• Rystiya
    How do our minds work?
    'The will to survive' drives our mind to react to external stimulations, just like animals. Things changed when a person becomes aware of himself when he is an infant. 'I exist and I’m observing the world. I am different from my body, and the world which is being observed', this idea is 'self-awareness'. Self-awareness enlightens and delights each person like a shining sun. It enables us to joy for our strength and goodness, and to feel sad for our weaknesses and hardship. It let us become the only creatures aware of the fact that we are living in a chaotic and uncaring world, and thus have the motivation improve our living condition by learning, working and trading.
    Self-awareness generates 'the will to power', just like a sun emits light. 'I come to this world not to be enslaved by it, but to pursue meaning in it', this idea is the will to power. Here, ‘meaning’ is what makes us experience joy and peace instead of shame and regret when we confront our self-awareness, and ‘power’ is the ability to dominate our own purpose, lifestyle and fate. We label concepts which promote the pursuit of meaning as goodness and beauty, while label concepts which hinder the pursuit of meaning as evil and ugliness. The will to power enables a person to like goodness and dislike evil, to like beauty and dislike ugliness, to pursue strength, dignity and freedom. To follow and practice it is the fate of every human being, and no one can abandon it without hurting his own feeling. As a result, it makes us happier to admit the meanings we can achieve lacks quantity and certainty (like studying, working, having children) than to never pursue meaning (like keep playing computer games 16 hours a day).
    The will to power generates 'the force of life', just like the light brings energy. 'I shall protect what I love and destroy what I hate, so as to give my limited life meaning', this idea is the force of life. Here, it is important to notice that healthy love always points to concepts which promote the pursuit of meaning, while healthy hatred always points to concepts which hinder the pursuit of meaning. The force of life gives a person the strength to conduct good deeds and constructive work. It protects us from despair and the hate for life in times of busyness and hardship.
    While Nietzsche have a terrifying god called the will to power, I have a lovely and heavenly trinity goddess, named ‘self-awareness, the will to power and the force of life’ (I call them goddesses not because they have super natural power, but because I hope we can accept them as something valuable, beautiful and benevolent, despite the self-doubt and self-hate many of us might have accumulated in their lives)! They are just three simple ideas, yet they can be interpreted by an unlimited number of ways in different contexts, and an unlimited number of ideas can be derived from them. Everyone has these three great ideas (or ‘the trinity goddess’), although a person does not need to be aware of their existence. Nietzsche only knew about the will to power, which is not enough, because we can't understand her if we don't know about her mother and daughter! As a result, Nietzsche didn’t find out who she is, didn’t know how to find and strengthen her, and was unable to distinguish her from the desire to dominate others and the supposed power which dominates the universe.
    Self-awareness, the will to power and the force of life have inspired the creation of the concept of 'trinity'. Their similarities include but not limited to: ‘the son’ flow out of ‘the father’ and brings ‘the spirit’, while the will to power flow out of self-awareness and brings the force of life; ‘the father’ creates the world, while self-awareness let us be aware of our own existence; ‘the son’ brings salvation while the will to power lift our purpose of living to mere survival to the pursuit of meaning; ‘the spirit’ gave spiritual strength and comfort to people, and so does the force of life. Although my trinity goddess is not as powerful as the trinity god, they are real, understandable and perceivable. They shaped the mind of humanity, their existence is the best definition of 'being human', and instead of condemning any of us, they are always awaiting us to find embrace them like sleeping beauty.
    All our gods, idols and moral principles are the product of mistaken the three great ideas (or ‘goddesses’) in our minds for external entities. That explains why gods are spiritual and good (by humans’ standards), why they care about and similar to humans (in terms of moral standards, emotions and way of thinking), and why they can (at least seemingly) improve our spiritual conditions as we obey them, although they bring little physical benefits. As these three great ideas are the source of our internal goodness and strength, mistaken them as external entities or suppress them with materialism (which is not backed up by science) could cause lack of passion, lack of confidence, self-hate and other negative results in the long term.

