• Michael
    I'm surprised a surprise shot didn't kill an officer.fdrake

    Also they haven't clarified if the person shot dead was the person shooting at them.
  • fdrake

    The article you linked suggested as such, no? It's ambiguous whether the officers heard gunfire and shot someone unrelated to it, or whether they actually shot the person who shot at them. From the statement and subsequent investigation into "parties of interest", it seems like the officers did not know who shot at them and shot into a crowd of otherwise fleeing protesters.
  • Baden

    Yes, the "returning fire" excuse doesn't hold much water if they decided to shoot randomly at protesters, which is what I suspect happened as they would have likely said otherwise if not. Of course, the double-speak and excuse-making will start now in that case. There's video going to come out anyhow so a clearer picture of what actually happened will emerge soon, I guess. E.g. if protesters or provocateurs did fire on police for no other reason than them clearing the crowds, they're going to be primarily responsible for whoever died.
  • Streetlight
    @ssu: I mentioned earlier that police terror in the US is a matter of social policy. One further observation in support of this: simply consider the difference in the magnitude of state mobilization between COVID and this. For COVID, the American State barely lifted a finger - in fact fumbled with every excuse possible in order not to lift a finger, save for bailing up the richest strata of society. That's the abdication of social provision I mentioned. For this, you're seeing massive State mobilization on a scale unseen since ... I don't know. I don't know what this compares with.
  • Marchesk
    Latin Kings and two other gangs are protecting business in Chicago from looters. Even texted the police to tell them no need to come there.

    That's so awesome!
  • Marchesk
    Dennis Rodman wants the destruction to stop in favor of peaceful protest. But by all means, ignore what black people want.

  • Streetlight
    Heh, it's like when the Brazilian favela drug gangs had to enforce social distancing because Bolsonaro was too inept and kept (and keeps) not giving a shit about the murder of his own population. Imagine if that was a developed country lik... oh.
  • Streetlight
    Ah yes, Dennis Rodman. The black person who can stand in for all black people. They're all the same after all. Just metonyms of each other. That's how it works, right?
  • Michael
    Dennis Rodman wants the destruction to stop in favor of peaceful protest. But by all means, ignore what black people want.Marchesk

    A lot of the people who are engaged in the riots are black people, so clearly Dennis Rodman doesn't speak for what all black people want.

  • Marchesk
    I've only posted like 10 different black people asking for peaceful protests.
  • Streetlight
    Woah 10 different black people.
  • Marchesk
    A lot of the people who are engaged in the riots are black people, so clearly Dennis Rodman doesn't speak for what all black people want.Michael

    Sure, nobody does. Question is do a majority of black people protesting, or black leadership involved in protests want a peaceful approach?
  • Marchesk
    Woah 10 different black people.StreetlightX

    Better than just posting some socialist/anarchist justification. You'e not even American.
  • Baden
    Trump stooges attacking "the enemy of the people" again.

  • Streetlight
    You'e not even American.Marchesk

    Thank the Lord.
  • Michael
    Sure, nobody does. Question is do a majority of black people protesting, or black leadership involved in protests want a peaceful approach?Marchesk

    Yes, I think they do, but they don't speak for the minority of people who don't think that a peaceful approach will work.
  • Brett
    This is not a philosophy forum. What a joke. You’ve all fallen into the same hole.
  • Michael
    This is the politics and current affairs section. We don't expect the same kind of rigorous arguments that are expected in the philosophy topics.
  • unenlightened
    I've only posted like 10 different black people asking for peaceful protests.Marchesk

    Why would you think that anyone thinks that black people favour violence?

    Where does the violence come from? where did it begin? (hint: knee on neck until dead.)
  • Marchesk
    Why would you think that anyone thinks that black people favour violence?unenlightened

    Indeed, so don't argue for it on their behalf.
  • Streetlight
    Ahhh Beau is Bae. He's like my zen space of the internet. I could listen to him talk for hours.
  • Brett
    This is the politics and current affairs section. We don't expect the same kind of rigorous arguments that are expected in the philosophy topics.Michael

    Why’s that?
  • Baden

    Thanks for introducing him to me. :up:

    Having said that, there is still some pretty good analysis to be found here considering what an emotive topic this is. What's your contribution been, @Brett? If you think you have something philosophical to say, please say it. Complaining about people falling into holes is no better than the lowest quality stuff on here.
  • Brett

    That’s cheap baiting Baden.
  • Baden

    It's not baiting. There is some good stuff on here and your post was a low-quality complaint about low quality (a sweeping generalization). I don't doubt you can contribute, so go ahead.
  • Brett

    Your too smart for me.
  • Michael
    Your too smart for me.Brett

    * You're
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