• PoeticUniverse


    (One of the objectives)

    The Programmer sets the if-then switches,
    Like eight-way 3D Rubic Cube intercepts,
    After having set the quarks and leptons,
    And coding stars to generate atoms.

    Then more precise tweaks, to dark energy,
    To umpteen decimal places so rare,
    And the forming of the DNA code
    To blend life’s ingredients, stirring slow.

    Darn, the n-body problem is so tough,
    For unforeseen side-effects e’er arise,
    Among branches of the would-be life-tree,
    A zillion variables overlapping.

    This was all still in a simulation
    To test out the the coming universe.
    Fixes were needed.

    The Programmer sat up at his terminal,
    Brought up his 1,000,000,000 line program,
    And opened the patient for surgery,
    Working swiftly from a red inked printout
    Marked up during a long coffee hour.

    He clamped off the bleeding capillaries,
    Redid most of their interfaces,
    And bloodlessly sealed them shut again,
    Although these were only preparatory
    And minor repairs in auxiliary areas.

    Next, the main arteries had to be incised,
    And therefore it was no longer possible
    To open and unblock the incursions in sequence,
    Since indirect ramifications and side concerns
    Concerns quickly arose and wildly flared,
    As fleeting thoughts, for one thing led to another,

    Thereby requiring immediate attendance,
    Lest, they, in the formless impressionism
    Of the art of computer programming,
    Fade to vague remembrance, and reappear later,
    Always at an inopportune time, as defects known as bugs.

    The phone rang while he was juggling
    These evaporating images and so he had to ignore it;
    But, no matter, for PhoneMail would record the call.

    Twenty minutes later,
    He had sutured the incisions and readied
    A compile and regression test which would
    Either attest to the quality of the operation

    Or reveal its fatal errors and necessitate
    The revitalization of the patient or, at worst,
    Require a complete restoration to
    Preoperative health from a backup file.

    Then He fed it all into the Big Bang.
  • PoeticUniverse
    Some kind of a clue to something:

    Having an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs and many species to provide an opening for mammals to evolve seems too risky and clumsy for a ‘Designer’ to have done. Other near extinctions happened too; seems natural.

    Our planet is very good at promoting life,
    But it is much better at extinguishing it.
    Of the billions upon billions of organic things,
    99.99% are no longer around here living.

    Of all extinctions, the Permian was the worst.
    245 million years ago, for 95% of species perished,
    Suddenly disappearing from the fossil recording.
    Life had almost come to a total obliterationing.

    “Hurray,” said the shrew; now I can evolve!

    ‘You’ were once a lucky shrew, darting all about,
    But then attached to a favorable evolutionary line…
    Every single one of your forbears on both sides
    Being attractive enough to locate a loving mate,
    And they fortunately had the good health to celebrate!


    Our blind-fated path was the further paved
    When disasters finished most of the species.
    Far from a feature of Intelligent Design,
    It opened up the space that was needed.

    Actual footage of the Great Permian Asteroid:

  • PoeticUniverse
    Regular computer programming covering all eventualities probably can’t calculate the universe, as it’s too linear and too slow.


    The universe is a quantum computer,
    Reckoning the future with its qu-bits;
    The path that goes the furthest wins the prize,
    It being the best of all possible worlds!
  • PoeticUniverse
    Unless our fortunate universe is of the multiverse…

    An Answer to the Confounding Exact Parameters

    What great needle played, stitched, wound, and paved
    The strands of the quantum fields’ types of waves
    To weave the warp, weft, and woof of our ‘verse
    Into being’s fabric of living braids?

    The Bang’s source is a quantum computer
    That reckoned all future with its qu-bits.
    The path that went the furthest won the prize,
    Earth being the best of all possible worlds!

    The universe’s quantum computation
    Finished just before the Big Bang start,
    And then it played out in time perfectly,
    As the longest path of complexity.

    How else could the ‘shambles’ of Explosion
    Result in life in our universe that’s
    Only .02 percent of its way along?
    The universal constants were self-taught.

    Mass/energy has been shown to be
    Equivalent to information, so,
    The quantum universe did compute
    Itself, pursuing paths that go onward.

    It reached out to see what’s possible
    And what’s not, like particles forming
    In the quantum world, but, better than that—
    It made the potential possible.

    It ran scenarios of consequences,
    Ever abandoning those paths that end,
    Near at once, as quantum computers do,
    Since it explored all ways in parallel.

    Only thus could the exacting events
    So improbable and deep in their depth
    Have come forth in the Universe’s progress,
    In its precisely tuned Macrocosm.

    There never was, nor will be, but just ‘now’—
    All things, interacting—instant know-how;
    Thus mind ‘matters’, matter ever ‘minds’; so,
    The Cosmos self-adjusted—as the Tao.

    Or still:

    The ‘God’ idea has fallen from its throne;
    Forever quantum fields’ excitations’
    Elementary quanta roll on those fields
    That are everywhere and remain themselves.

    The Creation of the Universe:

  • deletedmemberrw
    Non-existence can't existDerrick Huesits

    Nothing can escape from being something, even nothing. The absence of attributes is an attribute.
  • PoeticUniverse

    Of the Forced Defaults for Existence
    With no Beginning or End

    Since Existence has to be, of not ‘nil’,
    ‘Supernatural Magic’ isn’t required;
    So, there’s only the natural as the base;
    One degree of freedom is the forced default.

