• Amity

    I missed this thoughtful reply.

    Si l'enfer c'est les autres, le paradis aussi.Olivier5

    Don't you just love being both? :halo: et :naughty:

    There are times I watch and listen to this. It calms me, even though I no longer can believe in any God... it's in Italy!

    Some humans can make a difference, even if they are called 'Saints'.

    Prayer of St. Francis,(Make Me A Channel of Your Peace) sung by Angelina, EWTN
  • Olivier5
    Don't you just love being both? :halo: et :naughty:Amity

    You know me well...

    I visited Assisi once but I know very little about St Francis, still.
  • Amity
    I visited Assisi once but I know very little about St Francis, stillOlivier5

    There was a time when I knew St Francis a little.
    And I would have given my eye teeth to visit Assisi...

    Andrea Bocelli Devil and the Angel
  • Amity
    Zucchero & Miles Davis - Dune Mosse

  • Olivier5
    I was somewhat less interested in ecclesiastic history when I visited Assisi than I am now. I remember the basilica was beautiful. A missed opportunity for my spiritual education I guess.

    Renaud wrote about his own two sides in the following song, implying that we are all part Dr Jekyll, part Mister Hyde. He has indeed two distinct styles: one ultra-sarcastic, and one very romantic.

    "Renard" means "fox". "Gainsbare" is a nickname for Gainsbourg's seedy side. Dominique is Renaud's ex-wife.

    Doctor Renaud, Mister Renard

    As there were Gainsbourg and Gainsbare
    There's Renaud and the Renard
    Renaud drinks only water
    While the Renard runs on Ricard.
    One side white, one side black
    No one is just ugly or beautiful
    Half angel, and half asshole
    That's what we gonna see...

    Renard is a hellish drinker
    Renaud is as sober as a sparrow
    When Renaud goes to bed
    Renard collapses in the gutter.
    Renaud is afraid of smoking joints
    Because they make you stupid
    Renard rolls them up just fine
    To blow away his skull.

    Renaud tries - it's his job
    To write nice little stories
    To touch his audience
    And amuse the kids.
    At the tip of his pen,
    Renard only finds clichés
    Dark thoughts inspired by gloom
    And paranoia.

    Renaud suffers all the ills
    Endured in this barbaric world
    He carries them
    Like a cross on his back.
    But the biggest injustice
    Only makes the cynic Renard laugh.
    He snides at this whole mess
    If the whole world would die tomorrow
    Renard would rather rejoice.

    Renaud chose the guitar
    And poetry and words
    As somehow ridiculous weapons
    To castigate all the bastards.
    Renard - it's his anarchist side
    Spits on all the ideals
    He can't care less
    For the most beautiful deed

    Renaud should be praised
    Because in love - and that his pride
    He is as tender as a lamb
    For one single story.
    Renard rubs himself against all flesh
    And only has one-night stands
    With the ugly and the cute
    Renard is quite the little pervert.

    As they both turned 50,
    Despair is growing and
    Renard is bound to take over Renaud.
    Today, he lost his love
    His beautiful Dominique
    She leaves the villain Renard
    But will always love Renaud.

  • Amity
    Renaud wrote about his own two sides in the following song, implying that we are all part Dr Jekyll, part Mister Hyde. He has indeed two distinct styles: one ultra-sarcastic, and one very romantic.Olivier5

    Thanks again for a wonderful song and translation of the lyrics.
    The story straight from the knowing heart and mind.
    How very human...our struggles without and within...

    'Dans cette chanson, Renaud évoque son combat contre l’alcoolisme.' - French wiki.

  • Olivier5
    In effect, Renard is Renaud's demon.

    The French text is much better than my translation, BTW. He writes in thick Parisian slang, and I learnt English in books. I don't speak any English slang.
  • Amity
    I was somewhat less interested in ecclesiastic history when I visited Assisi than I am now. I remember the basilica was beautiful. A missed opportunity for my spiritual education I guess.Olivier5

    I can't remember why I so wished to visit Assisi.
    Possibly steeped in a religious phase - when it felt good to be 'good' and bad when I was 'bad' ( drinking alcohol, having fun, being that devil).

