• I like sushi
    Recent discussions about art, morality and more existential matters have exposed a question I cannot quite articulate yet.

    The gist of this is embedded in a question I just asked myself ... Am I drawn to the Process more than the Product? This could perhaps be equated loosely with the scientific endeavor where the scientist is drawn along by intrigue yet essentially merely an observer of a Process without intentionally forcing their subjectivity into open view.

    I am curious what kind of person you are? Are you one who is drawn to Process or Product? I am very much about the Process rather than forming any Product ... this is certainly a problem, yet I wonder if I go further into the Process whether or not I’ll reveal a Product - my experience being that opposites tend to loop back around into each other at the extremes (but ‘extremes’ inherently possess elements of danger!)

    Sorry, this is simply something I am struggling to express. If anyone can add to this and/or help articulate this nebulous thought for me I’d appreciate it. It seems quite important to me right now but cannot quite figure out what it is I’m trying to put my finger on??

  • leo
    Do you perhaps mean experiencing when you refer to Process and truth when you refer to Product? You are more drawn to experiences than to some ideal of truth?

    You are more about experiencing without forcing your experiences to fit into a preconceived construction, as opposed to attempting to fit all your experiences into a single construction, into a finished product?
  • I like sushi
    I’m not entirely sure. ‘Truth’ doesn’t really come into though in manner I was thinking.

    From a personal perspective I guess I’ve been grappling with the repulsive force I feel when it comes to the idea of having a finished product - that seems completely besides the point (artistically speaking). I can only write something that is done primarily for myself; this makes the process full of vitality where a process set up with a particular solid vision it lifeless and finished before it has even begun.

    I guess the thread in Creativity has got me thinking about this in a way I haven’t really looked at before in terms of Art.
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