    Motion is a must, or naught would happen;
    It can’t have parts, so it’s continuous;
    Since no end, it must remain as itself.
    There can’t be anything else but it.

    It is everywhere, with no gaps of ‘zilch’,
    Waving, since that’s ubiquitous in nature;
    Transmuting into the elementary
    Particles as stable rungs of quanta.

    Only quantum fields fit the criteria,
    Particles as spigots failed to flow,
    Newton’s Space and Time faded away from
    Einstein’s relativity special and general.

    Quantum field points just going up and down
    Form the field waves by dragging others with;
    These sums of harmonic oscillations
    Force the fixed quanta energy levels.

    The universe is one complex quantum field,
    For the 24 quantum fields interact,
    This containing the whole of physics.
    There’s no ‘God’s’ eye view; anything happens.
  • PoeticUniverse

    On the One and Only Existence


    In this lost haunt on the Orion arm
    Of the galaxy, safe from the core’s harm,
    The philosophers meet in the forum,
    As sleuth-hounds unweaving the Cosmic yarn.

    We search for the Start of the Universe,
    The End, the Before, the After, the Kinds,
    The Measures, and All That Lies Between:
    The Music of the Spheres’ Magnificat.

    We follow every single avenue,
    Whether it’s brightly lit or a dark alley,
    Exploring one-ways, no-ways, and dead-ends,
    Until cornered where the Truth is hiding.

    Since we all became of this universe,
    Should we not ask who we are, whence we came?
    Insight clefts night’s skirt with its radiance—
    The Theory of Everything shines through!

    We are ever in touch with the unknown,
    For that’s ever the reach of science shown.
    Reality is grasped by focusing
    On what interacts with what and the means.

    There is a realm of happenings, not things,
    For ‘things’ don’t remain the same on time’s wings.
    What remains through time are processes—
    Relations between different systems.

    An Eternal Basis has to be so,
    For a lack of anything cannot sow,
    Forcing there to be something permanent,
    As partless, from which the particles grow.

    Consider quantum fields of waves atop
    One another: waves are continuous,
    And so qualify as Fundamental;
    Quantized lumps are particles, then more.

    Note that there is no other absolute:
    Newton’s fixed space and time got Einstein’s boot;
    Particle spigots making fields are mute;
    Classic fields have no fundamental loot.

    There’s a lightness of elemental being
    Since any more would have to be of parts,
    And thus go beyond the fundamental arts.
    The puffs of vacuum energy are small.

    On the Forced Defaults for the Only Existence

    There can only be the one Existence,
    Forced, with no option for it not to be,
    Which is no mystery because the ‘Nil’
    Cannot be, even as spacers within.

    There is neither ‘Full’ nor ‘Null’,
    But a lightness of being near ‘Zero’,
    As that’s what the universe amounts to,
    Nor ‘Nil’s kin as ‘Still’, since there’s constant change.

    This must-be partless Existence Eterne
    Can’t end, so it must remain as itself,
    Transmuting into multiplicity
    Of the temporary as ‘elementaries’.

    Since Existence has to be, of not ‘null’,
    ‘Supernatural Magic’ isn’t required;
    So, there’s only the natural as the base;
    One degree of freedom is its forced default.

    Motion is a must, or naught could happen;
    It can’t have parts, so it’s continuous;
    Since no end, it can return to itself.
    There can’t be anything else but it.

    It is everywhere, with no gaps of ‘zilch’,
    Waving, as that’s ubiquitous in nature;
    Rearranging to the elementary
    Particles at stable rungs of quanta.

    Only quantum fields fit the criteria;
    ‘Particles as spigots’ failed to flow,
    Newton’s ‘Space’ and ‘Time’ disappeared via
    Einstein’s relativity special and general.

    Quantum field points that just spring up and down
    Form the field’s waves by dragging on others.
    These sums of harmonic oscillations
    Force the fixed quanta energy levels.

    So the wave estimate proved to be right;
    An electron/photon goes through both slits
    Because it is a spread out field quantum.
    Quantum jumps are due no wave fractionals.

    The universe is a large quantum field,
    For the 24 quantum fields interact,
    This containing the whole of physics.
    There’s no ‘God’s’ eye view; anything happens.

    The anything in the massive universe
    Is a lot of needed ‘extravagant’ stuff,
    Since on Earth the right conditions obtained,
    Our planet being where and what it has to be.

    Cosmic and biological evolution were forced,
    Stars collecting the elementaries,
    Producing all the atomic elements
    That went on to molecules, cells, and more.

    All this took 13.75 billion years,
    Since, again, there were no hoodoo shortcuts.
    Life and consciousness emerged, no ‘Mojo’—
    Since before that time on Earth there was none!

    We, too, are forced to exist.

    ‘Magic’ has fallen by the wayside, it
    As trancendence an intangible writ,
    Unable to be distinct from matter,
    Having to talk/walk the talk/walk of it.

    An extra distinct realm isn’t needed,
    As ‘intangible’, ‘ineffable’, etc.,
    For it only begs the question—a shock!—
    And as separate couldn’t have effect.

