• Punshhh
    How likely is that in the meantime? I haven't been paying much attention to that for awhile now.
    Yes it has gone quiet, I expect the SNP are giving all their time to the Covid crisis and biding their time regarding Brexit. In the knowledge that Johnson and Co are so incompetent that it will be a bad Brexit, which will fuel calls for Scottish independence. Johnson almost daily insults the Scotts and discriminates against them.

    To me it looks more likely by the day.
  • Chester
    Lol...I'm sure the EU has enough members that are complete economic wackjobs, what makes you think they want to add Scotland to the list ? I really hope Scotland switches from English "domination" to real German domination...most English would be happy to see the back of 'em, a weight off our shoulders.
  • Chester
    I'll make a prediction for you...the jocks will not vote to leave the UK in my lifetime...they are all talk and bluster. I hope they do leave but I'm afraid that they are too dependent on us (they benefit from the UK tax system at the expense of the English, we're by far their biggest export market and the rest of the UK supplies 90% of Scottish tourism)...most of them also know how useless the SNP is. It's a shame, but there you go.
  • Chester
    I make a prediction that the EU will buckle (I think they've already conceded on fishing)...they need treasure Island. If they don't ,even better, I want the UK to be far less dependent on the EU...they have never been our friends.They can carry on with their wilting dreams of socialist empire building .
  • Punshhh
    I'll make a prediction for you...the jocks will not vote to leave the UK in my lifetime...they are all talk and bluster. I hope they do leave but I'm afraid that they are too dependent on us (they benefit from the UK tax system at the expense of the English, we're by far their biggest export market and the rest of the UK supplies 90% of Scottish tourism)...most of them also know how useless the SNP is. It's a shame, but there you go.

    Here's your hypocrisy again. You assume the Scott's won't fall in behind nationalism, while people like you and most Brexiters did just that and you won't reconsider even while your country is going down the plug hole. They will do the same especially when a Johnson keeps sticking it up to them.
  • Chester
    But the SNP form of "nationalism" is bat shit crazy...you will end up being a tiny cog in a big franco-german machine rather than a big cog in the back of the English lol.

    Modern nationalism is different...it's not like your leftist internationalism, it doesn't seek to expand in the form of empire (like your leftism) and modern nationalism is intensely democratic (again unlike your leftism).
  • Punshhh
    Not only are you hypocritical, you're topsy turvy.
    "Modern nationalism is intensely democratic"
    That's actually the opposite of the reality. You really have fallen for the populism hook line and sinker.

    Do you think that hoodwinking the population to vote for a hidden agenda against their interests is democratic? I suppose Trumpism is incredibly democratic too!
  • Tim3003
    I see there are Tory rebels who cannot share the govt's hypocrisy over the immigration bill, and its lack of financial help for foreign care-workers and NHS support staff. Populist Patel predictably takes the view that the Brexit vote's anti-immigration mandate is the greater force than the realisation Covid-190 has brought that care workers are underpaid and the whole care sector depends on immigration.
    Those of us with a brain have long known that any new immigration system, whatever it sets out to do (or pretends to), will result in zero reduction in immigration. All those nasty incomers came here to do vital jobs that the Brits considered too low paid to bother with. The immigrant pay floor of ~ £25k p.a. is already starting to look laughably stupid, simply barring some of those the country needs.
  • Punshhh
    Yes, those dastardly Eastern Europeans stealing our jobs and benefits at the same time.

    Nice U turn though, Johnson had no choice, it wasn't a change of heart. When he announced it he used exactly the same language as he used yesterday when he said that the levy was vital to maintain the funding for the NHS.

    About the care home debacle, Therese Coffey blamed the scientists the other day, then she was slapped down from Downing St the next day. The classic Trumpian sleight of hand. Which ever way the dice falls on that one they can claim they made the right call.

    It's like shouting heads and tails when the coin is tossed so you called the right side when it lands.

    Even Yesterday in parliament it's remarkable how people can still appear to take anything the government says seriously. It's engrained I think.

    Clarity and leadership.

    Common sense.
  • Tim3003
    Even Yesterday in parliament it's remarkable how people can still appear to take anything the government says seriously. It's engrained I think.Punshhh

    That's the advantage of being in power. Even when you talk utter rubbish like Trump everyone has to take you seriously and respond as if you know what you're talking about.