    What’s wrong with us?
    As we have self-awareness, the will to power and the force of life, we should have a world where everyone is spiritually free and sincere. Something has gone wrong!
    Well, if a person suspects that he can't or didn't practice his will to power (by pursuing meaning), he will generate a feeling called 'guilt', which makes him lose the courage to confront his self-awareness! As the will to power comes from self-awareness, this further weakens his will to power, and strengthen his guilt. So at last, he has a self-worsening cycle of guilt and weakness! Guilt makes weakness, weakness makes more guilt... So sad! I call it 'cycle of weakness'.
    Cycle of weakness has disastrous effects on our mind. It hides self-awareness, weakens the will to power, and suppresses the force of life. It clouds the sun and poisons the soil, transforming our mind into a sunless wasteland.
    We still have self-awareness, though, so we feel bad about ourselves. We don't know how to change ourselves, and we have forgotten our will to power and force of life. We can only remember that we were happier and purer when we were a child. As a result, some of us (such as those guys with alt-right political opinions) pretend fighting against weakness by humiliating or hurting those who are inferior to them (sometimes only in their imagination). Some of us (such as those guys with alt-left political opinions) pretend to be strong by gaining a sense of moral or power superiority from unrealistic while seemingly glorious ideals. Some of us let idols like power, money, authority and rulers become their meaning of life. Some of us let others define the meaning of their lives at will by blindly devoting themselves to religions and ideologies.
    What Christians call ‘sin’, I call it cycle of weakness. It is the source of most, if not all of our spiritual issues. Christians believe that sin is separation from God, and I believe cycle of weakness is inability to confront self-awareness. Christians believe that sin made it difficult for us to recognize God, and I believe cycle of weakness made it difficult for us to find the trinity goddess, who are sleeping and waiting in the depth of our unconsciousness! They do have an important difference, though. While ‘sin’ sounds like ‘our faults and flaws’, ‘cycle of weakness’ is a difficulty or disease. The god of cycle of weakness is a black dragon named ‘Bahamut’, it blocks our self-awareness, bends our will to power and trample on our force of life. It is he who granted the dragon named ‘you should’ (mentioned by Nietzsche in his work) strength and influence, not the opposite.

    How to fix ourselves?
    Some people believe that their own feelings, desires and emotions are enemies which hinders their pursuit of meaning. They keep fighting against themselves, wasting their already weakened will to power in self-torture. Some people want to practice their will to power, even though they are unaware of its existence. As a result, they mistaken their will to power for external moral principles. Their remaining will to power says it's a bad idea to steal or kill, so they think the god (or something like god) says they shouldn't steal or kill! They try to make themselves and other people obey the principles they have 'found', and that makes their cycle of weakness even stronger and makes their will to power even weaker!
    So, what are the right things to do? Well, all we need is three virtues called liberty, goodness and straight.
    First, our strength is limited and our life is short. Yet no matter how a person is, his self-awareness always exists. Whenever he temporarily forgets his guilt and try to feel his own existence, the will to power (along with delight, comfort and dignity) will flow out of his self-awareness like a fountain. Therefore, self-awareness and the will to power are strong and reliable. The will to power is the source of our desire for goodness and meaning, while evil and weakness is nothing more than its decline. Therefore, the will to power is beautiful and lovely. If a person is aware of these facts, he will regain his courage to confront his self-awareness. Then his will to power will regain strength and his guilt will decline, which makes him feel joyful and peaceful. I call this 'liberty'.
    Second, if a person practices his will to power by doing something meaningful, he will gain healthy pleasure. Healthy pleasure gives us long lasting hope and happiness. When we confront our self-awareness, our healthy pleasure makes us feel as if everything in our life is beautiful and let us love ourselves (If this does not happen, it’s probably because a person does not think he did something meaningful from the bottom of his heart). If a person does something harmful to the pursuit of meaning regardless of his will to power, he can only gain unhealthy pleasure. Unhealthy pleasure can only give us short lived happiness. When such happiness is gone, it is replaced by negative feelings like shame, regret, emptiness, etc. When we confront our self-awareness, our unhealthy pleasure makes us feel as if everything in our life is hopeless, and let us hate ourselves. If a person is aware of the difference between healthy and unhealthy pleasure, he will thirst for the former and be tired of the latter. Then he will gain the internal motivation to practice his will to power, as well as keeping a clear mind and avoid being lost. I call this 'goodness'.
    Third, when a person is going to practice his will to power, the external world will hinder him with difficulties and mislead him with lies. Meanwhile, his will to power will give him a tendency to love good or beautiful entities and spirits, and despise evil or ugly entities and spirits. If a person accepts such righteous tendency like a worrier receiving a weapon, force of life will emerge within him, filling his mind with fresh energy and new ideas (If this does not happen, it’s probably because a person misunderstands the will to power). The force of life will help him defeat the difficulties and lies the external world throws at him! I call this 'straight'.
    What do I have here? I have an atheism version of 'faith, hope and love'! I believe that the effects which 'liberty, goodness and straight' and 'faith, hope and love' have on our minds are quite similar, although they sound totally different. For example, ‘feel our own existence and let the will to power flow out of self-awareness’ have similar effects with ‘worship Jesus as son of god’, ‘thirst for healthy pleasure and be tired of unhealthy ones’ have similar effects with ‘be hopeful about the heaven’; ‘receive the force of life and use it to overcome difficulties’ have similar effects with ‘let holy spirit fill your body and give you strength and healing’. A person who achieve 'liberty, goodness and straight' will become spiritually strong and pure, free of guilt and filled with the force of life. I call such people 'proto-overman'.
    By defeating a range of difficulties and lies and devoting himself entirely to the pursuit of meaning (which is god for Jesus), Jesus looks like a manifest of the will to power of man. When Christians accept, obey and love him, they either recovered their will to power, or replaced it with an artificial substitute, a 'prosthesis' called Jesus. That greatly relieved their cycle of weakness (or 'sin'), which made them so amazed and delighted that they can’t resist the temptation to honor Jesus as their savior! Such is the true nature of Christianity, and it does not matter whether Jesus is a god or not! They invented 'faith, hope and love' because it can benefit their minds just like 'liberty, goodness and straight' do. In fact, 'faith, hope and love' is nothing more than 'liberty, goodness and straight' plus a religious coating! That coating made it easier for spiritually ignorant people to understand and accept 'liberty, goodness and straight' so they can enjoy their benefits. It sounds like giving a child a pill covered with sweet coating.
    It should be noticed that while Nietzsche's ‘old testament overman’ might despise all Christian values, my proto-overman feels like an atheist-Christian, whose trinity god is replaced by trinity goddess, whose obedience is replaced by passion. Nietzsche seem to believe that those important guys are born with strong will, while the poor are born with weak will, and one can become one of his ‘old testament overman’ only if he is born to be so. I believe that by following the steps above, each person can greatly strengthen their will to power, gain the force of life and eventually become one of my ‘new testament superman’.

