• Daorley Downy
    Hello all, and hello my moderator,

    My name is Daorley Downy and I am a 67-year-old Christ Conscious "wise" fool living in the Philippines. The reason I'm "reaching out" in this way is because I have a lot to give but I have recently realized I am too isolated, and it's not good for me, as we are all essentially social beings. WARNING about me, right away -- I'm completely honest and open about everything. It doesn't concern me what folks think of me; I'm not out here to please anybody; and I'm quite polite, and if anyone had the courage or whatever to face me in person, they would find me one of the nicest people they ever met, because even though I have been cranky of late, I feel obliged to be kind to anyone who can "take me". I HAVE BEEN BANNED from two philosophy forum sites about 12 years ago, but I was accepted on a couple of others. The reasons for my being banned before are likely these: I am a Qualitative Number philosopher (have been for 48 years; I obtained Number from the corrupt Kabalarians, and have never been a core member because I sensed their hypocrisy and mediocrity when I got into the organization at 19 years of age. I basically got out of the K's and stopped paying dues years before the monster Ivon Shearing was caught by police, and I severed any connection with them when the fiasco came out in the news, with some K's so disappointed they contemplated suicide. Twenty girls were sexually abused by the monster.). One moderator clearly objected that my ideas were not part of "real philosophy", which was implied to be the ideas of philosophers starting around Spinoza's time, to recent times. Which, quite honestly, is A CROCK. Philosophy has to go back ten thousand years or more to the time of ancient India; of course they still have some Number philosophy today, I believe connected with the yoga teachings, I don't really know or care. The Number guy Pythagoras was 600 BC, time of Plato too? who had an associate to whom is attributed "Happiness is impossible without Number" (I say this a lot). The K's teaching is not complete (mine is more complete), but it is the best that I know of for Number. The word "teach" is a misnomer that should ideally be removed from the dictionary. I do not "teach" myself, I just speak of my concept and people either are able to "learn" it or not. Also, I do not "teach" anything for money, which may make me UNIQUE in the world. The Kabalarians sin is in ASKING FOR MONEY for the Knowledge of Life that should be freely given to anyone who insists on having it without a fee. The story of the K's founder, who was also a child molester (pedophile, though) is tragic and fascinating, and if anyone here is bold enough to request this story, I will provide my theory on it with facts and premises. SECOND WARNING about me: (hehe, you ideally should just tell me to "f off" right away) because although I don't mind dialogue, I am not looking for answers or wisdom because I already have them, I mean ALL THE ANSWERS, and I'm not a loony here, it's just the truth. If any one here could actually "get me", their life would change. Once I had a creepy guy posting implying that he wanted my blood after I was crucified. He thought because I quote Jesus Christ somewhat that I actually wanted to "follow JC in everything". But the truth is, the story of Christ is fiction (his words of wisdom are not) in that no "wise" one could ever have been crucified because they were all underground people who didn't draw attention to themselves. I do get negative attention sometimes, but I could never be burned at the stake. My greatest protection is my Soul of Love, but my "physical barrier" of being a recluse behind a high walled property is helping me these days, because it is dangerous for me to be anywhere near evil people. Honestly, as always, my "alter ego" is the worst imaginable killer and I mustn't "tempt the devil" by being with any of those my alter ego would dispose of first. I could never actually kill anyone coz my Soul of Love has always prevented me from doing anything that would bring me the eternal damnation of a death angel. So I don't really "dialogue" so much as just present or share my concept, which is vast. I'm no doubt considered "crazy" when I talk about "THE ANGELS", the category names of which are what we are or our "moral levels". Realizing the angels is a manifestation of wisdom, and not really so safe to teach to people before they attain to wisdom, BUT I have decided these are desperate times and crazy things might be required. In any case, referring to angels (e.g. love angel and death angel are the 2 basic types, but there's much more I may carefully mention if I think it's fitting). SO, TO SUMMARIZE THIS INTRODUCTION without my whole life story, I say: If you guys (and 2 girls? 3?) have the courage to give me a chance and maybe just scratch your head or something, hehehe, I would be appreciative. I know my stuff is sometimes "intimidating" or "dialogue stopping", as in "WTF can I say to this?".But feel free to say anything you like, really, if I'm accepted here. I'm not out to try and brainwash or mind-control anyone; I had a critic that was afraid of me in that respect, sadly. Basically, IF YOU CAN TAKE ME without being sure you need to fire me off somehow to another planet, MY HAT WILL BE OFF TO YOU. I'm a comedian too, and my wife laughs at my jokes all day long. It helps keep me sane. But I also ideally need some interaction or whatever (a good kick in the teeth, as Scots say sometimes) with other humans, preferably really deep ones. Thanks for reading, and all the best to you all, Failing that, whatever your karma provides. (Gosh, I didn't know I was THAT clever!). Take it easy and don't get too puffed up, maties. Love and Truth, I'm out, Daorley.
  • Pattern-chaser
    I am not looking for answers or wisdom because I already have them, I mean ALL THE ANSWERS, and I'm not a loony here, it's just the truth.Daorley Downy

