• Ciceronianus
    But Heidegger wasn't nearly as bad as you suggest.Constance

    He was one of those good Nazis. Sort of like Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. Even looked like him. He didn't see anything, either.

  • Constance
    He was one of those good Nazis. Sort of like Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. Even looked like him. He didn't see anything, either.Ciceronianus the White

    Who cares? He had high hopes for the Nazi party, but that was in 1933. Didn't know or condone what came after. Not as if he were Himmler.
    And yes, there are gradients participation. Imagine yourself a member of the republican party and Donald Trump had secretly committed genocide.
  • Gregory

    I'm not fascinated by Nazis. I just recognize it was easy for Heidegger to fall for the Nazi ploy.
  • Ciceronianus
    Who cares?Constance

    Who indeed? Nazi, schmazi, eh? But you might want to read some of what Thomas Sheehan wrote about Heidi and his devotion to National Socialism sometime.
  • Gregory
    I know there has been books written about this, but can anyone now present a passage from Heidegger's *philosophy* that has anything to do with "Arianism"
  • Olivier5
    it was easy for Heidegger to fall for the Nazi ploy.Gregory

    A bit too easy in my view. I would think a good philosopher would know better.
  • Olivier5
    he considered it just an occasion bad judgmentConstance

    He's dead and only Gott can help him now. But a guy who fell in love with Hitler can't be that smart. His philosophy can't be any good. A great Jewish thinker once said: "you will recognize them by their fruit."
  • Gregory

    You didn't live back then.
  • Gregory
    Jesus supported the genocide of the old testament btw
  • Gregory
    As German modern Nazis have pointed out, the old Testament Jews were the original Nazis. "Our race is special" "we have the mandate to kill other races". Jesus was a good orthodox free lance rabbi and bought into this, and into the belief that he was Yahweh
  • Gregory

    Since you would have forced Heidegger to apologize, I guess you need to start forcing Christians and Jews to give up the Nazi OT. Oh boy
  • Olivier5
    Because you did?
  • Olivier5
    Since you would have forced Heidegger to apologizeGregory

    Not really, no. I couldn't care less. I am just going to take his 'thinking' with a ton of salt. Judging from his politics, he was easy to fool.
  • Olivier5
    He was one of those good Nazis.Ciceronianus the White

    Really? More like a do-nothing Nazi. Here is the story of a truly good Nazi:
  • Gregory
    Heidegger was not for murder as far as we know. Jesus was. Jesus was a Nazi. Christians are Nazi. Jews are Nazi. Islam is Nazi. Like I said, there is nothing special about Hitlerites
  • Olivier5
    there is nothing special about HitleritesGregory

    Indeed, it's the banality of evil.
  • Ciceronianus

    I confess I was being ironic.
  • 180 Proof

    He was one of those good Nazis. Sort of like Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. Even looked like him. He didn't see anything, either.

    Ciceronianus the White
    :clap: :rofl:

    Heidegger wasn't nearly as bad as you suggest. He murdered no one ...Constance
    He unapologetically supported murderers and antisemites and fascists. Again, the Dasein was Hitler-compatible ... And even after the war Heidi had to be "de-nazified". :shade:
  • Gregory

    He did not openly support Nazism after they started murdering people. That party has been around for almost 20 years before genocide started. As with ancient religious texts, I'm all for reinterpreting in order to have a new modern take on them. As for Heidegger, I don't see anything that is Nazi about his philosophy and thus there is nothing that needs to be reinterpreted and cleansed. Imagine a Cambodian wrote Being and Time as you read it. Does this really matter??
  • 180 Proof
    I hope that you will read Hitler’s book; its first few autobiographical chapters are weak. This man has a remarkable and sure political instinct, and he had it even while all of us were still in a haze, there is no way of denying that. The National Socialist movement will soon gain a wholly different force. It is not about mere party politics—it’s about the redemption or fall of Europe and western civilization. Anyone who does not get it deserves to be crushed by the chaos. Thinking about these things is no hindrance to the spirit of Christmas, but marks our return to the character and task of the Germans, which is to say to the place where this beautiful celebration originates. — Heidegger's letter to his brother, 1931
    So what?! Heidi enthusiastically recommended the militantly racist, antisemitic Mein Kampf (1925, 1933) – ideological bible of Endlösung der Judenfrage – to his own brother. WTF. :brow:
  • Gregory
    Mein Kampf180 Proof

