• tim wood
    And necessity for. An sit, quid sit, quale sit. Is it? What is it, what kind of a thing is it? What are its special features?

    Nothing is context/background free. No two separate things are the same thing, except as they may share abstract accidents or qualities, descriptors, those - or that - constituting the sameness, but at the same time being no part of the two things but a third thing. And discussion of the third thing no part of the first two.

    What cannot be said, cannot be said. What cannot be spoken of, spoken of. What cannot be spoken of simply, accurately, with knowledge of, cannot & etc.

    All this and more to be accounted before speaking (or writing), else the speaking/writing a display of ignorance. At the same time to engage with ignorance, beyond the laudable and honorable effort to educate, itself an exercise and display of ignorance.

    Simplicity calls for the laying out and laying bare of the necessities, at least, for the discussion. At law called discovery, and undertaken because the need of it understood.

    And all forms of argument fallacious except that from appropriate reason. So-and-so may have said, but how often on consulting and reading the citation do we find that the one citing either did not himself read, or reading did not understand, or that both reading and understanding, failed to see its irrelevancy That is, make the argument yourself, own it, with attribution as necessary - bespoke, not off-the-rack.

    Before making an argument, point, or observation, gather and assemble the parts. It's not-so-easy even just to say what something is, or even if it is - and even this much an accomplishment. But lacking, only nonsense can result.

    Gentle reader, to you I leave estimate of how much nonsense we endure in these pages. Simplicity - by no means itself simple or easy - a way to cut away at least some of the fat of nonsense, and who knows, maybe even a way to get to the meat of some good questions!

    An sit, quid sit, quale sit. These not a bad start.
  • Mww
    Beautiful sentiments from the light.

    And essentially ignored, in favor of puerile egos represented by the Mutual Admiration Society cheerleader section. The loudest voices with nothing worth saying.
  • frank

    Life is messy. Embrace it.
  • Valentinus
    Sometimes, it is difficult to distinguish what is a genuine desire to understand from a confident assertion that something is the case. Oh wait, you were talking about other people.
  • tim wood
    Life is messy. Embrace it.frank
    Been embraced by too much of it. You can have mine.
  • frank
    Been embraced by too much of it. You can have mine.tim wood

    I'm a bit overloaded with it myself at the moment. You'll have to lift your part. :grin:
  • tim wood
    For clarity's sake let's be clear. Mess I take to be good and useful stuff merely in someone else's idea of disarray or disorder. If not at least that, then just trash fit only for removal and disposal. Having lived with both, I know the difference.

    Insubstantial argument, innocent of knowledge of how to argue, on the other hand, never possessing the underlying value that mess has, is just trash and was never anything else but. The OP is about trash, not mess.
  • TheMadFool
    The OP is about trash, not mess.tim wood

  • TheMadFool
    Before I forget, a top-notch OP. I give it an 11 out of 10 - you're off the charts. I hope we all can remember your valuable advice:

    An sit = Does it exist?

    Quid sit = What is it?

    Quale sit = What kind is it?

    :fire: :up:
  • tim wood
    An sit = Does it exist?

    Quid sit = What is it - what kind of a thing is it?

    Quale sit = What are its special features?

    As it turns out, any school writer from 7th grade through college, if they can work through these and Aristotle's four causes, efficient, material, formal, final, will own their topic and never be short of something to write.
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