    How is this world?
    Our minds can only receive and process a limited amount of information. If a person walks around and do some scientific experiments, he can feel and analyze the external world based on the information he received through his sensory organs. If a person conduct meditation, he can feel a variety of life experiences which allow him to understand the state of his mind. What else can we sense and understand? Nothing!
    Then, there comes an issue. As the information we can receive and process is limited, we can never eliminate the possibility that all of them are wrong or faked! Can we know our life is nothing more than a dream created by demons or aliens? Can we know that we are not a group of aliens playing VR games, in which our true memory is temporarily hidden? Can we know other people in the world have their own consciousness, not just moving husks? The answer is: no, we can't. We can’t be certain about anything. We can't even be certain that we are currently thinking, as we know we were thinking in the last moment because we received the life experience generated by that process a moment ago, which could also be an illusion. Some people might believe their god is absolutely real, however their life experiences and religious texts, which convinced them that their god exists, could also be an illusion.
    In a world where there is absolutely no certainty, we have neither a reason to believe it’s real, nor a reason to believe it’s unreal; we have neither a reason to be sane, nor a reason to be insane; we have neither a reason to live, nor a reason to die; we have neither a reason to do good, nor a reason to do evil. We cannot find any meaning in this world, and anything we believe in has no foundation at all. If a person accepts such idea sincerely, all that he once believed in will be destroyed. Including his self-deception, common sense which he took for granted, moral principles which other people taught him, etc. Even the will to power won't save us, as it could also be an illusion.
    Actually, from the bottom of our hearts, we all know that the universe is uncertain and we won’t find any meaning in it by intuition. We don't want to accept this fact, we are afraid of this fact, so we accept religions, ideologies or philosophies, not because we are strongly convinced by evidence, logic and or life experiences, but because they claim that there is some kind of certainty and meaning in our lives (like ‘what we do will make a better society and we are destined to success’, or ‘God knows and dominates everything and he gives us meaning and purpose’)! Our fear is so strong that some of us refuse to give up their radical religion, ideology or philosophy, even if these opinions are ridiculous and they ask a lot from them, while some others keep lowering their acceptance standard for the definition of meaning as they are desperate to find one, to an extent that they end up accepting things like nationalism or animal protection as their meanings of life (They are not terrible, but we shouldn’t see them as the meaning of life). It can be said that the greatest and deepest motivation behind our search for faith and desire for knowledge is our fear of meaninglessness.
    I want to call those findings 'the Azathoth theory', provided that no one else have found them already. I believe that Lovecraft's dark gods are the best exhibition of our fear to uncertainty and meaninglessness. The Azathoth theory is 100 times better than Nietzsche's 'eternal return'. First, they both bring about nihilism, while the former is way more convincing. After all, we have no idea whether the laws of physics we know dominates our minds, whether it dominates an infinite amount of time and space, whether it is constant and what is it exactly. There isn’t enough evidence to reasonably suggest that eternal return is real. Second, we tend to set different outcomes (such as experience peace, rise to heaven, be rich, be powerful) as meanings, purposes and what we desire, and that’s exactly how our mind works. As a result, not only we can’t find any meaning in a world of 'eternal return', it would also be extremely difficult for us to set new meanings inside it (Perhaps this one cause of Nietzsche’s madness). I can’t imagine how can the idea of eternal return contribute to our internal well-being, and I really dislike it.
    There is still hope, though. Although this universe has no meaning, it is still possible for us to set meanings for our lives and pursue them. Such is the only way to overcome the Azathoth theory. In movies, novels and animations, we often see characters face despair, adept to despair and then become even stronger. Such is the manifest of our unconscious desire to overcome the Azathoth theory. However, one cannot achieve this without first becoming an ‘overman’ (as Nietzsche have noticed).