    The ‘nonmaterial’ and ‘nonphysical’
    Haven’t shown anything at all to date,
    Plus, all the more they’d have to be explained;
    The ‘metaphysical’ search has to fail.

    The ‘God’ idea has fallen from its throne;
    Forever quantum fields’ excitations’
    Elementary quanta roll on those fields
    That are everywhere and remain themselves.


    The quantum fields’ unity is the Whole,
    Being ever, exhausting Reality,
    Unbreakable and Unmakeable,
    As partless and continuous monads.

    All that emerges is still the fields at heart,
    Though secondary and temporary,
    Arising and at some time returning;
    The quantum fields are Indivisible.

    Quantum fields are the fundamental strokes
    Whose excitations at harmonics cloak
    The quanta with the stability
    To persist and thus obtain mobility.

    The elementary particles beget,
    As letters of the Cosmic alphabet,
    And combine in words to write the story
    Of the stars, atoms, cells, and life’s glory.

    Why Something?

    Quantum states melt via uncertainty,
    And this means that no quantum property
    Can e’er be zero—a precise amount,
    And so it is that motion can ne’er cease.

    The Something

    The quantum field is the bridge between ‘Nil’
    And basic matter, and can ne’er be still;
    Thus the ‘vacuum’ is the quietest field—
    The closest approach to ‘Nothing’ that can be.

    No ‘Null’ nor Matter Full

    ‘Nothing’ had no chance to be the hero,
    Plus QM scrubs the idea of zero
    Out of the physical world of being;
    ‘Zilch’ ne’er sleeps, but is e’er up to something.

    A Mere Blip

    But for the small quantum uncertainty,
    The Cosmos sums to naught, its lunch being free:
    No net electric charge; a weightless brick;
    Minus-potential = plus-kinetic.

    Oh, those imaginings of what can’t be!
    Such as Nought, Stillness, and the Block’s decree,
    As well as Apart, Beginning, and End,
    The Unfixed Will, Blame, Fame, and Theity.
  • Derrick Huestis
    Nothing can escape from being something, even nothing. The absence of attributes is an attribute.RAW

    I like this way of putting it, very succinct.
  • Derrick Huestis
    Regular computer programming covering all eventualities probably can’t calculate the universe, as it’s too linear and too slow.PoeticUniverse

    This does seem to be a problem with computers, they are linear. I noticed in math there is a curious way to bypass the linear using imaginary numbers, or i.
  • PoeticUniverse
    This does seem to be a problem with computers, they are linear. I noticed in math there is a curious way to bypass the linear using imaginary numbers, or i.Derrick Huestis

    A quantum computer would be even better, as operating in parallel. Would the Existence be composed of bits, given that mass/energy seems to have been shown to be equivalent to information? Not much to go on yet for that idea, although lately many philosophers veer toward an information base.
  • Derrick Huestis
    Would the Existence be composed of bits, given that mass/energy seems to have been shown to be equivalent to information?PoeticUniverse

    Bits boil everything down to black and white, they don't allow grey area. I personally view this as the knowledge/understanding distinction. Knowledge puts everything in a box, similar to the concept of bits: 1 or 0. Understanding is open-ended, and in this way chases the infinite. Understanding can draw conclusions which can then be used to draw even more conclusions, etc., indefinitely.

    I would think the Infinite Existence fits more in the understanding category than the knowledge category, and I would even say infinite knowledge is, by definition, complete understanding of all things. In this sense, it breaks away from the concept of computers that deal with absolutes: 1 or 0, with no grey area. But as of yet, I don't have a good logical way of explaining this nor explaining the necessity, other than to state that many elements of physics and chemistry could have been altered and a completely different universe could have come from it, but somehow this one came to be, so it isn't a binary reality but one with multiple possibilities, of which only one was selected.
  • PoeticUniverse
    Bits boil everything down to black and white, they don't allow grey area.Derrick Huestis

    The grey area for quantum computer qu-bits is that they can be 0 and 1 at the same time.

    multiple possibilitiesDerrick Huestis

    So, there is either a multiverse or the brute force but near instant method of the quantum computer type of following all paths in parallel.

    'Following all paths' example in our already made universe:

    Sciam: Graham Flemming has some lasers spitting out pulses of light just millionths of a billionth of a second long. After traveling through some mirrors and lenses, these minuscule flashes disappear into a smoky black box, in this case containing proteins from green sulfur bacteria, which ordinarily obtain their energy and nourishment from the sun. Inside the black box, optics measured to billionths of-a-meter precision detect something extraordinary: within the bacterial proteins, dancing electrons make seemingly impossible leaps and appear to inhabit multiple places at once!

    Following the exotic rules of quantum mechanics, photosynthesis derives its ferocious efficiency of over 95%. We can perhaps harness great amounts of energy to help humankind.

    This is all absolutely mind bending! The crossing of seemingly forbidden gaps is, again, called quantum tunneling. Classical physics cannot come close to achieving these speeds found in quantum tunneling and entanglement. Christopher Altman says that many new experiments continue to find quantum processes at play in biological systems, a process once thought not possible.
    Life’s quantum dance has finally come into view by using the fermosecond lasers and nanoscale-precision positioning. It’s amazing beyond words!

