OF reason", so your premise is false and invalidates your "argument".

    [ ... ] because all of the directives of reason are her directives.
    Oops. :snicker:
  • Bartricks
    Clearly you don't even understand the puzzle I was attempting to resolve.

    Do you understand what a self-undermining case is?
  • Streetlight
    Do you understand what a self-undermining case is?Bartricks

    It really doesn't matter because God in the OP has nothing to do with it other than a rabbit which you pull put of a hat as a literal deus ex machina. I don't need to follow your argument because there isn't one.
  • Bartricks
    "Reasons" =/= "directives" as you point out below with "directives OF reason", so your premise is false and invalidates your "argument".

    [ ... ] because all of the directives of reason are her directives.
    Oops. :snicker:
    180 Proof

    Read what I say carefully. Reasons-to-believe things are directives. Directives need a director. The director needs to be a person.

    The word 'reason' is ambiguous (that means it has several distinct meanings). Sometimes we use it to denote reasons-to-believe things.

    Sometimes it is used to denote the faculty of intuition that gives us some awareness of the reasons-to-believe things.

    And sometimes it is used to denote the 'source' of the directives.

    Reasons-to-believe things are directives.

    They need a director.

    The director needs to be a person.

    That person will be 'Reason' because - do you remember from above? - that's one of the uses of the word 'reason'.

    That person will be God.

    That's called an argument.

    Note too that it is not essential to my case. Everyone must admit that reasons-to-believe things exist. The job of work is to reconcile their existence with an evolutionary account of our development. That, I am arguing, cannot be done without God.
  • Streetlight
    [Completely irrelevant non-sequitur]

    [Bald assertion]

    "Sorry but it's true"

    "Take me seriously!!!"

    Lol no.
  • Bartricks
    It really doesn't matter because God in the OP has nothing to do with it other than a rabbit which you pull put of a hat as a literal deus ex machina. I don't need to follow your argument because there isn't one.Streetlight

    Once more, address the OP. Start by trying to understand the puzzle I was raising. Like I say, there's no doubt an SEP page on it. I know you people love fancy labels as you think it makes you sound clever, so what I am doing above is raising what's known as the 'ontological' version of the evolutionary debunking argument.
  • Streetlight
    Once more, address the OP.Bartricks

    Once more, there is nothing of substance to address in the OP because it resolves into a bald assertion which deserves exactly no engagement other than to point it out and laugh.
  • Bartricks
    I don't think you know what 'bald assertion' means. I did not baldly assert that purely evolutionary accounts of our development leave us having to conclude - incoherently - that there are no reasons to believe anything. I carefully explained the matter. Now, if you think my explanation was faulty - and note, I didn't mention God once during that explanation - say where and why. Don't just express your ignorant attitudes towards me and an OP that mentions God. I get that you hate religions and are all cross and stuff, but this is a philosophy forum and the OP contains a case that you need to address. If you are convinced it doesn't, that's fine - go away then.
  • Streetlight
    I don't think you know what 'bald assertion' means.Bartricks

    And reasons to believe things require God. Sorry, but they doBartricks
  • 180 Proof
    The word 'reason' is ambiguous (that means it has several distinct meanings).Bartricks
    So your premise is vague. Fallacy of ambiguity. :clap:
  • Bartricks
    Vague and ambiguous mean different things. And it's not a fallacy to employ an ambiguous term. Christ almighty - who the hell educated you people?
  • Jackson
    who the hell educated you people?Bartricks

    No one agrees with you.
  • Streetlight
    So the case for evolution by natural selection presupposes that God exists.Bartricks

    Source: "I made it up / It came to me in a dream".
  • Bartricks
    So? You think philosophy is a democracy?

    Do you actually understand the OP? Do you understand how an unassisted evolutionary account of our development presents a problem?
  • Jackson
    Do you actually understand the OP?Bartricks

    It was very easy to understand.
  • Bartricks
    I dun not understand OP, but I dun don't like it cos he mentioned god and I don't like god so I will say some stuff.
  • Bartricks
    So you understand, then, that an exclusively evolutionary story about our development isn't correct?
  • Streetlight
    Aw buddy its okay that you don't know how inferences work we're all here to help.
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