    Can you cite the passages that call for murder of Jews? That work was clearly a hysterical attempt to unite a nation and many people didn't take everything in it literally. The "Address to the German Nation" by Fitche was more self-consistent and although he too called for Jews to leave Germany, this idea that Germans and Jews could in no real way cooperate together in a nation goes back before the time of Kant. Hegel and Nietzsche were read by Nazis, although they defended Jews. So the whole issue is rather complicated and it's hard to pass judgments on times we can't fully understand. What we can pass judgment on is murder, which Christians say God can and does command and which Heidegger's rejection of Christianity did not support
  • 180 Proof
    Apparently historical and cultural context is lost on you. Like trumpers, for whom racist disparagement of Mexicans in 2015, bleat "fake news" about migrant children caged at the US southern border.
  • Gregory

    That's our era. You can't judge things that happened 100 years ago except for violence and murderous acts. Other things are too easily misunderstood. Even nowadays we need to have a certain amount of understanding for Christians who defend old testament genocide. If they actually kill someone, no then we don't have any more sympathy
  • 180 Proof
    :razz: My 'hermeneutic circle' is bigger and obviously more virtuous than yours!
  • Ciceronianus
    He did not openly support Nazism after they started murdering people.Gregory

    He remained a member of the party until the end of the war in 1945, but perhaps you don't think being a member of the Nazi party constitutes support.
  • Gregory

    It constitutes not being strong enough to condemn the war, but Heidegger didn't know about the concentration camps until they revealed by the Allies
  • Valentinus
    Can you cite the passages that call for murder of Jews? That work was clearly a hysterical attempt to unite a nation and many people didn't take everything in it literally.Gregory

    Does the following count as such a passage?:

    To me equally plain was the significance of physical terrorism toward the individual and toward the masses. Here too was exact calculation of psychological effect.
    Terrorism on the job, in the factory , in the meeting hall and at mass demonstrations will always be successful unless equal terrorism opposes it.

    Then indeed, the party screams bloody murder, and - old despiser of state authority that it is - yells for help from that quarter, in most cases only to gain its end after all in the general confusion. That is to say, it finds some jackass of a high official who, in the silly hope of making the dreaded enemy perhaps more kindly disposed some day, helps to break down the adversary of this universal pestilence.

    The impression of such a success on the great man of both adherents and and antagonists can be be realized only by a man who knows the soul of a people not from books but from life. While its partisans regard it as triumph of right for their cause, the beaten opponent usually despairs of any success for any future resistance.

    The better I learned to know the methods of physical terrorism in particular the more did I beg the pardon of the hundreds and thousands who succumbed to it.

    That is the thing for which I am most profoundly grateful to that period of suffering; it alone gave me back by my people, and I learned to distinguish the victims from the deceivers.
    — Hitler, published by Stackpole
  • Constance
    He unapologetically supported murderers and antisemites and fascists. Again, The Dasein was Hitler-compatible ... And even after the war Heidi had to be "de-nazified". :shade:180 Proof

    That wasn't Heidegger's fault. He was unapologetic, but then it wasn't Heidegger ran the death camps. Essentially what Heidegger haters are saying is that they don't like Nazis. You don't really look at Heidegger at all.
    Dasein Heidegger compatible? So is the British monarchy. So is American manifest destiny. Are you serious?
  • 180 Proof
    Apparently, you're not serious.
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