    Now, back to the green sulfur bacteria. Flemming and his researchers zapped the connective proteins with multiple ultrafast laser pulses. Over a span of fermoseconds, they followed the light energy through the scaffolding to the cellular reactions centers where energy conversion takes place. As described earlier in the thread, they saw that energy travels in several directions at the same time, finding the efficient pathway retroactively when the quantum process collapses. Then the electrons’ energy followed that single, most efficient path.

    Perhaps we can someday manufacture cheap solar power out of organic molecules.
    As for the enzymes and the tunneling also observed there, two studies, one published in ‘Science’ and the other in ‘Biophysical Journal’ have found that some enzymes appear to lack the energy to complete the reactions that they propel; the energy could only come from the quantum realm.
  • Derrick Huestis
    The grey area for quantum computer qu-bits is that they can be 0 and 1 at the same time.PoeticUniverse

    So there are 3 possibilities, but what about 4, 5, or more possibilities? And out of the many possibilities, what determines a specific one will come to fruition? This is hard to explain without some kind of mind concept. I think part of the issue is people throw these problems to the concept of randomness without explaining what makes something random. In the real world, random takes up an incredible amount of computing power. This is the whole basis of cryptocurrency and how miners get Bitcoin. And that uses megawatts of electricity around the world. Random is no simple concept, order and patterns are simpler than random, but to confess the universe follows patterns is a confession it is deliberate, and then if it is deliberate the question becomes "how?"
  • PoeticUniverse
    if it is deliberate the question becomes "how?Derrick Huestis

    This is still a tough one (if not a multiverse stumbling onto a workable universe), since we only but make the 'how' into a much larger question by shifting the problem onto a mind or a near all-at-once quantum computer path figuring the fine tuning that has to be all the more explained, with either one having to foresee what 10**76 particles would do over 13 billion years, plus why would so much time be required to carry out the implementation of the 'deliberate' formula.

    Time for some off-the-wall attempts:

    The universe seems to end with a complete blended symmetry order, in its wide dispersal, and it seems to have begun with a severe grouping order of matter and anti-matter, like the chess pieces at the beginning of a match. Could there be an all-at-once quantum superposition of everything possible whose quantum probabilities had to trace forward and backwards to these only two states that could make time go forward, thus having to form only the patterns that could accomplish it?

    Or something like that as the guidance principle.

    Notes from 'Everything Forever' by Gavin Giorbran, although I have much more but it is long:

    Why did the universe have such low entropy in the past, if it did, that is, very high order, especially as seen as a grouping order, with but one general arrangement of matter versus antimatter, which beginning we will call ‘Alpha’, instead of the high disorder of other mixed-up arrangements, this high order resulting in the distinction between past and future and the second law of thermodynamics?

    Assuming this low entropy beginning is true, although it’s often thought that this would be a seemingly rare, unlikely state, as just one out of so many others possible as disorder, must rather be very likely, even as to be the only way a universe can begin, since the universe indeed began as such.

    Why, though, does whatever brought on this universe, end up with this initial state for the universe to be of the highest possible grouping order? And is it in any way related to the proposed end of the universe being of a featureless blend of dispersal that is a symmetry order (which end we will call ‘Omega’)?

    Is our universe’s Alpha start in time is so improbable as it seems, what with its severe grouping order of separated matter and antimatter, such as that of the separated white and black pieces at the beginning of a chess game, as with these ideas from Gavin Giorbran.

    Such an arrangement seems a rarity, but it may rather be that time cannot go forward if there is no progression from this very distinct grouping order of the Alpha Start toward the proposed Omega End of a totally blended symmetry order, this idea similar to an end as disorder of high entropy from any start of low entropy.

    The universe is now in its its diversity stage, both at large and in our own Earthly aisle, yet its future of a blended symmetry order perhaps ever pulls/guides the present along, such as in the “time is like a river” analogy, this ‘flow’ proceeding inexorably from Lake Alpha to Lake Omega.

    How and why was the seemingly rare state of the high ordered Alpha beginning of our universe accomplished?

    The IS, as great as it is, is still subject to two boundaries, as the start and end described above.

    All the probabilities of all the ending balance must trace back to the one and only state of the most probable beginning of all, the greatest imbalance of all, matter and anti-matter, with Totality in a quantum superposition, all at once—of no time and of no space, the quantum probability patterns really being so, not just a math tool.

    The separation of matter and anti-matter is the greatest possible imbalance, but all the probability balances must trace forward to the greatest and most probable balance at the end of all.

    The ultimate, flat, symmetry order of the Omega—the end of all, draws the river of time along, guiding it, through the probability patterns.

    The Time River of Probabilities flows smoother and further near its center, while near the shores there are eddies and swirls, contrasts, lumpiness, ebbs—even back flow.

    The nows proceed and the moments play, motion but apparent, as successive frames—all the alternate plot’s scenarios being, which will blend at the Omega.

    Our two brain hemispheres, too, must reflect the nature of the universe itself, as the left-side grouping order versus and with the whole of the right-side symmetry order.

    Top-down drives the bottom-up ‘events’, the future ever affecting the present; The flat whiteness of the Omega End brings forth the diversified prismatic colors fro the Alpha Start.

    Electrons, protons, seem ‘bottom-up’, but are ‘enfolded’ in the top-down whole, as with Bohm’s implicit order guiding the blooming, unfolding, explicit order.