    The tension between the different needs and wants.
    Who was I pleasing and why?

    Embarking on a pilgrimage of sorts...to find answers.
    That's what philosophy is good for.

    Glad to find and be part of it...
    It can be heaven or it can be hell.
    And that's quite all right :sparkle:
  • Amity

    Yes. Got that :cool:

    Edit: ah, you wrote more...

    The French text is much better than my translation, BTW. He writes in thick Parisian slang, and I learnt English in books. I don't speak any English slang.Olivier5

    I read the French lyrics and nearly posted them but I'm tired.
    All kinds of slang slung about. Makes life interesting...if confusing at times.

    Fais de beaux rêves...
  • Olivier5
    Not many folks would understand Renaud's verses here. It's not even standard French...

    This may be a bit easier to follow. Must be the only pop song mentioning Derrida.

    Je suis africain - Rachid Taha

    Je suis Africain
    Africain du Nord au Sud
    Je suis Africain
    Dedans comme dehors

    Je suis Africain
    Je n’ai pas le rythme dans la peau
    Je suis Africain
    Un albinos afro

    J’aime, j’aime l’Afrique
    De New York au Congo
    Dieu a la même peau

    Je suis Africain
    De Paris à Bamako
    Je suis Africain
    Du Fuji au Kilimandjaro

    Mandela ?
    Africain !
    La Kahina ?
    Africain !
    Malcom X ?
    Africain !
    Kateb Yacine ?
    Africain !
    Jimi Hendrix ?
    Africain !
    Jacques Derrida ?
    Africain !
    Angela Davis ?
    Africain !
    Frantz Fanon ?
    Africain !
    Lumumba ?
    Africain !
    Sankara ?
    Africain !
    Bob Marley ?
    Africain !
    Hampâté Bâ ?
    Africain !
    Aimé Césaire ?
    Africain !
    Rachid Taha ?
    Africain !

  • Olivier5
    Who was I pleasing and why?Amity

    God, maybe, or your vision of Him. Parents, often. Your self-esteem too, perhaps.

    There are worse saints than Francis, if you ask me. He is interesting as an early supporter of ecology and animal rights. Current pope Francis chose his papal name in reference to Francis of Assisi, for this very reason. St Francis is modern, in this sense, as the patron saint of ecology.
  • Amity
    Not many folks would understand Renaud's verses here. It's not even standard French...Olivier5

    Yes but still I wanted to post the words here. Perhaps to see how you derived the meaning...

    This may be a bit easier to follow. Must be the only pop song mentioning Derrida.Olivier5


    Just what I needed; a delightful release from reading the Guardian and politics.
    'Fantasmagorique' - word of the day :cool:

    Je n’ai pas le rythme dans la peauOlivier5
    I don't have rhythm in my skin ?
    It doesn't matter what skin you are in, we're all the same.
    We sing and dance to our own music...the rhythm of a pulsing life. Inside and out.
    Dedans comme dehorsOlivier5

    Dieu a la même peauOlivier5
    God has the same skin?
    Hmmm. God is human?

    Jacques Derrida.
    What's the African connection?

    Interesting set of characters in the video. Pretty sure I spotted Dr. Who...
  • Amity
    God, maybe, or your vision of Him. Parents, often. Your self-esteem too, perhaps.Olivier5

    Pleasing all of the above. Perhaps not getting to know and please myself...
    Do we ever?

    Current pope Francis chose his papal name in reference to Francis of Assisi, for this very reason. St Francis is modern, in this sense, as the patron saint of ecology.Olivier5

    Ah yes, I'd forgotten that. I am not a Catholic and don't have much time for Popes or Saints. But the kind spirit of the man, that's another thing altogether.
  • Olivier5
    Derrida was born in Algeria, I guess. Maybe also as a guru of post-colonial studies? Taha shouldn't be taken too seriously though, he liked to joke a lot.