    What should we do?
    For a proto-overman, accepting the Azathoth theory is the first step to become an overman. Accepting the Azathoth theory is dangerous for those who haven’t overcome their cycle of weakness, as they might fail to complete those steps mentioned below. One can refuse to believe the Azathoth theory though, he will not be sent to hell for that. However, as the knowledge humanity has grows, the Azathoth theory would become more and more obvious, and it would be almost impossible for us to refuse to believe it. I’m afraid that there would be a time (maybe 100 years later) when the majority of humanity has to face the Azathoth theory, either being consumed by nihilism or become an overman.
    First, a proto-overman who accepts the Azathoth theory will understand that he can't be certain about anything else. Although that could be painful, he is gifted with the ability to never be tired with this world and see all his experiences in a way as if they are all brand new. More importantly, he is now free to reanalyze and reevaluate everything and anything (as predicted by Nietzsche). When he begins to do so with the information he has at hand, his first finding would be that, it seems that he has self-awareness, the will to power and the force of life. The trinity goddess would be the only and the first, greatest and realest thing he would notice during his reanalyzing and reevaluation, and if they are not affected by all the destruction the Azathoth theory brought about. If he assumes that they are wrong, he cannot even think and act. He has no choice but to choose their existence as the first assumption to hold after accepting the Azathoth theory.
    Second, as the Azathoth theory destroyed all old beliefs, there is nothing prevents our proto-overman to experience his trinity goddess now. He becomes aware that the trinity goddess is the only ideas which are not destroyed by the Azathoth theory, and he can’t destroy them even if he tries to disbelieve them. In surprise and delight, he discovers that the three great ideas (or 'goddesses') is not something he believes in (although he does can believe or disbelieve their existence). Instead, they are what defines him, what makes him and powers him, what all his believes are based upon, and what his true-self is. Should they disappear, he as a human will cease to exist. When he says something like ‘control myself’, ‘be myself’, the three ideas are the omitted subject. Then, at that moment, our proto-overman is amazed and filled with hope and confidence. The Azathoth theory cannot frighten him anymore. He stops asking 'WHY affirm my life and assume the world I see is real'. Instead, he shouts 'WHY NOT affirm my life and choose to believe that the world I see is real?' At this moment, an overman is born. 'WHY NOT affirm my life and choose to believe that the world I see is real?' is the second assumption our overman will hold after accepting the Azathoth theory.
    Third, before our overman accepted the Azathoth theory, he tried to find meaning in this universe, and he failed miserably. Now, believing 'WHY NOT affirm my life and choose to believe that the world I see is real', he has the courage to accept uncertainty and the internal motivation to pursue meaning. He no longer needs to find absolute definitions of meaning or reasons to pursue it from external entities such as ‘God’ or ‘absolute truth’. As a result, he now has the option to set his meaning of life for himself. Such is how his suffering ends and new hope arises! I choose to set 'Let me and everyone else become stronger and happier' as the meaning of my life, as I can't imagine anything sounds more meaningful to me! You can set your meaning of life for yourself freely, too. But be careful, if you are insane and you set murder as the meaning of your life, other people might fight you for their meanings of life, such as 'to protect all that I love'! It's a good idea for an overman to choose this as the third assumption to hold after accepting the Azathoth theory.
    When this is done, an overman would be able to experience, explore, understand and pursue meaning in this world freely and passionately regardless of its uncertain and meaningless nature. He have little guilt and plenty of curiosity, just like a child new to this world.
    As you can see, the Azathoth theory brings new life along with destruction. All that we believe in just like a building. This building is in a poor state, as it has no firm foundation beneath it (thanks to the Azathoth theory), while self-deception, moral principles and other stupid ideas weaken it from within. The Azathoth theory will push it down, break it apart and wash it away like a big flood. Although this is a destructive process, it will also expose the trinity goddess from mud and rubble, a firm foundation on which a taller, more beautiful and more flood-resistant new building could be built.
    Now I have a prophecy: the god of nihilism, Azathoth, will soon descend upon our spirit realm like a giant asteroid. It will burn the earth, block the sun and freeze the air. What that we once believed in are like dinosaurs. All of them will die of hunger, darkness and coldness, and their bodies will cover the earth like carpet. Although they once ruled the spirit realm, fossils would be the only thing they leave behind. Azathoth’s abominations, such as cults, drug taking and fascism, will rampage across the realm, bringing chaos and despair wherever they go. Even the trinity goddess of self-awareness, the will to power and the force of life won’t be able to stop Azathoth. However, as the realm lies in ruins, the trinity goddess will conceive a new god: ‘the god of affirmation’. Pure, brave and newborn, the god of affirmation is both a lovely little boy and a mighty warrior. He will protect the trinity goddess, absorb and purify Azathoth, and fill the spirit realm with life again!