    There are still many more ways for the universe to be lumpy, in degrees, than for it to be perfectly smooth, and that’s why there’s still some grouping order, as with galaxies and solar systems.

    The no longer ‘improbable’ symmetry of uniformity comes at future’s end; This Omega symmetry order is the opposite of Alpha’s grouping order.

    The fundamental reality then is en-un-foldment; particles are abstractions from that. Electrons don’t exist continuously but are coming, going, then coming again.

    Probabilities are actualities, so probabilities exist, so then we have a simple solution to why our universe came from a dense state.

    All the possible patterns of the past and future exist simultaneously, independent of the passage of time frames, so, the history of a temporal universe moving through those possible patterns will inevitably trace backward to the extreme, greatest imbalance, and hence to the severe order of the Alpha start.

    It seems strange that time began from Alpha, unless patterns are physically real, so then time invariably originates from the greatest imbalance of them all.

    Time’s forward direction is ever toward balance. and so when it’s traced backward, that same path invariably originates from imbalance; the temporal universe is as it must be.

    Since pattern space is existingly there then the flow of time is built into reality, causing probable time-worlds to exist, while extremely improbable time-worlds will not.

    The must-existence of patterns is great, for the hierarchy of atomic elements, star systems, bio-life, consciousness, and, finally, intelligence and wisdom.

    If time and change were not restricted to probability’s arrow of time built into pattern space then anything could happen and would happen, as chaos.

    The end promotes the means in that time’s river, having a specific ending, explains why the universe’s wave function is specific. If what’s possible was just coming from the past, there’s no reasonable explanation for the control of all the probabilities, such as the wave density of atomic particles, A river only from the past would be flowing outward into chaos, but it can’t.

    (Take the above with a grain of salt.)
  • PoeticUniverse
    Extending the Implications
    Of the Necessity of the One Eternal Existence

    The strong part of the OP is that The Eternal Existence is necessity, with no option not to be, given the impossibility of ‘nonexistence’. That covers the ‘why’ that wasn’t even a decision, in that the Existence cannot not be and has no choice but to be. There is no mystery to this. No awards to grant to it. No amazement. It is a natural state. It is at least G.O.D.—the Ground of Determination. There is no saying that by all rights there ought to be ‘Nothing’ and that the Something had to be a rare event; it was mandatory.

    All that goes on has to be within the Existence, as there isn’t any other or else, and thus whatever happens has to be a rearranging of The Existence, even the Big Bang. So, there is a greater Cosmos or state beyond our universe, which is of course The Existence, as subject to never being able to go away.

    Our Earth was forced to be, too, since it happened from what had to be, so it is a truth that Earth had to be, as inherent in/from The Eternal Existence that is the only Existence.

    So, we have been extending the implications of the Necessity to find the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of our workable universe with life in it.

    Who needs a proof of the implementation (‘how’) when we already have the truth of the ‘why’? We do, because are curious and look for meaning and purpose. ‘Meaning’, if there is any, is forced, too, yet the only trait we can count on for the Existence is that it has to be.

    The Eternal Existence, not having a Beginning, can’t have had any specific design imparted to it, so it is only as what it has to be, which has to be both everything possible and not anything in particular.

    There is our universe within it, and so that can be done, at least, albeit it took a mind-numbingly long time to get to us.

    How did it do it?

    Not instantly, apparently.

    The forced quantum fields are only what can be, as the simplest?

    A zero or near-zero balance sum of opposites divides into kinetics and gravity that ultimately can cancel as positive and negative energy and more such balances?

    Being all at once, as Existence is complete, it is all there, intact, with no more forthcoming, and so it does everything, as it is everything, potentially, it happening in time? (this being like the proposed multiverse.)

    There is no ‘instant’ option above, unless the universe as a block universe was instantaneous but takes time to play out in our type of time.

    It calculates a workable universe from scratch, solving the n-body problem?

    The quantum possibilities/potentials in superposition adjust to what will keep on going, since they can’t stop ‘looking’? (Stillness is not possible.)

    ‘God’ did it? But this shifts the question to the larger ‘How’ of a Mind.

    Math did it? Ask Max Telmark.

    The Existence is relational, with no intrinsic properties and no absolutes? But, still, how? See Carlo Rovelli.

    Spontaneous? From ‘Nothing’? No reason? These still require a capability, and that would be a something.

    Observation, including any kind of interaction, brings the best of the potentials into actuality? See Wheeler.

    Quantum computer?
  • Nikita

    I think that you mistake the non-existence of something for the existence of something. I'll explain in an example:

    A cat has one tail more than no cat (by no cat, I mean the non-existence of a cat, an empty place).
    A dog is no cat.
    Therefore, a cat has one tail more than a dog (no cat).
    A dog has one tail, so a cat has two tails.

    By using the non-existence of something as something (an object), you're creating a fallacy. Howether, the rest of the argument is very interesting, I never thought about the omni descriptions of god as elements that can be attributed to the universe itself. But I don't think all of the divine attributes apply, for instance, the omniscience would imply an awareness of things, and at least so far, there's no evidence for this awareness.
  • Derrick Huestis
    you mistake the non-existence of somethingNikita

    I will stop the quote here because it isn't about the nonexistence of something. After the discussions on this thread I've decided maybe a better word to describe it is a pure nothingness, so not the idea, not the space, nothing.

    by no cat, I mean the non-existence of a cat, an empty placeNikita

    So based on what I said above, this analogy is different because you have the idea of the cat (the idea exists), plus you mentioned an empty place. If I'm correct in assuming empty place means the same as an empty space, space is a thing so once again you don't have a pure nothingness.