    Then, with all due respect and courtesy, why would anyone here bother to engage with you? You, knowing everything already, are not open to discussion or new ideas. Why would you be? You are already fully informed. So why are you here? This forum is for discussion, isn't it? :chin:
  • fdrake

    Please try to make your posts easier to read. The less of a wall of text it is the better. Also hello.
  • Blue Lux
    Well since you know the truth? What is Truth?
    And furthermore? How could you base an unequivocal knowledge of truth? And... If you can see the connection... How do you resolve the idea of all metaphysics presupposes an epistemology and all epistemology presupposes a metaphysics?
  • Jake
    The less of a wall of text it is the better.fdrake

    Casting my vote for this.
  • Sir2u
    Basically, IF YOU CAN TAKE ME without being sure you need to fire me off somehow to another planet, MY HAT WILL BE OFF TO YOU.

    I'm a comedian too,
    Daorley Downy

    So we should just take this as a joke?
  • 0 thru 9
    So we should just take this as a joke?Sir2u

    No, probably more like a one-off manifesto. Usually, when someone signs up and two minutes later posts a rambling screed, they are not heard from again. Unless (like me), they return and post more rambling proclamations. :smile:

    Who doesn’t cringe a little when someone says that they are completely honest about everything, and don’t care what people think of them? Often that lofty image PR is reduced to blunt argumentative assertions and image damage-control. But sometimes not... would like to be proven wrong.
  • Daorley Downy
    Thank you so much, angels. I LOVE a challenge, and your comments made me laugh heartily. I'm not really laughing at you or your comments (to do so is disrespectful, as we should always, at least initially, be taken seriously and listened to kindly). My laughter is really just because I am happy as -- for the first time in a long while -- I have the opportunity to possibly dialogue with or at least respond to others somehow ("No response is also a response"), as I have been suffering from isolation. Of course I may get tired of being with you -- ha ha ha -- just as quickly - ha ha ha ..... Of course I'm a joker, but also the deepest philsopher-prick you may ever "read". There's no need to take ourselves seriously; we are all serious enough without that egoistic bullshit.

    Pattern-chaser: I like your challenging question and think it deserves an answer separate from this one.

    fdrake and Jake: You're right, sorry, it's been a while for me. No more of that. Readability is IMPORTANT.

    Blue Lux: no comment.

    Sir2u: Yes, the lower case middle part is my joke, elaborating upon how I know some feel about me. The serious part is in CAPS, and that's COMPLETELY HONEST, as I always am. Good Humor is a virtue which, if we do not have at least a bit of, we are virtually "dead though alive" in my view, and might actually be better off physically dead too. As you seem to resent humor, this is said not for you, but for others' possible greater clarity on and appreciation of the value of Humor, the approximate opposite of the sin of DEADLY SERIOUSNESS or DOURNESS.

