• Apollodorus

    :rofl: Obviously, "noun" or "adjective" is irrelevant here for the reason already indicated above, viz., the original Greek phrase is φιλεῖται ὑπὸ τῶν θεῶν, phileitai hypo ton theon.

    As you can see for yourself, phileitai in Greek is a verb, not an adjective or noun, hence it may be translated into English as either adjective or noun, whichever you prefer. The meaning in Greek remains the same irrespective of what English equivalent you choose.

    But I'm glad that you now finally got it. As I said, well done. And you persuaded Wiktionary too, so what can I say?
  • creativesoul
    It's about language games.frank

    Care to elaborate?
  • creativesoul
    However, if (a) we take the Gods (literally, all the Gods) to refer to the Divine (to theion) in a general or abstract sense, and if (b) we admit that the human soul is divine, then (c) knowing what is good amounts to the divine knowing what is divine.Apollodorus

    The human soul is all the gods.

    That follows, you know?
  • Apollodorus
    I personally think that we are well equipped to do much better.creativesoul

    I tend to think so too. Unfortunately, the text isn't very helpful.

    That's why I suggested, as others have done, to see if the dialogue has a range of meanings from the literal to the moral to the metaphysical. I believe this would be consistent with Plato's method. And there is nothing to lose IMHO.
  • frank
    Some of us, perhaps. For my part, I built a worldview around things that I knew were true, and/or had warrant to believe. Disparate, at first, this worldview... but becoming more and more coherent as I go. Dependable and true as well, if lack of surprise is any indication.creativesoul

    Surely you adhere to the worldview that's prominent during your lifetime. You have to in order to interact with others.

    Truth is relative to your worldview, except for the stray philosophical truth?
  • frank
    The human soul is all the gods.creativesoul

    The Soul is rooted in the Divine. Yea.
  • creativesoul
    ...see if the dialogue has a range of meanings from the literal to the moral to the metaphysical.Apollodorus

    Well, Plato used the terms sensibly, and if he did so without equivocation, then pursuing a range of different meanings would be to say stuff that Plato did not. So, I would be hesitant to do anything aside from examine Plato's use/sense given what we can know about the historical context.
  • Apollodorus
    The human soul is all the gods.

    That follows, you know?

    Of course I know. That's exactly what Plotinus and other Platonists are saying, not to mention followers of Advaita Vedanta and other monistic systems, as earlier pointed out by @Frank.
  • creativesoul
    The human soul is all the gods.
    — creativesoul

    The Soul us rooted in the Divine.

    Two different claims.
  • Apollodorus

    According to Plotinus, the human soul emanates from the One and eventually returns to the One. So, yes, it is essentially divine, as Plato says.
  • frank
    According to Plotinus, the human soul emanates from the One and eventually returns to the One. So, yes, it is essentially divine, as Plato says.Apollodorus

  • Apollodorus
    I would be hesitant to do anything aside from examine Plato's use/sense given what we can know about the historical context.creativesoul

    Reading the dialogue in a Platonic sense or senses is exactly what I have been proposing. Unfortunately, some started bringing Abrahamic religions into it and derailed the discussion.
  • Fooloso4
    I believe that it is necessary to go by what Socrates says as there is nothing else to go by.Apollodorus

    Reading the dialogue in a Platonic sense or senses is exactly what I have been proposing.Apollodorus

    According to Plotinus,Apollodorus

  • frank
    You seem to have some grudge related issues.
  • creativesoul
    Multiplying entities... only for those entities to be different names for the same entity has it's own set of problems. Occam's razor.

    As far as monism goes in light of this discussion...

    One finger cannot point at itself. Distinction requires a plurality of things, as compared/contrasted to a plurality of different names for the same thing.
  • frank
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here.
  • creativesoul
    Surely you adhere to the worldview that's prominent during your lifetime. You have to in order to interact with others.frank

    First, there is more than one. Second, I can interact with someone with a different worldview. Third, I can understand a completely different worldview and not agree with it.

    So, no I need not adhere to any worldview that's prominent in my lifetime. Bits and pieces of lots of them, sure...

    Truth is a relation between what's believed about what's happened and/or is happening and what's happened and/or is happening. I would not agree that "truth is relative".
  • creativesoul
    I have no idea what you're trying to say here.frank

    The One
    The human soul
    The divine
    All the gods
    The Divine

    Are these different entities or different names for the same entity?
  • DingoJones

    Ok, I understand, thanks.
  • frank
    Are these different entities or different names for the same entity?creativesoul

    The One is divine. The Soul is an emanation from the One.

    This is Platonism. Anybody who's familiar with it will call it to mind while reading a Platonic dialogue. It's unavoidable.

    If you aren't familiar with it, you can make whatever you want of the text. It just depends on your purposes.
  • frank
    So, no I need not adhere to any worldview that's prominent in my lifetime. Bits and pieces of lots of them, sure...creativesoul

    I think you probably have to.
  • creativesoul
    The One is divine. The Soul is an emanation from the One.frank

    So then the human soul is not the divine.
  • frank
    So then the human soul is not the divine.creativesoul

    It's divine. God is everything.
  • creativesoul
    I need not adhere to any worldview that's prominent in my lifetime. Bits and pieces of lots of them, sure...
    — creativesoul

    I think you probably have to.

    If you mean that I probably have to adhere to bits and pieces in order to interact(currently, as an adult). Sure. If you mean that my initial worldview(mostly adopted as they all are) adhered to prominent ones amongst my family, friends, and acquaintances while developing that initial worldview, sure.

    But altogether adherance is only necessary if one lives in a small pond with limited worldviews.
  • creativesoul
    God is everything.frank

    There ya go.

    Leads to utter nonsense, meaningless language use, equivocation fallacies, and inevitable self-contradiction and/or outright incoherence.
  • frank
    Anyway, it's interesting to look at the dilemma in terms of language games
  • Apollodorus
    Leads to utter nonsense ....creativesoul

    Just because you say so?
  • creativesoul
    God is Satan. God is good. God is bad. God is evil. God is...
  • creativesoul
    Because that's how language works...
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