    But the kind spirit of the man, that's another thing altogether.Amity

    That's what I meant. I'm not a catholic anymore, but I still like a few guys in that church.
  • Amity

    OK. Thanks for intro. How did you get to know him and his music?
    I am always intrigued by that and the endless surprises on this thread...
  • Amity
    That's what I meant. I'm not a catholic anymore, but I still like a few guys in that church.Olivier5

    'A few guys' :chin:
  • Olivier5
    I followed Rachid Taha's career since the beginning, always liked him. He was a bit lazy, never produced a lot of albums but he was a provocateur... He started with a cover of Douce France by Trenet, an ode to France, a monument of chanson française, that he orchestrated using North African instruments and musicians... That was funny, and also touching. He got a lot of airtime for that. He then did a few songs per decade, often with antiracism as a theme.

    A cover of Clash and another of his songs posted earlier.
  • Olivier5
    Ukraine is not yet dead, nor its glory and freedom,
    Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
    Our enemies will vanish, as the dew does in the sunshine,
    And we, too, brothers, we'll live happily in our land.
    We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
    And we’ll prove that we, brothers, are of Kozak kin.

    The lyrics constitute a slightly modified original first stanza of the patriotic poem titled "Ukraine Is Not Dead Yet," written in 1862 by Pavlo Chubynsky, a prominent ethnographer from the region of Ukraine's capital, Kiev. In 1863, Mykhailo Verbytsky composed music to accompany Chubynsky's text. The first choral performance of the piece was at the Ukraine Theatre in Lviv, in 1864. The song was first the national anthem of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Carpatho-Ukraine and later the independent post-Soviet Ukraine.

    Singing and performance of the song was banned when Ukraine became part of the Soviet Union in 1922.

    The official lyrics were changed slightly to say, "Ukraine's freedom has not yet perished, nor has her glory," instead of "Ukraine isn't dead yet, nor her glory or freedom," NationalAnthems.info says. Still, some online sites continue to use the "has not yet died," phrasing.
  • Olivier5
    In Europe and America
    There's a growing feeling of hysteria
    Conditioned to respond to all the threats
    In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
    Mister Krushchev said, "We will bury you"
    I don't subscribe to this point of view
    It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
    If the Russians love their children too

    How can I save my little boy
    From Oppenheimer's deadly toy?
    There is no monopoly on common sense
    On either side of the political fence
    We share the same biology,
    Regardless of ideology
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the Russians love their children too

    There is no historical precedent
    To put the words in the mouth of the president
    There's no such thing as a winnable war
    It's a lie we don't believe anymore
    Mister Reagan says, "We will protect you"
    I don't subscribe to this point of view
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the Russians love their children too

    We share the same biology,
    Regardless of ideology
    But what might save us, me and you
    Is if the Russians love their children too

  • Olivier5
    I would like to tell you, I would like to say
    That I knew that this would happen
    That things would go this way
    But I cannot deceive you,
    This was never planned
    I know that you're the right girl but
    Do you think that I am the right man?

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Too late, so deep, better run cause
    (but I don't wanna fall in love)
    Can't sleep, can't eat, can't think straight
    (I don't wanna)

    You say it's not a problem,
    You say it's meant to be
    But love is not an option,
    Our love is never free
    And things are not so easy,
    So cold and we've been burned
    I know that I'll have regrets but
    That's the price of one more lesson learned

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Too late, so deep, better run cause
    (but I don't wanna fall in love)
    Can't sleep, can't eat, can't think straight
    (I don't wanna)

    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Too late, so deep, better run cause
    (I don't wanna fall in love)
    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Can't sleep, can't eat, can't think straight
    (I don't wanna fall in love)
    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Too late, so deep, better run cause
    (I don't wanna fall in love)
    Right face wrong time, she's sweet
    (But I don't wanna fall in love)
    Can't sleep, can't eat, can't think straight
    (I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna)

  • 180 Proof
    day nine in ukraine ...