    0 thru 9: I like your response -- ha ha ha -- implying I'm possibly a zombie talking out of my hat. My image may appear to be "lofty", but I myself am not either particularly self-aggrandizing, egoistic, proud or deluded, like many philosopher-frauds are. I am a fierce defender of morality amongst other things, and I could not have the understanding/forgiveness and Love of the "good" or "bad" angels if I was a self-absorbed virtual lunatic pretending to be a philosopher. In other words, I am humble, but not falsely so; such folks are looking to fool others for their own ends. I repeat that "I don't care what people think of me" because "people don't generally think deeply about anything"; but the main reason I say this is because as a "wise" fool I am perfectly secure in my concept of Life and the fact that I am growing, and, as long as I'm trying to "get out there" I'm doing my best and should have no remorse at my final breath. I appreciate your humble openness to the possibility that I might actually be what I say I am. All the best to you, dear angel. Daorley out.
  • All sight
    Drop all that mind reading. Whenever you hear yourself think, or have that sensation of "they'll think or feel this way" as an anticipation to any of your actions, and statements, deny it. Ignore it. Let the past die. Let the wounds heal.
  • 0 thru 9
    ha! You got the joke and answered the challenge. Good show! Rinse and repeat. Thanks for sharing. :up:
  • S
    I'm a comedian too.Daorley Downy

    I like your impression of a rambling crackpot with poor grammar.

    Welcome to the forum.
  • Daorley Downy
    Dear angels, I realized that my self-introduction was incomplete, so there's a lengthy part 2 of it coming up; might be a while (?).

    Angel Pattern-chaser [[ and to the attention of all angels AND last but not least the angel Moderator ]]: I am going to love the hell out of responding to you. I'm thinking of trying two different responses; the first, a concise one (fat chance with me!) with an impersonal, detached tone, like an ancient blind Chinese philosopher mumbling behind a screen; the second, I'm thinking should be addressed to all, and therefore should be as impersonal, objective and inoffensive (not possible!) as possible, as I sense that you have taken some offense at my words (which is inevitable for many including those who will remain silent) and may be on a "power trip" involving intolerance, politics and the attempted swaying of minds to believe I have no place here. I didn't say I was "fully informed" (which is relative to knowledge that virtually 'never ends'); I said I had "ALL THE ANSWERS" (i.e., the eternal and reliable answers to Life's greatest problems). The title "Introducing myself, a Christ Conscious "wise" fool" is just the truth, but many will have a problem with it; I can't help that. I'm in this world to be a shit disturber with the Truth. It's like my job, or natural calling; that is, I tell the Truth, mouths fall open in disbelief, etc. It's a good starting point for attracting those who will quickly reveal they have chosen to be my enemy. (I have no enemies, only angels who help me learn many things.) (With this, my preferred possibly inevitable banning is hastened, and any serious intolerance of me by any angels (including, crucially, the angel Moderator) becomes evident, effectively showing whatever degree of openmindedness or closedmindedness The Philosophy Forum has). Pattern-chaser, I sense from your bold questions and presumptuous assertions, that your earlier "with all due respect and courtesy" may not be sincere. I love such a challenge like this to dispassion and logic, and giving you all the chance to see a real philosopher at work (no offense to any who think they are real philsophers. If you feel insecure, it's natural.) I'm not concerned whether I'm accepted here or not; I have no desperation whatsoever. I'll just do my best until I'm banned; however, my possible banning might be revelatory for some of you, and that's all good. NONE OF YOU ANGELS should assume that my words here are an attempt at self-defense. On the contrary, self-defense is a waste of time and just a poor ego trip; it's what one's critic wants one to fall into, and only furthers greater imagined or real discreditation. As the Tao Te Ching relates, "No fight: no blame". OK, I realized I just gave the second answer, so here's the first:

    "The sage does nothing, yet nothing is left undone". (Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching). I will not interpret this unless a truly respectful angel asks me to. Time will tell whether I am "not open to discussion or new ideas". New ideas? "There's nothing new under the sun", and my concept includes all the ideas of any real value in the only potential but presently impossible healing and spiritual evolution of the "human race", which is, for the most part, the "inhuman race". Yes, I have no real diplomacy; speaking the Truth, regardless of its many horrific implications, is priority number one for me. The Beatles' line "All we need is love" is a well-meaning fallacy. However, I do need to be careful not to go overboard with Truth telling, as it is a possible and occasional cruel perversity of mine; further, most of us are not looking for Truth, but just want something comforting we can figuratively "dream on with and remain asleep". That concludes my "two responses".