    It is a tricky argument, because I have to first make you think of something, nonexistence, then demonstrate that your mind can't think of it. Pure nothingness takes up no space, no time, etc. so it is impossible to think about. This is very different from saying an object doesn't exist (it isn't a pure nothingness).
  • Derrick Huestis
    The strong part of the OP is that The Eternal Existence is necessity, with no option not to be, given the impossibility of ‘nonexistence’.PoeticUniverse

    I also think there is a strong argument to be made for this existence having a creative component, which gets us closer to the standard idea for God. There's also an argument to be made in viewing love as being a constructive power, it can influence both people and animals in ways brute force can never do. I noticed you shy away from these concepts a little, they don't fit in well when it comes to the beginning of the universe as a science-only proposition. This is what makes them perfect though, as they might demonstrate a greater metaphysical force that lurks just out of reach of the sciences.
  • PoeticUniverse
    I also think there is a strong argument to be made for this existence having a creative component, which gets us closer to the standard idea for God.Derrick Huestis

    It's also that the plans for our universe are already in The Existence, among everything possible, and they get to life and consciousness, which is pretty far, and so perhaps that wins out, somehow.

    Love comes from an emotional. system, at least in us.

    More clues:

    From quantum non-locality and entanglement, we know that information is more primary than distance, and that things don’t have to have the appearance of being near each other to be related or to cause an effect.

    Everything connected to everything would seem to be a ‘perception’ or an 'awareness' as far as one could be had by that network. Furthermore, 4-D touches 3-D everywhere. The all-at-once connections, as like in a hologram, might seem to provide for the direction of what goes on in the overall information process. I am thinking like a yogi and a guru, the entire cosmos situated within me.

    Quantum non-locality seems to imply that every region of space is in instant and constant contact with every other, perhaps even in time as well, and so the holistic universe is governed by the property of the solitary whole; so that could be the underlying guidance principle. An individual particle might ‘know’ something about what to do, acting according to all the others.

    Thus both our awareness and the holistic universe, each having a singular nature, might be the clue. Perhaps they are of the same basis of fundamental awareness, but separate as two manifestations, each controlling a different realm, internal and external, our internal consciousness giving us ‘future’, and the external consciousness granting ‘future’ to the universe. I don’t know which has the tougher job.

    Lee Smolin has it that qualia are intrinsic, as fundamental, and Chalmers has it that information is fundamental and can express itself in two ways, in consciousness and in matter.

    Quantum entanglement suggests that each particle has the entire map of the universe, the information ever updated, the universe being as a single entity. While this may not be consciousness at the level we have, it may help the universe accomplish something of the movements of particles and fields in their energy, mass, and momentum, in some global way that goes forward overall.

    This may not seem to be saying a whole lot, in depth, but since the quantum realm is beneath everything then one would surmise that it must have all to do with everything that goes on.

    It is still that the apparent atoms and molecules make the happenings, via physical-chemical reactions; however, this observation cannot be equated to an ‘explanation’, for we must wonder what underlies the chemical mattering and reacting that seems to have a unity of direction to it.
  • PoeticUniverse
    It's also that the plans for our universe are already in The Existence, among everything possible, and they get to life and consciousness, which is pretty far, and so perhaps that wins out, somehow.PoeticUniverse

    Better yet; since The Existence is completely self contained, with no beginning and no end, as not affected by anything outside itself, it would just BE, and so it IS, not just having the plans for the universe, but already having the universe. The darn Block Universe keeps trying to reinstate itself.
  • PoeticUniverse

    We may be stymied since we can't tell presentism apart from eternalism.
  • PoeticUniverse
    Being out of ideas, those residing in ElfLande were my last hope…

    I had finished with the yogis and the gurus, and the seers and the oracles only know of the future; so, I surmised, to uncover the deepness of the present, for nature and the conscious animates, I must seek out Nature’s Great Poet in her Uni-verse, in order to fully apprehend the ethereal phantasms of the entangled and enchanted branches in the forest of nature, bringing them into the light.

    Fortunately, I was a poet myself, and so I could gain entrance to the elfin dell, as a human, having to first pass through the neophytes, resisting their temptations and spells; however, the sensual can often take a back seat to the intellectual, although the ecstasy can be similar.

    I had been there once before, bringing my epic poem, ‘Flora Symbolica’, unto them, and writing up the results in ‘Elfin Legends’, and so they had bid me to return one day on a quest. Theirs was more of an ethereal world, whereas mine was often clunky, except when I dreamt at night, and it was time for me to wander again, to ask about and better understand the quantum guidance principle, especially learning from those closer to nature and the heavens, they being the elven mixture of spirit–angel beings and humans, and thus aware of the causal nexus.

    I flew to England, to the special forest Fairy Kingdom, near Gallienne’s old haunts, and waited for the funnel to open up into the tunnel, and then I came out into their realm and walked on for a full day, seeing no one straight out yet, just sideward waverings, but noting many new colors hereto–fore unknown, as there were more waves and frequencies here.