    What would be the outcome?
    An overman (as defined above) is the slayer of nihilism, he defeats nihilism by embracing it. His faith is the truth of the world he sees, his strength is his trinity goddess, and what he loves is the life of human-beings. An overman is a paladin of humanism, self-awareness is his power armor, the will to power is his burning sword, the force of life is his energy shield, and the affirmation of life is his holy banner. He combines the strengths of Christians, Nietzsche’s ‘old testament overman’, as well as animation characters, while having none of their weaknesses.
    An overman will not feel guilt. However, he will not do something evil such as hurting or dominating others, as he does not have cycle of weakness which motivate him to do so, as he understands that is not what he truly wants and enjoys.
    An overman loves himself, yet he is not selfish. He loves himself because he understands and realizes the awesome potential of humanity, which also makes it natural and logical for him to love others.
    An overman will not value action over ideas, as he knows how important it is to find and pursue meaning. He might have some kind of conversation with himself, like ‘What am I thinking?”, “Is that really what I want?’, as his lack of guilt made it easier for him to conduct introspection freely.
    For an overman, there is nothing more important than his trinity goddess, as he understands that they are what lifted him from an animal to an overman, what he actually is. He might enjoy walking, travelling, listening to music or other activities which enables him to experience their existence.
    If an overman has a lover, he/ she might come up with ideas like: 'My life is great, so does his/hers, so it must be a great thing for us to be with each other and create new life together! I don't know how did I come to this world, nor do I fully understand it. However, I appreciate what he/she has brought to me and I'm glad to meet him/her in this world!'
    If an overman is about to die, he/she might come up with ideas like: 'I have fought for my trinity goddess by pursuing meaning in this meaningless world. I have protected what I love and fought against what I hate. If such is the end of my life, then I shall rest in peace, free of guilt or regret'.
    If I need to give a cartoon image to my overman, I will choose a lovely little boy or a pretty school girl, instead of some kind of genetically modified super soldier.
  • Artemis

    Sheesh, even Nietsche knew to call it the "über-human."
  • Rystiya
    You mean my overman looks too perfect to be realistic?
  • Artemis
    You mean my overman looks too perfect to be realistic?Rystiya

    I mean your overman is stuck in antiquated diction.
  • Rystiya
    You mean ‘overman’ is outdated translation? Well, I’m not a native English speaker and ‘overman’ is what google translate tells me to translate that word to.
  • Artemis
    Well, I’m not a native English speaker and ‘overman’ is what google translate tells me to translate that word to.Rystiya

    Oh, I see. I take back my snark then :wink:

    For future reference, "man" means human male. An antiquated use is to use it to refer to all humans (and some really obstinate types still do). But generally people now just say "human" or "person" to refer to, yknow, "humans" and "persons."
  • NOS4A2

    Well, the common rebuttal to the claim “We can’t be certain about anything” is, how are you so certain?
  • praxis
    Let's face it, it's an overmans world.
  • Rystiya
    We can’t be certain about anything in this world, and that is not something in this world.
  • Rystiya
    Or perhaps I should say that I’m not certain about ‘we can’t be certain about anything’ , because if concerts like ‘certain’ ‘we’ do not make sense, then this sentence also does not make sense.
  • Rystiya
    You say this as if an overman’s world is a terrible one. I suppose my overman does not seem to be harmful?
  • tim wood
    For future reference, "man" means human male. An antiquated use is to use it to refer to all humans (and some really obstinate types still do). But generally people now just say "human" or "person" to refer to, yknow, "humans" and "persons."Artemis

    Generally, maybe, should most people often and so forth, but Nietzsche no doubt meant man.
  • Artemis

    As a German speaker, let me point out that he did specifically call it the "Übermensch" and not "Übermann." Mensch is human and Mann is man in German. And since German has the same history of human/man usage I described above in English, I think he probably used "Mensch" purposefully.
  • Deleted User
    How does our minds work?Rystiya

    The first step to achieving ubermenschhood is to master subject-verb agreement. Begin with a profound contempt for those who have not mastered it.
  • Rystiya
    Well, I should not have relied so heavy on Microsoft word to find my errors
  • god must be atheist
    Grammarly. That is the software to clear up the snags and traps of English. I use it to smoothe out the mistakes in all my commands before uttering them to Killer. Killer is Rottweiler-Chihuahua mix.
  • Rystiya
    Anyway, I should not have relied entirely on it
  • god must be atheist
    Mensch is humanArtemis

    In Yiddisch, too. Rabbi Rubinstein wrote a rebuttal, little known and soon forgotten after publication, to Nietzsche, with the title "Meschugenes Ubermenschchen", which means in Enlish, translated loosely, "Loco little Overperson".
  • god must be atheist
    Mensch is humanArtemis

    Hence the English proverb, "To err is human." Becase humans (Menschen) are nature's biggest mistake.
  • Deleted User
    Well, I should not have relied so heavy on Microsoft word to find my errorsRystiya

    Haha, I was just teasing. :grin:
  • Rystiya
    How can humans, the only being capable of distinguishing right and wrong, see themselves as a mistake? That sounds ridiculous to me.
  • god must be atheist
    "to err is human" is an English proverb. Formed by thousands of years of folk wisdom. Ask them why they made such a ridiculous proverb.
  • Nils Loc
    How to become the Alphamensch?

    You need to take risks, become physically strong, eat more meat, quit your cubicle job, learn to bow hunt, start testosterone doping and start a podcast.
  • Rystiya
    Of course I know everyone makes mistakes. I was speaking against the idea that “Becase humans (Menschen) are nature's biggest mistake.“
  • tim wood
    No doubt. But I doubt that he was thinking women. Perhaps humanity, but as a man. I don't think feminism was on his radar. And too, "man" often enough meant everyone, when everyone was meant. It's not what you want to retro-read into him, or think he should have said, but what he did say and meant.
  • Rystiya
    Perhaps he hate women because his pursuit of partner was very unsuccessful.
  • Pussycat

    Man shall be trained for war, and woman for the recreation of the warrior: all else is folly. — Nietzsche

  • Rystiya
    Well I can’t make any sense of it. Perhaps he rely entirely on intuition, which could be affected heavily by emotions? I’m not sure.
  • Pussycat
    What's to say of him, in other parts, he speaks differently of women. Maybe in his works, one can find every possible thought expressed, I doubt he had any convictions, but was immersed in contradictions, being their king. An explorer of thoughts was he, trying to sell contradictory remarks to the highest bidder, without there being any buyers though. A chameleon changing his colours, a liar and a thief, a knave, of all trades, robbing people of their peace of mind, well he was finally thrown off the sinking ship, as was his karma, ha!

  • Artemis
    It's not what you want to retro-read into him, or think he should have said, but what he did say and meant.tim wood

    Nietzsche is famous for having strongly mixed opinions on women and their potential. So, based on that and on his particular, and for the time uncommon, choice of the neutral term, I'd say your claim that he meant purposefully to exclude women is as much, if not more, "retro-reading into him."
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