• praxis
    Western propaganda is of the latter type.StreetlightX

    You prefer authoritarian propaganda?
  • frank
    If we could only manage to spend this much money on developing alternate energy sources.
  • Olivier5
    We call it la Nouvelle Orléans.
  • frank
    We call it la Nouvelle Orléans.Olivier5

    Should it be Orleans Nouvelle?
  • Isaac
    This is not a thread about the WestOlivier5

    No, apparently it's about Hungarian baths and the pronunciation of New Orleans.

    Funny how you guys were so offended that we dare mention US imperialism in a thread about Ukraine lest we divert attention from the awful suffering there, but you're happy to fill the thread with tourist advice. What's the matter, bored of war already?
  • Streetlight
    Would prefer no propaganda.
  • FreeEmotion
    Is anyone having a problem dealing with propaganda? I am.

    2: the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

    3: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause
    also : a public action having such an effect


    I am having problems. So how do we get out of this? Maybe...



    The question is how do we get unfiltered news that we can then filter to fit our purposes?
  • BC
    The Western European pronunciation of Kiev changed to Kyiv when a batch of media people showed up there and felt the ever-present media need to be cool, so they pronounced it the way they heard locals pronouncing it.

    WWL, a high-tone New Or-le-ans 100 year old radio station pronounced it with 4 syllables. I suspect that there is a class variant: down one step, New Or-lee-ins, down two steps, Naw Lins; down three steps, the southern unintelligible mumble--nobody knows what they are saying.
  • frank
    the southern unintelligible mumble--nobody knows what they are saying.Bitter Crank

  • Deletedmemberzc
    The question is how do we get unfiltered newsFreeEmotion

    Take a jet to Ukraine and see the war with your own eyes. Any other source is, in some sense, filtered.
  • FreeEmotion
    What's in a name? Some investigation into the name change from assumed - to - be trustworthy sources, including Wikipedia:

    After Ukraine’s 1991 independence, regulations were introduced about the national guidance for transliterating place names from Cyrillic to Latin alphabets.

    Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the Wilson Center and former Ukrainian Foreign Ministry comms adviser, has spoken about the importance of correct pronunciation.

    "How we describe Ukraine and Ukrainians and their cities is paramount to how the world perceives Ukraine," says Jankowicz, who wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in 2019 and tweeted this video too.

    "And part of that perception," she says, "is about youdescribing Ukraine as its own distinct entity, not as a part of this alleged sphere of influence that Vladimir Putin wants to resurrect, in which all Slavic countries are part of a giant brotherhood and he is the king of them."


    I find all this faintly disgusting.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Kiev)

    In 2018, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry launched #CorrectUA, an online campaign to promote the use of official Ukrainian spellings by countries and organizations, in place of "outdated, Soviet-era" place-names.[41][42]

    The US media organization NPR adopted an on-air pronunciation of Kyiv closer to the Ukrainian, responding to the history and identity of the local population, in January 2022.[69][70]

    Even more disturbing.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

    Propaganda anyone? Also, could anyone suggest a good drink?
  • BC
    Once you get there, you may filter what you see through the lens of preconceptions and misinformation.

    I find all this faintly disgusting.FreeEmotion

    No! I just won't do it. Ever. I REFUSE to eat chicken Kyiv.
  • FreeEmotion
    It is a veritable information war. No need to go to the Ukraine.

  • Gregory A
    So, do you believe that organisations like CNN, Al Jazeera, the BBC, etc., are doing something other than reporting the news?
    — Wayfarer

    How is this even a question? Of course they are. It doesn't necessarily require 'disinformation' - as in, the misreporting of facts, or disseminating false information, but it absolutely includes issues of how an issue is framed - what actors are assumed to have agency, what the actual problem is considered to be, what kinds of questions are asked (and not asked), who is interviewed, who or what counts as a legitimate source, etc. This is basic media literacy. How on God's green Earth do you think otherwise? CNN is particularly shit, basically propaganda channel for corporate interests and repeating democratic party talking points verbatim.

    Putin is a response to Western society's shift to the left, in this instance its influence on European nations. The modern media a vector for emotion can't but help depicting patriarchs as bad guys. When Putin is gone the Left will be all conquering its ultimate victory and goal symbolized with the elimination of the last male on earth. The 'x' chromosomes attempt to eliminate the mutant 'Y' complete.
    — Gregory A

    Who will save us from this fate? Democracy? War? Maybe there is a way to put us on the right side of history.

    “We have the president of Russia mentioned the N-word... the nuclear word,” Trump said.“The nuclear word is a very dangerous, dangerous word and it’s being thrown around very cavalierly.”
    — RT

    I have to agree. From the man who may be invented cavalier.