    :death: :fire:

    "When the music's over
    When the music's over, yeah
    When the music's over
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights

    When the music's over
    When the music's over
    When the music's over
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights

    When the music
    is your
    special friend

    as it intends
    is your
    only friend
    til the end
    Until the end
    Until the

    Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
    Send my credentials to the House of Detention
    I got some friends inside

    The face in the mirror won't stop
    The girl in the window won't drop
    A feast of friends,
    "Alive!" she cried
    Waiting for me

    Before I sink
    into the
    big sleep

    I want to hear
    I want to hear
    The scream
    of the butterfly

    Come back, baby
    Back into my arm
    We're gettin' tired
    of hangin' around
    Waitin' around with
    our heads to the ground
    I hear a very gentle sound

    Very near yet, very far
    Very soft, yeah, very clear
    Come today, come today

    What have they done to the earth, yeah?
    What have they done to our fair sister?
    Ravaged and plundered

    and ripped her and bit her
    Stuck her with knives in the
    side of the dawn
    And tied her with fences and


    I hear a very gentle sound
    With your ear down
    to the ground
    We want the world and we want it
    We want the world and we want it

    Persian night, babe
    See the light, babe
    Save us!
    Save us!

    So when the music's over
    When the music's over, yeah
    When the music's over
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights
    Turn out the lights

    Well, the music
    is your
    special friend

    as it intends
    is your
    only friend
    til the end
    Until the end
    Until the

    "When the Music's Over" (11:00)
    Strange Days, 1967 (2017 mono mix)
    The Doors

    NB:The Intro was inspired by Herbie Hancock's "Watermelon Man" (1962) ...
  • Olivier5
    The Black Carnival

    I dive upside down, attracted by ecstasy
    A green swirl illuminates the sirens
    The reflection of torches in turquoise vomit
    The most beautiful trip is the carnival
    The most beautiful trip is the carnival
    Oh, the carni...
    The carni...

    Yes, endorphins have gone up
    Drawing a bow in the night
    From the color of opiates
    Under the vault, I faint
    I'm pulling my head out of our
    Games, in which I see myself dead
    I am alone with the gold of the water
    Under the surface of the dawn
    I leave the comings and goings of souls
    On the other side of the diving board
    In the distance the reflection of the din
    From a carnival
    From a carnival becoming black

    The black carnival
    The black carnival
    The black carnival
    The black carnival

    The celestial circle drawn by screams
    My glasses fray the spectrum of fountains
    Eyes glued to the sky all faces shine
    The most beautiful trip is the carnival
    The most beautiful trip is the carnival
    Oh, the carni...
    The carni...

    Yes, endorphins have gone up
    On the other side of the diving board
    The color of opiates
    Of a carnival
    Of a carnival becoming black
    The black carnival

    In the distance, I see the black carnival
  • Amity
    Thanks for sharing :heart:

    Give A Little Bit - Supertramp
  • 180 Proof
    Keep on knockin' but you can't come in.
    I get to understand you been
    livin' in sin.
    But walk right in, woman,
    sit right down
    I will keep on lovin' you,
    I play the clown.

    "Bend Down Low" (3:21)
    Natty Dread, 1974
    Bob Marley and the Wailers


    "Keep A-Knockin (But You Can't Come In)'" (2:22)
    A-side single, 1957
    Little Richard :fire:


    oh, laurie, grrl ♡

    "Young Blood" (4:07)
    Rickie Lee Jones, 1979
    Rickie Lee Jones
  • Olivier5
    For the beauty of Giulietta Masina.

  • Tobias

    "A shadow is cast wherever he stands, stacks of green paper in his red right hand".

    I am thinking of the song in the context of radicalization, polarization, propaganda, the attraction of violence on anxious minds.
  • 180 Proof
    Day 27: Kharkiv, Ukraine ...

    "Goodbye Blue Sky" (2:45)
    The Wall, 1979
    Pink Floyd
  • Olivier5
    This one is for @Amity.

  • 180 Proof

    "Little Wing" (6:50) instrumental
    The Sky is Crying, 1991 (1984 unreleased)
    writer Jimi Hendrix, 1967
    performer Stevie Ray Vaughan and Double Trouble

    "Little Wing" (2:24)
    Axis Bold As Love, 1967
    The Jimi Hendrix Experience
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