• pardevangogh
    What would Locke (from his more political point of view) and Nietzsche (from their more anthropological point of views) think of the situation in which we all find ourselves in quarantine?

    You have probably seen how many people opposed confinement since it is a restriction of freedoms. How would you relate this idea to Locke's approaches. I mean your reflection in the more 'political' sense of the subject

    Not only that. Also, one of the most widespread sensations these days is the feeling of fear. But why? How do we demonstrate that Nietzsche and his concepts of individuality, meaning of life, morality ... make us think about this situation? Here I mean the most 'anthropological' sense of the subject

    Is it possible to demonstrate that philosophy (and philosophers throughout history) give us tools to think about the present, what happens in the real world, in a thoughtful and leisurely way, without falling into 'topics'?

    I would like this debate or contribution of ideas to be focused on Locke's political philosophy on the one hand, and on Nietzsche's more anthropological philosophy on the other. Even so, it is clear that we could also include a list of ideas of other philosophers (Plato, Descartes, Hume, Kant, S.Mill, or any other)
  • Shawn
    Also, one of the most widespread sensations these days is the feeling of fear. But why? How do we demonstrate that Nietzsche and his concepts of individuality, meaning of life, morality ... make us think about this situation? Here I mean the most 'anthropological' sense of the subjectpardevangogh

    I think; but, am unsure, if it is based on fear or the pleasure principle.
  • Valentinus

    I am confused. You want to talk about stuff and also control the discussion by assuming stuff that people still argue about is what you say it is.
    I have run out of words.
  • RaniaYoussef
    Locke would take one glance at Covid-19 and say "What worries you, masters you."

    Nietzsche would take one glance at Trump and say "God is dead."
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