Every moment you make your best synthesis of all these things and you make your choices. Once you become familiar with this way, you can see that you have no need of principles, values, reference points. — Angelo Cannata
transgressing – subverting – every "should" which, of course, is self-refuting. — 180 Proof
Undermine the powers that be. — praxis
Every moment you make your best synthesis of all these things and you make your choices. Once you become familiar with this way, you can see that you have no need of principles, values, reference points.
— Angelo Cannata
That's a big claim. Can you demonstrate it? Isn't the act of making such a synthesis itself a reference point and value? — Tom Storm
Of course I can demonstrate it: my daily life, second by second, is a continuous evidence of what I said. — Angelo Cannata
Expressed as an aphorism: If anything goes, then everything stays. — Banno
Yes, exactly, my approach is subjective and interpretative — Angelo Cannata
― Jacques DerridaAre you a relativist simply because you say, for instance, that the other is the other, and that every other is other than the other? If I want to pay attention to the singularity of the other, the singularity of the situation, the singularity of language, is that relativism? … No, relativism is a doctrine which has its own history in which there are only points of view with no absolute necessity, or no references to absolutes. That is the opposite to what I have to say. … I have never said such a thing. Neither have I ever used the word relativism.”
If anything is permissible, then there is no reason to change what we are now doing.
Expressed as an aphorism: If anything goes, then everything stays.
Hence far from being progressive, post modernism becomes a model for conservatism. — Banno
he lives in me like other people I like live in me, like Socrates, Gandhi, Vattimo, Heidegger, Heraclitus and many others. — Angelo Cannata
why should anyone care? — Tom Storm
Indeed.Morality is in the doing... — Tom Storm
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