    All sight: Our thoughts are all we really have to go by. For those who wish to evolve, they are our current place from which to do so. To ignore them is to try and make one's mind blank, which can't be done anyway, and it's being unkind to one's Self to try. If we do judge our thoughts to be inferior, we can also judge others unfairly. I told Chris Evans (actor playing Captain America) on YouTube that his "shushing himself" or "saying shh" to what he called his "brain noise" is illogical and proof of his mental illness (which he bravely talked about in a video). His lack of self-confidence, attempted "self-suppression", anxiety, control issues and fear of losing control are caused by his unbalanced Numbers from his names.

    0 thru 9: Glad I passed your test. You're welcome.

    Sapientha: "poor grammar" -- not likely. "Crackpot" in others' views -- inevitable. Thank you.

    Love and Truth, I'm out, Daorley
  • S
    Hi there, Doarley Downy! (And all of the ANGELS and of course the ANGEL Moderator). Sorry if my last response seemed a little sarcastic, that's just so me! (People tell me that I'm SARCASTIC, but I don't really think I'm that sarcastic TBH, I'm just quirky and Loving Life, haha). Anyway I wasn't on a "power trip" or anything, I was just being a Wise Fool and all of that. I didn't mean to be one of those Shit Disturbers. But hey ho! Nevermind. (I love it when people say "Nevermind", it reminds me of that album by Nirvana, you know the one, but I forget what it's called). That was a joke there BTW! I was just joking, because I'm funny like that. People tell me I'm a comedian all the time, like that moderator twelve years ago, before I got banned, and I know I'll be banned from here too (ANGEL MODERATOR! Ah, no, don't get me! LOL). That was another joke, haha. Anyway I'm rambling, but don't worry, I'll add a "paragraph" in a minute or two, because me know good grammar, unless I'm banned before I get that far! (No, please don't Angel moderator!). Just kidding. I like philosophy because I'm a real philosopher, unlike those of you who are all rational and express themselves clearly and on point and all of that JAZZ. Eurgh! Boring. I'm just here to Love Life and ramble on about stuff in a weird erratic off-kilter kind of way. Who needs the Truth? Not me! I know everything anyway, lol! And especially all of the spiritual energy nature stuff. And Numbers. Thank you. And ALL CAPS.

    Love and Truth and Wellbeing and Positive Energy, peace out, Sapientia.
  • Sir2u
    As you seem to resent humor, this is said not for you, but for others' possible greater clarity on and appreciation of the value of Humor, the approximate opposite of the sin of DEADLY SERIOUSNESS or DOURNESS.Daorley Downy

    So that proves it, you don't know everything. I have no resentment of humor, I actually love it.
  • Hanover
    I HAVE BEEN BANNED from two philosophy forum sites about 12 years ago, but I was accepted on a couple of others.Daorley Downy

    I anticipate you'll be banned here too, largely because you ramble and have nothing intelligent to say.
    WARNING about me, right away -- I'm completely honest and open about everything.Daorley Downy
    Me too.
  • Baden
    I anticipate you'll be banned here too, largely because you ramble and have nothing intelligent to say.Hanover

    We'll have to ban angel Sapientia first I think. :sad:
  • Daorley Downy
    Hi angel Sapientia,

    You're interesting, no question. Hope you enjoy my new thread piece, "Sapientia's letter re "3" quality (a risk). It was fun to do.

    Take it easy, wild one, I'm out, Daorley

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