    Here the blesséd and haunted old forest,
    Whereat the base of an oak I rest,
    While all about lay wondrous deep coverts,
    And a green-turfed path that leads o’er a crest.

    They all knew what I was after, as evidenced in the first encounter.

    “To pass and learn of the connectedness of all things, you must kiss me, after which I’ll give you your first clue.”

    The kiss vibrated deep within my being, and I felt it to my core, and then she related, “All of life’s entities embrace one another, including cells, organisms, species, and biotope”.

    I was on my way again the next morning, the hours having flown by, as when Einstein had sat next to a pretty girl and had noted the much quicker passage of time, over the slower passage of his instant of touching a hot stove.

    I learned more as I meandered through the labyrinth of the forest.

    She said, “Hold me tight and love me, and I will unveil some of the poetic structure afterward.”

    Well, two days went by, and she revealed more of my quest, “Living conscious creatures are as a poem, they ever revealing further dimensions and expressing new properties at every level of organization, via strokes, letters, phonemes, words, phrases, and sentences, in and of a [uni]verse of rhythm, reason, rhyme, meter, metric, and melody. This relates to the quantum All.”

    I was hungry for the continuation of life’s quantum poem, and hoped I’d be able to move on more quickly, but her allure was testing my resolve; however, she told me something very soon after we’d rubbed our cheeks together, “Meanings in life are not just discovered or gleaned by mere observation but by understanding through participation, these informationally derived meanings combined to make sense in a non-reductive process, as in the relational reality of life happening at our semantical level of syntactical information exchange, with no breaking of any of the holistic connections, all this as the epic whole of the book of nature.”

    It was so still you could hear a nut fall,
    And the musical strain of mystic call,
    In soft tones flowered upon the silence,
    As floating on the surface of the All.

    “There is the particle and there is the wave—either one forced on us by our observations, being jointly known as the ‘wavicle’, all three states of which are truly not the actual reality.”
  • Rstotalloss
    It was so still you could hear a nut fall,
    And the musical strain of mystic call,
    In soft tones flowered upon the silence,
    As floating on the surface of the


    There is the particle and there is the wave—either one forced on us by our observations, being jointly known as the ‘wavicle’, all three states of which are truly not the actual reality.”PoeticUniverse


    The particle and the wave are very real. Though the particle is a pop-view.
  • PoeticUniverse
    the particle is a pop-view.Rstotalloss

    She continued, “The actual reality is quantum fields.”

    After two weeks with her, I had to survive the passage through the land of skulls and roses.

    Finally, I emerged, unscathed, into the Land of Spring, and found out about more about growth.

    “There are no objects that are identical with themselves over time, and so the temporal sequence remains open. Nature is a ‘possibility gestalt’, with the world forming anew each moment, from the deeper, enfolded realm, which is a unity in the sense of an indivisible ‘potentiality’ which can realize itself in many possible ways, it not being a strict sum of the partial states.”

    ‘Twas that time of morn when the exiled rise,
    Thrown to time’s Earthly bondage through the skies,
    Being for an hour their own Heavenly selves,
    Their full glory unhidden by disguise.

    “It still appears to us, though, that the world consists of parts that have continued from ‘a moment ago’, and thus retain their identity in time; yet, matter really only appears secondarily, as a congealed potentiality.”

    These forest fairies, dryads, nymphs, and fauns,
    Ever flash their nude blossoms on the lawns.
    They beckon me along, for though the air
    I pass thoughts of love, verses, and songs.

    “In a stable configuration of matter, such as in the inanimate, all the quantum uncertainties are effectively statistically averaged out, this thus ever being deterministic; but in the case of the statically unstable but dynamically stable configurations the ‘lively’ features of the underlying quantum structure have a chance to surface to the macroscopic level.”

    And so they tell more, “Physical phenomena are made of information processors that generate overlappings of correlated multi–dimensional wave fields which are propagating through time, as fields of possibility, whose intensity is a measure of the probability of an object-like realization.”

    The life of her face is in her deep blue eyes,
    Soft-lipped mouth, and the ears that pointed rise,
    As the moon and stars reflect in a pool,
    Which look as for a lifetime pours surprise.

    “So, there is form before substance, relationality before a materiality that is of a secondary arising and importance, its information being primary. Impressions of realizations are left in our world by the gestalt that ‘lives’ in the multidimensional spaces of quantum superpositional possibility.”
  • Rstotalloss
    Better yet; since The Existence is completely self contained, with no beginning and no end, as not affected by anything outside itself, it would just BE, and so it IS, not just having the plans for the universe, but already having the universe. The darn Block Universe keeps trying to reinstate itself.PoeticUniverse

    I used to be a believer too. Then I wondered. Why am I so assured God does not exist? Why do I think they are not there? It concerns me. Why thinking about god at all? Because they're there. The've created it all. How can an eternally infinite wonder exist on its own? It can't. Creation took place. The word was spoken and it was there, crestion.
  • Rstotalloss
    Quantum entanglement suggests that each particle has the entire map of the universe, the information ever updated, the universe being as a single entity. While this may not be consciousness at the level we have, it may help the universe accomplish something of the movements of particles and fields in their energy, mass, and momentum, in some global way that goes forward overall.PoeticUniverse

    I truly like your poetic words. If you strip them from what is meant by them. But these wotds up here are too much...

