• InternetStranger
    The low-brow modern Professoriate of our elite institutions, and semi-elite, as has much been noticed of late, lacks not only education, but, more decisively, supervision. And yet the young are put in their hands, and made to, trained to, go out into society for the next thirty or forty years, with excessively nasty habits in the depths of their bodies and souls, burning in them, who are made into incessantly barking terriers (molded for life). Ergo, more than anyone else, small claques called departments are destroying human society. For instance by educating the young to be as racist as is possible under the notion that all discrimination must be resolved. Such is the teaching confected in our dear Sociology departments. The notion that the young are not sufficiently racist, but must become more keenly aware of ethnicity, and of 'race', that this must become part of daily interactions as rapidly as possible. This creates the spontaneous support for countless experiences which would not have existed without the training. Not just of their own, but of all who come into contact with them, the views, like those in the past of Social Darwinism, generated by such like as the founder of the University managing the Tuskegee experiments, Booker T Washington, and W. E. B. Du Bois, with his Darwinist Talented Tenth, the notion of a natural elite of the cream of each ethnicity, or of Oliver Wendell Holmes celebration of the sterilization of the disabled, are destructive of the lives of whole countries. And yet these criminals remain happily hidden under their desks.
  • Janus

    Vacuous polemics. Why don't you try to come up with something less somniferous?
  • InternetStranger

    It's not vacuous. It's damn serious.
  • Maw
    "I don't like professors teaching about the facts of race history, so these people should be thrown in jails."
  • InternetStranger

    Wrong. That's not the issue, but an idiotic burlesqued "history" of what I wrote.
  • Janus

    Right, and you've been divinely appointed to do something about it! Televangelism has migrated to another medium.
  • InternetStranger

    You're so irrational you can't even read the post without inventing a caricature. Pitiable.
  • Janus

    I didn't need to invent it, the post is already a caricature.
  • InternetStranger

    You're mistaken, it is very rational. And serious.
  • 0 thru 9
    The political or ideological leanings or inadequacies of certain professors is nowhere near the top educational problem in the USA. The public elementary and high schools are falling down. The teachers there are a step above prison guards in some schools. The vast majority don’t make it to universities.
  • Janus

    Well, that is your opinion, it seems, and you are entitled to it....
  • Baden
    Closed due to lack of philosophical content.

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