    Yes it has gone quiet, I expect the SNP are giving all their time to the Covid crisis and biding their time regarding Brexit. In the knowledge that Johnson and Co are so incompetent that it will be a bad Brexit, which will fuel calls for Scottish independence. Johnson almost daily insults the Scotts and discriminates against them.Punshhh

    Early on in the Coronavirus pandemic Sturgeon was reading off the daily figures and news at her briefings and looking impatient and bored, as if she wasn't interested in the whole thing. When the opportunity of the Scots diverging from Westminster policy arose she seemed to get her mojo back and now seems to be enjoying flexing her muscles again. Strange that..
  • Punshhh
    Well if I had to sing from the Johnson government hymn sheet, I expect I would be impatient and bored.
  • Changeling
    What will it take for Dominic Cummings to be removed?
  • Chester
    It seems that the real story behind the DC debacle is emerging. Underlings within government were attempting to extend the Brexit transition period (obviously with the aim of keeping us within the EU's orbit for ever) whilst Johnson and Cummings were ill...Cummings put a stop to their treachery and this is why they are using their friends in the msm to attack him now. It looks like their attempt at a coup has failed...and most British people couldn't care less whether Cummings pushed the limits of lockdown rules...because most of us are already sensible enough to be doing that too.

    We have a leftist deep state in the UK too it seems...drain the swamp Boris!
  • Chester
    That ends up being the left's answer to all the problems it is incapable of fixing...that's why anyone with a brain despises the leftist scum that crawl out of Western universities and infiltrate the establishment.

    The left is now the establishment , the establishment the enemy of the people.
  • Changeling

    Petition for Dominic Cummings to be sacked
  • Chester
    Lol, surprising how many labour party members , students, union members and other assorted morons there are...none of whom matter because they never vote Conservative!
  • Chester
    Watching the press conference with DC, he's pissing all over them and their 6th form questions. The British media really are a pathetic bunch...hopefully he'll punish them in time...do away with the license fee for the bbc would be a great start. Let some time pass ...revenge is a dish best served cold after all.
  • Benkei
    Yeah, because I was being totally serious. The fact you reacted seriously to it says a lot. :rofl:
  • Changeling
    A bullet?Benkei

    But seriously you might be right. There's too many fucking idiots like @Chester around in the UK (mainly England) at the moment.
  • Punshhh
    But Chester is using his common sense, this is the new government policy. The common sense thing to do like what Dominic Cummings did is to bend the rules to suit your own situation. All those people who did what they were told and stayed at home are morons. Cummings is now telling them by example to break the rules.

    I went to Southend today, I was surrounded by morons, using their common sense, it was scary.
  • Changeling
    aren't you too good for Southend, being from North Norfolk?
  • Chester
    There's an old British saying..."Many a true word spoken in jest" . You weren't really joking were you.
  • Chester
    If it wasn't for the English the Scots would now be living in a socialist hell hole ruled over by a Franco-German empire lol. Thank God for the natural , sensible , conservative leaning of the English...the jocks will thank us later...once the morons realise that Braveheart wasn't real lol.
  • Chester
    The British population tends not to blindly obey rules, it's part of our nature...I think Cummings knew that when these rules were applied . We are not like Swedes who wait for the green man light to let them cross the road, we are not like the Germans who obey the strong leader when he bans jews from park benches...we are different from them , we believe in the rights of the individual to push the boundary of rules which are very often crass and badly thought out. I think many of the lockdown rules were there to be broken, it is obvious that we have to build an element of herd immunity.

    For leftists it is different, they tend not to be as bright as they think they are, they follow rules like the drones they are, and point the finger like little Stasi slags when someone breaks the rules who they don't like. .
  • Chester
    "Punshhh aren't you too good for Southend, being from North Norfolk?"

    ...and there you see the real face of the left...the left despises the working class.
  • Changeling
    it's annoying because I have an old friend from school who sometimes talks a bit like you... how can I still remain friends with him if he acts all weird and xenophobic and keeps banging on about 'the left'?
  • Chester
    One of my best mates is a bit of a lefty ...he's vegan and pretends to be hard left to his wife (who is hard left lol) ...but typical virtue signalling lefty that he is he's climbed quite a long way up the greasy pole of the multinational capitalist firm he works for...we generally get together to see a gig...less chance to talk, apart from taking the piss out of each other and reminiscing.

    When it comes to politics he's always been wrong...he's clever in many ways but politics ain't one of them lol.
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