    "Quantum entanglement suggests that each particle has the entire map of the universe"
    QM doesn't suggest that.
  • PoeticUniverse
    How can an eternally infinite wonder exist on its own? It can't.Rstotalloss

    We have the same template for 'God', as an even larger Wonder.

    I dive into her eyes, her soulful gate,
    And worship before her heart’s flaming grate,
    Midst flowers in the gardens of her dreams,
    Then whirl back up through her eyes as her mate.

    “There are no point masses then, but only smudged particles, such as we know of in the space-filling representations of the distribution of electrons in the shells of atoms—called the ‘cloud’.

    “What remains unchanged over time are certain properties that find expression in the laws of conservation of energy, momentum, electrical charge, etc., these necessarily being closer to the basis of all.”

    At last, I met the ultimate Poet, the Elfin Queen, who told, “There is a relationship structure that arises not only from the manifold and the complicated interactions of the imagined building blocks of matter, but also one that is substantially more inherent and holistic.”

    She continued, “So, then, the weaves, warps, and woofs of the quantum bits as strokes makes for the letters of the elementals, as in the alphabet of the standard model, forming the words as the atoms that go on to form the molecules as the phrases, on into cells as sentences, up to the paragraphs of the organisms, and unto the stories of the species, via the unity of life’s conscious literature as the unified verse in which we live out our poems.”

    I’m left with a feeling that’s no mere spell,
    But a fact in Heaven that’s fancy in Hell,
    Of elemental affinity’s flame,
    Deeper than thought, much older than speech can tell.
  • PoeticUniverse

    I had discovered The Poetic Universe.

    I headed back home, this taking a few months, never stepping into the same universe twice, or even once.

    Funny thing, I thought, they didn’t use poems in what they told me, but, then again, they are as living poetic forms themselves.

    My Report

    We are both essence and form, as poems versed,
    Ever unveiling our live’s deeper thirsts,
    As new riches, from strokes, letters, phonemes,
    Words, phrases, and sentences—uni versed.

    We have rhythm, reason, rhyme, meter, sense,
    Metric, melody, and beauty’s true pense,
    Revealed through life’s participation,
    From the latent whence into us hence.

    The weave of the quantum fields as strokes writes
    The letters of the elemental bytes—
    The alphabet of the standard model,
    Forming the words as the atoms whose mights

    Merge to form molecules, as phrases,
    Onto proteins and cells, as sentences,
    Up to paragraphs of organisms,
    And unto the stories of the species.

    In this concordance of literature,
    We are the Cosmos’ book of adventure,
    As a uni-verse of sentient poems,
    Being both the contained and the container.

    Our poem is both the thought and the presence,
    An object born from the profoundest sense,
    An image of diction, feeling, and rhythm;
    We’re both the existence and the essence.

    Informationally derived meanings
    Unify in non-reductive gleanings,
    In a relational reality,
    Through the semantical life happenings.

    Syntactical information exchange,
    Without breaking of the holistic range,
    Reveals the epic whole of nature’s poetics,
    Within her requisite of ongoing change.

    So there’s form before gloried substance,
    Relationality before the chance
    Of material impressions rising,
    Traced in our world from the gestalt’s dance.

    All lives in the multi–dimensional spaces
    Of basic superpositional traces
    Of Possibility, as like the whirl’s
    Probable clouds of distributed paces.

    What remains unchanged over time are All’s
    Properties that find expression, as laws,
    Of the conservation of energy,
    Momentum, and electric charge—unpaused.
  • PoeticUniverse

    A ‘Mind’ as the The Existence is dubious since:

    — Systems can’t be Fundamental. We look back and see the simple being first.

    — We’d have to explain this greater level as just being so all the more than the lesser level that we won’t accept as just being so, and so forth.

    — Life continuing on Earth seems precarious, given many near extinctions.

    — Achieving life took a very long time.

    — Throwing a large asteroid at Earth to provide an opening for us to evolve after the Permian Extinction doesn’t seem intelligent.

    — the Big Bang was messy.

    Yet, The Existence must be everything possible and mind has happened, although it didn’t come first. Our minds becoming actualized this universe’s reality out of everything in a superposition?


    Our universe seems to be a rarity, and thus unnatural, since it works and some of the parameters had to be exact. So, something is behind that, yet life was and can still be barbaric, although that may be of 'best can do' due to what is good in general.

    My vote:

    I’m voting for a multiverse since because there is a universe implies that there can be others, many of which don’t work. Our universe doesn’t seem to be optimal, but perhaps some other one is, yet we get by, for now, but our continuation is not for sure.

    The Eternal has to be everything,
    All paths contained within, or the default;
    It can’t have inputs, with no beginning;
    Still, what chose the song our universe sings?

    All universes might spring forth, in turn,
    Most inert or not going far enough,
    With some reaching life after a long time,
    Such as ours, precarious as its life is.

    The Eternal is as a multiverse,
    As all paths, which thus lacks information,
    As in Babel’s Library of all books,
    Being as Nothing’s zero’s non ‘info’.

    2nd vote:

    The quantum fields could not have been otherwise, forced as the only default.
  • Santiago
    By being really short, the only is existent of us beyond our frame is our conscience, as a token share of the overall conscience.
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