    Who will save us? The answer would be the Patriarchs. But with their decline, the rise of matriarchality, the 'X' chromosomes socio-politically represented by the Left making our salvation most unlikely.

    Democracy, a 'soft' form of government therefore a vector for the Left, inherently vulnerable, allowing emotionalism a vote, feminism a chance to rule (an inevitability).

    War, well we can see who the patriarch is up against presently. The democratic world, its people, its companies even, are mostly against what most probably will be the last of the patriarch leaders, Vlad Putin.

  • Deletedmemberzc
    Once you get there, you may filter what you see through the lens of preconceptions and misinformation.Bitter Crank

    Sure, lenses, filters, out there and in here.

    We see our psychical filters through the lens of our psychical filters. Excision would require lifelong psychical surgery (let's call it).

    Safe to say there's no such thing as a wholly filterless view. Plenty of room here for humility, circumspection, epoche, suspension of judgment, ataraxia.
  • Deletedmemberzc
    So, do you believe that organisations like CNN, Al Jazeera, the BBC, etc., are doing something other than reporting the news? — Wayfarer

    How is this even a question? Of course they are. It doesn't necessarily require 'disinformation' - as in, the misreporting of facts, or disseminating false information, but it absolutely includes issues of how an issue is framed - what actors are assumed to have agency, what the actual problem is considered to be, what kinds of questions are asked (and not asked)...StreetlightX

    Right. The subtlest form of propaganda is simple omission.
  • praxis
    Matriarchality?Gregory A

    No, it’s spelled matriarchy.
  • Gregory A

    No, it’s spelled matriarchy.

    Matriarchality, a made up word, used to describe a present social direction.
    And to compensate for my limited vocabulary and poor wordskills generally.
  • FreeEmotion
    Maybe you mean Feminism?

    Since the 1960s, both of these traditions are also contrasted with radical feminism that arose from the radical wing of second-wave feminism and that calls for a radical reordering of society to eliminate male supremacy; together liberal, socialist and radical feminism are sometimes called the "Big Three" schools of feminist thought.[14] — Wikipedia
  • Gregory A
    So, do you believe that organisations like CNN, Al Jazeera, the BBC, etc., are doing something other than reporting the news?
    — Wayfarer

    How is this even a question? Of course they are. It doesn't necessarily require 'disinformation' - as in, the misreporting of facts, or disseminating false information, but it absolutely includes issues of how an issue is framed - what actors are assumed to have agency, what the actual problem is considered to be, what kinds of questions are asked (and not asked)...
    — StreetlightX

    Right. The subtlest form of propaganda is simple omission.

    Society's movement to the left requires the media to follow what is a 'left-shift' process. Ironically, the Fox Network occupying a shrinking niche, now in effect one of the last pillars of free-speech.
  • praxis
    Matriarchality, a made up word, used to describe a present social direction.Gregory A

    Is equality unappealing?
  • Deletedmemberzc
    Ironically, the Fox Network occupying a shrinking niche, now in effect one of the last pillars of free-speech.Gregory A

    Gonna need to append some evidence to such a farfetched claim. If you want to be taken seriously.
  • praxis
    Its misleading. A ploy. And is being replaced by 'empowerment', a strategy disguised as a compensatory mechanism.Gregory A

    Progressive liberals openly propose both empowerment and restitutions. Anyway, what is the ultimate goal of this supposedly clandestine strategy? Orwellian totalitarianism?
  • Streetlight
    omg can we not engage the 15 year old internet fascist
  • FreeEmotion

    This graphic of where each news channel stands seems roughly accurate to me, since I know what conservative news and liberal news channels look like. For the time being, it is out in the open.

  • FreeEmotion
    Help is on the way.

    By now you may have read about Knowledge-Based Trust, a Google research paper that describes a method of scoring web documents according to the accuracy of facts. Knowledge-Based Trust has been referred to as the Truth Algorithm, a way to assign a Trust Score to weed out sites that contain wrong information.

  • Gregory A
    This graphic of where each news channel stands seems roughly accurate to me, since I know what conservative news and liberal news channels look like. For the time being, it is out in the open.


    Impossible! I've actually got something right?
  • praxis
    omg can we not engage the 15 year old internet fascistStreetlightX

    @frank isn’t that bad.
  • Benkei
    But what about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock?!

    Or reporting on "maybe the negotiaters were poisoned". I thought the news was about reporting facts? Since when is, maybe something happened and maybe it didn't, news?

    God I hate mainstream media.
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